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Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) is a cooperative-learning strategy in which small groups of learners with different levels of ability work together to accomplish a shared learning goal. This study was conducted to have empirical... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyLearning and TeachingStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Cooperative learning is one of the most widespread and fruitful areas of theory, research, and practice in education. Reviews of the research, however, have focused either on the entire literature which includes research conducted in... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyCooperative LearningMeta Analysis
The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) technique used within the cooperative learning method on the academic achievement of the university students during the laboratory lesson.... more
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      EducationScience EducationCooperative LearningStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
This study determined which topics in the English language curriculum for senior secondary school are perceived by students and teachers as difficult. It also examined difficult topics vis-à-vis English language achievement. Seven... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageStudent Achievement MotivationEnglish language
Cooperative learning is one of the most widespread and fruitful areas of theory, research, and practice in education. Reviews of the research, however, have focused either on the entire literature which includes research conducted in... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyJigsawStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
The literature review will include the development of cooperative learning (CL) and in-depth review on one of its derived teaching strategies, Student Team Achievement Division (STAD). It will highlight the emergence of STAD, major... more
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      Cooperative LearningStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Menyampaikan tujuan dan memotivasi siwa
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      PendidikanManajemen PendidikanModel PembelajaranPembelajaran Koperatif Model Stad
Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) is a cooperative-learning strategy in which small groups of learners with different levels of ability work together to accomplish a shared learning goal. This study was conducted to have empirical... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Rasional Pendidikan merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi semua negara di dunia, karena pendidikan merupakan faktor penentu dalam kemajuan suatu negara. Menurut studi Bank Dunia tahun 2000 yang telah disarikan oleh... more
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    • Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
This research investigated whether there was a significant difference on students' achievement in reading comprehension taught using STAD and lecture method. The sample was the eighth-graders of SMPN 3 Banjarmasin. A quasi-experimental... more
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      Extensive ReadingReadingReading ComprehensionTeaching and Learning Writing and Reading
This study investigated the effects of the 'Student Teams-Achievement Divisions' (STAD) and 'Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition' (CIRC) cooperative learning models on reading achievement and vocabulary learning of Iranian... more
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      FLT JournalCooperative Learning‎Reading Comprehension‎Vocabulary Learning‎
Abstrak: Penerapan Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Dipadi Mind Mapping Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Pada Mata Kuliah Biologi Umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar mahasiswa... more
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      Biology EducationMind MappingMotivasiPendidikan Biologi
The study determined the effects of Jigsaw and Students’ Team Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning strategies on the achievements of secondary school biology students in Wamba LGA of Nasarawa state of Nigeria. The research... more
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      Cooperative LearningThe Jigsaw I TechniqueStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
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    • Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
The Effect of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) on Students` Reading Comprehension at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 7 Pematangsiantar
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      Research DesignNarrativeLearning and TeachingEnglish language
This study investigated the effects of the 'Student Teams-Achievement Divisions' (STAD) and 'Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition' (CIRC) cooperative learning models on reading achievement and vocabulary learning of Iranian... more
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      Reading ComprehensionVocabulary LearningCooperative LearningFLT Journal
The purpose of this research are to reviewing: degree of student activity, degree of student problem solving, and degree of creativity student problem solving, on learning use STAD with problem posing model aid two dimentional figure... more
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      Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)Problem Posing in Mathematics
Advice on how to keep your team creative and motivate. with an action plan
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      ManagementInstructional DesignTeamsStudent Motivation And Engagement
Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) is one of the simplest and most extensively researched form of cooperative learning technique. This paper reported the impact of a STAD on students’ performances in economic literacy. Results... more
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      Economics EducationStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Using survey data we investigate the impact of GPA on students’ preferences for classroom group work and its structure. Topics range from general attitudes and beliefs (benefits to grades, impact on mastery of material, professors’... more
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      TeamworkTeam ManagementStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) is a Cooperative Learning (CL) strategy that requires learners to work together in small groups to comprehend the given material. The current study is a review of the past studies on STAD’s... more
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      ReviewCooperative LearningStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar servis atas permainan bolavoli melalui model pembelajaran STAD. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas model Kemmis & McTaggart dengan tahapan-tahapan... more
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      Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)Bola Voli
This study compared the efficacy of three methods of cooperative learning (Student Teams Achievement Divisions - Jigsaw- Learning Together) on social skills in second grade (Junior High School) female students who were studying in third... more
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      Cooperative LearningSocial Skills of ChildrenSocial SkillsSocial Skills Training
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    • Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Economics education focuses on the teaching and learning of Economics as a subject. It encompasses the content to be taught (what), the methods of teaching (how), the evaluation of those methods (why), and information of general interest... more
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      Cooperative LearningStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Kualitas suatu pendidikan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas suatu bangsa. Hal itu menyebabkan pendidikan menjadi upaya untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki keterampilan serta keahlian sesuai bidangnya. Metode... more
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    • Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Based on my experience of teaching the material of branch control structure, it is found that the condition of the students is less active causing the low activity of the students on the attitude assessment during the learning process on... more
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      Classroom Action ResearchCooperative LearningTechnology and vocational educationStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pengaruh teknik pengelompokan terhadap manfaat pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD). Teknik pengelompokan yang akan diperbandingkan adalah teknik... more
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      MathematicsEducationTeacher EducationFuzzy Logic
Scholars in student learning have shown a growing interest in using Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) as a cooperative learning technique in classroom teaching. Although being recognized as highly effective to L2 acquisition, a... more
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    • Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan hasil belajar Fisika materi pokok Gaya antara peserta didik yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran Guided Inquiry dengan peserta didik yang pembelajarannya... more
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      Student Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)Hasil Belajar
Objective of this research is to motivated 6th grade of Pete Seyegan state elementary school to learn math. The subject of this research were 33 students of 6th grade, 8 of them are girl and 25 of them are boys. And the object was... more
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      EducationMathematics EducationTeaching MethodologyTeaching Methods
© Journal of Education and Sociology, ISSN: 2078-032X, December, 2010 ... STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD) AS AN ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGY: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM MATHEMATICS CLASSROOM ... Muhammad Iqbal Majoka1*, Malik Hukam ...
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      EducationEducational PsychologyLearning and TeachingNanoscience
This research investigated whether there was a significant difference on students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught using STAD and lecture method. The sample was the eighth-graders of SMPN 3 Banjarmasin. A quasi-experimental... more
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      Extensive ReadingReadingReading ComprehensionTeaching and Learning Writing and Reading
This research investigated whether there was a significant difference on students' achievement in reading comprehension taught using STAD and lecture method. The sample was the eighth-graders of SMPN 3 Banjarmasin. A quasi-experimental... more
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      Extensive ReadingReadingReading ComprehensionTeaching and Learning Writing and Reading
Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi pada kenyataan bahwa sebagian besar siswa kelas X-10 SMAN 1 merasa kesulitan belajar fisika. Hasil belajar fisika masih bawah nilai KKM 78. Beberapa metode pembelajaran telah diterapkan namun... more
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      Cooperative LearningStudent Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD)