
2021, Utilitarianism

This paper discusses the basic concept of utilitarianism. It covers the basic foundation needed in order to have a background with the subject matter, so that, it could help understand the difference from the Kantianism

Batman as katian School of thought laid out by 18th century German philosopher, Immanuel Kant now known as Kantianism Kantianism All about sticking to the moral rule book Utilitarianism Instead of focusing on the intent of behavior, what if we paid attention to the consequences? Like Kant, utilitarians agree that a moral theory should be equally applicable to everyone but they thought that the way to do that was to ground it in smthn that’s rlly intuitive Hedonistic form of theory which means that the good is equal to the pleasant and we ought to morally, to pursue pleasure and happiness, and work to avoid pain. NOT an egoistic theory Egoism- says that everyone ought morally to pursue their own good (which is contrast to utilitarianism which is other-regarding) Modern utilitarianism Founded in 18th century by British philosophers, Jeremy Bentham and Stuart mill. Philosophical ancestors in ancient Greek thinkers like Epicurus All of them agreed that actions should be measured in terms of happiness or pleasure Happiness is final end of every actions intended Principle of utility - greatest good for greatest number. -Overall happiness Where morality is concerned, utilitarians ague, as special as you are, you are no special than anyone else Utilitarians suggests: We make our moral decisions from the position of a benevolent, disinterested spectartor. Bernard Williams Offered the thought experiment Jim encountered indigenous and militars. (asks jims if he killed one person, the 19 will be set free but if he refuses to, they will kill all 20.) Act Utilitarianism (classical utilitarianism) In any given situation, u should choose the action that produces the greatest good for the greatest number Rule utilitarianism (came up w/ this new framework for the theory) Says that we ought to live by rules that, in general are likely to lead to the greatest good for the greatest number. Long-term and in a larger scale