Human Resource Management & Psychology| 2019
Fadillah Ismail1, Adnan Ali Hassan al Hosaini2,Chan Shiau
Wei3, Rumaizah Ruslan4, Khadijah Maulad Bahrol5
Faculty of Technology Management and Business,
University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
[email protected]
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“Artificial intelligence” is a synthetic term which – due to its
suggestive potential – has caused many misunderstandings and false
expectations. Its origin can be traced back to the year 1956. This year
was important in many aspects. For example, the book “Automata
Studies” came out, compiling now famous articles in the field of
cybernetics (Shannon & McCarthy, 1956). Since the first appearance
of the words “artificial intelligence”, usually associated with John
McCarthy’s 1956 Dartmouth Summer Research Project, interest in the
topic and research into the development of intelligent machines has
seen several ups and downs.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an important technology that supports
daily social life and economic activities. It contributes greatly to the
sustainable growth of Japan’s economy and solves various social
problems (Lu, Li, Chen, Kim, Serikawa, 2018). Artificial intelligence
refers to the ability of a computer or a computer-enabled robotic
system to process information and produce outcomes in a manner
similar to the thought process of humans in learning, decision making
and solving problems (Intelligence, 2017). By extension, the goal of
AI systems is to develop systems capable of tacking complex
problems in ways similar to human logic and reasoning.
ISBN 978-967-2306-31-3 | 2019
Besides that, according to Shukla Shubhendu & Vijay (2013), artificial
intelligence is the study of thoughts that convey into being machines
that react to incitement predictable with conventional reactions from
people, given the human limit with respect to examination, judgment
and expectation. Each such machine ought to take part in basic
evaluation and determination of contrasting suppositions inside itself.
Delivered by human expertise and work, these machines should act in
concurrence with life, soul and sensitivity, however as a general rule,
they are impersonations. AI replaces labor in tasks that it used to
perform. This displacement effect tends to reduce the demand for
labor and wages. But it is counteracted by a productivity effect,
resulting from the cost savings generated by automation, which
increase the demand for labor in non-automated tasks (Acemoglu
& Restrepo, 2018).
In certain books and writers likewise expound on AI that the
expression "artificial intelligence" is characterized as frameworks that
consolidate modern equipment and programming with expand
databases and learning based handling models to show qualities of
effective human decision making. The criteria for artificial systems
incorporate the accompanying:
Functional: the system must be equipped for playing out the
capacity for which it has been structured;
Able to manufacture: the system must be equipped for being
made by existing producing forms;
Design able: the structure of the system must be conceivable
by originators working in their social setting; and
Marketable: the system must be seen to work well for some
reason enough, when contrasted with contending approaches,
to warrant its structure and manufacture.
Artificial intelligence significantly diminishes or takes out the hazard
to people in numerous applications. Powerful artificial intelligence
reasoning programming serves to completely build up the high
accuracy machine abilities of robots, regularly liberating them from
direct human control and boundlessly improving their efficiency. At
the point when a robot cooperates with a luxuriously populated and
variable world, it utilizes it faculties to assemble information and
afterward contrast the sources of info and desires that are imbed in its
reality display. Along these lines, the adequacy of the robot is
Human Resource Management & Psychology| 2019
constrained by the precision to which its programming models this
present reality.
Artificial intelligence also has a lot of importance in business. It is
mostly used in the area of logistics by shipping companies to ensure
they have the ability to move various cargo they are dealing with in
the most appropriate fashion. Through the proper installation of a
computer system, it can direct and monitor the movement of thousands
of cargoes in various parts of the world, to the point that they have the
ability to reach the desired destination in time and make the particular
company involved in such a case quite competitive. An example of
such companies is the Port Botany container terminal found in
Sydney, Australia (Modgil & Prakken, 2013). What the system puts in
place can monitor various cargo that moves around to different
destinations to ensure they have the ability to meet the needs of the
different clients who could be in need of their products. The process
aids in the proper movement of such products quite efficiently, given
the fact that any problems that may be identified in the same could be
dealt with in a way that would help ensure success. Through the use of
artificial intelligence, logistics and shipping companies have the
ability to identify any mishaps that could have happened in the supply
chain for the purpose of increasing the chances of the best outcomes
on some of the actions they would have put in place to achieve
The finance and banking industry also make use of artificial
intelligence to ensure they have the ability to monitor various activities
that take place. Through the process, they can assess the different
issues to make sure that suspicious acts such as fraud do not take
place. Systems put in place are bound to look for the various
malpractices that individuals could be involved in and obliged to bring
in some problems about different forms of losses that companies could
make at the end (Nadimpalli, 2017). Through the given case, there is a
chance that they can help reduce the possibility of losses that the
institutions could make. The process also contributes to strengthening
the case of trading to ensure it goes on in a manner that would be
desirable in the case of increasing the chances of better outcomes,
about the different activities with which they are involved. Through
such an action, the industry is also able to retain some level of sanity
through ensuring other sectors that depend on finance are not put at
ISBN 978-967-2306-31-3 | 2019
risk. The various amounts of money that investors could have brought
in place could be used in the most desirable manner, in the case of
ensuring that they do not predispose them to additional losses that
would otherwise be handled for the general success of other industries.
Artificial intelligence has also been of great benefit about
standardization. As customer awareness becomes more enhanced in
various parts of the world, the need for the increase in the quality of
products given out by different companies has also been of the
essence. Through the particular case, companies have become obliged
to ensure the various goods and products they put in place have the
ability to attract and even retain many customers. One of the best
methods that companies have had to rely on is the case of ensuring
they have the potential to provide goods that are standardized (Jones,
2008). Through the process, they have a high possibility to retain the
very element of success on having some level of consistency with the
different products they put out on the market. Such an action is quite
imperative as it increases the chances of the best outcomes of having
products that meet the various quality dimensions put into place for
the purpose of having benefits to customers. Companies, therefore,
make use of artificial intelligence to increase the level of
standardization they carry out on their products for the case of
improving the chances of having the best outcomes.
Artificial intelligence has also been put into use in areas that would be
of great harm to human life. The case, therefore, ensures that
companies have the ability to protect the lives of different people who
work for them through the process of substituting human subjects with
artificial intelligence (Dreyfus, 1992). One of the areas in which such
a case is applied is in the mining industry. Some of the underground
mines are usually quite dangerous for human subjects. In such a case,
mining companies have been able to create vehicles and machines that
can operate underground without being manned by people. In the
event of any accidents such as the collapse of the walls of the mines,
the different equipment used in the process of mining could be
damaged, but the general lives of different people involved in the
activities could be well-preserved.
Some mining companies combine the use of both human and artificial
intelligence for the purpose of attaining the kind of outcomes that
would be desirable towards having the best outcomes as they relate to
protecting the general lives of various individuals who regularly work
in the mining industry (Hovy, Navigli & Ponzetto, 2013). The use of
such systems is also critical as it helps to assess the general situation
found in the inner parts of the world. Through the given case, they can
Human Resource Management & Psychology| 2019
clearly identify some of the problems that could be associated with the
inner parts of the ground for the purpose of increasing the chances for
the best outcomes. The process also has a chance of showing some of
the actions that the company could do to provide safe strategies for
different employees who work in the mines, with a view to reducing
the chances of harm.
In spite of enthusiastic interest regarding the AI revolution in policy
circles, there is a lag in the economic research of AI and robotics.
Currently, there are two types of studies on this subject: 1) theoretical
arguments from the viewpoint of growth theory and 2) inferences from
past innovations voiced by labour economists. In the field of growth
theory, the “singularity” hypothesis has been widely discussed.
According to a standard endogenous growth model, if AI and robots
increasingly replace labour, then capital share will rise, and the
economic growth rate will accelerate. If AI and robots were to
completely replace labour, growth rates would explode (Fernald &
Jones, 2014). However, using economic growth theory and available
data, Nordhaus (2015) conducted several calculations whether we are
rapidly approaching to singularity and concluded that we will not
reach this point in the near future.
In the field of labour economics, substitution of human labour by AI
and robots is hotly discussed. Although this discussion is a natural
extension of numerous studies on the relationship between ICT and
labour, the estimation by Frey & Osborne (2013) on the number of
jobs at risk to be replaced by future computerization, including
advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Mobile Robotics (MR) has
attracted the attention of media and policy practitioners to this issue.
According to Frey & Osborne (2013), roughly 47 percent of the total
US employment is at risk for computerization. However, according to
Autor (2015), automation and technological progress has not led to the
obsolescence of human labour. In fact, automation and labour are
highly complementary, particularly for employees that are adaptable,
creative, and solutions-oriented. Based on the historical lessons
learned since the Industrial Revolution, Mokyr, Vickers, & Ziebarth
(2015) argues that computers and robots will create new products and
services and that these product innovations will result in unimaginable
new occupations.
ISBN 978-967-2306-31-3 | 2019
Without venturing into the limit less territory of specialized
determinations, recorded beneath are bits of knowledge into the
upsides and downsides of man-made brainpower. Like everything else
in reality, man-made consciousness accompanies it’s very a lot of
points of interest and drawbacks. Its preferences influence its
benefactors to swear by it, and its weaknesses help the cynic get
progressively vocal about their contentions.
The influence of AI over the market has eventually enhanced and the
pattern is going to be increasing in the next few years (Dasoriyaa,
Rajpopat, Jamar & Maurya (2018). The relentless and repetitive errand
is getting supplanted by occupation replication utilizing mechanized
robots and machines (Anon, 2017). It has made the specialists work
progressively agreeable and quicker as the electronic wellbeing reports
will be used. It helps in giving prior determination. It diminishes the
expense. Indeed, the medical procedure should be possible with the
guide of robots. In the event that it is finished with robots, at that point
more exactness and shorter medical clinic stays can be accomplished.
Radio Surgery can be used to work the tumours (Kumar, Kharkwal,
Kohli, & Choudhary, 2016). Fraud Detection should be possible in
banks which can guarantee security. Face identification can be utilized
in cameras when the banks are shut, and at whatever point it
distinguishes any individual, it will send a notice to the administrator,
ring the caution or call the police. Space investigation should be
possible utilizing wise robots. They are fit for existing in the
threatening condition of the space. So it won't be an issue for bots to
make due in the territory for a considerable length of time which isn't
same in the instance of people. While playing a PC diversion, we are
managing brilliant bots which are pre-customized for every one of the
moves. Numerous such sets are accessible in the market where the
arrangements are predefined as per the conditions. Emotional
suppositions are missing in the bots which give them an edge over
people. This causes them to think intelligently and settle on choices
judiciously. They can be utilized for doing hazardous errands by
modifying different parameters including time and speed. It can help
them to act rapidly which isn't for the situation of people. With the
assistance of AI, it is feasible for an understudy who is sick to go to
the class basically.
Human Resource Management & Psychology| 2019
Artificial Intelligence is limiting the human efforts and is trying to
diminish the human intercession to immaterial. This would remove the
occupations and would lead to joblessness which is certainly not
something to be thankful for. Most of the things are computerized.
Like the one in the PC diversion. By playing it for quite a while, we
can make sense of the deficiencies in the diversion and play the
amusement in like manner. This mechanized framework, for the
present, is restricted to the gaming framework. Samsung in the coming
cell phone arrangement thought of an iris scanner highlight. It
distinguishes the iris of the client and at that point opens the telephone.
Numerous programmers utilized a hack for it as well. They snapped a
photo of the individual from a separation of 5 meters and afterward
made a print of it on a plastic covered sheet and voila, the telephone
got opened. Along these lines, this is the ticket finding a hack
automatically can harm the security concern. This hacking can be a
security issue; be that as it may, the cell phone was not sufficiently
brilliant to recognize between an individual and a plastic-covered
sheet. This leads to a downside in the field of AI. In this world, the
necessities are evolving constantly and to adapt up to this changes; the
software engineers should be refreshed with the innovation. This
overhaul would include high upkeep and fix cost. Many individuals
think about knowledge as nature's blessing. They imagine that it isn't
right and ought not to be utilized or introduced in a machine to make it
fill in as we need for our advantage. When people will in general do
work, they make sense of the little traps and increase some
involvement while working which is not in the situation of bots or
robotized machines. They are simply made to take a shot at their own
without adapting any new abilities. While performing medical
procedure, human's feelings are included up to a little degree.
However, when machines convey out their capacities, no assessments
are appended. They do not know the morals and different ideals of this
present reality which may end up being a hindrance. Elon Musk, prime
supporter and CEO of Tesla Inc., is known for his cutting edge vision
(Dowd, 2017). He conceives that Artificial Insight ought to scare us
since it might prompt the obliteration of humankind and can be unsafe
to the people in the coming time. He even looks at the Man-made
consciousness to Apocalypse. Many actualities that are given by the
artificial insight frameworks probably won't be correct (Hulburt,
2017). In this way, it isn't conceivable to be solid on every one of the
focuses that are referenced by the System.
ISBN 978-967-2306-31-3 | 2019
The field of artificial intelligence is genuinely a captivating one. In the
same way as other new advances, AI is changing our lives each day. It
is very conceivable that the not so distant future will convey keen
machines to make life increasingly helpful and agreeable for us all.
Albeit some may contend something else, there is no compelling
reason to fear man-made reasoning. Like every single other machine,
AI machines do what human software engineers instruct them to do.
There is, in any case, a need to comprehend AI, for it is through
understanding that we can make the AI innovation generally helpful.
While master frameworks can be very useful to people, there are
undertakings that present master frameworks basically can't achieve.
To come back to our past precedent, the spell checking utility can
check mechanics of an article.
In any case, it can't check extremely vital parts of an article, for
example, substance and rationale. Along these lines, it is just an
imperceptibly accommodating editor. It would be a significantly more
equipped editor in the event that it could distinguish intelligent
weaknesses, etc. To do as such, a specialist framework must probably
make psychological associations between items. Simulated
intelligence simply completed with its time of early stages. It has
repercussions that yet stay obscure to everybody. The exertion and
research can bring the astonishing advancements. There are
additionally results which can't be anticipated when the PC starts to
have a problem solving attitude. A PC can be utilized in various ways
relying upon the client's needs.
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