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What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
فلسفة تسخير، بنيان اعتقادي اين گروه آيين ها را تشكيل مي دهد؛ زار، نوبان، مشايخ و ليوا چه از نظر صوري و چه ماهوري، پيوندهاي واضحي با ايين دشمن دارند. در عين حال، مظاهر و مفاهيم اسلامي به صورت كلمات مقدس و انواع تظاهرات ديگر، همچون پرچم هاي... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyEthnomusicology
Background & Objectives: Bioanthropological research must be built upon a foundation of accurate age and sex estimates. Age and sex estimation from dental radiographs is a non-destructive, simple method to obtain information. The... more
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      RadiologyBiological AnthropologyForensic AnthropologyForensic Science
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher,... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropological LinguisticsHistorical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
Malighetti R. 2008,  Clifford Geertz: la scienza dell’azione simbolica, in V. Matera (a cura), Discorsi sugli uomini,  2008, Utet, Torino , pp. 133-149.
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyEpistemology (Anthropology)Anthroplogy
The broad and growing interest in the phenomenon of collapse is quite understandable today. The world is becoming more and more unstable and unpredictable: economic markets are sensitive to minute factors that are unforeseeable, the value... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryArchaeologyPolitical Economy
موسيقي در بلوچستان بخش جدايي ناپذير زندگي مردم بلوچ است . از تولد تا مرگ، از اندوه تا شادي و درمان بيماري هاي جسمي و رواني و ... نفوذ و تاثير متقابل فرهنگ هاي بلوچي و هندي باعث شده است كه طي چند قرن اخير موسيقي بلوچي از تاثي رات موسيقي... more
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Sheikh Muhammad Kassim Mazrui (1912-1982) alitambulika kama Kadhi Mkuu wa Kenya (1 May 1963 – 30 April 1968), Mwanachuoni, Mujaddid (Mwana-mageuzi), Mwalimu wa Mashekhe na Ma-Kadhi kadha wa kadha, Mwandishi wa vitabu, Mhariri wa gazeti la... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic History and Muslim CivilizationAnthroplogyUlama and their impact
The future of anthropology can be looked at from two perspectives, i.e. the future of anthropological knowledge and the future of the practitioners of anthropology. Anthropology cannot remain the same when times are changing. The... more
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      SociologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthroplogyIndian Anthropology Growth and Devolopment
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      AnthropologyLinguistic AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthroplogy
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This article extends critical trends of citizenship studies and the theory of accumulation by dispossession to articulate how settler colonial citizenship is instantiated through the active accrual of land and resources and how the... more
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      Political SociologyIndigenous StudiesSovereigntyIsrael/Palestine
The present research is an attempt to study the mystery and misconceptions about ‘chua’s of shah daula peer”. The article reviewed previous literature reported doubt and suspicions regarding artificial deformation of children’s heads to... more
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While the contemporary world has been heralded as being “post-racial”, we can look all-around to see evidence that this assertion is not only flawed but false. Religion is generally blamed as the key culprit for the escalating conflicts... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionAbrahamic ReligionsChristianity
The paper presents a brief overview of the situation in which ethnology and anthropology was in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from its constitution to the contemporary period, and during various socio-economic systems and cultural frameworks.... more
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      Fieldwork in AnthropologyHistory of AnthropologyEthnologyEthnographic fieldwork
Ritual traditions among the Daasanech of South West Ethiopia
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There is no recorded information on the contemporary understanding of the Naath 1 cosmology, and in particular, the study of the stars, as passed down from generation to generation throughout the centuries and millennia. Before any... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyAnthroplogy
Investigations at the ancient Maya site of Pacbitun (Belize) in 1986 and 1987 unearthed a range of well-preserved musical instruments from Late Classic period elite and royal burials. Excavations in 2010 recovered additional, ceramic,... more
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      ArchaeologyMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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A discussion of the different lists of Canaanite nations in the Bible.
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      Levantine ArchaeologyHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBiblical Interpretation
This study introduces the oldest photographs of Seoul's ruins, which have been recycled for more than a century in a wide variety of print sources, such as travelogues, postcards, museum catalogs, and guidebooks. Regardless of the medium,... more
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      Art HistoryPhotographyHeritage StudiesCultural Tourism
In the nineteenth century, sociologists boldly predicted the death of religion. Max Weber (1904/5, 1918-19, 1968) pointed to the growing rationalization of many fields of human enterprise and the corresponding decline of magical thinking... more
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      Sociology of ReligionIsrael StudiesReligion and ModernityJudaism
Esta tese é uma etnografia sobre o templo da deusa hindu Kali de Blairmont, localizado na parte ocidental da região de Berbice, Guiana. Definido por seus membros e frequentadores enquanto um espaço religioso, sagrado e puro, Blairmont é... more
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      HinduismCaribbean StudiesAnthroplogyAnthropology of Religion
The author maintained that the construction of the category "folk" was born out of super-ordinate's essentialist gaze that de-sign-ates otherness in the form of a discipline, “Folklore”. The dichotomous divisions between folk -- non-folk,... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyFolkloreSocial Anthropology
Among the archaic cosmologic and cosmogonic concepts of cultures worldwide and across time the metaphor of the world as a giant living entity is significant. People cultures considered the universe to be e.g. an animal, a giant human, or... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyHistory of MedicineSymbolism
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to trace the way in which a popular ritual became one of Vietnam’s most important festivals elevated as a celebration of national heroism and chart its gradual transformation in modern society.... more
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Critics of progress at the end of the last century tacitly espoused the hope that ‘progress’ was, above all, an idea. An idea with a dodgy history and dangerous consequences, to be sure. But an idea nonetheless, which, like all ideas,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial TheoryAnthropology
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      AgricultureGlobal HistoryAnthroplogyRice
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      Philosophical AnthropologyImmanuel KantAnthroplogy
Boundaries are a complex topic, with different categories being distinguishable depending on the language and with a number of terms often used interchangeably. This discussion paper offers an overview on definitions and introduces... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeologyEgyptology
An illustrated catalogue of all artefacts now associated with the 1791-1794 voyage of Bruni d'Entrecasteaux. This book is a study of ‘collecting’ undertaken by Joseph Antoine Bruni d’Entrecasteaux and his shipmates in Tasmania, the... more
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      Art HistoryFrench HistoryPacific Island StudiesMaterial Culture Studies
Written for non-experts, this volume introduces the mechanisms that underlie reticulate evolution. Chapters are either accompanied with glossaries that explain new terminology or timelines that position pioneering scholars and their major... more
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      BotanyEvolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyPhilosophy of Science
A short visual concerning common descent and destiny.
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      Contemporary ArtSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPoeticsNatural History
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCannibalismNeolithic ArchaeologyAnthroplogy
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      HumanitarianismFinlandAnthroplogyInternational Aid and Development
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychologySoutheast Asian Studies
This paper mainly concentrates on the (a) genesis of Folklore as a colonial subject, where subjectification of a discipline as well as subjection (in Foucauldian sense of the term) of an exonymous group called “folk” has taken place; (b)... more
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      Cultural StudiesFolkloreSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthroplogy
A mi d s t a l l t h eh u ea n dc r yc o n c e r n i n gt h eg l o b a l a c h i e v e me n t sa n dp e r f o r ma n c e so f I n d i ai n r e c e n t y e a r s , wh a t c o n t i n u e st op r e v a i l i si t su n d i s p u t e di d e n... more
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      MarketingInternational EconomicsSocial MarketingCulture
Story and epistemology of Mediterranean Préhistory
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryPalaeolithic ArchaeologyMediterranean Studies
The so-called linguistic turn that dominated much of Western thought in the last decades of the twentieth century has lead many scholars to propose new methodologies for knowledge acquisition. As a result, embodiment has become prevalent... more
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      Medieval StudiesQueer TheoryAnimal StudiesAffect Theory
Статья об индейцах пиароа в Большой Российской Энциклопедии
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      EthnographyEthnologyAnthroplogyAmazonian Indians
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      Fashion TheoryAnthropology of JapanFeminist AnthroplogyAnthroplogy
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      Medical AnthropologyHuman RightsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyFemale Circumcision
Syllabus de travaux dirigés "Famille et parenté", L1 Sociologie, Université de Paris 1 - Sorbonne
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This paper is the last in our trilogy on Twenty-First Century Historiography. It attempts to bring all our endeavours to their logical culmination and as such may be construed to be our apotheosis in this regard. The first paper proposed... more
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In spite of these homogenizing impacts, some individuals would contend that globalization can likewise strengthen nearby societies. Numerous observers have conjectured that the homogenizing impact of globalization on national societies... more
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    • Anthroplogy
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This paper is an extension of an earlier paper titled QUANTUM PARTICLES, CONSCIOUSNESS, UNIFIED FIELD THEORY AND RELATIVITY. It addresses the conundrum relating to nature and consciousness. Mind and consciousness has been given scant... more
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      ChristianityClinical PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceClimate Change
ARE THE CATEGORIES "man" and "woman" so obviously clear that they need no further explanation? Legislators throughout the nation in 1996 were trying to prevent the recognition of "gay marriage" contracted in other states obviously thought... more
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      GeneticsGender StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPhysiognomy
This article traces different types of tourism that developed in a municipality on the west coast of Norway and how these types of tourism interact with the local community. For the local community tourism represents both an opportunity,... more
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      Case StudiesTourismSportAnthroplogy