Fabric of Common Descent

2019, Fabric of Common Descent

A short visual concerning common descent and destiny.

Fabric of Common Descent A Short Visual Essay by J. Waring Rago 2019 (video duration 02:30) References: Fabric​:​ the basic structure of something. Of:​ indicating origin and a point of reckoning. Common:​ relating to a community at large. Descent:​ derived from an (our common) ancestor. We are​:​ sum(of)us (Latin word). But​:​ m ​ erely. A small part:​ ​a minor role in a theatrical performance Of all:​ first or last. That:​ the person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation. Which:​ b ​ ecause it has an antecedent. Blind destiny:​ “Blind to all fault, destiny can be ruthless at one's slightest distraction.” Also: “​ Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” ― ​Albert Einstein Might:​ to say that something is possible. Produce:​ to offer to view or notice; t​ o give birth or rise to.