3D environments
Recent papers in 3D environments
Substations design is a fundamental engineering component in power network construction. The benefits obtained for having adequate tools and design systems are related mainly to cost savings, reduction of construction problems and faster... more
3D technology can be a valid support to cultural heritage not only for visual presentation and documentation, but also for communication and educational purposes. In this paper, we will discuss the potential of 3D virtual environments as... more
The Four-Factor Framework was developed to facilitate the analysis of stories or sequences of narrative that are presented, or develop through a user’s agency in interactive media such as mixed realities and 3D narrative games. The... more
"Si bien los videojuegos actuales se caracterizan en su mayoría por su gran riqueza visual (texturas en alta definición, iluminación dinámica, etc), ésta no siempre tiene un fin meramente estético o decorativo, sino que puede adoptar... more
We are investigating the design of digital 3D interaction technology embedded in a physical environment. We take as point of departure complex, collaborative industrial design projects involving heterogeneous sets of documents, and... more
The main objective of this paper is to provide clarity of concepts to the students in a real like environment through 3d visual aids that may be used to clarify or enhance understanding of a concept or process. As a student said, " Tell... more
This article presents a work oriented to assistive robotics, where a scenario is established for a robot to reach a tool in the hand of a user when they have verbally requested it by his name. For this, three convolutional neural networks... more
This paper presents the preliminary findings of an empirical study that aims to evaluate the efficacy of 3D virtual worlds for synchronous distant learning activities. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the prototype developed, the... more
In interactive 3D narratives, a user’s narrative emerges through interactions with the system and embodied agencies (characters) mediated through the 3D environment. We present a methodology that identifies and measures four factors in... more
The acquisition of teacher digital competence is a key aspect in the initial training of teachers. However, most existing evaluation instruments do not provide sufficient evidence of this teaching competence. In this study, we describe... more
Professional landscape architecture organizations have requested training from educational institutions based on new skills and methodologies in the curriculum development of students. Landscape architects need to visualize and evaluate... more
Although popular and engaging, three dimensional environments are rarely deployed to depict strong narratives involving complex characters engaged in reasoning. The design of three dimensional environments rich in narrative and character... more