Books by Maximilian F Rönnberg
Tübinger Archäologische Forschungen, 2021
Papers by Maximilian F Rönnberg
![Research paper thumbnail of M. F. Rönnberg – A. U. De Giorgi – Y. Becker – M. Brando – M. M. Hald – S. Murgolo – T. Müller – L. Vieting, Die merkantile Zentralortfunktion von Cosa Vorbericht zur Grabungskampagne 2023, KuBA 13, 2023, 31–46 [FIRST PAGE]](
A new project within the framework of Cosa Excavations, realized by the University of Bonn in clo... more A new project within the framework of Cosa Excavations, realized by the University of Bonn in close collaboration with Florida State University and the Direzione regionale musei della Toscana, examines the Roman colony of Cosa as a mercantile center. After our geophysical prospections, the first excavation campaign in 2023 investigated two areas: In the Northern Area, the geophysical survey had indicated a large open square surrounded by buildings; our excavations uncovered parts of a residential quarter that counters the former hypothesis – even though remains of a wine press open compelling perspectives on the colony’s integration into the economic networks of the Ager Cosanus. In the area of the so-called Horreum, a large building only superficially examined in 1972, two trenches provide results on the ground plan and the chronology of a building with probable mercantile functions. Together with an evaluation of Cosa Excavations’ geophysical surveys, this allows a first reconstruction of the mercantile infrastructure of the colony.

How may we explain the variations in the numbers of burials documented from Attica between the Su... more How may we explain the variations in the numbers of burials documented from Attica between the Submycenaean and the Archaic period? Why did burial within the area of Classical Athens become rare after the Geometric period? And is this picture valid for all the major Attic sites? This paper tries to provide answers to these questions. It casts doubt on the most popular explanation for the fluctuations in the grave count with the “emergence of the polis” and provides an alternative operating on a longer-term perspective. A diachronic analysis of the contexts of the documented burials shows that their recovery rate is firmly linked to their placement. Phases in which interment in large, communal cemeteries predominated are more obvious. The differing numbers of known burials and spatial developments are thus tightly interrelated. Both reflect changing social patterns, going back to singular decisions concerning burial groups. Such a large-scale statistical examination of the diachronic changes in the placement of burials is so far only possible in Athens, though. Nevertheless, a first overview of these diachronic developments in a selection of Attic sites shows differing local trajectories in the separation of the spaces of the living and the dead.
Although “Phoenician traders” have been assigned a central role in the Iron Age Mediterranean, im... more Although “Phoenician traders” have been assigned a central role in the Iron Age Mediterranean, imports of pottery into “Phoenicia” have so far been rarely dealt with. This is mostly due to the limited data available from the Central Levant. The excavations in the Iron Age strata at Tell el-Burak (2001-2022) now first provide large amounts of Cypriot and Greek imports of the 8th-4th c. BCE from a site in Lebanon. This paper preliminarily presents this material and sets it into a wider picture. It focuses less on the decorated fine wares than on the coarse wares (transport amphorae and mortaria), mostly neglected in previous research. These notably overshadow the fine wares at Tell el-Burak and provide evidence for continuous trade with Cypriot and Greek commodities along the Levantine coast throughout the 7th-4th c. BCE.
This paper historically contextualizes the new mass grave(s) excavated by the Ephorate of Antiqui... more This paper historically contextualizes the new mass grave(s) excavated by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and the Islands at Phaleron in 2016 and dated to the 7th century BCE. It briefly introduces and evaluates this find, critically evaluates the tradition of Kylon’s coup, and arrives at the conclusion that both cannot be directly associated. Nevertheless, they ultimately point into the same direction: the tradition and the mass grave(s) attest to an increase in violent elite competition. This is finally set into the larger context of socio-cultural developments in Geometric and Early Archaic Athens. Even though we cannot connect the new mass grave(s) to a specific event, the find marks a crucial point in the history of early Athens.
![Research paper thumbnail of Zur Chronologie und kulturhistorischen Bedeutung früharchaischer attischer ›Stempelidole‹, AM 134, 2019 [2023], 197–219](
A multidimensional space: Olympia and its environs. Results of the campaigns 2015 to 2017 and fir... more A multidimensional space: Olympia and its environs. Results of the campaigns 2015 to 2017 and first historical conclusions 197 Maximilian F. Rönnberg Chronology and historico-cultural significance of the Early Archaic ›Stem pel ido le‹ from Attica 221 Victoria Sabetai, with the contribution of Efthymia Nikita ›Ptoiketas kalos‹. A view from the Boeotian grave 245 Bernhard Schmaltz Observations on the Erechtheion. On the form and function of the anthemion friezes 283 Barbara Maurina Hellenistic painted plaster fragments from the excavations at Olympia 295 Norbert Franken From Ale xan dria to Actium: On the evidence of Late Hellenistic bronze groups of donkeys and slaves 311 Hermann J. Kienast ( †) Wilhelm Dörpfeld as an architect Chronologie und kulturhistorische Bedeutung früharchaischer attischer ›Stempel idole‹ Zur Chronologie und kulturhistorischen Bedeutung früharchaischer attischer ›Stempel idole‹ Maximilian F. Rönnberg zusammenfassung Die hier behandelte Gruppe der attischen ›Stem pel ido le‹, handgemachte Ton ido le mit zylindrischen Körpern und ›vogelförmigen‹ Gesichtern, ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten durch zahlreiche (Neu-)Funde stark angewachsen. Dieser Beitrag hat zum einen eine Klärung der noch immer problematischen Chronologie der Gattung mithilfe einer systematischen Auswertung der Fundkontexte zum Ziel. Zum anderen wird die Bedeutung der spätestens ab etwa der Mitte des 7. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis um 580/570 v. Chr. produzierten Figurinen für die sozio-kulturelle Entwicklung im früharchaischen Attika hervorgehoben: die Gattung kann als erste große Gruppe einfacher Votive in der Region gelten und belegt die etwa gleichzeitige Ausbildung umfangreicher neuer bzw. die Erweiterung bestehender Kultgemeinschaften an vielen Orten Attikas. Dieser Prozess wiederum kann im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen gesehen, aber nicht allein auf die Ausbildung der athenischen Polis bezogen werden. Schlagwörter Attika; Athen; früharchaische Zeit; Figurinen; Heiligtümer und Weihungen. Chronology and historico-cultural significance of the Early Archaic ›Stem pel ido le‹ from Attica abstract The number of the known Attic ›Stem pel ido le‹, handmade terracotta figurines with cylindrical bodies and ›bird-like‹ faces, has grown significantly with numerous new discoveries over the last few decades. This contribution aims first at shedding light on the group's yet problematic chronology by aid of a systematic evaluation of the find contexts. It then stresses the type's significance for the socio-cultural development in Early Archaic Attica throughout its production from at least the mid-7 th century B.C. to around 580/570 B.C. This category of figurines may be considered the first large group of simple votives in the region, whilst indicating to the virtually simultaneous formation of large new, and expansion of already extant cultic communities in many places of Attica. This process may in turn reflect social change, but cannot directly be related only to the emergence of the Athenian polis. Keywords Attica; Athens; Early Archaic period; figurines; sanctuaries and votive offerings. Σχετικά με τη χρονολόγηση και την πολιτισμική-ιστορική σημασία των πρώιμων αρχαϊκών
Summary from the Introduction:
Maximilian Rönnberg widmet sich in seinem Beitrag der Frage, waru... more Summary from the Introduction:
Maximilian Rönnberg widmet sich in seinem Beitrag der Frage, warum die kaiserzeitlichen Nekropolen die Stadtbilder vieler kleinasiatischer Städte in hohem Maße prägten, die einzelnen Grabdenkmäler dagegen ausgesprochen einfach gestaltet waren. Er stellt in Anazarbos und weiteren kilikischen Städten im Laufe des 2. und 3. Jhs. n. Chr. eine sukzessive Monumentalisierung der Nekropolen fest, mit der eine Homogenisierung der Gestaltung der Denkmäler einhergehe. Diese Entwicklung sei damit zu erklären, dass durch die Errichtung eines Grabmonuments in den städtischen Friedhöfen weniger persönliches Prestige kommuniziert als die Zugehörigkeit zur jeweiligen Bürgerschaft ausgedrückt werden sollte. Dieser ›Polis-Patriotismus‹ sei durch den Rangstreit kleinasiatischer Städte noch verstärkt worden.

The commonly supposed internal colonisation of Attica during the Geometric period is mostly thoug... more The commonly supposed internal colonisation of Attica during the Geometric period is mostly thought as going from Athens, allegedly the only place continuously inhabited during the Early Iron Age, to the Attic periphery, automatically causing the unity of Attica. New finds of the Submycenaean and Protogeometric periods may be few in number but originate from all over Attica and thus make the notion of a completely depopulated region doubtful. The idea of a ‘cultural unity’ of Attica likewise is debatable. The problem that it is hard to imagine how political union would have resulted from internal colonisation in a time of still very low statehood urges us to reconsider the settlement dynamics in Early Attica. This may be done using the anthropologically well-attested phenomenon of village fission: the gradual infilling of the landscape can then be understood as the product of the successive fission of villages with growing populations. The end of this process seems to coincide with the emergence of many local cults, which may be taken as one facet of the development of a more complex social structure to relieve social stress when land for the creation of new villages becomes scarce.

An etwa 20 hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Tempeln in Kleinasien und an der Levante lassen s... more An etwa 20 hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Tempeln in Kleinasien und an der Levante lassen sich aufgrund von Baubefunden und/oder Münzbildern Türöffnungen in den Giebeln rekonstruieren. Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, eine Erklärung des Phänomens zu finden, welche nicht von einem einzelnen Beispiel ausgeht, sondern auf die Gesamtheit der Bauten übertragbar ist, dabei jedoch deren Verbreitungsgebiet berücksichtigt. Die schriftlichen Quellen bieten zwar kaum Hinweise auf eine Nachstellung von Epiphanien, aber belegen, dass der Glaube an das Erscheinen der Götter verbreitet war. Die ›Epiphanietüren‹ mögen somit die Möglichkeit des Erscheinens der jeweils verehrten Gottheit monumentalisieren; damit folgten sie in Kleinasien und Phönizien älteren Traditionen. Vor allem im westlichen Kleinasien, wo die frühesten Bauten mit Giebelöffnungen errichtet wurden, haben sich zudem diverse Inschriften erhalten, welche Epiphanien der jeweils verehrten Gottheit kommemorieren und daraus die Bedeutung des Heiligtums ableiten. Die ›Erscheinungstüren‹ mögen in vergleichbarer Weise die Wirkmacht der verehrten Gottheit unterstrichen und damit positiv auf den Status des jeweiligen Heiligtums bzw. der zugehörigen Polis rückgewirkt haben, weshalb man sie auch in Münzbildern häufig berücksichtigte.
In approximately 20 Hellenistic and Roman temples in Asia Minor and the Levant, built remains and / or images on coins allow the reconstruction of door-like openings in the pediments. The aim of this contribution is to find an explanation for these which does not start from a single building but is applicable for all of the temples and which also takes their distribution area into account. Written sources provide almost no evidence for staged epiphanies but prove that the belief in the appearance of the gods was widespread. The ›epiphany-doors‹ may thus monumentalise the belief in the appearance of the gods; in this, they continue older traditions in Asia Minor and Phoenicia. Especially in Western Asia Minor, where the earliest temples with openings in their pediments were erected, various inscriptions commemorate epiphanies of the local gods and take these as a base to claim a supra-regional significance of the respective sanctuary. The ›epiphany-doors‹ may have in a similar way underlined the potency of the local god and thus have enhanced the prestige of the respective sanctuary and / or the polis it belonged to. This is why they were also often shown on local coins.
Anadolu ve Doğu Akdeniz’deki Hellenistik ve Roma dönemine ait 20 kadar tapınağın alınlık kısmındaki pencere açıklıklarının rekonstrüksiyonu, mimari bulgu ve sikke betimleri yardımıyla mümkündür. Çalışmanın amacı, sadece bir örneğe dayanmayan ve tüm tapınaklarda görülen bu fenomeni, dağılım alanını da dikkate alarak açıklığa kavuşturmaktır.
Antik kaynaklar, epifani pencereleri ile ilgili bilgi vermeseler de, tanrıların göründüğüne dair inancın yaygın olduğunu bildirirler. Buna göre, epifani pencereleri tanrının görünme ihtimalini anıtsallaştırmış olmalılar; bu yolla Anadolu ile Fenike’deki eski geleneği izlemişlerdir. Günümüze, alınlık kısımlarında açıklık barındıran özellikle Batı Anadolu’daki en erken tapınaklarla ilgili çeşitli yazıt ulaşmıştır. Bu yazıtlarda, tapım gören tanrının göründüğü ve bu yolla kutsal alanın ne denli önemli olduğu aktarılmaktadır. Epifani pencereleri, tanrının gücünü vurgulayarak, aynı tanrının kutsal alanları ve kurulu olduğu polis üzerinde olumlu bir etki yapmış olabilir; bu nedenle de sikkeler üzerinde sıklıkla dikkate alınan betimlerdir.

Journal of Greek Archaeology, 2021
The number of burials per year known from Athens decreases significantly in the Protogeometric pe... more The number of burials per year known from Athens decreases significantly in the Protogeometric period and then increases rapidly again in the Late Geometric period. The explanation offered for this development by Morris in 1987 is the most popular one so far. This paper will first quickly discuss this and other previous ideas and their wider implications, but then focus on providing a new one. The starting point of this new interpretation is that various types of burial sites may have different recovery rates. I will thus first sketch the different possibilities for the location of graves in Athens in the Early Iron Age and the Archaic period. The subsequent diachronic analysis of these different types of burial sites and their respective popularity forms the core of this contribution. A case study of the Kerameikos and the area of the later Agora as well as an overview of all Athenian sites is provided. These developments and their correspondences in the grave count allow for an interpretation which does account for the variations in the known numbers of graves as well as the changing spatial patterns. This is finally set into the wider field of socio-cultural changes in Early Athens.

KuBA 9/10, 2019
In the Mycenaean period, bronze tripods were used to prepare meals of meat; tripods in post-palat... more In the Mycenaean period, bronze tripods were used to prepare meals of meat; tripods in post-palatial graves refer to ability of the deceased to organize such feasts. So far, it has mostly been assumed that the emergence of votive tripods then led to a defunctionalisation: the kettle would have turned from an instru- ment used in elitist households to a representative dedication that only generally symbolized the prestige and prosperity of the donor or acted as a prize. However, it seems very plausible that the tripod remained in use in households of high rank at least until the end of the Geometric period; in the Homeric epics, it still constitutes a cooking vessel. The connotation with this function may explain its choice as a votive: It stands to reason that the tripod caught on as a dedication because it symbolically referred to the donor’s abilities as a host, which emphasised his authority. Something similar is apparent in grave markers of the Geometric period.
Στη Μυκηναϊκή περίοδο, χάλκινοι τρίποδες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την προετοιμασία γευμάτων κρέατος. Οι τρίποδες στους μεταανακτορικούς τάφους αναφέρονται στην ικανότητα του νεκρού να διοργανώνει εν ζωή τέτοιες γιορτές (στις οποίες καταναλώνονταν κρέας). Μέχρι τώρα, έχει υποτεθεί, κατά κύριο λόγο, ότι η εμφάνιση αναθηματικών τριπόδων οδήγησε τότε σε απώλεια της χρηστικής τους λειτουργίας: σύμφωνα με την προσέγγιση αυτή το καζάνι μετατράπηκε από ένα οικιστικό σκεύος που χρησιμοποιούσαν οι ελίτ σε ένα εντυπωσιακό ανάθημα που συμβόλιζε αποκλειστικά εν γένει το κύρος και την ευημερία του δωρητή ή λειτουργούσε ως βραβείο. Ωστόσο, φαίνεται πολύ πιθανό ότι ο τρίποδας παρέμεινε σε χρήση σε οίκους των ελίτ μέχρι το τέλος της Γεωμετρικής περιόδου. Στα ομηρικά έπη, αποτελεί ακόμα ένα μαγειρικό σκεύος. Η συνδήλωση με αυτήν τη λειτουργία μπορεί να εξηγήσει την επιλογή του ως ανάθημα: είναι πολύ πιθανό ότι ο τρίποδας επικράτησε ως ανάθημα επειδή παρέπεμπε συμβολικά στις ικανότητες του δωρητή ως οικοδεσπότη, οι οποίες τόνιζαν το κύρος του. Κάτι αντίστοιχο είναι εμφανές στα αγγεία που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως επιτύμβια σήματα στη Γεωμετρική περίοδο.

While the sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis has often been interpreted as directly related to the A... more While the sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis has often been interpreted as directly related to the Athenian polis right from its start of renewed activity in the 8th c. BCE or at least from its Early Archaic monumentalisation, more recent research has cast doubts on the political unity of Attica in these periods. Curiously, the role of the local community of Eleusis has rarely been taken into account in studies on the early sanctuary, because the many other finds known from Eleusis have never been systematically compiled. The present article thus first gives an overview of the many rescue excavations beyond the sanctuary, which shows that Eleusis was a large ›dispersed‹ settlement in the 8th and 7th centuries BCE, in the midst of which the sanctuary emerged. The enormous amount of handmade terracotta figurines (›Stempelidole‹) known from the site testifies to a sharp increase of the size of the cult community in the 7th and early 6th c. BCE and thus to socio-political developments within the local community before its affiliation to the Athenian state, which written sources date to the first three quarters of the 6th c. BCE. An appendix to the paper presents a group of 74 previously unpublished figurines of this kind from Ferdinand Noack’s excavations in the Eleusinian sanctuary, nowadays custodied in the collection of the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Tübingen.

IstMitt, 2018
Plain house-shaped tombs built from rubble masonry, besides sarcophagi, dominate the scene in the... more Plain house-shaped tombs built from rubble masonry, besides sarcophagi, dominate the scene in the extensive necropolis of the ancient metropolis of Anazarbos in Cilicia. Starting from these, an overview of the distribution of this grave type in Southern Asia Minor is presented here. It is shown that such monuments were, besides Anazarbos, highly popular mainly in the coastal towns of Cilicia. These grave houses can be mostly dated to the 2nd–3rd century C.E.; prior datings to the 1st century C.E. are not viable. The grave type, which otherwise can be found in larger numbers only in the coastal areas of Pamphylia, Eastern Lycia, Caria and Ionia, does not have direct precedents in Cilicia. An influence from abroad, that is from Rome and its surroundings, indicate not only the similarities in building technique, the concordance in fundamental shape and the correlating chronology but, especially in the absence of local tradition, is seen also in the simplicity of the design, which differs from other sepulchral monuments in Cilicia, and in the conspicuous distribution pattern only in coastal areas and single larger cities. The house-shaped tombs of Cilicia, though, do not present a direct adoption; instead, the buildings were adjusted to local needs.
Books by Maximilian F Rönnberg
Papers by Maximilian F Rönnberg
Maximilian Rönnberg widmet sich in seinem Beitrag der Frage, warum die kaiserzeitlichen Nekropolen die Stadtbilder vieler kleinasiatischer Städte in hohem Maße prägten, die einzelnen Grabdenkmäler dagegen ausgesprochen einfach gestaltet waren. Er stellt in Anazarbos und weiteren kilikischen Städten im Laufe des 2. und 3. Jhs. n. Chr. eine sukzessive Monumentalisierung der Nekropolen fest, mit der eine Homogenisierung der Gestaltung der Denkmäler einhergehe. Diese Entwicklung sei damit zu erklären, dass durch die Errichtung eines Grabmonuments in den städtischen Friedhöfen weniger persönliches Prestige kommuniziert als die Zugehörigkeit zur jeweiligen Bürgerschaft ausgedrückt werden sollte. Dieser ›Polis-Patriotismus‹ sei durch den Rangstreit kleinasiatischer Städte noch verstärkt worden.
In approximately 20 Hellenistic and Roman temples in Asia Minor and the Levant, built remains and / or images on coins allow the reconstruction of door-like openings in the pediments. The aim of this contribution is to find an explanation for these which does not start from a single building but is applicable for all of the temples and which also takes their distribution area into account. Written sources provide almost no evidence for staged epiphanies but prove that the belief in the appearance of the gods was widespread. The ›epiphany-doors‹ may thus monumentalise the belief in the appearance of the gods; in this, they continue older traditions in Asia Minor and Phoenicia. Especially in Western Asia Minor, where the earliest temples with openings in their pediments were erected, various inscriptions commemorate epiphanies of the local gods and take these as a base to claim a supra-regional significance of the respective sanctuary. The ›epiphany-doors‹ may have in a similar way underlined the potency of the local god and thus have enhanced the prestige of the respective sanctuary and / or the polis it belonged to. This is why they were also often shown on local coins.
Anadolu ve Doğu Akdeniz’deki Hellenistik ve Roma dönemine ait 20 kadar tapınağın alınlık kısmındaki pencere açıklıklarının rekonstrüksiyonu, mimari bulgu ve sikke betimleri yardımıyla mümkündür. Çalışmanın amacı, sadece bir örneğe dayanmayan ve tüm tapınaklarda görülen bu fenomeni, dağılım alanını da dikkate alarak açıklığa kavuşturmaktır.
Antik kaynaklar, epifani pencereleri ile ilgili bilgi vermeseler de, tanrıların göründüğüne dair inancın yaygın olduğunu bildirirler. Buna göre, epifani pencereleri tanrının görünme ihtimalini anıtsallaştırmış olmalılar; bu yolla Anadolu ile Fenike’deki eski geleneği izlemişlerdir. Günümüze, alınlık kısımlarında açıklık barındıran özellikle Batı Anadolu’daki en erken tapınaklarla ilgili çeşitli yazıt ulaşmıştır. Bu yazıtlarda, tapım gören tanrının göründüğü ve bu yolla kutsal alanın ne denli önemli olduğu aktarılmaktadır. Epifani pencereleri, tanrının gücünü vurgulayarak, aynı tanrının kutsal alanları ve kurulu olduğu polis üzerinde olumlu bir etki yapmış olabilir; bu nedenle de sikkeler üzerinde sıklıkla dikkate alınan betimlerdir.
Στη Μυκηναϊκή περίοδο, χάλκινοι τρίποδες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την προετοιμασία γευμάτων κρέατος. Οι τρίποδες στους μεταανακτορικούς τάφους αναφέρονται στην ικανότητα του νεκρού να διοργανώνει εν ζωή τέτοιες γιορτές (στις οποίες καταναλώνονταν κρέας). Μέχρι τώρα, έχει υποτεθεί, κατά κύριο λόγο, ότι η εμφάνιση αναθηματικών τριπόδων οδήγησε τότε σε απώλεια της χρηστικής τους λειτουργίας: σύμφωνα με την προσέγγιση αυτή το καζάνι μετατράπηκε από ένα οικιστικό σκεύος που χρησιμοποιούσαν οι ελίτ σε ένα εντυπωσιακό ανάθημα που συμβόλιζε αποκλειστικά εν γένει το κύρος και την ευημερία του δωρητή ή λειτουργούσε ως βραβείο. Ωστόσο, φαίνεται πολύ πιθανό ότι ο τρίποδας παρέμεινε σε χρήση σε οίκους των ελίτ μέχρι το τέλος της Γεωμετρικής περιόδου. Στα ομηρικά έπη, αποτελεί ακόμα ένα μαγειρικό σκεύος. Η συνδήλωση με αυτήν τη λειτουργία μπορεί να εξηγήσει την επιλογή του ως ανάθημα: είναι πολύ πιθανό ότι ο τρίποδας επικράτησε ως ανάθημα επειδή παρέπεμπε συμβολικά στις ικανότητες του δωρητή ως οικοδεσπότη, οι οποίες τόνιζαν το κύρος του. Κάτι αντίστοιχο είναι εμφανές στα αγγεία που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως επιτύμβια σήματα στη Γεωμετρική περίοδο.
Maximilian Rönnberg widmet sich in seinem Beitrag der Frage, warum die kaiserzeitlichen Nekropolen die Stadtbilder vieler kleinasiatischer Städte in hohem Maße prägten, die einzelnen Grabdenkmäler dagegen ausgesprochen einfach gestaltet waren. Er stellt in Anazarbos und weiteren kilikischen Städten im Laufe des 2. und 3. Jhs. n. Chr. eine sukzessive Monumentalisierung der Nekropolen fest, mit der eine Homogenisierung der Gestaltung der Denkmäler einhergehe. Diese Entwicklung sei damit zu erklären, dass durch die Errichtung eines Grabmonuments in den städtischen Friedhöfen weniger persönliches Prestige kommuniziert als die Zugehörigkeit zur jeweiligen Bürgerschaft ausgedrückt werden sollte. Dieser ›Polis-Patriotismus‹ sei durch den Rangstreit kleinasiatischer Städte noch verstärkt worden.
In approximately 20 Hellenistic and Roman temples in Asia Minor and the Levant, built remains and / or images on coins allow the reconstruction of door-like openings in the pediments. The aim of this contribution is to find an explanation for these which does not start from a single building but is applicable for all of the temples and which also takes their distribution area into account. Written sources provide almost no evidence for staged epiphanies but prove that the belief in the appearance of the gods was widespread. The ›epiphany-doors‹ may thus monumentalise the belief in the appearance of the gods; in this, they continue older traditions in Asia Minor and Phoenicia. Especially in Western Asia Minor, where the earliest temples with openings in their pediments were erected, various inscriptions commemorate epiphanies of the local gods and take these as a base to claim a supra-regional significance of the respective sanctuary. The ›epiphany-doors‹ may have in a similar way underlined the potency of the local god and thus have enhanced the prestige of the respective sanctuary and / or the polis it belonged to. This is why they were also often shown on local coins.
Anadolu ve Doğu Akdeniz’deki Hellenistik ve Roma dönemine ait 20 kadar tapınağın alınlık kısmındaki pencere açıklıklarının rekonstrüksiyonu, mimari bulgu ve sikke betimleri yardımıyla mümkündür. Çalışmanın amacı, sadece bir örneğe dayanmayan ve tüm tapınaklarda görülen bu fenomeni, dağılım alanını da dikkate alarak açıklığa kavuşturmaktır.
Antik kaynaklar, epifani pencereleri ile ilgili bilgi vermeseler de, tanrıların göründüğüne dair inancın yaygın olduğunu bildirirler. Buna göre, epifani pencereleri tanrının görünme ihtimalini anıtsallaştırmış olmalılar; bu yolla Anadolu ile Fenike’deki eski geleneği izlemişlerdir. Günümüze, alınlık kısımlarında açıklık barındıran özellikle Batı Anadolu’daki en erken tapınaklarla ilgili çeşitli yazıt ulaşmıştır. Bu yazıtlarda, tapım gören tanrının göründüğü ve bu yolla kutsal alanın ne denli önemli olduğu aktarılmaktadır. Epifani pencereleri, tanrının gücünü vurgulayarak, aynı tanrının kutsal alanları ve kurulu olduğu polis üzerinde olumlu bir etki yapmış olabilir; bu nedenle de sikkeler üzerinde sıklıkla dikkate alınan betimlerdir.
Στη Μυκηναϊκή περίοδο, χάλκινοι τρίποδες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την προετοιμασία γευμάτων κρέατος. Οι τρίποδες στους μεταανακτορικούς τάφους αναφέρονται στην ικανότητα του νεκρού να διοργανώνει εν ζωή τέτοιες γιορτές (στις οποίες καταναλώνονταν κρέας). Μέχρι τώρα, έχει υποτεθεί, κατά κύριο λόγο, ότι η εμφάνιση αναθηματικών τριπόδων οδήγησε τότε σε απώλεια της χρηστικής τους λειτουργίας: σύμφωνα με την προσέγγιση αυτή το καζάνι μετατράπηκε από ένα οικιστικό σκεύος που χρησιμοποιούσαν οι ελίτ σε ένα εντυπωσιακό ανάθημα που συμβόλιζε αποκλειστικά εν γένει το κύρος και την ευημερία του δωρητή ή λειτουργούσε ως βραβείο. Ωστόσο, φαίνεται πολύ πιθανό ότι ο τρίποδας παρέμεινε σε χρήση σε οίκους των ελίτ μέχρι το τέλος της Γεωμετρικής περιόδου. Στα ομηρικά έπη, αποτελεί ακόμα ένα μαγειρικό σκεύος. Η συνδήλωση με αυτήν τη λειτουργία μπορεί να εξηγήσει την επιλογή του ως ανάθημα: είναι πολύ πιθανό ότι ο τρίποδας επικράτησε ως ανάθημα επειδή παρέπεμπε συμβολικά στις ικανότητες του δωρητή ως οικοδεσπότη, οι οποίες τόνιζαν το κύρος του. Κάτι αντίστοιχο είναι εμφανές στα αγγεία που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως επιτύμβια σήματα στη Γεωμετρική περίοδο.
Der Vortrag strebt eine Interpretation sowie eine historische Einordnung des Massengrabes an. Dafür werden die bislang bekannt gewordenen Informationen zu den archäologischen Befunden einerseits und die Überlieferung zum Putschversuch des Kylon andererseits einer kritischen Prüfung unterzogen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass die beiden Quellengattungen kaum direkt miteinander verbunden werden können, doch trotz ihrer Unterschiede und der im Detail vielen offenen Fragen letztlich ähnliche Dinge aussagen: Archäologischer Befund und schriftliche Überlieferung stellen zwei gewissermaßen zufällig erhaltene, doch mitteilsame Ausschnitte intensiver Konflikte im früharchaischen Athen dar. Diese Auseinandersetzungen folgten aus der Zunahme der inner-elitären Konkurrenz, welche sich archäologisch gut verfolgen lässt. Sie erreichte in früharchaischer Zeit ein dergestalt gesellschaftsschädigendes Maß, dass gegengesteuert werden musste. Damit markieren das Massengrab sowie die überlieferte Anekdote einen entscheidenden Abschnitt in jenem gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozess, der häufig verkürzt als die ›Entstehung der athenischen Polis‹ bezeichnet wird.