Intelligent Virtual Agents
Recent papers in Intelligent Virtual Agents
This project proposes that language evolve through reinforcement learning where agents communicate with each other and provide rewards if communication is successful. The fundamental difference between the learning mechanisms that humans... more
By utilizing different communication channels, such as verbal language, gestures or facial expressions, virtually embodied interactive humans hold a unique potential to bridge the gap between human-computer interaction and actual... more
In this paper, we propose a new integration approach to simulate an Autonomous Virtual Agent's cognitive learning of a task for interactive Virtual Environment applications. Our research focuses on the behavioural animation of virtual... more
In social psychology, emotional contagion describes the widely observed phenomenon of one person's emotions being influenced by surrounding people's emotions. While the overall effect is agreed upon, the underlying mechanism of the spread... more
This article describes the primary ways in which intelligent agents have been employed in virtual heritage projects and explains how the special requirements of virtual heritage environments necessitate the development of cultural agents.... more
Previous research has highlighted age-related differences in social perception, in particular emotional expression processing. To date, such studies have largely focused on approaches that use static emotional stimuli that the participant... more
La coherencia y el realismo son cualidades que todo desarrollador de agentes inteligentes busca, estas cualidades no podrán ser alcanzadas sin la incorporación de emociones en los mecanismos de comportamiento de los agentes. A simple... more
We present a fully procedural alternative to branching dialogue that is influenced by theories from linguistic pragmatics and technical work in the field of dialogue systems. Specifically, this is a dialogue manager that extends the Talk... more
Perception and attention mechanisms are of great importance for entities situated within complex dynamic environments. With roles extending greatly beyond passive information services about the external environment, such mechanisms... more
Resumo: Nos últimos anos o surgimento e expansão de inovações tecnológicas, como os chatbots, tem ocasionado a formação de novas áreas de desempenho e/ ou novos perfis profissionais. Nesse sentido a presente pesquisa teve o objetivo de... more
Implement a table-lookup agent for the special case of the vacuum-cleaner world consisting of a 2 2 grid of open squares, in which at most two squares will contain dirt. The agent starts in the upper left corner, facing to the right.... more
Work on levels of detail for human simulation has occurred mainly on a geometrical level, either by reducing the numbers of polygons representing a virtual human, or replacing them with a two-dimensional imposter. Approaches that reduce... more
"Gracias a los últimos avances de la tecnología, se ha podido abrir el camino a la investigación sobre interfaces sociales y el uso de los llamados agentes virtuales inteligentes. Estos agentes se hacen visibles en la interfaz como... more
With the rise in popularity of chatbot and virtual-agent platforms, from Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM and more, a new design discipline is emerging: Conversational UX Design. While it is easy to create natural language... more
"En la actualidad es común encontrar en varios sitio de Internet personajes animados, tratando de hacer la interacción humano máquina mas amigable, pero han pasado por alto la expresión y la interacción con las acciones del usuario. A fin... more
This chapter deals with the communication of persuasion. Only a small percentage of communication involves words: as the old saying goes, “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it”. While this likely underestimates the importance of... more
"Es conocido que la comunicación no verbal involucra el uso de expresiones faciales, gestuales y posturas para comunicar intenciones, objetivos, sentimientos e ideas; lo que permite reforzar un mensaje dentro de una dinámica de diálogo.... more
Social interaction in virtual universe opens new horizons in the field of information technologies, and particularly, in the use of video games for professional purposes (a.k.a. serious game). Introducing a certain level of realism in the... more
The designers of virtual agents often draw on a large research literature in psychology, linguistics and human ethology to design embodied agents that can interact with people. In this paper, we consider a structural acting system... more
"Este trabajo de investigación se origina a partir de un proyecto de la Universidad de Barcelona para desarrollar habilidades en el diagnóstico del Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada a estudiantes de psicología y psiquiatría utilizando un... more
En la actualidad los personajes virtuales están aplicados en contrastantes contextos como la educación, salud o entrenamiento. Las aplicaciones de los personajes no solo modelan procesos cognitivos, toma de decisiones y aspectos de... more
Building a long-term relationship between human and virtual agent remains a challenge. This paper explores the influence of intimate behavioral cues and the impact of different interaction modalities (voice, text, gesture) on our... more
This paper presents an approach to incorporate emotion regulation as addressed within psychology literature into virtual characters. To this end, first Gross' informal theory of emotion regulation has been formalised using a dynamical... more
Emotions and personality have received quite a lot of attention the last few years in research on embodied conversational agents. Attention is also increasingly being paid to matters of social psychology and interpersonal aspects (see ,... more
Modern virtual agents require knowledge about their environment, the interaction itself, and their interlocutors' behavior in order to be able to show appropriate nonverbal behavior as well as to adapt dialog policies accordingly. Recent... more
Psychology suggests highly synchronized expressions of emotion across different modalities. Few experiments jointly studied the relative contribution of facial expression and body posture to the overall perception of emotion.... more
Embodied agents are a powerful paradigm for current and future multimodal interfaces, yet require high effort and expertise for their creation, assembly and animation control. Therefore, open animation engines and high-level control... more
How do we construct credible personalities? The current SAL (Sensitive Artificial Listeners) characters were constructed intuitively and can be unconvincing. In addressing these issues, this paper considers a theory of personality and... more
Human beings have adopted tools, pets, technology, especially computer science and Deep Learning (DL) in Virtual Intelligent Assistants (VIA). Digital technical assistance systems that predict the future in culture, business and politics... more
In today's digital era, the emerge of IOT and linked devices, cyber security experts come across a lot of encounters. The specialists require all the aid to overcome attacks, security cracks, its affects and respond to the attacks. A lot... more
To develop believable agents, agents should be highly autonomous, situated, flexible, and emotional. By this study, our aim is to present an agent architecture called Reactive-Causal Architecture that supports development of believable... more
Abtract: Los personajes virtuales cada vez más se están utilizando como un medio de interacción entre el usuario y una máquina, por tal motivo surge la necesidad de que dichos personajes se comuniquen a través de expresiones verbales y no... more
FACSHuman is a software that allows researchers to create, through three-dimensional modeling, experimental material that can be used in nonverbal communication and emotional facial expressions researches. It thus offers the possibility... more
This research focuses on the artificial creation of the conditions that were necessary or facilitated language in its evolution. I propose a model for a system that has the capability to allow a complex communication protocol to evolve.... more
We thought that, virtual reality cannot merely be reduced to a hardware system, another way to achieve the optimal experience, is to produce a sense of immersion associated to an emotional and social experience inside the virtual... more
Digital Games are complex systems and the build-in adversaries have to fulfill many requirements regarding usability, error-robustness and a certain degree of intelligence. Creating such an adversary can be a difficult task. To create a... more
In this paper we describe the implementation of interactive agents capable of gathering and extending their knowledge. Interactive agents are designed to perform tasks requested by a user in natural language. Using simple sentences the... more
In this paper, we propose a pluridisciplinary approach to model emotional and social interfaces through Intelligent Virtual Agents. This model has been implemented as a virtual therapist1. Our research are interested in the simulation of... more
One of the major problems of user's interaction with Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) is to have the conversation last more than few second: after being amused and intrigued by the ECAs, users may find rapidly the restrictions... more
In this paper we present an implementation of a embodied conversational agent that serves as a virtual tour guide in Second Life. We show how we combined the abilities of a conversational agent with navigation in the world and present... more