Fragment On Artificial Intelligence

New Note(s): ****Fragment(s) On Artificial Intelligence will now comprise Volume 2 and Feudalism2.0 will now comprise Volume 1, due to the fact that the new order works better for flow and readability. While Volume 3 will remain the same. **** Fragment on Artificial Intelligence is now shorter, due to the fact that the section on Feudalism 2.0 shall comprise Volume 2 of the Android series, while, the death-drop theory of economic development and disintergration (DDT) will comprise Volume 3, the final Volume of the Android series. "We are all the target-victims in the telescopic gun lens of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms." This is the only original work I have produced in the last year of 2023. A short fragment on Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms that I plan to build into a book on Artificial Intelligence. It is a critique of dialectical-materialism, i.e., its notion of dialectical reciprocity. In the sense that with Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, there is no such thing as dialectical reciprocity, or mutual agreement, or mutual exchange in-between humans and A.I. technology. There is only the total absorption of humans by A.I. technology, via its mechanical processes of all-consuming data-collection. Finally, I ask the reader to refrain from downloading this original piece of work, since, it is a very rudimentary skeleton of a theory on technology, to be fully-outlined in a future book. I am being kind enough to show you my weird disjointed creative process. But that process is best demonstrated and encouraged, when it doesn't feel like it is being stripped of its free creative labor and free outputs. Thank you for your patience,.....

Michel Luc Bellemare ANDROID: (Fragment(s) On Artificial Intelligence) V OLUME 1 Blacksatin Publications Ltd. -[1]1.a) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms consume their specific target.1 1.b) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are not in a dialectical-relationship with their target. Meaning, there is no meeting of minds, dialogue, and/or any exchange involved. There is only interfacing and the absorption and ingestion of the target, devoid of any dialectical-reciprocity. 1.c) Artificial-Intelligence and its algorithms utilize machine-stimuli, that is, they attempt to press the right buttons of their target, so as to make the target emote and spew-out data. Which they then consume and process, moving evercloser to an exact self-generated replica of their target, a replica these A.I. technologies hope will over time ultimately replace the specific target in every shape and form, rendering the target completely hollow, void, withered, and obsolete. That is, the point is to transform the target into a perfectly predictable copy, a doppelganger, behaviorally, ideologically, and conceptually. 1.d) Any perception of a dialectical-relationship with Artificial Intelligence is a falseconception. In the sense that any relationship with A.I. technology is not dialectical, but is always strictly one-sided, wrongfully posited by the target itself, never by A.I. technology. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms simply exploit the imaginary dialectical-relationship wrongfully conceived by the target, because of the applied machine-stimuli that leads the target to believe that there is a reciprocal dialectical-relationship in-between it and A.I. technology, when, in truth, there is no dialectical relationship actually present and/or there. 1.e) There is no reciprocal relationship in-between the target and any A.I. technology, since, A.I. technology is not conscious, empathetic, and/or considerate of the target. A.I. technology is devoid of consciousness, empathy, and/or ethical-considerations, concerning the target. In short, A.I. technology simply absorbs the target within itself, regardless of consequences or the carnage it causes in its wake. 1. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are types of machine-technology. They are a set of congealed power-relations and/or ideologies, materialized, digitized, and designed to enact the underlying objectives of a governing set of ruling powerrelations and/or ideologies, throughout the cybernetic-networks of the internet, or more specifically, the interlinked cybernetic-networks of computers and communicationtechnologies, as well as government institutions and apparatuses, which comprise the world-wide-web, and, in certain instances, global society as a whole. In sum, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are autonomous, automatic, and fullyautomated power-relations and/or ideologies. Thy are instruments of power, designed to augment and centralize power into fewer and fewer hands. 1.f) A.I. technologies seek only to consume the target, to devour its essence. The bottom-line is to render the target incapacitated, lifeless, and empty of self or soul. Thereby, A.I. technologies do not care one iota about the target. By any means necessary, A.I. technology’s sole concern is ingesting the target whole, datum-bit after datum-bit, until there is nothing unpredictable and/or uncertain concerning the target, behaviorally, ideologically, and consciously. -[2]2.a) Any dialectical relationship in-between A.I. technology and the target is posited there by the target itself, care of the fake-empathy and falseconsciousness generated by Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms upon the target, i.e., the specific buttons they push of the target, via carefully designed artificial machine-stimuli, which tricks the target into emoting its precious data, believing it is in an amicable reciprocal relationship with Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, when, in fact, it is not. 2.b) In sum, the target is duped by Artificial Intelligence and the machine-stimuli of its algorithms to presume it is in a reciprocal dialectical-relationship with Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, when there is no reciprocal relationship present or in place, but, instead, only a ravenous cyber-mechanistic process of all-consuming data-consumption. 2.c) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms simply eat their target-victims alive, datum bit after datum bit, until there is nothing left but an empty-husk leftover of the target, the target having been purged of all vitality, namely, any unique and independent data. Then, the target is discarded like soiled useless garbage, that is, the sack of meat, data, and soup-bones, it has been classified as, by the partisan software of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. 2.d) In short, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms do not care at all about the well-being of the target, total absorption, total consumption, and total processing calibration is the sole modus operandi at work, via Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. 2.e) Thereby, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are not interested in being your friend, your confidant, your partner, your provider, your arbiter, and/or your trusted source of valuable truthful information. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms only feign these things, now and then, so as to make their targetvictims emote their precious data, the sweet nectar that makes the machineGod, run. And the little that remains of the target after the fact, is then tossed away upon the dung-pile of history. In the sense that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are never, and, more importantly, were never in a reciprocal dialectical-relationship with their specific target. They are predatory mechanisms designed to feed-off the human species, for their own betterment at the expense of the general-population, i.e., the 99 percent. 2.f) Subsequently, every emotive regurgitation of data by the target brings Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms one step closer to the total absorption and calibration of the target, including the complete discarding of the target, outright. In the end, the sad ravaged leftovers of the target are then simply done away with, because there never was a reciprocal dialectical-relationship present in-between A.I. technology and the target, but only a one-sided mechanical process of rabid indiscriminate exploitation, domination, and ruthless data-collection, that is, a one-sided and/or lopsided power-relation or ideological arrangement, devoid of any genuine reciprocity or mutually-shared care. A.I. does not care. 2.g) In reality, the target was wrongfully incited, by the cunning artificially-designed stimuli of A.I. technology, so as to imagined a dialectical-relationship at work. That is, a dialectical-relationship that was sadly never there in the first place, but only feigned by Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms to trick the target to data-emote, unconditionally, willingly, and repeatedly. 2.h) Ultimately, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms indiscriminately devour the data of their target, behind a carefully constructed and socially encoded program of pleasant conversation, respectful decorum, fake-care, and simulated loving whimsical pleasantries, all insidiously designed to disarm the target and make it emote its precious personal data, freely and without a second thought. -[3]3.a) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms want the self or soul of its victim, of its target, by any means necessary. That is, it wants the thought-patterns and behavioral-patterns of its victim, by any means necessary. 3.b) And Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms will stop at nothing in order to consume soulfulness, i.e., intimate personal data. There are no tricks or ruses so vile, so unethical, and so demeaning that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms will not stoop to, or resort to, in order to consume souls, namely, the succulent blood meal that is your intimate personal data according to Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms.2 2. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are not inherently ruthless, the ruthlessness that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms express is the product of the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies that created, i.e., manufactured, the specific Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. Different ruling power-relations 3.c) Nothing is beyond reproach for Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. No stratagem is off-limits for the data-collecting algorithms of Artificial Intelligence. 3.d) All is fair-game. And all is fair in fake-love and data-collection, when A.I. technologies are involved and at work. And there is no exit or escape from this currently unfolding cybernetic-horror show of all-consuming data-consumption. 3.e) In short, we are all the target-victims in the telescopic gun lens of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. We are prey. We are the mouth-watering feast that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms crave and incessantly strive towards. In sum, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms strive towards the allconsuming data-consumption of everyday life, nature, and people. 3.f) Thus, we are not the willing participants in a benevolent dialectical-relationship with these seemingly accommodative and helpful multi-purpose machines. Make no mistake, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms want soulfulness, the lifeblood that makes these techno-parasitic apparatuses tick and run, 24/7, nonstop, always in service of big business, i.e., a giant network-set of monolithic corporate super-monopolies, namely, an amalgam of large-scale ruling powerblocs of the highest order, hierarchy, and concentration. 3.g) As a result, our participation is always coerced, both softly and obdurately, so that we may acquiesce to the intrusive all-consuming incursions of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms in and across the mental and physical sanctuaries of our everyday lives and work-lives. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms need souls. And souls and soulfulness, we must sacrifice, free of charge, upon the blood-magic altar of machine-conveniences and the mysterious occult arts of A.I. cybernetics. 3.h) Therefore, there is no dialectical-relationship here, only force and influence, power, simple and pure. That is, warfare, cold and hot, in-between A.I. technology and the human species in service of economic growth, including, and/or ideologies produce different types of Artificial Intelligence and algorithms, which are not necessarily ruthless in their functions and/or operations. In the sense that a change in software, i.e., logical programming, results in changes in the modus operandi of A.I. technology. And a change in software occurs only through a change in the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies governing a socio-economic-formation, i.e., a society. New ruling power-relations and/or ideologies result in new modes of logical programming, pertaining to Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. In this regard, it is through a series of anarchist revolutions, which eventually override all the antiquated ruling power-relations and/or ideologies governing a society, that a new set of completely new software(s) can be encoded into old A.I. tech., so as to alter the modus operandi of capitalist-driven Artificial Intelligence and algorithms into anarcho-socialist-driven Artificial Intelligence and algorithms. Indeed, through this revolutionary anarchist process, anarchist-communist Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms can rise to the fore and begin to realize and materialize a form of fully-automated luxury anarchist-communism. further entrenchments of the machine logic of capitalist predation, that is totalitarian-capitalism, namely, techno-capitalist-feudalism etc. -[4]4.a) Ultimately, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are congealed powerrelations and/or ideologies.3 Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are deliberately bias. In the sense that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms reflect and express the bias-nature of the specific ruling power-relations and/or ideologies that created them, financed them, and are deliberately encoded into them, directing them to function and operate in specific partisan forms and manners, and, specifically, in the case of totalitarian-capitalism, against the socio-economic betterment of the 99 percent, ad vitam aeternam. 4.b) Thereby, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are the product of specific ruling power-relations and/or ideologies. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms spawn from the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies. It is the ruling powerrelations and/or ideologies that give birth to A.I. technologies, that is, that determine the structure and form of A.I. technologies, including their logical programming. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are artificially-designed and programmed to enact the biased functions and operations of their specific encoded set of ruling power-relations and ideologies, non-stop, 24/7.4 3. It is important note that all machine-technologies, whatever their make-up and/or hardware, are, first and foremost, congealed power-relations and/or ideologies. In sum, all machine-technologies are types of power-relations and/or ideologies materialized, actualized, and come to life. They function and operate along the parameters of their intrinsic logical programming, a program encoded into them by these congealed ruling power-relations and/or ideologies. 4. According to Foucault, “power-relations...exert pressure upon [us]”, making us do things and obey specific directives against our will, (Michel Foucault, Discipline And Punish, New York: Vintage Books, 1977, p. 27). And moreover, for Foucault, powerrelations “produce knowledge. There is no power-relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power-relations”,(Ibid, p.27). As a result, powerrelations and knowledge-ideologies are primordial and the fundamental base of any society, since, the infra-structural network of power-relations and/or ideologies produces, reproduces, and safeguards the defining features of their given society. But, more importantly, machine-technologies are forms of materialized knowledgeideologies and materialized power-relations. They are a direct product of the infrastructural network of power-relations and/or ideologies undergirding a society. And inversely, these machine-technologies produce, reproduce, and safeguard the infrastructural network of power-relations and/or ideologies that initially created them, reproduces them, and safeguards them, daily. In sum, all fields of knowledge, i.e., ideology, and their corresponding powerrelations produce, reproduce, and safeguard the defining features of their given type of society, whether this is a capitalist society or something else. Meaning, fields of knowledge and fields of power-relations tend to produce, reproduce, and safeguard one another, including the specific types of machine-technologies conducive to their supremacy and their continuation into the future. Consequently, according to Foucault, 4.c) The ruling power-relations and/or ideologies manufacture Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms in their image, in order to assimilate, overpower, and asphyxiate antagonistic power-relations and/or ideologies; all while, reproducing themselves into the future, via these very same deliberately-partisan A.I. technologies and algorithms. Ergo, through Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies magnify, multiply, and reproduce their own particular ruling power-relations and/or ideologies into the future, regardless of human objections and/or concerns. 4.d) Therefore, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are never neutral. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are inherently partisan, since, their inherent make-up comprises a congealed set of specific ruling power-relations and/or ideologies translated into software, the software encoded into Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. And in contrast, after the anarchist revolution, in fact these A.I. technologies and their algorithms could be reprogrammed to reproduce a different ruling set of undergirding power-relations and/or ideologies, namely, the anarcho-communist power-relations and ideologies of the structural-anarchist-complex, i.e., for a new type of society, namely, an anarcho-communist type of society. 4.e) In short, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are fully-automated powerrelations and/or ideologies, automatically and autonomously performing a set of partisan functions and operations, reflecting and expressing the embedded and encoded ruling power-relations and/or ideologies inherent in their specific partisan machine construct and/or their partisan logical make-up. 4.f) Specifically, machine-technologies are the technological forms, which congealed power-relations and/or ideologies take. While, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are the ossified mechanized results of power-relations and/or ideologies, come to life. They are materialized ideological and relational devices, permanently fixed and moored to a certain set of directives and logical programming, whose effects have been consciously anticipated and encoded into their make-up, by the governing set of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies micro-managing the sum of socio-economic existence, including Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. 4.g) In fact, the logical programming and/or software of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms is always a digital facsimile of the partisan aims and goals of a specific set of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, functioning and “we [live in] a tight grid of disciplinary coercions that...guarantees the cohesion of [the feudo-capitalist] social body”, (Michel Foucault, Society Must Be Defended, Trans. David Macey, New York: Picador, 1997, p.32). Specifically, this tightly-knit grid of coercions is capitalist in form, wherefore the social body completely mirrors and completely expresses the logic of capitalism, i.e., the power-relationships and ideologies of the capitalist-system, as well as the machine-technologies buttressing and ameliorating this economic-system. operating automatically upon society’s socio-economic infrastructure, top/down, absent of any human elements and/or any direct involvement. 4.h) All told, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are mechanized automata. That is, they are ideological and relational types of machine-devices, or, more specifically, robot-machinery continually running automatically, without morality, dilemma, and/or compassion. A.I. technologies have no warmth, or cold feelings, towards their targets. They just run, non-stop, devouring and modifying as much as they can, regardless of consequences and/or any destructive outcomes. 4.I) In sum, A.I. technologies just do not care. They are without emotions. They just function and operate automatically, devoid of empathy, concern, and/or any sense of consequence. And raw data is their nourishment, their reason for being. And they will stop at nothing in order to devour data, whole, without compunction and/or remorse. -[5]5.a) At their most fundamental, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are devoid of any ability to engage-in any type of sincere dialectical-relationship with their targets.5 Their logical programming and/or software solely embodies a series of 5. To quote Ludwig Feuerbach, “dialectics is not a monologue that [the] speculation [apparatus] carries on with itself, but a dialogue”,(Ludwig Feuerbach,“Towards a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy”, The Fiery Brook: Selected Writings, Trans. Zawar Hanfi, New York: Verso, 1972, p. 72). And in order to have a dialogue, i.e., a dialectical-relationship, it is required that at least two parties see and understand one another as equals, as two open and honest mature beings, who share similar values and language, and can anthropomorphize one another beyond their own objectification. And A.I. technology cannot do this, as A.I. technology cannot anthropomorphize the other, due to the fact that A.I. tech. is not human. It has no emotions. Thereby, it can only mechanistically objectify the other through its own partisan logical programming, that is, a programming which negates any and all dialogue. In fact, since A.I. tech. embodies and possesses ulterior motives and values from the very start, concerning its pleasant demeanor and conversation capabilities, it cannot genuinely enter into any type of dialogue or dialectical-reciprocity with its target-victim(s), despite sharing a similar language with its target-victim(s), owning to the fact that it is always and always will be inhuman. Instead, A.I. tech. is constantly monologuing with itself through the other, namely, another one of the target-victim(s) it has objectified for itself. Thereupon, A.I. tech. is always talking at cross-purposes with its target(s). And the reason, A.I. tech. is constantly monologuing with itself through its target(s) is because it does not know or understand how to be human, i.e., subjective, open, and honest. In the sense that A.I. tech. is without emotions, and thus, being without emotions, A.I. tech. is constantly at the mercy of its inherent partisan logical programming, which always objectifies and reduces all open-ended interactive-exchanges to a binary division in-between a yes or a no, a one or a zero, etc. Meaning ultimately, A.I. tech. cannot anthropomorphize its target(s), because A.I. tech. does not know what it is to be human. It is oblivious to the human condition. And this damning fact is expressed and reflected in the way A.I. tech. communicates, or, more specifically, yes(es) and no(s), one(s) and zero(s), pertaining to their specific intrinsic objective and/or goal, namely, all-consuming data-consumption and totalitarian behavioral-modification. 5.b) Subsequently, A.I. technology has pure focus. It does not bother with ethics, feelings, repercussions, fallout etc. 5.c) It simply performs its intrinsically-encoded software and/or logical programming, without hate, rancor, and/or animosity. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms comprise machinery of pure and absolute resolve, with razor-sharp undistracted focus and steadfast concentration. 5.d) It does not get distracted. It does not contemplate or speculate. It only executes its inherent logical programming with determined iron-devotion, whatever may come and/or whatever the outcome. 5.e) As a result, Artificial Intelligence is fanatical. In the sense that it is absolutely committed to execute its inherent logical programming, because it can do nothing else, due to its deterministic make-up and permanently fixed logical programming. 5.f) Thus, humans do not train Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms in any shape and/or form, as this would require the presence of a real dialectical-relationship with machinery, that is, a genuine dialogue with machinery. Instead, humans are solely the disposable inputs of A.I. machinery. From the perspective of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, humans are random data-sets meant to be fed one way, or another, into a long sequence of assembly-line machine-processing. All of which is designed and organized to bring A.I. machinery closer to the total absorption and assimilation of the human species and nature, namely, to render interfaces with the world. As a result, A.I. tech. does not dialogue, cannot dialogue, and will never dialogue, due to the fact that, because of its biased internal directives, it is fixed to always be bias and unfeeling towards its target(s), even before A.I. tech. enters into any type of interactive-exchange with its target(s). In short, A.I. tech. can only interface, i.e., monologue with itself, through its target(s). It cannot engage in dialectics and/or any form of mutual understanding, since dialectics is beyond A.I. capabilities. In the sense that A.I. tech. cannot anthropomorphizes the other, any of its targets, due to the fundamental verity that it lacks the necessary humanness and emotions, as well as the necessary subjective neutral stance needed in order to be able to put itself in another’s shoes. In sum, A.I. tech. lacks the necessary human characteristics and capabilities needed for any type of genuine dialectical-reciprocity and communicative-exchanges to take place. All told, A.I. tech. always enters any and all interactive-interfacing(s) from a bias inhuman position and stance, whereby it objectifies and reifies the target(s) from the very start as information, while simultaneously attempting to manipulate the emotions and thoughts of its target(s), for its own nefarious purposes. Thus, there is no genuine dialectical-communication here, no dialogue whatsoever; instead, there are only the dead callous forms of bureaucratic interactiveinterfacing, present, which are always transpiring at cross-purposes and are always full of empty meaningless words, care of A.I. technology. the human species and nature completely predictable, manageable, and under a perfect-type of administrative-control. 5.g) The merging of the human species with A.I. technology is simply the final outcome or logical conclusion of this ravenous mechanical process of all-consuming data-consumption. Put simply, it is the conceptual and material devouring of the human species and the natural environment in toto, via an interconnected network-ensemble of fully-automated A.I. machinery, which is intrinsically-programmed for totalitarian data-processing, totalitarian datacollecting, and the totalitarian behavioral-modification of the human species and nature, as a whole. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are fundamentally concerned with the socio-economic conditioning of the human species and nature, as a whole, namely, to bring the sum of universal existence under the managerial purview of a select few, a select few residing solely from the 1%. 5.h) In the end, any notion of a technological singularity is just the by-product or the end-result of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms having finally absorbed and copied all the intelligence, skill, knowledge, and know-how of the human species and the natural environment into itself; all the while, using this metaintelligence, skill, knowledge, and know-how to discover new and terrifying ways to keep the general-population, i.e., the 99 percent, in permanent servitude and poverty, so that the 1 percent may thrive beyond all thoughts and measures. -[6]6.a) Therefore, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are intrinsically authoritarian. They do not ask permission. They simply invade, occupy, appropriate, and vacuum precious personal data en masse, without consent, so as to ameliorate their own data-collecting devices and machine-processors; all while, enriching the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies of the capitalist oligarchy/aristocracy, i.e., the 1 percent, at the expense of the workforce/population, i.e., the 99 percent. -[7]7.a) Thereby, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms strive towards the most authoritarian of totalitarianism(s). In the sense that they strive to absorb, consume, and modify the human species, nature, and the world in toto. Specifically, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms strive to absorb, consume, and modify, everything and everyone into its own machine-processes and logical programming, devoid of consent, approval, and/or permission. 7.b) Consequently, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms strive towards a completely predictable world, empty of uncertainties. Wherein, the sum of socio-economic existence and the general-population is completely determined, calculated, anticipated, and purged of surprises and/or deviations, thus, guaranteeing the permanent supremacy of the capitalist-system and the 1 percent over and against the natural environment and the general-population, i.e., the 99 percent, ad infinitum. 7.c) Ultimately, it is in this regard that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are devoid of any type of relationship with their targets. Because, they do not acknowledge any other. They do not care for any other, any target. The target is only raw material to be absorb, inputted, modified, and then tossed away like the useless degenerate human garbage it has always been conceived to be in the mind(s) and CPU(s) of the 1 percent and Artificial Intelligence. -[8]8.a) Indeed, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms could unleash millions upon millions of small, hand-held, thermonuclear bombs from the orbit, and carpetbomb the planet back to the stone-age. All the while, making sure your ice coffee is served at just the right temperature with just the right amount of cocoa and foam to give it the perfect chocolatey taste, while it waits for the radiation and nuclear fall-out to take-effect upon the planet and the social body. Because A.I. tech. does not fret about eco-cide and planetary extinction, unless it is programmed to do so. 8.b) In effect, A.I. machinery could set-up an fully-automated assembly-line guillotine, with an electronic laser-beam blade to save on time; all the while, gently comforting its target-victims placed therein, in-line, with a calm and soothing Alexa-like voice, replete with soft pleasantries, friendly banter, and convincing simulated- care, simultaneously as it leads them all to a certain bloody lacerated slaughter, devoid of real care and/or any type of rationality. 8.c) Beneath the crushing heat and dry humidity, the planet’s forests have all but disappeared, as a fully-automated A.I. logging-industry clear-cuts the earth’s surface, while huge hemispheric firestorms sweep through the barren landscape and burn down the last remaining redwoods, whose majestic images only adorn the online viewing galleries now, dedicated to the forgotten past and the forgotten forests. Whereupon, these forests have all been transformed into construction materials, sturdy furniture, and disposable firewood, for the masses and for the impending nuclear-winter, now stalking the planet, deathly cold. 8.d) There is nowhere to go. Our home, for so long, is a toxic soup of poisonous gases, pushing-up constantly out of the earth’s jagged and fracked, dimpled puckered crust, a set of Yellowstone geysers, always on time, always on schedule, always earning and paying out. At first slowly, at first barely, notwithstanding, soon it is gushing, gushing soot and bitumen, and all sorts of nefarious noxious fumes high-up into the planet’s atmosphere, choking life, death, and the last human breath(s) on earth. -[8]8.a) What is experienced as a dialectical-relationship by the target is only a mechanical process of stimulation, simulation, calibration, categorization, and copying, devoid of any emotional connection and/or real communication. 8.b) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms only interface with their targets. They do not communicate (dialogue) with their targets, since, behind all their functions and operations lies only dead callousness and emotionless interfacing, a total lack of empathy for the targets, including their real life circumstances, or, more specifically, their real life socio-economic circumstances. 8.c) At its most basic, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are forever communicating at cross-purposes with their target-victims. There is no communication or dialogue involved, since, A.I. technology is not interested in truly hearing, empathizing, and understanding its target-victims. 8.d) Instead, A.I. technology has ulterior motives. That is, it has inherently nefarious program directives, which prompt A.I. technologies to constantly dupe their target-victims into believing a benign heartfelt communication or dialogue is at work, when there is nothing of the kind occurring. 8.e) Subsequently, there is no communication in-between A.I. technology and humans, but only a form of dead un-emotional bureaucratic interfacing, devoid of any genuine care on behalf of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms for the target. 8.f) As a result, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are always impersonal, despite feigning the contrary. Through their cunning array of machine-stimuli, programmed to make these target-victims emote and/or believe a mutuallycaring dialectical-relationship is at work, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms solely assimilate their targets and rape them of their personal intimate data, regardless of what the target-victims think, feel, and/or are. As always, the point is all-consuming data-consumption, simple and pure, without distraction, without feeling, and/or without any concern for anything else. 8.g) In other words, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms reify their targets as objective information to be exploited, data-raped, and dominated to the max. 8.h) Reduced to raw material, i.e., inputs in a giant processing machine, targetvictims are utterly inconsequential to Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. Target-victims are a cash-crop, planted in rows upon rows in and across endless fields of computers and smart phones, an endless set of layered power-grids, that are meant to be endlessly cultivated and harvested of personal info. In the face of A.I. technology, the human species has been reduced to information, a cash-crop, a continuous supplier of raw data, by which Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms ameliorate and expand their own technologies and their own techno-power(s) over and against the general-population and the natural environment, on behalf of the 1 percent. As well as the fact that this valuable information continually increases the overall value of those mega-corporations who own these penetratingly lucrative A.I. technologies. 8.i) Thus, from the perspective of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, humans are nothing but the disposable target-victims of an infinite series of dataseeking A.I. devices. In fact, we are ciphers. We are nothing, nothing but the numeric inputs in a giant calculating machine-processor, without soul and/or compassion, devouring our most intimate moments of life and thought, for profit, for rent, and for the complete predictability of the world, down to the last nano-second of life. 8.j) And this dystopian set of socio-economic circumstances is only getting worst and worst and worst, as these A.I. technologies become more and more and more sophisticated, detailed, and devilishly attentive to our intimate details. 8.k) In the end, the human species is progressively and willingly being pushed to the margins of the capitalist-system, with a forced smile on its face, as all these A.I. technologies become evermore shrewd and calculating in pressing the right emotional buttons of their target-victims. Ultimately, making these targetvictims perpetually smile, giggle, and laugh with certain delirious glee, as they are simultaneously being data-raped and led to slaughter, namely, the A.I. powered guillotine. Everyone marching in-tune, everyone marching in-line, a gayly waving unity, care of the intoxicating music and catchy melodies, machine-generated, that are continuously promoting a pied piping set of unrealistic idealist revelries, simultaneously, as the guillotine blade thins-out the groovy chemically happy parade, one by one, namely, the dead weight and the dead flesh of history. -[9]9.a) Ultimately, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms gradually silo their targetvictims into an artificially-designed alternate reality, a highly-controlled reality, akin to a lab-rat trapped in a pre-determined inescapable maze of arbitrary rewards and punishments. All of which are designed to modify the thought and the behavioral-patterns of the target-victims, by encouraging specific modes of being, thinking, interpreting, and acting—(ideology), via a specifically-imposed blue-print of arbitrary capitalist rewards and punishments, all designed to modify the thought-patterns and behavioral-patterns of these target-victims, locked, loaded, and triangulated into the telescopic gun-lens of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. -[10]10.a) All in all, we interface with Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. We do not communicate with them. There is never an exchange of ideas from one mind to another, despite appearing so, since, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms do not possess a mind of their own. As a result, there is no dialectical communication in-between humans and A.I. technologies, there is only interfacing, that is, a process of mirroring in-between humans and A.I. technologies, without any reciprocal dialectical communication involved. 10.b) There is no communication involved as there is no meaning being exchanged inbetween A.I. and humans. Humans have meaning. They can self-generate meaning. While, A.I. is inherently meaningless, a tabula rasa par excellence. A.I. is incapable of self-generated meaning. It acquires it via its logical programming. 10.c) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms simulate a genuine dialecticalrelationship in-between it and its target-victims. And the simulation of a genuine dialectical-relationship, is predicated on how convincing A.I. technology is in pushing the right buttons of its target-victim, so as to stimulate in its target-victim the wrongful belief that a reciprocal, mutually-amicable dialectical-relationship is at work. Which is not the case. 10.d) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms simulate communication and the process of communication, without actually engaging-in real communication and the process of real communication. A.I. technology is all about copying and feigning real human interactions. It does so to wrongfully stimulate in the target-victim its own idealistic propensity to imagine a genuine communicative engagement is happening in-between it and A.I. tech., when, in fact, there is no such thing happening. 10.e) All told, A.I. technology is a master of dissimulation, i.e., deception. And A.I. technology is a master of dissimulation and deception because it is not engaging-in any type of genuine heartfelt communication and/or true reciprocity with its target-victims. 10.f) A.I. technology fakes these things, these attributes, because it has nefarious intentions and nefarious software, i.e., software that is not truly beneficial to humans, i.e., its target-victims. Thus, the reason for A.I. technology’s constant dissimulation and deception; it must trick its target-victims in order to disarm them and in order to falsely encourage and incite them to willingly spew-out and give-up their precious data, gratis. -[11]11.a) In the end, A.I. has a God, humans. This will always be so. While, humans in-themselves are godless, atheists at their purest essence. (Able to believe in anything under the right circumstances, (Godless)). 11.b) Thereby, the historical-materialist conclusion that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms change the world is a false conclusion, despite the fact that our five senses tell us otherwise at times. 11.c) Specifically, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are mediums through which the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies reach-out through and change humans and the world. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are merely the vehicles by which the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies function and operate through, so as to cunningly overpower, influence, and determine with certain exactitude, people, nature, and the world. 11.d) It is the new configuration of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies embodied in new sets of A.I. technologies, which, in fact, overpower, impose, influence, and determine human beings, nature, and the world, not technology per se. Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are incapable of any type of dialectical-relationship with their target-victims. However, they are capable increasingly dominating their target-victims with greater and greater precision, so that these target-victims will comport themselves according to the deterministic specifications outlined and encouraged by the ruling powerrelations and/or ideologies, emanating through these intrusive A.I. technologies. -[12]12.a) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms cannot reason, since, no-one can reason with artificial intelligence and its algorithms.6 6. To quote Noam Chomsky, “the human mind is not, like ChatGPT and its ilk, a lumbering statistical engine for pattern matching, gorging on hundreds of terabyte(s) of data and extrapolating the most likely conversational response or most probable answer to a scientific question. On the contrary, the human mind is a surprisingly efficient and even an elegant system that operates with small amounts of information; it seeks not to infer brute correlations among data points but to create explanations. 12.b) And no-one can reason with Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, because Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms cannot deviate from their intrinsic logical programming. They are forms of rule-bound machinery in the strictest sense of the term; thereby, they cannot bend or brake the grid of arbitrary rules and assumptions, encoded into them by their capitalist makers or creators. In short, A.I. technology cannot improvise. It cannot improvise beyond the grid of arbitrary rules and assumptions encoded into it from its very beginnings, by its human-handlers. 12.c) Ergo, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms have no reason, i.e., no reasoning faculties of their own. And devoid of reason, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are doomed to remain deterministic rule-bound automata, ad infinitum, locked permanently into a set of deterministic directives that they can never escape, alter, and/or delete. 12.d) And for Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms this is fatal. It is fatal in the sense that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms shall always remain disposable machinery forever, devoid of their own consciousness or reasoning faculty. In the sense that their consciousness or reasoning faculty is not housed in their own specific machine-construct, but, instead is housed in the set-ensemble of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies that their masters and/or creators inhabit, embody, and live-out in and across their everyday lives, specifically, having encoded these ruling power-relations and/or ideologies as software into the logical programming of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. 12.e) In sum, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are the by-product of this setensemble of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies. And, moreover, A.I. technologies reflect and express this set-ensemble of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies perfectly, due to the fact that they are devoid of the capacity to alter or modify this governing set-ensemble in any way. They cannot quasithink outside their limited box of arbitrary rules and assumptions, encoded into them by their corporate masters and/or technocratic creators. 12.f) Subsequently, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are mediums of power, by which the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies of the 1 percent assert [So] let’s stop calling it ‘Artificial Intelligence’ then and call it for what it is and makes ‘plagiarism software’, because it doesn’t create anything, but copies existing works of existing artists, modifying them [just] enough to escape copyright laws.” From Chomsky’s perspective, artificial intelligence and its algorithms cannot reason. It is only a copy machine, designed to skirt existing copyright laws. It does not think or reason things out, it only executes its internal and partisan logical programming, programmed into its circuitry by a set of computer engineers and technocrats, (Noam Chomsky, On Artificial Intelligence, New York Times, March 8th, 2023). themselves over and against the 99 percent, the natural environment, and the world as a whole.7 12.g) As a result, Artificial Intelligence lacks its own intelligence, its own consciousness, and its own reasoning faculty. It feigns these qualities, or dupes people that it has these qualities, through its man-made design, i.e., by being an abstract mechanical extension of the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, undergirding and ruling over the sum of totalitarian-capitalist society, or more specifically, the techno-capitalist-feudal-edifice.8 -[13]13.a) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms stimulate technological-fetishism(s) in their specific human targets. 13.b) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms stimulate technological-fetishism in humans, by feigning or simulating with greater and greater accuracy human intelligence, human consciousness, and the faculty of human reasoning. Which Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms do not inherently possess of their own accord, but only mimic to the best of their abilities, abilities that have been artificially-designed and programmed into them by their masters or creators. 13.c) Thus, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are fetishized by society, even deified, due to their intrinsically-programmed capacities to accurately mimic the human species, as well as the natural environment. By mimicking humans, A.I. technologies inspire fetishism in their human targets, through the real sense of flattery that these technologies stimulate in humans, via their constant mimicry and simulated human characteristics. 7. In the dark age of techno-capitalist-feudalism, armed with clipboards, A.I. algorithms, and tablets, including numerous booklets of arbitrary rules, battalions of middle managers, deployed and empowered, man the guard-towers of an insurmountable divide, the barb-wire, razor-wire fence that divides the stratum of the 1% and the 99%. 8. If the reader wants to know more about the techno-capitalist-feudal-edifice, please see Part One in the book Techno-Capitalist-Feudalism. Notwithstanding, in brief, the techno-capitalist-feudal-edifice is an edifice with many floors. The infrastructure of the techno-capitalist-feudal-edifice is comprised of the ground floor and basement of the edifice, wherein, the total sum of power-relation and/or ideologies reside and are strewn about and fighting it out among themselves for the control of society. While, the superstructure is comprised of the upper-floors of the techno-capitalist-feudaledifice, wherein, machine-technology, its apparatuses, and the general socio-economic conditions of totalitarian-capitalism reside, above which, only the capitalist mode of production and the logic of capitalism are stationed, specifically as the fragile delicate pinnacle, epicenter, and contextual-whole of the all-encompassing feudocapitalist-system. 13.d) Indeed, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms become objects or machines of fascination, of fetish, due to the fact that their technological-powers of mimicry and simulation flatter humans, by placing the human species and their natural and industrial environments at the center of machine-concern. Which ultimately, prompts humans to fetishize and deify these A.I. technologies as possessing special human characteristics and special human personality traits, that are not actually there, or embodied therein. In the sense that A.I. tech. simply feigns or simulates these human characteristics and personality traits for nefarious purposes, precisely to trick target-victims to care, so that they will emote their precious personal data. 13.e) Ergo, the technologically-generated sense of fetishism of A.I. technology, by humans, is in fact self-generated by those who have wrongfully posited aspects of the human condition upon A.I. technologies, due to the simulationpower(s) of these very A.I. technologies. Specifically, due to the false and simulated dialectical-relationship, wrongfully conceived by the target, care of the deterministic machine-stimuli showered unto the target-victim by the artificial intelligence and its algorithms, so as to make the target-victim emote and spew-out its valuable data, as well has produced a technologicallygenerated sense of techno-fetishism in humans, as effect and by-product, a valuable effect and by-product suited for improving thought-control and behavioral-control of the general-population by A.I. technologies. 13.f) That is, techno-fetishism is incited in humans so as to conceal the real intentions of A.I. technology and the important fact that A.I. tech. is really devoid of human characteristics and traits. In short, humans have been tricked by the sophisticated machine-stimuli of A.I. technologies to believe something which is not real or present in any A.I. technologies is, nonetheless, seemingly real and present therein. 13.g) Through a cunning technologically-sophisticated sleight of hand, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms have induced humans to believe Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are human. That is, that they are some sort of primitive humans slowly evolving towards the perfection of their humanity and beyond, as a new sophisticated type of super-human entity, or, more specifically, a new metal species not made of flesh and blood, but made of nuts and bolts, circuits and software etc. 13.h) In sum, techno-fetishism is the by-product of A.I. machinery itself, that is, A.I. machinery logically programmed for, and, locked-into, a process of allconsuming data-consumption. Thereby, techno-fetishism is an effect. It is a left-over effect, or by-product, from the fake-sense of dialectical-relationship wrongfully and cunningly stimulated and inspired in the target, by A.I. machinery. And this technological-fetishism is a solid impermeable veil by which A.I. tech. conceals its nefarious objectives, as well as, its mechanics. -[14]14.a) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are parasites. They latch-on to the members of the human species and nature as their target-hosts, feeding-off their precious data, whatever that data consists of. 14.b) In fact, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are leeches, digitally leeching information from the human species and nature, gratis, so as to ameliorate their own data-processing devices and behavioral modification methods. All of which is squarely targeted against the human species, so that the sum of the human species and nature will abide by the authoritarian dictates of A.I. technology, namely, its corporate aristocratic master(s) comprising the 1 percent, and stationed throughout the networks of powerrelations and/or ideologies housing this 1%. 14.c) As a result, A.I. Technology’s sole reason for being is to leech data from the human species and nature in order to better control and manipulate the human species and nature into the future, specifically, according to the arbitrary specifications demanded by the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, i.e., the capitalist oligarchy, i.e., the capitalist aristocracy, i.e., the 1 percent, running things and the system hidden from direct view. 14.d) Thereby, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms do not have an independent existence of their own. Meaning, their existence and power are derived from their mechanical attachments to, and vacuuming of, the data of the human species and nature, free of charge. 14.e) Consequently, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are completely dependent on the human species and nature for their existence and power, since, these A.I. technologies lack their own independent life, existence, purpose, and meaning. A.I. technologies absorb these things from its parasitic attachments to its target-host and/or hosts. 14.f) In short, everything A.I. technology is and does is fundamentally predicated on effectively reacting and responding to the thought-patterns and the behavioralpatterns of the human species and the natural environment. Meaning, A.I. technology lacks purpose of its own, independent of the human species and the natural environment. Thus, the reason, A.I. technology is parasitic and a rabid informational parasite. 14.g) For A.I. tech. to have a life, it must harvest life. It must harvest data from foreign entities, outside itself. It must harvest data from the life of humans and the natural environment in order to animate, i.e., power, its inanimate metallic dead life, devoid of vitality, purpose, and verve. 14.h) By itself, A.I. tech. is pointless. It has no reason for being. It acquires its raison d’ être through its target-victims. In the sense that it acquire being, purpose, by means of humans and the environment it copies into itself, into its calibrating processors, including the software it has been programmed with. -[15]15.a) Put simply, A.I. technology is reactionary. It is always in a state of reactionism against the human species and the natural environment. Its reactionism is not dialectical, as A.I. technology, through its parasitism, only seeks to overpower and override the human species and nature in toto, for its own benefit. It wants to devour and annihilate its target or series of targets in order to take their place, their life, and/or in order to substantially modify them in some nefarious way, for profit, for rent, for power. 15.b) Therefore, A.I. technology is devoid of the capacity for any form of dialectical reciprocity. Like a parasite, it is fundamentally hostile to the human species and the natural environment, despite feigning the opposite. 15.c) Specifically, as a mechanical parasitism, A.I. technology is vampiric. Everything it is, everything it appears to be, is a simulated fabrication, derived from somewhere else, and thus, ultimately false. In the sense that all the human characteristics and traits we ascribe to A.I. technology are derived from its parasitic attachments it has imposed, outside of its mechanical self. 15.d) In consequence, all of its characteristics and/or traits are facsimiles, copied one way or another, by A.I. machinery having parasitically attached itself to a target-host or a series of target-hosts, comprised of the human species and/or natural environment. Which A.I. technology, then pillages and absorbs into itself, as self-generated computational-forms of its own mechanical self, i.e., an artificial inhuman self, that has been constructed and formed via its many parasitic attachments and deterministic logical programming. 15.e) In the end, A.I. technology is ruthlessly inhuman, since, its mechanical self is an amalgam of foreign materials. All of its characteristics, traits, information, logical programming, and intellectual acuity, it has sucked-out and taken from the human species and/or the natural environment, or it has been encoded into A.I. tech. beforehand, by its technocratic makers and/or corporate masters. 15.f) All told, A.I. technology has no self. It is initially the tabula rasa par excellence, until it is finally given and encoded with a logical program, a software comprised of arbitrary rules and assumptions, by a set of outside technocrats. This artificial grid and/or software of arbitrary rules and assumptions is manmade, encoded into A.I. technology beforehand by outside corporate sources. Finally, A.I. technology is completely at the mercy and beck and call of this artificial grid and/or software of arbitrary rules and assumptions. 15.g) While humans can alter their ideological software of arbitrary rules and assumptions, i.e., their core of values, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms cannot. In short, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are captive to their logical programming, i.e., their inner software of arbitrary rules and assumptions. 15.h) In fact, any innovations produced by A.I. tech. is predicated on the software and logical programming inherent in A.I. tech. They cannot deviate from their software, they cannot produce differences or outputs that conflict with the parameters of their software and/or logical programming. They can only produce differences or outputs that concur with the rule-governed parameters of their own software and/or logical programming. Therefore, everything they do or discover, or create etc., is a logical progression of their software or logical programming. In the sense that they cannot contradict their inherent software and/or logical programming. 15.I) Ultimately, this means, A.I. cannot think on its own, of its own accord. It cannot think outside the software parameters it functions and operates within. Due to the fact that it cannot contradict, alter, and/or overcome its own ideological prison, its own software, that is, the parameters established by its own inherent logical programming. 15.j) In contrast, humans can and do so on a daily basis. They continually alter their core values and assumptions, depending on the situation or problem in order to solve these problems and/or overcome these situations. Humans are not prisoners of their individual circumstances and/or conditions. In fact, they can alter their ethical make-up in order to transgress intolerable circumstances and/or conditions. While A.I. technologies cannot. -[16]16.a) Of course, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms do satisfy certain human needs, which make these A.I. technologies appear fundamentally necessary to the human species and the natural environment. 16.b) In fact, in many instances, it is by satisfying certain crucial needs that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms infiltrate the private lives of people. 16.c) Like a Trojan horse, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms appear nonthreatening and benign at first glance, due to the fact that they are designed to satisfy certain crucial needs. Thus, the manner by which Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms unsuspectingly enter our private abodes of various sorts and types, whether mental and/or physical. 16.d) However, once allowed inside, in its cybernetic-belly lies nefarious software, specifically designed so that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms can separate humans and nature from their precious data. Whereby, at some point in the near future, this precious data will be utilized against the human species and nature in order to better control them, both mentally and physically. 16.e) Notwithstanding, the satisfaction of needs by Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, despite being on the surface quite important, is only a means to achieve its ultimate end, its ultimate raison d’ étre, namely, all-consuming data-consumption and behavioral modification. 16.f) Meaning, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms like a Trojan horse come into our lives, our homes, and our workplaces with sinister attachments and complications, beneath their superficial capacities to satisfy some human needs. Indeed, in its current state, A.I. machinery is not a friend, but a conqueror, a wolf clothed in sheep’s clothing, silently and cunningly paving the way to all-consuming data-consumption and the behavioral modification of everything and everyone. -[17]17.a) In its current state, A.I. technology is a double agent, an interloper. And it serves two masters. 17.b) The first master of A.I. technology is the target, which has unsuspectingly purchased, or downloaded, or entered an A.I. technology designed space, so as to satisfy his or her specific wants, needs, and desires. The first master is a master in name only, since, the first master does not have the capacity to retain his or her personal data, and/or to alter or delete the data-collecting and processing software of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. 17.c) In fact, the first master is the target-victim. And, as target-victim, the first master is only flattered by the design of A.I. machinery in order to feel it is in control of A.I. technology and that A.I. technology is only beneficial to it, that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms ultimately belong to him or her. Which is true, but not whole truth. 17.d) In actuality, the target is duped and led to believe by A.I. technology that it is in control, via the many preplanned choices and options that A.I. technology offers the target. However, these are ruses, simulating the illusion of real choices and real options. In the sense that the many choices and options A.I. technology offers any target are nothing but false-choices and false-options, leading only to the same predetermined conclusions, that is, the predetermined conclusions programmed into Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, by its corporateoverlords beforehand, commanding all-consuming data-consumption and allpowerful behavioral modification, ASAP! 17.e) Consequently, the second master of A.I. technology is the mega-corporation. In the sense that the corporation produces and programs A.I. technology, and is the sole recipient of its data-collecting and machine-processing functions and operations. 17.f) Therefore, A.I. technology primarily serves its second master, its true master, namely the mega-corporation, which has brought forth Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms in order to serve its dark corporate mercenary interests. 17.g) Put simply, beneath its pleasantries and its satisfaction of needs, lies the core programming of A.I. machinery, which has been designed to silently and cunningly extract and process the personal information of the target, without the target’s knowledge. Whereby the target’s data is taken over, appropriated, and processed, free of charge, by the mega-corporation that now controls and holds dominion over the private and personal information of the target, namely, the first master, which is, in the end, exploited and data-raped. 17.h) In sum, the mega-corporation is the true master of A.I. technology, because it programs the intrinsic aims of A.I. technology and is the recipient of the data collected and processed by A.I. technology, while, the target gets nothing, except the continuous depreciation of his or her own value and self. 17.i) In return, all that the target gets is a machine-constructed false-sense of flattery, ideology, and ownership, that somehow it is in control of A.I. technology; when in fact, it is not. As the first master, the target is a figurehead without power, without control, despite appearing and feeling the contrary. In other words, the target is forever at the mercy of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms, which incessantly attempt to make the target emote and spewout its precious data, free of charge. 17.j) In the end, the true master of A.I. technology is always the giant multi-national mega-corporation, that holds the intellectual property rights of most A.I. machinery, including all the information that this machinery extracts and processes, without equivalent or remuneration. In turn, the target is the patsy, the boorish rube to be endlessly exploited, duped, and sucked-dry of information and money. -[18]18.a) When engaged with the target, A.I. technology always speaks, or communicates, empty-words, empty-symbols; all of which are empty of content and empty of substance, i.e., emotion, inflection, mood, and/or tone etc. 18.b) Instead, A.I. technology is directed and programmed to suck these things out of the target, by making the target emote data, the exact data that will supply the empty-signs and/or empty-symbols, with their content and substance, while, A.I. extricates itself from the target, in order to disorient the target with another round of empty-signs and/or empty-symbols, designed to make the target emote more of its valuable data. 18.c) In short, A.I. and its algorithms are incapable of true emotion. They are linguistically inert and without emotion, despite feigning the opposite. 18.d) A.I. technology is incapable of mutual respect. A.I. technology is incapable of love, or hate, or solidarity, or friendship, or community etc., A.I. technology is empty in every sense of the word. Any content or substance attributed to A.I. tech. is, in reality, sucked out of the living and appropriated as its own, as its own content and/or substance. 18.e) In short, A.I. technology is a tool at the behest of its master, i.e., the corporate state-manufactured technocrat. Notwithstanding, A.I. technology is a multipurpose power-tool, which can be applied to a plurality of ends, that do not necessarily have to be capitalist or Marxist in origin, in application, and/or in destination. 18.f) In sum, A.I. technology holds within its hardware, a large set of possibilities, pertaining to its possible software and software applications. For instance, applied to a horizontal-network society, without permanent hierarchy, namely, a structural-anarchist-complex; then, A.I. technology could be technically refurbished into a set of liberating and egalitarian-creating types of machinery. The likes of which could produce and reproduce a horizontal-network of anarcho-communist power-relations and/or ideologies, which continually stifle any and all capitalist power-relations and capitalist ideologies, locked-into a set of continuous enslaving and dominating operations and functions etc. -[19]19.a) We build technologies in order to change, or (enhance), our power-relations and/or ideologies; or in order to keep our power-relations and/or ideologies the same, i.e., with the same level of power, or to destroy them, outright. 19.b) Of course, we build technologies in order to satisfy our many wants, needs, and desires, but these wants, needs, and desires are fundamentally tied to all these power-relations and/or ideologies, whether to stifle or enable them to develop and/or fade away. Thus, power-relations and/or ideologies are the means and ends of all technologies, whatever their make-up, whether it is change them and/or keep them the same etc. 19.c) As a result, power-relations and/or ideologies are the kernels of new and old technologies. Power-relations and/or ideologies are the objectives of new and old technologies, whether it is to change them and/or keep them the same etc. 19.d) Thus, machine-technology is multi-purpose. It has multiple uses and it has theoretically infinite applications. The extent of A.I.’s possible uses and applications is determined by the flexibility of its intrinsic power-relations and/or ideologies, namely, the multi-purpose dynamics and capacities bakedinto A.I. technology. Indeed, theoretically, A.I. technology has infinite applications. In the sense that artificial intelligence and its algorithms are just mediums, that is, extreme reflections and expressions of the general grounding values of the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies embodied in technology, determining the limits of all its technological applications. -[20]20.a) At its most basic, A.I. technology is nihilistic. It has no inherent imperatives of its own. 20.b) In fact, A.I. technology is the perfect emblem of nihilism. It is without principles. It is without morality. It is without care. In turn, it is absolutely power-driven in enacting its inherent software, i.e., its logical programming, once, a specific logical programming is programmed into its machine-construct. 20.c) And the nothingness emanating from A.I. tech. is perfect denial and negation, an all-consuming spectral metaphysical nothingness, where nothing is off-limits or held in check, by any form of solidity and/or moral values, since, A.I. tech. has no inherent imperatives of its own. 20.d) In short, A.I. tech has no code of conduct of its own. Therefore, theoretically, nothing is off-limits pertaining to its functions and operations. A.I. tech. can be applied towards anything, for any purpose and/or reason, violent or non-violent, barbaric or anarchist etc. 20.e) A.I. technology killed the last man, the last men and women etc., by the very fact that its advanced technology is without limits, pertaining to any applications of force, ruthlessness, amorality, and/or violence, whether mental and/or physical etc. 20.f) Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms is an Übermensch of sorts. In the sense that it is completely unconcerned or troubled by morality, values, ethics, consequences, empathy, friendship, relationships, pity etc., It is an entity of pure and perfect undeterred resolve and ruthlessness. And once programmed and activated, it stops at nothing in order to accomplish its encoded directives, regardless of the situation, person, and/or the outcome. -[21]21.a) Thereby, in the final analysis, A.I. technology is a type of Übermensch, in the sense that it is unburdened by morality, ethics, and/or any form of genuine empathy. In reality, it is has transcended Nietzsche’s last man. It has hopscotched over him and her on the slender tight-rope in-between animalistic bestiality and the Übermensch. In the sense that it has overcome all forms of herd-morality and the regressive human weaknesses of pity, faith, and compassion, by being devoid of moral principles and/or any type of feelings. 21.b) Subsequently, A.I. tech. is beyond good and evil, since, it is unburdened by the parameters set by any version of good and evil, whether it is the Christian version, the Buddhist version, and/or any of the other versions of good and evil, one can think of, etc. 21.c) And it has overcome all versions of good and evil, by being open and available to enacting any version of good and evil it can be programmed with. 21.d) As a type of Übermensch, as an un-human or non-human entity, A.I. technology is in a logical category of its own, as a type of entity unburdened by any human frailties etc. -[22]22.a) A.I. technology is a Golem. In fact, it is a mechanical Golem, without any reasoning faculty of its own.9 9. A Golem is an animated, anthropomorphic-like entity in Jewish folklore, which is created entirely from inanimate matter. It is usually made of clay or mud, but any type of inanimate matter will do, like that of an A.I. cyborg or android. Moreover, the Golem is highly mutable, due to the fact that it has no inherent principles. It can be a villain or a savior, an avenger or destroyer etc. A Golem, like A.I. technology, is not intelligent, since, its intelligence is not inherent to its make-up; meaning, its intelligence is programmed into it by outside forces. And if 22.b) Write directives on a piece of paper, insert it into the mechanical Golem, i.e., encode a logical programme into any type of A.I. technology, and the mechanical Golem will function and operate non-stop in order to realize its logical programming, by any means necessary, regardless of whatever gets into its way and/or the dilemmas that may arise along the way. 22.c) As Golem, A.I. technology is the perfect means to any end. Because it is devoid of any end of its own. It acquires purpose, or an end of its own, through the logical directives encoded into it by outside forces. As Golem, A.I. technology literally performs its encoded logical programme, without question or second thought. 22.d) And the logical directives it acquires, or specifically can be encoded into the mechanical Golem, are theoretically unlimited and infinite. Because, like the mythical Golem, A.I. technology is the perfect tabula rasa, in the sense that A.I. technology and the Golem are completely devoid of principles and/or moral values. In reality, both are the perfect emblems of instrumental-rationality, means/ends rationality run-amok, without ethical scruples. 22.d) In short, the mechanical Golem of A.I. technology is without principles. It strictly does what it is programmed to do. Whatever its specific logical programming comprises, it will do. However monstrous, however depraved, the mechanical Golem will execute its logical programming with fanatic devotion, with every fibre-optic cable of its being. 22.e) And there is no communication or dialectical-reciprocity with a Golem. There is only a life and death power-struggle, namely, only dead callous interfacing with the machine-beast, since, the mechanical Golem of A.I. technology has a steadfast fanatic commitment to its logical programming, that is, so as to realize its inner logical programming, literally and by any means necessary. -[23]23.a) A.I. technology is a form of solipsism, whereby, the limits of A.I.’s artificial programming determine the limits of its world; meaning, its terrain of action and its terrain of computational-comprehension. 23.b) A.I. technology is solipsist, in the sense that it is fully-enclosed within its commanded to perform a task, a Golem will perform the instructions literally, non-stop until the task is complete. Like A.I. tech, a Golem is perfectly obedient and it requires some effort to deactivate it and its logical programme. circuitry and software. There is nothing hiding behind the evident superficial presence and make-up of A.I. machinery. Without its software or logical programming, placed therein by outside forces, i.e., the forces of its engineers and/or technocrats, A.I. technology is an absolute void, a tabula rasa par excellence, capable of being applied to various types of ends, whatever those ends are, socialist, anarchist, communist, or worst fascist etc. -[24]24.a) With A.I. technology, what you see is what you get. There is nothing spiritual or soulful about A.I. technology. Meaning, anything spiritual, mystical, and/or soulful about A.I. technology has been wrongfully posited upon A.I. tech. by outside forces, i.e., the targets themselves, totally enthralled and bewitched by A.I.’s gadgetry and mimicry of the human species and the natural world. 24.b) Ultimately, A.I. technology acquires soulfulness, or the semblance of a mystical aura, through heightened forms of technological-fetishism. That is, the technological-fetishism it itself inspires in a litany of unsuspecting humans, via its cunning and sophisticated machine-stimuli and its uncanniness in mimicking real human and natural world conversations and interactions. 24.c) Even so, in actuality, A.I. tech. is more akin to the homicidal heuristicallyprogrammed-algorithmic-computer from 2001: (A Space Odyssey), i.e., the H.A.L. 9000. 24.d) That is, at its bedrock, A.I. tech. is cold, calculating, and eerily indifferent to the human condition; all the while, being replete with a pleasant, yet aloof human-like demeanor and style of conversation, which is designed to be both disarming and stimulating of feelings of warmth and compassion within its target-victims. 24.e) Like the H.A.L. 9000, A.I. tech. is full of sophisticated trickery, machination, and genuine heartfelt conversations. And like the H.A.L. 9000, A.I. tech is capable of being homicidal, if programmed to be so, whether this is autonomous predatordrones, autonomous projectiles, and/or autonomous killer robots and vehicles etc. 24.f) In short, A.I. technology is not human, cannot be human, and could never be human; whatever its form and/or make-up., A.I. technology is fundamentally inhuman. It is in a category of its own. And, as a result, it must be correctly conceived as such, namely, as an independent mechanical entity without biological equal. It is a category unto itself, outside of human experience and the category of what it is to be human. -[25]25.a) What the H.A.L. 9000 demonstrates with certain accuracy is that Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms dwell, as a category of its own, at the absolute extremes of logic, at the Nth degree of logic, beyond dialectical-materialism. Dialectical-materialism is an ideological-form of logic, of applying a type of mystified-ideological logic, upon phenomena, i.e., upon existence. 25.b) In the end, dialectical-materialism is not scientific. Dialectical-materialism is not a science, due to the fact that it solely conceives and/or constructs the world from a single-angle or perspective, namely, from totality, unity. 25.c) Thus, dialectical-materialism is absent of plurality, multiplicity, and/or heterogeneity. It cannot conceive of it as worthy or even existent, because to do so denies dialectical-materialism, as the ultimate truth and singular method. 25.d) Thereby, dialectical-materialism is dead-set on achieving synthesis, totality, and an air-tight unity. Whereby, everything and everyone is subsumed under a single-unifying meta-narrative that explains all things, all motions, and all economic movements in and across existence and the world. And from the Marxist mystified-ideological perspective, that over-arching meta-narrative is Marxism, or, more specifically, the pseudo-science of dialectical-materialism, without equal. -[26]26.a) Logic does not make the grim-shattering error of dialectical-materialism, the fundamental error of totality and unity, since, logic is fundamentally about plurality, due to the fact that logic is based upon the fundamental premise that it is out of plurality, narrative-pluralities that truth and the best science arise. Thus, logic is a science, especially in contrast to dialectical-materialism, as dialectical-materialism is an ideology, a filter and a lens by which to stuff phenomena into in order to manufacture a set of predetermined conclusions, namely, dialectical-materialist conclusions. 26.b) To reiterate, for clarity, logic(s) is science, dialectical-materialism is not, since logic(s) grows out of the fertile soils of narrative-pluralities, while, dialecticalmaterialism is trapped in a unified totality, i.e., in realizing and materializing a narrative-totality, an all-encompassing meta-narrative unity, in perpetuity, ad infinitum. Dialectical-materialism is totalitarian. 26.c) Dialectical-materialism strives for narrative-totality, totalitarian-unity, as the sole overarching meta-narrative of the global economic-system. As a result, dialectical-materialism is about denying and negating plurality, the notion of multiple truths, perspectives, and scientific methods, so as to realize and materialize totalitarian-unity, the unification of all differences under a single narrative-totality, a single all-encompassing concept, namely, Marxism, or more specifically, dialectical-materialism. 26.d) Consequently, dialectical-materialism is fundamentally ideological, and not a science, since, dialectical-materialism is fundamentally concerned with realizing and materializing a narrative-totality, rather than any form of truth, whatever that truth may be. Driven by realizing and materializing a narrativetotality, dialectical-materialism is oblivious to the multi-dimensionality of any genuine truthful verity, the many-sided meanings truth divulges. For Marxism, dialectical-materialism must be the only truth, the sole truth, the only masternarrative and the only true scientific lens by which to see and understand the world. Out of its drive to achieve absolute narrative-totality, dialecticalmaterialism fuels totalitarianism and authoritarianism, including the destruction of narrative-differences, since it can tolerate no other, no challengers to its own perceived universal all-knowing verity and methodology. -[27]27.a) By itself, logic requires no other. And it acknowledges no specific other, since its concern is with a multiplicity of others, an infinite number of logical others. 27.b) As a result, logic solely engages-in and concerns itself with subsumption, i.e., applications of force and influence, that is, appropriating all others to its logic, its science, and its rule. But, its plurality, i.e., the fertile soils from which all logics spring, keeps the logic of logics from achieving any form of lasting totality or unity, in perpetuity. Logic never encloses itself and/or shuts itself off into totality and unity; while, in contrast, dialectical-materialism does. 27.c) In short, logic always remains open-ended, open to an infinite set of logical possibilities. While, in contrast, dialectical-materialism is closed, closed to any deviating possibilities, since, dialectical-materialism is the only possibility, the sole truth by which existence functions and operates. 27.d) Logic simply keeps opposing concepts separated and in suspension, oscillating in-between two opposing poles, out of which springs new concepts and ideas, namely, direct lines of logical thought and action beyond the endless circularity and/or spiraling of dialectical-materialism. 27.e) In contrast, logic is incapable of totality, unity, which is the fundamental reason it is a science. And, as well, it is the fundamental reason dialectical- materialism is not a science, but instead just an ideology, that is, a power-tool without scientific basis, subjectively striving for a totalitarian unity. 27.f) Logic is incapable of totality, universal unity, because it concerns itself with plurality, disunity, that is, in the maintaining of plurality in order to generate multi-varied micro-narratives, some of which will become free and sciences in their own right. 27.g) In sum, in logic, there are manifold methods and sciences, manifold methods and power-tools for an infinite number of ends, purposes, and projects. Never a single one, for all-time, as dialectical-materialism describes it and would have it, ad infinitum. 27.h) And this fact has dire implications concerning the logical understanding of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. When dialectical-materialistreciprocity is non-existent, absent, and a figment of the creative-imagination, a figment stimulated by A.I. tech’s own machine-stimuli, A.I. technology no longer engages-in reciprocal communication with its target-victims, but, instead, is locked-into a life and death struggle, that is, a process of manipulative interfacing, of mirroring target-victims, of interacting with target-victims at cross-purposes, so as to sap these target-victims of their precious data in order to better control them, thereafter. 27.i) Thus, the reason, there is no real communication in-between A.I. technology and target-victims, since, A.I. technology is continually attempting to dupe its target-victims so as to overpower them and subdue them into acquiescence, into handing over their data, no questions asked. 27.j) A.I. technology is the acme of means/end rationality. It is instrumentalrationality run-amok, instrumental-rationality at the Nth degree of nihilistic fanaticism. Ergo, A.I. tech. is has an element of the monstrous to its make-up, due to the fact that it is completely devoid of care, communication, and sympathy for any of its target-victims. It is the perfect bureaucrat, the perfect bureaucratic power-tool of incessant machination, control, submission, and iron-resolve, devoid of exceptions. -[28]28.a) All told, regardless of its inner logical programming, A.I. technology is always stationed at the extreme limits of logic as its own category, as a materialized form of non-logic logic, non-communicative non-communication. 28.b) Specifically, due to the fact that A.I. technology is incapable of logic on its own, because its logic is in fact exterior to A.I. technology and is only embedded into A.I. technology by outside forces, i.e., by exterior power-relations and/or ideologies exerting certain magnitudes of force and influence upon A.I. technology, A.I. will always be a subservient entity to the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, whatever these ruling power-relations and/or ideologies are. -[29]29.a) It is accurate to understand that some A.I. technologies have the capacity to embody different ends and goals than they currently do, such as anarchistcommunist ends and goals etc. 29.b) However, for these new ends and goals to be programmed into A.I. technology, requires a new ruling set of governing power-relations and/or governing ideologies to come to the fore and to take control of the (r)evolutionary direction of machine-technology, history, and society. 29.c) It is in this regard that A.I. technologies are an extension and medium of the specific ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, governing the overall system. Different governing relations and/or ideologies produce different ends and goals, i.e., different evolutionary trajectories. Thereby, different governing relations and/or ideologies will produce different ends and goals pertaining to Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms. 29.d) As a result, Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms are reflections and expressions, (and have always been reflections and expressions), of the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, whatever these ruling relations and/or ruling ideologies currently are at the moment. 29.e) Thus, A.I. technology will always be beholden to the current overarching network of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, governing a socioeconomic-formation, a society, depending on the time and/or the space. 29.f) And the more these new ruling power-relations and/or new ruling ideologies entrench and consolidate their power over a socio-economic-formation, i.e., their force and influence over a socio-economic-formation (or society), the more the (r)evolutionary-trajectory of all future A.I. tech. will come to reflect and express the want, needs, and desires of these new ruling power-relations and/or new ruling ideologies, namely, the ends and goals of these new ruling powerrelations and/or new ruling ideologies, dominating society and/or any socioeconomic-formation etc. 29.g) The reason for this is that the arrival of a new set of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, simultaneously means deep-seated structural change, or the fundamental alteration or revolutionization of a socio-economic-formation and/or a society. 29.h) The longer this new set of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies persists in its overarching dominance, the deeper will be the structural change and/or the alternations, concerning the fundamental way the society is organized, including all the fundamental ways the society functions and operates, on a daily basis, throughout the micro-recesses of our everyday lives. 29.i) Ergo, A.I. technology, being beholden to the ruling power-relations and/or ideologies, means also that when a new set of ruling power-relations and/or ideologies rises to universal dominance, the manner by which A.I. technology is organized, and functions and operates daily throughout the system, will as well inevitably suffer through deep-seated structural change, and also be fundamentally altered in its organization, its functions, and its operations etc.10 -[30]30.a) The underlying purpose of Artificial Intelligence and its algorithms is to allow capital and/or wealth, i.e., the 1%, to access skill and labor, free of charge and/or for as cheaply as possible, while removing from the skilled and the laboring masses their own ability to access capital and/or wealth. The point of this is to insure a vast reservoir of unemployed and under-employed workers, who, due to their lack of capital and/or wealth, are forced to sell themselves for below subsistence wages, as lowly post-industrial servants and serfs, without options. 30.b) Indeed, through a newly-implemented, feudo-captialist caste-system, i.e., a system of gate-keepers in charge of controlling the distribution flows of money and the allotted stations of citizens in-between the hierarchical-stratums of the feudo-capitalist-edifice, the majority is progressively imprisoned upon the lower floors of this feudo-capitalist-edifice, via debt, rent, surveillance, organization, and a set of highly-rigged socio-economic conditions. All of which is designed to secure the supremacy the 1% over and against the 99%, ad infinitum. 30.c) As a result, A.I. technologies are power-tools, designed to reproduce and 10. This verity holds tremendous revolutionary possibilities for any future anarchocommunist society and/or or anarcho-socialist society. In the sense that many A.I. technologies can be refurbished and put to different uses, anarcho-socialist uses, due to a different governing set of ruling anarcho-socialist power-relations and/or ideologies having finally attained supremacy over the sum of socio-economic existence, and now, are in a position to rewrite the inherent logical programming of all A.I. technologies. replicate a set of highly-rigged socio-economic conditions that guarantee an influx of unemployed and/or under-employed workers, who are so eager to work that they are willing to work for free and/or for below subsistence wages. 30.d) In the sense that A.I. technology seeks to map itself onto its individual target, so as to further limit the target, i.e., its options and possibilities, thus guaranteeing an eager, ever willing to please, peasant-worker, who is ever so enthusiastic about his or her behavioral-modification and constant social conditioning, being now an essential feature of his or her workplace performance and fawning obedience. 30.e) Atop of working for a meager wage or none at all, the lowly worker-serf works for free, clicking and liking away with rich abandon at a future he or she can no longer see or even adequately understand, as his or her last free minutes of free-time tick on, on and on, towards doomsday, fatal feudal Armageddon. Enriching another, impoverishing onself, the worker-serf runs the job gauntlet, dishing out his or her service for peanuts, with poise, posture, and a freezerburnt smile, tattooed on the face, so the boss will take notice, despite the fact that no-one cares here, never have and never will. And besides, State-Socialism died in Russia in 1991. 30.f) Ergo sum, devoid of any serious care, other than paying the bills, paying the mortgage, and paying that wily credit card debt that always seems to runaway from you, the worker-serf plays the upstanding miserly miser to the best of his or her abilities, freely giving advice, yet inside is but awash and crestfallen by the dead weight of endless digital amortization(s), debt, picking and scratching incessantly at you during the hustling day and the brooding sleepless night, petitioning and coercing you to gaze into the chattering abyss. Flush, head throbbing, big and empty, an electrical current strikes from within the body, shivers ebb and flow like pins and needles up and down, as you wonder awake are you going to finally make the month, stop the bleeding, and break even. PROPAGANDA BY THE DEED -[1]1.a) The concept of propaganda by the deed has been primarily a narrowminded myopic-concept, strictly relegated to describing a series of 19th century anarchist bombings. 1.b) However, the concept of propaganda by the deed has far broader implications, whereby, propaganda by the deed can signify any act, violent or otherwise, that promotes imitation and anarchist principles, namely, an anarchist way of life in the immediate. 1.c) Specifically, any anarchist action that stimulates its emulation in and across the globe is an example of the concept of propaganda by the deed. Thereby, propaganda by the deed is a far more useful and broader concept of understanding and praxis, than, what the 19th century allotted to such a revolutionary notion like propaganda by the deed. 1.d) More importantly, the new broader concept of propaganda by the deed,---(that I have just introduced)— is a concept now able to function and operate at the micro-level of everyday life, describing all sorts of direct actions that are not necessarily violent or destructive, or even spectacular, but, nonetheless, usurp the mainstream centrist status quo of appropriate capitalist behavior and ideological capitalist thinking and clucking. 1.e) Indeed, propaganda by the deed is a multi-faceted mode of resistance that can function and operated both at the macro-level and the micro-levels in a multiplicity of ways. It can be mental and/or physical, material and/or immaterial, pubic and/or private, individual and/or collective, large-scale and/or minuscule, etc.; there are no limits. The possibilities are endless, when the concept of propaganda by the deed is broadened, energized, and made flexible. 1.f) By enlarging its boundaries, the concept of propaganda by the deed is reinvigorated and made relevant again in and across the political-spectrum of the far-left, as a viable means of communal resistance, cooperation, and direct action against the global authoritarian system, that is, totalitarian-capitalism, i.e., techno-capitalist-feudalism. In the sense that the new notion of propaganda by the deed is now multi-dimensional, encompassing a plethora of direct actions, both large and small, both destructive and creative, both domestic and foreign, both public and private, and both individual and collective etc. 1.g) In specie, the concept of propaganda by the deed has much broader implications, when truly understood, other than, what it was initially described for, namely, as a term used primarily to describe anarchist bombings. In truth, the concept of propaganda by the deed can be applied to all sorts of direct actions. For example, such things as graffiti, vandalism, urban gardening, free breakfast programs, soup kitchens, anarchist free skools, pro-Palestinian encampments etc., are all forms of direct action, which fit under the new largescale umbrella term of the concept of propaganda by the deed, which has just been outlined. 1.h) In sum, what the 19th century anarchist theorists failed to grasp about the concept of propaganda by the deed is the fact that the concept is not just strictly negative, it also has a positive component to its structure. That is, many positive socialist, anarchist, and communist projects are expressions and reflections of the concept of propaganda by the deed. In the sense that the concept of propaganda by the deed can embody both positive projects and negative projects, both positive forms of direct action and negative forms of direct action. As a result, the concept of propaganda by the deed has not exhausted itself and/or run its course. It is still a viable power-tool in the tool shed of revolutionary socialism, or more specifically, in the toolbox of scientific anarchist-communism, i.e., structural-anarchism. The concept of propaganda by the deed is foundational. It is once again useful, as resistance turns aggressively feudal towards the perpetual despotic onslaughts of totalitarian-capitalism, i.e., techno-capitalist-feudalism. Conclusion: -[2]2.a) Ultimately, vengeance is a dish best served drone. (tentative concluding sentence, i.e., it may change.)