Mediterranean Studies (Area Studies)
Recent papers in Mediterranean Studies (Area Studies)
In the era of globalization and multilateralism, nation states have become too narrow to face the challenges and threats of the 21st century alone. In the aftermath of World War II, new avenues for multilateralism and international... more
To fight the spread of the plague, early modern Mediterranean states commonly quarantined goods and people on the move inside complexes called lazzaretti. These institutions, managed by the health magistracies of different Mediterranean... more
Polazeći od pretpostavke da diskursi pod nazivom orijentalizam i balkanizam ne obuhvaćaju u osnovi bogate kulturne odnose između Srednje Europe i Sredozemlja, tvrdim da je potrebno istraživanje trećeg diskursa pod radnim nazivom... more
Οφειλόμενες απαντήσεις στον Σπ. Παππά για την πρώτη δημόσια παρουσίαση της Anacreontica του Andrea Calbo.
Keywords - Anahtar Sözcükler: Mediterranean countries, Portugal, historic gardens, water system Akdeniz ülkeleri, Portekiz, tarihi bahçeler, su sistemi ABSTRACT Portugal is both an Atlantic and a Mediterraenan country. In the South the... more
1528 y›l›nda bin kiflinin biraz üstündeki nüfusuyla köy irisi bir kasaba görünümündeydi ‹zmir. Ancak sadece 50 y›l sonra bafllayan h›zl› bir geliflim ve dönüflüm süreci, bu küçük yerleflim birimini bütün Akdeniz'in ticaret a¤›n›n merkezi... more
Torino, 2-3 settembre 2021 - Polo del '900, via Del Carmine 14 XV CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI STORICI DI "SPAGNA CONTEMPORANEA" 1820-1830: RIVOLUZIONE, REAZIONE, LIBERALISMO Convegno in omaggio a Alberto Gil Novales e Jean-René... more
I recenti scavi della Missione archeologica a Mozia della Sapienza nella Zona C hanno individuato il primo stanziamento fenicio, con una serie di pozzi e l'Edificio C8, i cui resti fotografano i momenti iniziali di vita della colonia... more
In this article, I suggest that the analysis of a few episodes in El perro del hortelano, thanks to the play's credible Mediterranean context, can help qualify its adscription to the genre of palatine comedies. My aim is to contribute to... more
w w w. g a n g e m i e d i t o re . i t Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere memorizzata, fotocopiata o comunque riprodotta senza le dovute autorizzazioni.
Salgın hastalıklar Osmanlı topraklarında oldukça fazla görülen doğal afetlerden biridir. Özellikle Osmanlı coğrafyasında başta İstanbul ve İzmir olmak üzere liman kentleri hastalığın ana merkezleri konumundadır. Salgın hastalıklar... more
Although much has been written on the subject of ancient Mediterranean harbours, the relatively new area of harbour geoarchaeology remains dispersed in the geoscience and archaeological literature. Over a decade of research has amassed... more
Sintesi In questo volume vengono presentati tutti i tipi ed elementi distintivi dei navigli menzionati nei primi tre volumi dei Regesti marittimi croati (RMC I-III) che comprendono circa 16.000 documenti riguardanti, tra l’altro, i... more
La tesis para la obtención del grado de doctor que pasamos a exponer en las siguientes páginas responde a la necesidad de ahondar en los múltiples campos – inexplorados o poco abordados– de la Historia de la Diplomacia durante la Edad... more
Chapter 10, pp. 199-219:
A Comparison of Confraternity Models in the "Redemption of Slaves" in Europe: The Broederschap der alderheylighste Dryvuldigheyt of Brugge/Bruges and the Scuola della Santissima Trinità of Venice.
Andrea Pelizza
A Comparison of Confraternity Models in the "Redemption of Slaves" in Europe: The Broederschap der alderheylighste Dryvuldigheyt of Brugge/Bruges and the Scuola della Santissima Trinità of Venice.
Andrea Pelizza
La guerre de course française en Méditerranée est un sujet qui reste à découvrir. Cet article propose un début de synthèse sur ce point au temps de Louis XIV.
Recent scholarship has explored port cities of the medieval and early modern Mediterranean-from the Iberian peninsula, to Italy and North Africa, to the Levant-as complex sites of artistic encounter, exchange, and mobility. In dialogue... more
La più antica memoria del Tesoro della Cappella Palatina di Palermo si conserva grazie ad un inventario 1 , datato al 1309 e verosimilmente copia di uno risalente all'epoca del sovrano angioino Carlo I 2 : diplomi, libri liturgici,... more
"Piracy along the coasts of Lycia, Pamphylia and Cilicia Tracheia from 188 BC to 67 BC: Reasons and Consequenses The purpose of this paper is to discuss why piracy grew along the coasts of Lycia, Pamphylia and Cilicia Tracheia during... more
The following pages emerged in response to these dual paradoxes of void and barrier, and explore Mediterranean-Atlantic history in the Hispanoamerican world from 1421 to the late seventeenth century. The term Mediterratlantic is used to... more
Over the last several years, the Eastern Mediterranean has increasingly become a hotspot for the Gulf states of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. This chapter attempts to assess the Gulf states’ involvement in the... more
This article aims to shed light on the centrality that the EU has played in Nicosia’s foreign policy, bolstering it to become more independent of the difficulties faced following the financial crisis and leading to a diversification of... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This article is a first approach to the transformation of the Mediterranean Sea from a surface into a deep volume. I argue that, in contrast to prior periods, the Mediterranean space of the last century-and-a-half has been defined by... more
Résumé La présente étude traite de la contribution des photographes français au développement de l’art photographique dans l’Orient méditerranéen et des leurs collaborations avec les photographes locaux. Plus précisément, nous nous... more
Theme Bounded languages … Unbounded Περιορισμένες γλώσσες, Απεριόριστες Politics of identity are central to language change. Here, linguistic boundaries rise and fall, motivating the ephemeral characteristics of language communities.... more
The project of the Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Codex / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae comprises a total of 100,000 documents mapping the Croatian presence on the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. It was initiated in 1956 by... more
Dottorato in Storia, Storia dell'arte e Archeologia - DAFIST - Università di Genova
En el S. XVI mares y océanos se habían convertido en ajetreadas zonas de paso, confrontación, exploración, etc. por las que pululaban armadas, corsarios, piratas, comerciantes y aventureros tanto de coronas europeas como de reinos... more