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Mill’s Principle of Utility: Origins, Proof, and Implications (Leiden: Brill, 2022) is a scholarly monograph on John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism with a particular emphasis on his proof of the principle of utility. Originally published as... more
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      UtilitarianismMill's UtilitarianismJohn Stuart MillJ.S. Mill
This is a brief overview of 'Utilitarianism' as broken into two forms, 'Act Utilitarianism' and 'Rule Utilitarianism.' This introductory compares and contrasts the two, especially through the work of John Stuart Mill in 'On Liberty.'
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyUtilitarianismHappiness
L'article de John Rawls, intitulé « Deux concepts de règle » (« Two Concepts of Rules »), dont nous proposons dans ce numéro une traduction intégrale et inédite, est paru en janvier 1955 dans la prestigieuse Philosophical Review. Le... more
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      Social PhilosophyUtilitarianismJohn RawlsMoral and Political Philosophy
This paper discusses the basic concept of utilitarianism. It covers the basic foundation needed in order to have a background with the subject matter, so that, it could help understand the difference from the Kantianism
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      PhilosophyEthicsUtilitarianismModern perspectives on Utilitarianism
Is it always irresponsible to vote for a candidate with no realistic chance of winning? The question is of more than purely theoretical interest, yet hard to resolve. The problem is that in massive elections in which one vote is... more
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      Game TheoryPolitical PhilosophyVoting BehaviorUniversalizability/objectivity of Moral Judgements
This paper takes issue with three elements of Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer's book, The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics. The paper attacks Lazari-Radek's and Singer's account of wrongness as... more
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En el intento de defender una interpretación de la ética y la filosofía política de David Hume cercana al utilitarismo clásico, se interpone de un modo clave el llamado problema del “Sensible Knave” planteado por este autor al final de... more
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      LiberalismUtilitarianismDavid GauthierJohn Rawls
This is chapter 14 of “A Buddha Land in This World” (Punctum, 2022). It discusses the metaphysics of acts and rules in the context of consequentialism and argues that even though rules (and virtues) do not “really” exist (because they can... more
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Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer’s wonderful book, The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics, contains a wealth of intriguing arguments and compelling ideas. The present paper focuses on areas of... more
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      EthicsPolitical ScienceIntuitionConsequentialism