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L’insegnamento della Storia antica in un corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria pone docenti e discenti di fronte a due importanti nodi problematici: da un lato, la vastità dell’arco cronologico da coprire (dal Vicino... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Near Eastern HistoryAncient Greece and Rome
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      Roman RepublicAncient Greek HistoryPolisAncient Greece and Rome
Staroveký Rím patrí k fascinujúcim obdobiam svetových dejín. Rímskemu dedičstvu sa pripisuje výnimočný význam. Bez antického Ríma by nebolo modernej Európy ani toho, čo Európania vytvorili na iných svetadieloch. Hranice Rímskej ríše sa v... more
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    • Ancient Rome History
Juliano el Apóstata es uno de los emperadores romanos más conocidos, aunque sólo gobernó durante los años 361 y 363 d.C. Los principales puntos que se van a exponer a lo largo de esta investigación son sus primeras campañas militares,... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyRoman ReligionHistory of Roman CatholicismPaganism and Christianism
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni... more
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      Real EstateHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
A lo largo de sus tres siglos de historia en la época imperial romana, la función principal de la Guardia Pretoriana fue la protección de la figura del emperador allí donde este se encontrara, ya fuera actuando permanentemente como su... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Rome HistoryHistoria Antigua
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    • Ancient Rome History
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      Ancient ReligionAcient Greek and LatinAncient Rome History
Raccolta di Scritti di Eva Cantarella
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLawGender Studies
The Pomerium divided the Roman military and civic worlds. It provided the backbone of the Roman legal system and defended the integrity of the Republic.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman LawRepublican Rome
Il presente lavoro, incentrato sulla storia del lavoro e dei lavoratori nel mondo romano, si propone di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia monumentale, l'identità e il profilo socio-economico di alcuni individui vissuti a Mutina o nel... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
e s t r a t t o 1 ScAnt 13, 2006, pp. 9-156, 265-299. 2 Scavo e ricerche di questo settore del Parco Archeologico del Foro e del Palatino sono svolti in regime di concessione da parte del MiBAC al Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità,... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsMaterial Culture StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
In the context of the Second Punic War (218-206 BC for the Iberian Peninsula) and the process of Roman expansion in Celtiberia (ca. 195-133 BC), we underline the importance of the territorial, spatial dimension of the historical dynamics,... more
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      Ancient HistoryCeltiberian HistoryAncient RomeAncient Rome History
This paper sets out an ambitious critique of contemporary political scientists, political historians and others concerned with the history of democracy. It argues that overwhelmingly the history of democracy relies on an overtly... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Fresh traces of urban life spanning almost three millennia are coming to light in central Rome. New Danish-Italian excavations have uncovered far more than Caesar’s monumental forum project. Delving through archaeological layers, while... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyUrbanism (Archaeology)Renaissance Rome
El papel de la mujer en la vida social del Imperio Romano se vio siempre delimitado, no solamente por causa de género, sino también por clase social, alcanzando una marginación sin precedentes, haciendo que se encontraran en un círculo... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderGender and SexualityHistory of Prostitution
This paper in conjunction with my other papers on the subject of the popes demonstrates how we may reconstruct just who the popes were and why they all had the same common ancestry. This too, is proof of the fact of the existence of a... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
O caráter ritualístico da religião dos antigos romanos é um fato reconhecido pelos estudiosos do período.
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      Ancient ReligionAncient Rome History
The main aim of the present essay is to focus, from cultural and political point of view, on three different periods in European history – firstly, the birth and nature of Greek civilization and its heritage, secondly, point-counter-point... more
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      Cultural StudiesEuropean StudiesAncient Greek HistoryAncient Rome History
PowerPoint prezentacije kolegija "Slavne žene starog svijeta: božice, vladarice, ljubavnice" koji se održao u akademskoj godini 2015./2016. na Odsjeku za povijest Hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Near EastAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Greece (History)
Abstract: This book deals with the complex role of civil war’s internecine violence in the shaping of Roman Late Republican art and architecture. The aspects of violence and destruction are set against the activities of building, artistic... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
One of the most extraordinary discoveries pertaining to the practice of medicine in the Graeco-Roman world began with an uprooted tree. Before its demise, the tree occupied Piazza Ferrari, a central square in the resort town of Rimini, an... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman military archaeologyAncient MedicineRoman surgery
Denna populärvetenskapliga artikel tar upp synen på vin och vindrickande i Romarriket, med utgångspunkt från vad de samtida författarna skrev om ämnet.
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      Ancient RomeHistory of wineAncient Greece and RomeAncient Rome History
Durante os séculos IV e V, a Igreja Cristã na África do Norte se viu cindida entre católicos e donatistas. Estes receberam o apoio dos circunceliões, que empregavam extrema violência, conforme narrado pelos escritos dos bispos católicos... more
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      North Africa StudiesReligion and PoliticsAncient Rome History
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
La propuesta del presente curso es indagar en el estilo biográfico de Plutarco y Suetonio para acercarnos a través de ellos a la historia de la antigua Roma. Entendemos que el peculiar abordaje del género biográfico nos permite acceder a... more
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      Roman HistoryBiographyPlutarchEmperor Nero
This paper takes as a starting-point a number of iconic artefacts from the famous ship-burial excavated in Mound 1 at Sutton Hoo (c. AD 625-650) – the helmet, shoulder-clasps and gold buckle – and considers the fantastic creatures which... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)
Posthomersko helensko naseljavanje na području južne Italije i Sicilije intenziviralo se od VIII. st. i do kraja VI. st. p. n. e. ustanovljena je široka zona u kojoj je dominirala helenska civilizacija. Toliko je bila gustina naseljenosti... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyAncient Rome History
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman engineering
The declamatio minor 264 ascribed to Quintilian contains a paraphrase of the Twelve Tables (V, 3) that has not been recognised so far. The way in which the declaimer ingeniously twists the wording of the lex while keeping its legal... more
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      Ancient HistoryLawJurisprudenceClassics
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    • Ancient Rome History
A tradição lendária sobre as origens de Roma. A crítica da tradição literária e o confronto com os dados da arqueologia. A Monarquia romana: os sete reis da tradição e os principais feitos a eles atribuídos. Caraterísticas da Monarquia... more
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      Ancient Romeadd História Antiga romanaAncient Rome History
La figura di Spartaco offre lo spunto per riflettere su una componente fondamentale della civiltà romana: la tolleranza e l'esercizio della schiavitù.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Art HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)History of ArtRome (History)
A idealização dos antigos jogos olímpicos pelo Barão de Coubertin lapidou a máxima "O importante não é vencer, mas competir". Entretanto, não é isso que se verifica na Antiguidade. Neste texto, analisaremos um mosaico do início do século... more
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      North Africa StudiesSports HistoryAncient MosaicsAncient Rome History
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      Balkan archaeologyAncient RomeLater Roman EmpireAncient Rome History
Reflexiones sobre el acercamiento historiográfico al Bellum Sociale (91‐87 a.C.). Abstract: The analysis of the Social War (91-87 BC), an atypical conflict that involved the uprising of various Italic communities (socii) against Rome,... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman HistoriographyAncient Historiography
Peer-review. Articoli e note inviati per la pubblicazione alla rivista sono sottoposti -nella forma del doppio anonimato -a peer-review di due esperti, di cui uno almeno esterno al Comitato Scientifico o alla Direzione. Ogni due anni sarà... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
In this short paper I aim to discuss the constitution and role of Imperium, the military command, in Republican Rome. Its connections with law and religion are deeply explored and analyzed, to find their origins and premises.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryClassics
Il saggio è dedicato ad alcune figure professionali del mondo romano legate alla lavorazione e alla vendita dell'oro e di manufatti realizzati con questo metallo prezioso. Nel testo si analizzano in particolare le testimonianze... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Magazine article on using a museum's collection to teach undergraduate students about ancient concepts of geography and space. See pages 14-15 of the magazine.
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      Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationAncient Rome HistoryAncient CartographyRoman Archaeology
Nas sociedades clássicas, xênia relacionava-se originalmente à hospitalidade: era um presente em alimentos ofertado aos hóspedes. Por extensão, foi empregado genericamente às pinturas de naturezas-mortas, que decoravam as salas de jantar... more
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      Food and NutritionAncient MosaicsAncient Rome History
Na atualidade, vivenciamos uma série de conflitos em que os beligerantes justificam seus motivos calcados na concepção de “guerra justa”. Arrazoados de teor semelhante também são apresentados pelo outro lado. Desde a Antiguidade,... more
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      African HistoryRebellionResistanceAncient Rome History
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      Ancient HistoryPerforming ArtsTheatre HistoryHistoriography
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      Republican RomeAncient RomeAncient Rome HistoryAncient Mediterranean Naval History
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      Political ScienceElections and Voting BehaviorAncient RomeRoman Urbanism