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Az anekdotával és a tréfás népi elbeszélés történetével foglalkozó kutatás (Jókai Mór akadémiai székfoglalójától Bahtyin Rabelais-monográfiájáig) egyetért abban, hogy ennek a populáris formának a születési ideje a kései középkor, a... more
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      Genre studiesAnecdote
Przedstawione w książce zagadnienia nawiązują do idei integracji międzykulturowej i budowania wspólnoty poprzez radosny śmiech - zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do fascynującej, choć trudnej przeszłości. Ich podstawą jest komizm zawarty w... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationJewish StudiesHumorLaughter
The determination of social functions of institute is one of the most difficult issues in social an-thropology. This discussion isn’t absolutely theoretical; on the contrary, the issue of the social func-tionality of the... more
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      Museum StudiesHumorMuseum AnthropologyMuseology
Anecdote 1. The Definition (Definisi) The definition of anecdote is a text which deals with something unexpected or out of ordinary that usually contains some amusing or unusual incidents (sebuah teks yang membahas sesuatu yang tidak... more
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ÖZET Fıkralar halk edebiyatının güldürürken düşündüren anlatı türleridir. Kaynağı yaşanılan hayat olan fıkralar, yoğun bir anlatıma sahiptir. Millî olmaları bakımından anlatıldıkları toplum hakkında önemli bilgiler ihtiva ederler. Tek bir... more
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      Humour StudiesHumourAnecdotesMizah
The aricle is devoted to one of the most enigmatic details of Pushkin’s Grobovshchik namely, «a plump Amour with an inverted torch». The author investigates its variable semantic structures and a range of its narrative potentials... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative LiteratureDeath StudiesAllegory (Literature)
In the middle of the 19th century the Russian memoir literature began close interaction with others genres, first of all with the novel and the essay those transformed its poetics and style. Sergey Timofeyevich Aksakov was the pioneer of... more
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      Russian LiteraturePoeticsMemoir and AutobiographyAnecdote
Özet: Türk sözel edebiyatının unsurlarından olan fıkra türü geçmişten günümüze dilden dile ve nesilden nesle aktarılarak gelmiştir. Bu türün önemli temsilcilerinden olan Nasreddin Hoca ise Türk milletini temsil özelliği kazanmış önemli... more
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      ReproductionOral cultureCaricatureReconstruction
Özet: Biyografi, bütün dünyada tarih ve edebiyatla ilişkilendirilmiş; çoğunlukla edebiyatın alt dallarından biri olarak kabul edilmiştir. Şuara tezkireleri de Türk edebiyatında Osmanlı şairlerinin biyografileri hakkında bilgi veren en... more
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      Ottoman HistoryPoetryLiterary CriticismOttoman Studies
This article analyzes Mencius 7B.23, a concise passage that offers complex ethical dilemmas. It provides a close reading of the passage, along with relevant passages elsewhere in the text and, occasionally, in other texts. The narrow goal... more
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      EthicsChinese PhilosophyConfucian PhilosophyConfucianism
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Existe cierto consenso al aceptar La vida secreta (1942) de Salvador Dalí como su principal instrumento de construcción de imagen pública, pero apenas se ha profundizado sobre los fundamentos internos de dicha proyección, los dispositivos... more
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      AutobiographyArtists' WritingsSalvador DaliGenius
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      The Historical NovelHistoriographie de la Révolution françaiseGoncourt (Frères)Histoire Culturelle Du XIXe Siècle
In L. Athanasaki and F. Titchener (edd.), Plutarch’s cities, 141-165. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021). This paper examines how Plutarch constructs the relationship between Alcibiades and the city of Athens in the early part of... more
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      PlatoAthenian DemocracySocratesPlutarch
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      Tang DynastySong DynastyAuthorshipAnecdotal Literature
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      NarratologyPliny the ElderExemplaNaturalis historia
Программа XVII Пирровых чтений
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      Animal StudiesHeraldrySoviet FilmHistory of Art
In the middle of the 19th century the Russian memoir literature began close interaction with others genres, first of all with the novel and the essay those transformed its poetics and style. Sergey Timofeyevich Aksakov was the pioneer of... more
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      Russian LiteraturePoeticsMemoir and AutobiographyAnecdote
Anecdotes of Popes
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      AnecdotesHistory of the ChurchAnecdote
Abstract: The first objective of the paper is to represent and discuss the cultural history of the words виц „anecdote“, масал „funny story, anecdote“ and анекдот „anecdote“ in Bulgarian. All three of them are loans – from German, Turkish... more
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Memorias de una expresidenta estudiantil en 2006 en la Escuela de Diseño del INBA
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      Student LifeAnecdote
The confrontational activism of ACT UP, or the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, has been credited with changing the landscape of lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (LGBT) rights, forcing the Federal Drug Administration to address the AIDS... more
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      Queer StudiesNarrativeQueer TheoryHIV/AIDS
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      Ottoman HistoryTextual CriticismOttoman StudiesBiography
a gyógyászati könyvek (az úgynevezett medicina Plinii) kivonatolásáról és felhasználásáról az antikvitás utáni századokban: doody 2010, 135-152.
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      Natural HistoryHistory of ArtPliny the ElderEncyclopedism
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      HumorIranian StudiesTurco-Iranian WorldMizah
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      Chinese history (History)Humor StudiesRiddlesShiji
Abstract Ottoman poet tezkires (dictionaries of poet biographies) are one of the most widely used written sources in the works related to the literary, political, social, and religious life of the Ottoman society. These biographical... more
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      BiographyOttoman LiteratureAnecdotesDivan Edebiyatı
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      Art HistoryBiographyHistoriography (in Art History)Pliny the Elder
Those of you who wish to show a 2-cents of appreciation, this proxy link to my PayPal account will give you that congruence of thought and action There is a phenomenal... more
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      Phenomenology of TemporalityPhenomenal ConsciousnessAsymmetric WarfareAnecdote
"L'uovo di Dante. Aneddoti per la costruzione di un mito" si distingue all'interno della copiosa saggistica pubblicata in occasione del Settecentenario della morte di Dante Alighieri perché reinaugura con lucidità e rigore una tradizione... more
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      Reception StudiesDante StudiesDante and the ancient commentaries traditionDante
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      RevolutionsColonialismHaitian RevolutionCaribbean Studies
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Nagyapám, Nickel Géza emlékére…
Várkonyi-Nickel Réka: Az acélgyár emlékezete a tréfás elbeszélések tükrében, A Dornyay Béla Múzeum Évkönyve XLI. 155-168.  (2018)
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      Labour historyOral historySocial HistoryAnecdote
This article is part of a wider PhD research looking at how an artistic scene operates during crisis, fo-cusing on specific case studies from contemporary dance in Athens from 2008 to 2016. The research examines the history and... more
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      Dance StudiesAction ResearchResearch MethodologyDance studies (Theatre Studies)
Methodology is intrinsically related to “object” and its quality is based on the degree to which a method is doing justice to the object, demonstrating the entanglement of ontic, epistemic, and ethical considerations. The intent of “doing... more
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      PsychologyOntologyResearch MethodologyJustice
This article asks the question: how do we learn about good and bad, or effective and ineffective, higher degree research (HDR) supervision practices, and about the institutional and disciplinary expectations that define them as such? I... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesEducationSociology of Education
Halk edebiyatı ürünleri toplumların kültürel birikiminin aktarıcısı konumundadır. Oluştuğu toplumun değer yargıları, dünya görüşü, evren tasavvuru gibi farklı birçok birikim halk edebiyatı ürünleri aracılığı ile geçmişten günümüze ve... more
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      Türk Halk EdebiyatıTürk Halk BilimiFıkraAnecdote
Language is a term with many definitions and functions. Apart from being the basic communication tool and a living creature, language is the most important agency that enables the development of a nation, and helps a nation to carry its... more
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      RussianLanguage PolicyHumourAnecdote
La vida es una sucesión continua de vivencias, muchas de las cuales quedarán en la intrascendencia de la memoria a largo plazo, porque ocurren en el devenir normal de las acciones coti-dianas. Sin embargo, cuando ocurre un suceso o... more
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The present article discusses a set of poems registered in print nr. 1620 of the Régi Magyarországi Nyomtatványok catalogue. The poem was dedicated by a doctor of medicine from Levoča, Samuel Spillenberger to his alleged godson, the... more
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      German HistoryHungarian StudiesNeolatin LiteratureAnecdote
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      Russian LiteratureGenreAlexander PushkinAnton Chekhov
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      Contemporary ArtNarrative ArtConceptual and post-conceptual artNarrativity
Anecdote text is one of types narration text which retells funny and unusual incidents, the story is based on fact or imagination. Its purpose is to entertain the readers
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    • Anecdote
The present paper takes a compilation of stories taken from chat shows and analyses their body, i.e. the medial section which is subsequent to the orientation section and preceding the coda. It argues that anecdotes in chat shows rely... more
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      Discourse AnalysisStorytellingComplicationStory
This article proposes a definition of Johnson's popular term, the 'good hater', in order to explore his ideas about malicious conversation and criticism. Good hating was a conversational and critical ideal for Johnson, in contrast to 'bad... more
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      EmotionEighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth-Century British History and CultureBiography
In Macr. Sat. ii 4, 31, a humble Greek poet (Graeculus) repeatedly begs Augustus to accept a praising epigram. To make him leave, the emperor himself plays the role of a poet: he composes an epigram impromptu and offers it to the... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureAugustan PoetryPropaganda
Сколько анекдотов про вождя перемололи языки и зубы. Казалось бы —окончательные анекдоты, которые должны были прикончить культ этого вождя, всего семь лет верховодившего в России — с 1917 по 1924. От трехспальной кровати «Ленин с нами» до... more
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      LeninologyPost-Soviet RegimesLeninSatire & Irony
A blend of academia and anecdote, this piece both researches and reflects upon my own experience of coming out as a 14 year old girl. I assess the pressure to identify oneself as "Other" by grappling with forms of gender policing that... more
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      PathologyQueer StudiesSelf and IdentitySex and Gender
It doesn't take a plurality or a quantitative volume of data; just an anecdotal similarity and sympathetic construct for there to create the critical mass for the individual or demographic group to have their own controlling adherence for... more
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    • Anecdote
in: Ottmar Ette (Hg.): Nanophilologie. Literarische Klein-und Kleinstformen: Microrelatos -Microficciones. Reihe: mimesis / Romanische Literaturen der Welt 47, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2008, 121-137. Die Anekdote im Kontext der... more
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      Colonialism18th CenturyUtopiaLiterary studies