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Anul III, Semestrul 6, S.I.D., a.u. 2018-2019. Curs (obligatoriu) | Credite: 5 | Evaluare: examen. În fiecare marți, de la 14.00-16.00, sala M415. Curs 1: 19 februarie. Curs 2: 26 februarie. Curs 3: 5 martie. Curs 4: 12 martie. Curs 5: 19... more
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      European StudiesLiteratureRomanian LiteratureRomanian Studies
Writings on the metropolis generally foreground illimitability, stressing thereby that the urban ultimately remains both illegible and unintelligible. Instead, the purpose of this interdisciplinary study is to demonstrate that mentality... more
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      British LiteratureCultural StudiesCultural GeographyUrban Geography
In this master thesis I have investigated how and why Norway abolished its extraterritoriality in China. Extraterritoriality was a privilege that allowed Norwegians, as well as other foreign citizens in China, to be sentenced by their own... more
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      Modern Chinese HistoryNorwegian HistoryExtraterritoriality21th-Century Studies
Το παλαιστινιακό ζήτημα από το τέλος του Ψυχρού Πολέμου μέχρι σήμερα 1 ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ: 1. Εισαγωγή 3 2. Το παλαιστινιακό ζήτημα από το τέλος του Ψυχρού Πολέμου μέχρι σήμερα 5 3. Επίλογος 12 Βιβλιογραφία 13 1. Εισαγωγή 2 Η περιοχή της... more
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      Cold War and Culture20th Century21th-Century StudiesHistory of Israel Palestine Conflict
In 2000, the World population was 6.2 billion people; it reached 7 billion in 2012, and is expected to reach 9.5 billion (± 0.4) in 2050, 11 billion (± 1.5) in 2100, according to the 2012 UN projections (Gerland et al, in Science... more
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      WaterHydrologyGeopoliticsFood Security and Insecurity
The session is here: - Just as the European Union previously condemned Hungarian leader Viktor Orban in June 2020, he paid an official visit to the Serbian authoritarian leader, then to the Belarusian leader... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesInternational RelationsPolitical Philosophy
Marjorie Levison introduced the notion of New Formalism in 2007, to name a movement within literary criticism which vindicates the methodological principles of New Criticism, with the aim of dealing with the questions posed by the... more
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A partir del análisis de dos series televisivas del mainstream global, dirigimos nuestra mirada hacia el modo en que los productos culturales masivos ponen en circulación valores y creencias vinculados con el conocimiento, la ciencia y la... more
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      Knowledge TransferMargaret AtwoodSocial ControlPoder y Control Social
Andrzej Lepper i kierowana przez niego "Samoobrona" przez lata były widmem, straszącym orędowników neoliberalnej transformacji.. Różne siły na różnych etapach jednoczyły się w walce przeciwko temu widmu: Donald Tusk i Jarosław Kaczyński,... more
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      Contemporary HistoryPolitical SciencePolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulism
El artículo realiza un análisis del resurgimiento reciente de la extrema derecha en Estados Unidos, en concreto de la Derecha Alternativa. Se plantea la hipótesis de que resulte una consecuencia indeseada y tardía de algunas de las... more
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      Contemporary HistoryPopulismDemocracyUnited States History
Education for Future
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      EducationTechnology21th-Century Studies
El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es realizar una lectura de los modos en que las novelas Proyecto Nocilla de Agustín Fernández Mallo y España de Manuel Vilas construyen activamente la cibercultura como su condición de producción e... more
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      Spanish LiteratureCiberculturaLiteratura españolaCibercultures
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      ReligionEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesMusicology
DESCUBRIR un nuevo arte y diferentes realidades; un nuevo espacio temporal con mirada de futuro; vivir una exclusiva experiencia artística site specific.
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      Contemporary ArtDigital ArtsMuseumsFine Arts