Ann Laura Stoler
Recent papers in Ann Laura Stoler
The program of MESAAS 2015 Graduate Conference Program. I lead the organization committee, together with Aviv Becher and Mohammed Sadegh Ansari. Keynote Address by Ann Stoler.
Michel Foucault is one of the most prominent philosophers of the twentieth century. His work has been used in academic disciplines across the board. His approaches to power should not be seen as one overarching theory, but as a plethora... more
A short paper on Edward Said's method of contrapuntal reading in relation to Ann Stoler's theory of colonial aphasia.
В статье рассматривается несколько эпизодов продолжающегося диалога фило- софии и антропологии с тем, чтобы проследить различные способы взаимовлия- ния представителей этих дисциплин; отмечается переход от обсуждения эписте- мологических... more
Asian Genders This course will explore ways that genders are mobilized and produced in parts of Asia. The course seeks to understand gender in its diversity and in attempts to "fix" or locate it in various bodies and places. We will... more
Th is essay participates in recent calls for more direct engagement with theory in research and teaching within History and Early American Studies. Over the last decade voices have gathered for a reconsideration of fundamental theoretical... more
An interview with Anthropologist Zainab Saleh from Haverford College’s Department of Anthropology discussing her new book "Return to Ruin: Iraqi Narratives of Exile and Nostalgia."
The work is about using Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the effort estimation model parameter optimization which can lead to the reduction in the difference in actual and estimated effort used in model development. The model has been... more
This article surveys Theory Revolt's compelling case for historians to take theory seriously in their work, including Joan Scott's reflections on why the feminist turn to theory in the 1980s she helped lead apparently failed to influence... more
Introduction to essay series "Spaces of Empire" --
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La fabrique des archives coloniales françaises se fait au cours du XVIIIe siècle dans le Secrétariat d’État à la Marine. Au sein du ministère, est créé en 1699 un Bureau des Archives, chargé entre autres de la collecte des papiers émanant... more