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Here, the author listed eighty-nine temples that were converted into churches in the early Christian period. 1 As subsequent excavations have shown, the gure was probably at least twice as high. In the following pages, particular... more
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      Greek ArchaeologySacred Landscape (Archaeology)ParthenonEarly Christian Archaeology
We would like to present a brief history of the Brazilian Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures (Comitê Brasileiro para Reunificação das Esculturas do Partenon); in addition, we wish to propose some philosophical... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtParthenonHistory, Parthenon Ionian islands, cultural propery
One image dominates our contemporary world above all others: the human body. How Art Made the World travels from the modern world of advertising to the temples of classical Greece and the tombs of ancient Egypt to solve the mystery of why... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
This paper argues that the display of the iconic Caryatids in the New Acropolis Museum has been seriously compromised by the overriding desire amongst Greek politicians and heritage professionals to use the museum to reinforce their... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignParthenonMuseum and Heritage Studies
A survey of evidence from a formative stage of the Athenian state sanctuary. In studies of Archaic Athens, emphasis is often placed on the “archaeology of tyranny” versus the “archaeology of democracy.” As recent research has shown,... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureArchaeology of ReligionAncient Religion
FULL BOOK (German, with conclusions  also in English and Greek)

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      Archaic Greek historyBurial Practices (Archaeology)Archaic GreeceGeometric and archaic Greece
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      Greek TragedyTheatre StudiesGreek ArchaeologyEuripides
The Elgin Marbles, nowadays known as the Parthenon Sculptures, are arguably the most controversial art collection in the world. It was exactly 200 years ago, in 1816, that the British Museum acquired the Elgin Marbles from lord Elgin,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesOttoman HistoryCultural Heritage
ანტიკური ხელოვნება
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      ParthenonAcropolis of AthensArt and ReligionSynthesis of the Arts
Il contenuto risponde alle norme della legislazione italiana in materia di proprietà intellettuale, è di proprietà esclusiva dell'Editore ed è soggetto a copyright. Le opere che figurano nel sito possono essere consultate e riprodotte su... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologySculptureGreek Archaeology
The present study examines the topographical development of early Athens from around 1075 BC until 480/479 BC, as this is ascertained from the archaeological remains, particularly of the cemeteries but also of the few houses or other... more
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      Settlement PatternsGreek ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Mortuary archaeology
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      Greek EpigraphyAcropolisAcropolis of AthensAthenian Acropolis
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      Classical ArchaeologyMemory StudiesGreek ArchaeologyPersian Wars
Discussion about the official title of P. Vedius Pollio in Asia about 31/0-29 or 30-25 BC : procurator, praefectus or praefectus, before becoming procurator, perhaps the first procurator of Asia ?
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      Greek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyRoman provincial administrationRoman Epigraphy
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      Topography of AthensAthenian AgoraAcropolisAcropolis of Athens
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      Greek EpigraphyAcropolisAcropolis of AthensAthenian Acropolis
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtGreek SculptureAdolf Furtwängler
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtGreek sanctuariesGreek Sculpture
La plaine de Phénéos, en Arcadie. Au premier plan, le sanctuaire d'Asclépios ; au fond, le mont Cyllène (photo M. Jost) Jon-jon, poteau de Nouvelle-Guinée en bois sculpté de l'aire du Sépik (dessin C. Mendès)
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      PausaniasAcropolis of AthensErechtheion
Of all the misfortunes that have befallen the various sculptural decorations of the Parthenon during its long history, the removal of the so-called Parthenon Marbles by Elgin’s workers is among the most grievous, but, under certain... more
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      Acropolis of AthensElgin MarblesParthenon MarblesCasts, Copies and Replicas
This paper presents up-to-date texts, informed by relevant work published since 2000, of the two extant sets of fragments of the building accounts of the Erechtheion in Ionic script as a basis for translations of these accounts published... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek Religion
A group of 56 Mycenaean vases and minor finds, with the indication “Athens, Acropolis” has been kept for years at the storerooms of the National Archaeological Museum. They were first registered in the Museum’s inventory in 1998 and 2001... more
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyMycenaean potteryAcropolis of AthensRegional Mycenaean Pottery
‚Klassiker' im Gymnasion. Bildnisse attischer Kosmeten der mittleren und späten Kaiserzeit zwischen Rom und griechischer Vergangenheit RALF KRUMEICH Im Jahr 1861 kamen bei der Abtragung eines im Osten des Turms der Winde gelegenen... more
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      Acropolis of AthensAthenian AcropolisGreek and Roman PortraitureAncient Gymnasia
mei 1989 , 2de jaargang nr.l prijs los nummer ft. 12 , 95 / bfr. 249 TMA is een onafhankelijke tijdschrift dat aandacht besteedt aan het actuele archeologische onderzoek, in het bij zonder dat van Nederland en België, in de Mediterrane... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyArchaeology of ArchitectureRestorationGreece
In this article the circular bronze sheet with Gorgon EAM X 13050, on display at the Acropolis Museum of Athens, is reconsidered. This artefact, datable to the second quarter of the seventh century BC, has been interpreted since the 60s... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyGeometric and archaic GreeceAthensAcropolis of Athens
Joseph Hoffer, a Hungarian-born architect trained at the Polytechnikum of Vienna, worked in the newly independent Kingdom of Creece between 1833 and 1838. In Athens he surveyed with extraordinary accuracy the buildings of the Acropolis,... more
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      ParthenonAncient Greek ArchitectureAcropolis of AthensPropylaia
Acro : derived from Greek 'Akros' which means : topmost, highest / Polis : Pole, citadel, top of a stake, pale, pal-ace, platform, top of tree The Acropolis in Athens is an ancient temple site located high up on a rocky cliff in the... more
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      HistoryEarth SciencesGeologyMycenaean era archaeology
VestigiA 8 Dal mondo classico alla modernità: linguaggi, percorsi, storie e luoghi Volume I Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Foggia, 24-26 settembre 2018)
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      Classical ArchaeologyMemory StudiesGreek ArchaeologyAcropolis of Athens
A group of 56 Mycenaean vases and minor finds, with the indication “Athens, Acropolis” has been kept for years at the storerooms of the National Archaeological Museum. They were first registered in the Museum’s inventory in 1998 and 2001... more
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyMycenaean potteryAcropolis of AthensRegional Mycenaean Pottery
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      Classical ArchaeologyMemory StudiesGreek ArchaeologyPersian Wars
This article presents a fragment of the Erechtheion frieze found during excavations on the north slope of the Acropolis in 1939. The marble fragment represents a Corinthian helmet set upon a thick, finished mass of stone intended to... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureGreek ArchaeologyGreek Architecture
In studies on the siting of the temples and other important public buildings of the ancient Greek city it has been argued that their main view was not axial, but in an oblique axis relative to the building. The idea of the oblique view... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Theory
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      Greek ArchaeologyGreek ArchitectureParthenonGreek Sculpture
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      ParthenonAthensAncient Greek Cultural & Social HistoryAcropolis of Athens
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      Acropolis of AthensAthenian Acropolis
Discussing about the history and the ethics of the possible restitution of the Parthenon sculptures.
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      Archaeological EthicsMuseum EthicsAcropolis of AthensParthenon Marbles
El pas del temps sobre les obres // [11] El pas del temps sobre les obres Aquest bloc temàtic el componen tres articles de contingut diferent però amb un denominador comú: les modificacions sofertes per les obres amb el pas del temps i... more
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      Restauration and ConservationAcropolis of AthensAthenian Acropolis
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      ArchaeologyHeritage ConservationRestorationGreek Archaeology
Colloque international organisé, à Rio de Janeiro, les 30 et 31 octobre et 1er novembre 2019 sous l’égide de Claudia Beltrao (université UNIRIO).
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      Anthropology of the Ancient WorldAncient Greek HistoryWomen's and gender historyAcropolis of Athens
Agrigento possiede la più esauriente documentazione di altari rispetto agli altri santuari greci di Sicilia: altari monumentali con gradinata nei santuari delle divinità olimpiche, altari quadrati e rotondi nei santuari ctoni. Fra i... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek EpigraphyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)
En este artículo se recopilan todas las informaciones conocidas hasta el momento sobre la estancia en Atenas de Jerónimo de la Gándara en 1850. Se presentan también cuatro obras inéditas, de las que dos están relacionadas con su etapa... more
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      Historia de la ArquitecturaAcropolis of Athens
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      ArchitectureSculptureGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek Religion
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      Ancient Topography (Archaeology)AthensAcropolis of AthensAthenian Acropolis
Το παρόν κείμενο αφορά στο πρόσφατο πρόγραμμα επεμβάσεων στην Ακρόπολη, το οποίο υλοποιείται από τον περασμένο Οκτώβριο, προκαλώντας σοβαρούς προβληματισμούς τόσο για το έργο καθαυτό και τους σκοπούς που εξυπηρετεί, όσο και για τη... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationCultural Heritage ManagementWorld Cultural HeritageArchaeological Heritage Management
Apart from a brief publication (Levi 1933), the findings from D. Levi’s 1922 excavation of a Neolithic hut on the South Slope of the Acropolis (north of the Stoa of Eumenes) and the archeological material he collected in 1923 from two... more
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      Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)PotteryAcropolis of AthensFinal neolithic
Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, καθώς και η απόδοση κατά παράφραση ή διασκευή του περιεχομένου του βιβλίου με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, μηχανικό, ηλεκτρονικό, φωτοτυπικό, ηχογράφησης ή άλλο, χωρίς... more
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      ParthenonHadrianRoman SculptureAcropolis of Athens
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      Museum StudiesMuseum AnthropologyMuseums and IdentityRepatriation (Archaeology)
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      Archaic Greek historyArchaic GreeceGeometric and archaic GreeceArchaic Period