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U.S. Army combat medics who were three months postdeployment reported higher prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and aggressive behaviors than did medics who had never been deployed to a combat zone. Combat experiences... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Agression
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of corrective exercise programmes on the foot condition. The research was attended by 66 subjects (students of the Jovan Cvijić elementary school, Banja Luka) aged 11-12 years. Of the... more
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      Sport PsychologyMedia StudiesExercise PhysiologyBiomechanics
ABSTRACT This paper examines the relationships between individual differences in situational triggers of aggressive behaviors (STAR) and the FFM personality traits. The investigation, conducted among Polish male and female offenders and... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality Psychology
Cel pracy: celem badania było określenie zmiennych wpływających na agresywne zachowania (takie jak wrogość, gniew, agresja słowna oraz agresja fizyczna) dla grupy kobiet i mężczyzn, uprawiających sport, bądź nietrenujących. Materiał i... more
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      Sport PsychologyAgression
Flores Moreno, Carmen Leticia; Conde Flores, Alberto y Arellano Ceballos, Aideé Consuelo (Coords.) (2021). Jóvenes y violencia. Diálogos, travesías y desafíos. Universidad de Colima. Universidad de Colima, Dirección General de... more
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      Youth StudiesYouth CultureYouthEstudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto
Знакомство с основными понятиями, категориями, теориями и концепциями феномена человеческой агрессивности, проблемами  и направлениями ее изучения в парадигме психоаналитических знаний.
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      PsychoanalysisпсихоанализAgressionпсихология травмы
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      ViolenceDoctrine of GodAgression
Summary: Background and aims: Our primary goal was to determine and compare the anger expression strategies used by players of the two most popular online games, League of Legends and Fortnite Battle Royale, as well as those used by... more
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Being aggressive have been acknowledged in combat sports competition to be adaptive and socially acceptable, essential for athletes be motivated in training and competition phases, Go-ahead, Tripping someone, and Assertive styles are... more
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      BusinessResilienceAncient Sports/AthleticsAthletics
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      PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyInterpersonal CommunicationAggression (Psychology)
The article describes approaches to diagnosing the propensity to the violent extremism. As diagnostic categories, it is suggested to use dispositions reflecting a nonspecific tendency for extremist behavior and, depending on the... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismCounter terrorismExtremismRadicalism
Introduction: Virtual social networks and messaging systems provide a low-cost means of communication, which allows reaching a large number of people. Anyone can publish interesting and useful content for many, which represents a... more
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      Internet StudiesViolence Against WomenSexual HarassmentWomen and Gender Studies
Эта работа является переводом с английского языка моей основной работы, которую также можно найти на данном сайте. Весь список литературы вы также сможете найти в этой работе. Я заранее прошу прощения, если вы обнаружите какие-то ошибки в... more
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Digital-агрессия: что делать и кто виноват? [Электронный ресурс] / Сборник статей и материалов к научно-практической конференции. Под ред. М.С. Корнева. – М., 2015. «Digital-агрессия: что делать и кто виноват?» — это сборник статей к... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaHumanitiesDigital Humanities
To some this may not seem the most appropriate of titles, but please bear with me. The 1982 film First Blood was an action cum psychological thriller regarding the battle of both physical and mental wills, of the central character, John... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial TheorySocial Psychology
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Domestic violence against women alarmingly transpired during the COVID-19 lockdown and as the lived experiences of the victims are concealed, the current research aims to uncover how women, who suffered from their partners during COVID-19... more
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      Domestic ViolenceSexual AbuseViolence Against WomenEmotional Abuse
Depuis le début de la vaste offensive militaire russe en Ukraine, les condamnations se sont multipliées pour dénoncer une violation caractérisée de l’interdiction du recours à la force armée entre États consacrée par la Charte des Nations... more
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      International LawRussiaUkraineAggression
The analysis of the Minsk agreements implementation (a common name for a package of documents adopted in September 2014 and February 2015 aiming to resolve a current crisis in the Eastern region of Ukraine) demonstrates that despite a few... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational SecurityRussian Foreign PolicyMilitary and Politics
Conde Flores, Alberto y Flores Moreno, Carmen Leticia (2021). Violencia y agresión en jóvenes. Perspectiva etoprimatológica. En Flores Moreno, Carmen Leticia, Conde Flores, Alberto y Arellano Ceballos, Aideé Consuelo (Coords.) Jóvenes y... more
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      Youth StudiesPrimatologyYouthPrimates
ÖZET Ergenlik dönemi, suç davranışı ve madde kullanımı açısından insan hayatındaki kritik dönemlerden biridir. Araştırmalar, suçla ilişkili davranışların açığa çıkmasında ergenlik dönemine odaklanmakta ve çocukluk dönemindeki bazı risk... more
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      Drugs And AddictionCrimeAgression
El objetivo es estudiar si el patrón de la relación entre el comportamiento de los padres y el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños se mantiene a través de diferentes contextos socioeconómicos y nacionales (Argentina y España). Se... more
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      Development of Emotional Stability in Children and AdolescenceAgressionParental rearing styles
This is essential material for anger management.
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      Critical TheoryMarketingCultural StudiesPsychology
The current study aims to investigate the psychometric properties of the abbreviated version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire, also known as the SNAQ (Short Negative Acts Questionnaire). A Latent Class analysis of 7,790 observation from... more
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      Workplace BullyingStressAgression
In this texts two aspects of Winnicott´s study of aggression are discussed. First, the opposition that stops the development of the emotional path, that is to say, kicking the can and in the theory of elimination that implies two... more
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      ViolenceDonald W. WinnicottHate StudiesAgression
The paper focuses on the analysis of the problem of defining the crime of aggression in the international law and international relations, focusing primarily on the historical development of the term from its initial directed efforts, all... more
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceUnited NationsInternational Criminal CourtAgression
Through a synthesis of fledgling theories of post-truth (author, 2006, 2014, 2016, 2017) developing around Donald Trump and Brexit and theories of emotions in populism, I analyze the right-wing French movement La Manif Pour Tous, and... more
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      Social MovementsEmotionGender StudiesComparative Politics
Why do we fight? Have we always been fighting one another? This book examines the origins and development of human forms of organized violence from an anthropological and archaeological perspective. Kim and Kissel argue that human warfare... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
El objetivo es estudiar si el patrón de la relación entre el comportamiento de los padres y el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños se mantiene a través de diferentes contextos socioeconómicos y nacionales (Argentina y España). Se... more
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      Development of Emotional Stability in Children and AdolescenceAgressionParental rearing styles
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      PsychologyForensic SciencePsychometricsMental Health
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      PoetryReflectionWilliam ShakespeareAgression
Resumen: El objetivo es estudiar si el patrón de la relación entre el comportamiento de los padres y el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños se mantiene a través de diferentes contextos socioeconómicos y nacionales (Argentina y España).... more
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      Development of Emotional Stability in Children and AdolescenceAgressionParental rearing styles
This paper considers the use of de-escalation techniques to manage aggressive behaviours such as challenging behaviours, behaviours of concern, verbal abuse, threats and threatening behaviours, and physical assault from a workplace... more
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      Social SciencesViolenceConflictTraining
Resumen: El objetivo es estudiar si el patrón de la relación entre el comportamiento de los padres y el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños se mantiene a través de diferentes contextos socioeconómicos y nacionales (Argentina y España).... more
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      Development of Emotional Stability in Children and AdolescenceAgressionParental rearing styles
Laži i obmane? Što o tome misle Hrvati? Iz komentara na FB, kao najbrojnijoj društvenoj mreži, vidi se na koji način Hrvati razmišljaju i doživljavaju invaziju ruskog predsjednika Vladimira Vladimiroviča Putina na Ukrajinu kao suverenu... more
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      Ethnic Conflict and Civil WarVladimir PutinAgressionRatni Zločini
The article considers the conceptual framework of EU security law and its realization in crisis management strategy, approaches to Eastern Europe and Ukrainian security issues, sanctions against Russia, EU missions to Ukraine. The object... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEuropean LawInternational LawInternational Security
Fil: Richaud, Maria Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Saavedra 15; Argentina
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      Development of Emotional Stability in Children and AdolescenceAgressionParental rearing styles
Cilj ovog istraživanja je vidjeti možemo li pomoću kvalitativne obrade kvantitativno prikupljenih podataka utvrditi razloge nasilnog ponašanja među mladima. Kvantitativni dio istraživanja je proveden na prigodnom uzorku od N=51 sudionika,... more
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      Qualitative studies (Psychology)Qualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsQuantitative Research
АННОТАЦИЯ Представленная статья рассматривает особенности вербализации бинарной оппозиции «Свой-Чужой» в британском варианте английского языка на основании узуса этнонимов, используемых для номинации ирландцев и шотландцев. Компонент... more
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      EthnolinguisticsRace and EthnicityEthnolinguisticEthnic and Racial Studies
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The current study aims to investigate the psychometric properties of the abbreviated version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire, also known as the SNAQ (Short Negative Acts Questionnaire). A Latent Class analysis of 7,790 observation from... more
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      PsychologyWorkplace BullyingStressBusiness and Management
Een verkenning van de vraag wat de mens moet of kan doen met zijn agressie, in de keuze tussen repressie of ontwikkeling. In lijn met de psychoanalytische voorliefde voor het creatief en bewust omgaan met onze duistere kantjes, vinden we... more
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      PsychoanalysisEducationMartial ArtsBudo
Šport, organizacijsko utemeljen na društvenem organiziranju, se je v novejši zgodovini vpel v slovensko družbo. Pojmovno se je po drugi svetovni vojni uveljavil izraz telesna kultura, šport je bil podrejen pojem. Konec osemdesetih let 20.... more
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      HistoryNationalismYugoslaviaOlympics and Olympism
La agresividad se concibe generalmente como una manifestación o un comportamiento que tiene la intención de provocar algún tipo de daño o aflicción a un tercero. La conducta violenta es un acontecimiento que incide bruscamente en el... more
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Background and Purpose: Measures taken to prevent COVID-19 infections, aside from causing disruptions in many facets of our daily life, have impeded education, including the higher education process, as never seen before on a global... more
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ABSTRACT. This paper aimed to analyze the relationship between empathy and aggressiveness, based on the theoretical background of Social Skills Training. Among the several classes of social behaviors, the empathy has been considered as... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyDevelopment StudiesEmpathy (Psychology)
ABSTRACT. Aggressiveness is associated to several problems in the child development, with evidences of inverse correlation with empathy that is seen as a possible inhibitor of such behaviors. Based in the referential of the Social Skills,... more
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      Aggression (Psychology)Empathy (Psychology)Early Childhood EducationChild Development
Exposure to violence and aggression in the workplace in general and in school in particular has been associated with teacher attrition. However, the underlying processes accounting for this association have not been systematically... more
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Handgrip strength (HGS) is a very good marker of physical health, good muscle performance and an overall indicator of health status and vitality. Testosterone, as a hormone primarily responsible for secondary sexual traits development, is... more
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      Biological AnthropologyTestosteroneSexual BehaviorAgression
In this article, I discuss the situation of a victim of violence at a junior high school, taking into consideration various forms of peer aggression, such as mobbing, bullying and the problem of the so called hazing. At the beginning, I... more
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      School BullyingMobbingHazingAgression