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When Avatar (2009) became the highest grossing movie of all time, it marked a high point in 3D cinema's turbulent history. Although 3D cinema draws in box-office takings that surpass 2D cinema, it continuously emerges and disappears as a... more
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      Film StudiesContemporary Hollywood3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
Bir ürünün web ortamında, 3 boyutlu konfigürasyonunun yapılmasını sağlayan çözüm.
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      Configuration Management3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Web-BasedWeb based 3D rendering
This paper reviews mediation of the Chelyabinsk (Russia) meteor explosion of February 2013 with particular reference to YouTube. It uses Chelyabinsk as a case study of the emerging role social media devices and platforms play in... more
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      Disaster Studies3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
기술이 빠르게 변화하고 있는 오늘날 복잡한 사회 문제해결을 위한 방안으로 학제간 융합 연구의 관심과 필요성이 커지고 있다. 하지만 융합연구단의 시너지를 통한 혁신적 연구 결과에 대한 기대를 보여주기 보다는, 연구자들은 연구를 수행하는 과정에서 여러가지 현실적 어려움을 겪고 있다. 여러 어려움 중 가장 큰 문제점은 다른 학문 분야 간의 “의사소통”의 차이에 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 본 논문은 가상현실 시뮬레이션 개발을 하는... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)3D visualisation3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Unity3d
A recent report by the Social Protection Committee on the social dimension in the EU 2020 strategy, stated that greater emphasis must be put on innovating the training of human capital to be responsible for improving the quality of life... more
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      3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Intellectual DisabilitiesTeachers Training and Development
Computer games are bright example of the evolution of digital media and modern audiovisual technologies. Extremely popular now, computer games have come a long way from the primitive arcade games to full virtual worlds like "Fallout 3"... more
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      EthicsViolenceVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Video Games
The 3D virtual worlds need special graphical and instructional design to simulate an effective learning environment and make students focus on their learning objectives. Issues exist also for teachers who may find difficult to use a 3D... more
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      3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Education in Virtual Worlds3D virtual worlds
Simulation of a nuclear explosion in fire with 3D using Navier-Stokes. Professor Candel at Ecole Centrale Paris that has been discussed for the Nobel Prize.
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Computational Fluid DynamicsFluid Mechanics3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
In this paper, a procedural model has been developed for synthesizing cyclic horse motion through trigonometric functions. The system has been developed and implemented using mathematical model derived from trigonometric cyclic equations,... more
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      3D animation3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 22D animation3d Modeling
Though there is an explosion of cloud services in recent years, cloud gaming industry is still way behind in making a strong breakthrough. Despite many benefits of cloud gaming (video or pixel streaming of rendered game scenes), the... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Computer NetworksVideo GamesCloud Computing
Simulation video games (SVGs) are extremely wide category of modern video games, which provide innovative educational possibilities for personal and professional development. SVGs represent practically all forms of human activities, which... more
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      Game studiesVideo Games and LearningGame/Simulation use in educationVideo Games
Will the first movie in the Final Fantasy series developed exclusively by Square Enix rock the animation world to the same extent as the studio’s previous breakthroughs in videogaming? The CG community (and a few million die-hard Final... more
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      AnimationJapanese AnimeVideo GamesManga and Anime Studies
La communication proposée rend compte des premiers résultats d’une recherche en cours, menée dans le cadre d’un projet labellisé par Cap Digital, retenu par le ministère de l’Education Nationale et financé au titre du programme national «... more
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      Virtual Reality3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
Network structure or Network topology.
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsComputer ArchitectureOperating Systems
In this paper, we present an approach to create assets using procedural algorithms in maps generation and dynamic adaptation of characters for a MOBA video game, preserving the balancing feature to players. Maps are created based on... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsComputer GraphicsHuman Computer Interaction
This analysis paper provides a brief survey of the sector of computer game, application domains, technological demand and presently accessible resolution. It additionally presents the background and motivation of virtual surroundings... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Virtual Art & Virtual RealityVirtual Reality3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
Scope of the book: This book focusses on the technical concepts of deep learning and its associated branch Neural Networks for the various dimensions of image processing applications. The proposed volume intends to bring together... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer GraphicsArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
This paper debates the necessity of implementing Virtual Reality Technology as a training tool within Lean Manufacturing Environments. The topic for discussion surrounding this area is the need for a user friendly package that utilizes... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Virtual EnvironmentsLean ThinkingVideo Games and Learning
Famed for its sumptuous hand-drawn animation, Japan’s Studio Ghibli is increasingly turning to 3D in its work. We went to visit the Oscar-winning facility to discuss its working practices, its design philosophy – and the monstrous,... more
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      AnimationJapanese AnimeManga and Anime StudiesJapanese Art
These articles on 3DTV and 3D movies were written over the last two decades of the 43 year period since I began. They are illustrated with original photos and historical materials resulting from thousands of hours researching the... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Stereoscopy3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
These articles on 3DTV and 3D movies were written over the last two decades of the 44year period since I began. They are illustrated with original photos and historical materials resulting from thousands of hours researching the technical... more
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      Television StudiesVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)CinemaStereo Vision (Computer Vision)
Esbjerg Maritime Archaeology Reports are an internally peer reviewed series published by Maritime Archaeology Programme University of Southern Denmark under supervision of series editor Thijs Maarleveld
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      Naval ArchitectureMaritime ArchaeologySerious GamesDigital Archaeology
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      Media StudiesNew MediaFilm StudiesDigital Cinema
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)NarrativeImmersion and Experience3d
The term Big Data is being used widely by companies and researchers who consider your relevant functionalities or applications to create value and business innovation. However, some questions arise about what is this phenomenon and, more... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyManagement Information Systems
Call for chapters Book "Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Healthcare and Medicine Applications" Topics: - VR/AR applications and technologies for Healthcare and Medicine training and education, - VR/AR applications in combination... more
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      The VirtualWorld-Game-Simulation-Reality Continuum--gradual steps of added reality/imaginationVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Virtual Art & Virtual RealityPhilosophy of Virtual Reality
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceEthologySociology
El videojuego ha convertido al lector o espectador tradicional en un jugador que explora el texto de forma no lineal, y que no sólo debe interpretar una historia y atribuirla una serie de significados, sino que también es necesario que... more
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      3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Video Game Aesthetics
Ever since the centenary of cinema there have been intense discussions in the field of film studies about the imminent demise of the cinematic medium, endless articles championing the spirit of genuine cinephilia have proclaimed the death... more
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      Game TheoryVisual StudiesMedia StudiesNew Media
Virtual Reality (VR) research is accelerating the development of inexpensive real-time Brain Computer Interface (BCI). Hardware improvements that increase the capability of Virtual Reality displays and Brain Computer wearable sensors have... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Brain-computer interfacesBrain Computer InterfaceVirtual Art & Virtual Reality
This chapter discusses 3D virtual worlds as a fusion of technologies for serious applications. A variety of new trends in the area and original findings are discussed and exemplified with methods and features designed. The goal of this... more
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      Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)CollaborationComputer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCL
'Art' still needs a practical, useful definition, not of the academic variety, but rather of the plain and simple sort that you can usefully take with you into a gallery, and apply directly to what you see. People want to know, with a... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryMedia StudiesNew Media
—The purpose of this paper is to provide a 3D servicescape conceptual model which explores the potential effect of 3D virtual reality retail stores' environment on shoppers' behaviour. Extensive review of literature within two different... more
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      3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Retail atmospherics – Musical tempo – Musical mode – Linear mixed modelsServicescapes
This survey studied the past and current computing arena to predict the census of future trends in computing and glimpse into what the next era of computing might be. The survey appliance was developed and validated from reported and... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceEducational TechnologyMobile Learning
Spatial illusion and immersion was achieved in Renaissance painting through the manipulation of linear perspective’s pictorial conventions and painterly technique. The perceptual success of a painted trompe l’œil, its ability to fool the... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Nineteenth-Century PanoramasVisual CultureVirtual Art & Virtual Reality
"Si bien los videojuegos actuales se caracterizan en su mayoría por su gran riqueza visual (texturas en alta definición, iluminación dinámica, etc), ésta no siempre tiene un fin meramente estético o decorativo, sino que puede adoptar... more
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      Interaction DesignVisual Communication3D environments3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
The paper analyses the complete methodology adopted in making the computer graphic movie presetning the House of Caecilius Iucundus, Pompeii. It starts with a discussion on the philological correctness of a reconstruction based on... more
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      3D Reconstruction3D Modelling (Architecture)Virtual Museums3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
Weather forecasts are nearly always portrayed from either a satellite view perspective, a numerical or symbol based representation. None of these methods actually portray weather visually from the point of view of the observer, that is,... more
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      Digital HumanitiesVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Digital ArchaeologyDigital Culture
In this paper, we present a new neural network (NN) for three-dimensional (3D) shape reconstruction. This NN provides an analytic mapping of an initial 3D polyhedral model into its projection depth images. Through this analytic mapping,... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
The genoese Atheneum possesses a vast and important patrimony to manage, safeguard and preserve. In recent years its activity has been focused on both scientific research and divulging and presenting this heritage to the general public.... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of Collections3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Genova
It is the aim of most work with graphics, photography, and video to create vivid and compelling images. Though telepresence and virtual reality are new terms, there exists a vast body of research in stereoscopic vido and other fields with... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Virtual Environments3D visualisationStereo Vision (Computer Vision)
These comments apply to all types of displays, but especially to CRT’s (tube type TV’s and monitors), DLP TV’s and projectors and to the new LED Backlit LCD 3DTV’s and Plasma TV’s appearing in 2010, especially when operated at 50 or 60hz... more
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      3D visualisationStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Stereoscopy3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
Telerobotics refers to a branch of technology that deals with controlling a robot from a distance. It is commonly used to access difficult environments, reduce operating costs, and to improve comfort and safety. However, difficulties have... more
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      Mixed Reality3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2TeleroboticsHuman Supervisory Control
In this paper, we address the challenges of applying three-dimensional virtual worlds for learning. Despite the numerous positive conclusions, this technology is far from becoming mainstream in education. The most common problems with... more
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      Computer GraphicsImage ProcessingVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Multimedia
This research paper addresses the problem of generating involuntary and precise animation of quadrupeds with automatic rigging system of various character types. The technique proposed through this research is based on a two tier... more
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      3D animation3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 23d Modeling2D and 3D Animations
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder where motor dysfunction gradually increases as the disease progress. In addition to administering dopaminergic PD-specific drugs, attending neurologists... more
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      The VirtualWorld-Game-Simulation-Reality Continuum--gradual steps of added reality/imaginationParkinson's DiseaseStroke rehabilitationRehabilitation robotics
Three studies were conducted to examine the effect of audio on people's experience in a virtual world. The first study showed that people could distinguish between mono, stereo, Dolby surround and 3D audio of a wasp. The second study... more
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      CyberpsychologySound studies3D sound (Virtual Reality)3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
This paper focuses on manners of filling the gaps in existing standards that are used in tridimensional web technologies. One of the aspects is coding and uploading the 3D huge data sets using alternative formats with an emphasis on... more
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      MultimediaData Compression3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2Geometry
3D Virtual Worlds have gained popularity in the resent years. The use of 3D VLEs has also extended the variation in the distance and online education. Another concept that sweeps the current educational practices is gamification. To... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsVirtual WorldsImmersive Virtual Learning Environment3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
"This article explores the cultural contexts in which three-dimensional imaging has been developed, disseminated and used. It surveys the diverse technologies and intellectual domains that have contributed to spatial imaging, and argues... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryOpticsMedia Studies