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Mechanism of natural evolution and the existence of variety of species on Earth is explained by Darwin. There are several mechanisms of speciation, the main of which is the divergence-the departure of new generations from their ancestor's territory to new habitats (Speciation through divergence), thus, separating and establishing themselves as a new species in new conditions. Darwin and current Darwinism do not explain the explicit mechanism by which the new species are formed and the connection with the ancestors is broken. The molecular mechanisms of the discreteness (in other words, the separateness of the species from one another) are still unknown in detail. In essence, we do not know why the whole spectra of the intermediate transitional species do not exist. Mathematical simulations of the Darwinian process of the evolvement of new species and the discreteness of species are mainly represented by such types of pictures-A1 and A2 (taken from the same article, devoted to the problem of evolutionary branching, or adaptive speciation, In simulation A1, the split of a species into two is presented. In A2the split into multiple species from an ancestor is modeled. Both illustrations seem realistic, with the distinctive minimums between the species somehow accenting the discreteness of the species. However, there is a simple but remarkable discrepancy (possibly because the authors are not biologists but mathematicians): The simulations and most of theory of speciation ignore the central postulate of Darwinian theory-"Speciation through divergence." In other words, the new species do not neglect the existence and further life of parental species. However, parental species disappear in both simulations, which
2007 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, 2007
In this paper we present a simple genetic algorithm, possessing a notion of viability, in which a population of individuals in one niche spreads to populate a second niche with a different fitness function. The two niche populations then diverge genetically to such a degree that offspring produced by the crossover operator are inviable in both niches. We argue that this simple adaptive evolutionary behavior in the genetic algorithm can be likened to the concept of speciation in biology.
Evolution is usually pictured as a tree where ancient species branch into new ones and eventually disappear. In this simplified view, the balance between speciation and extinction fully determines the diversity of life. Hybridization, how-ever, introduces another level of complexity, allowing neighboring branches of the tree to interact, mixing their genetic content. This generates further diversity leading to reticulated phylogenetic trees. In this paper we study processes of speciation, extinction and hybridization using a genetically and spatially explicit neutral model of diversification. Speciation, extinction and hybridization events are tracked throughout the evolutionary process leading to complete and exact phylogenetic trees. We found that genome size played a key role in these processes, increasing the extinction rate and decreasing the hybridization rate. In our simulations, hybridization after one speciation event occurred throughout the evolutionary process but hybridi...
The pivotal role of evolutionary theory in life sciences derives from its capability to provide causal explanations for phenomena that are highly improbable in the physicochemical sense. Yet, until recently, many facts in biology could not be accounted for in the light of evolution. Just as physicists for a long time ignored the presence of chaos, these phenomena were basically not perceived by biologists. Two examples illustrate this assertion. Although Darwin's publication of "The Origin of Species" sparked off the whole evolutionary revolution, oddly enough, the population genetic framework underlying the modern synthesis holds no clues to speciation events. A second illustration is the more recently appreciated issue of jump increases in biological complexity that result from the aggregation of individuals into mutualistic wholes. These and many more problems possess a common source: the interactions of individuals are bound to change the environments these individuals live in. By closing the feedback loop in the evolutionary explanation, a new mathematical theory of the evolution of complex adaptive systems arises. It is this general theoretical option that lies at the core of the emerging field of adaptive dynamics. In consequence a major promise of adaptive dynamics studies is to elucidate the long-term effects of the interactions between ecological and evolutionary processes. A commitment to interfacing the theory with empirical applications is necessary both for validation and for management problems. For example, empirical evidence indicates that to control pests and diseases or to achieve sustainable harvesting of renewable resources evolutionary deliberation is already crucial on the time scale of two decades. The Adaptive Dynamics Network has as its primary objective the development of mathematical tools for the analysis of adaptive systems inside and outside the biological realm.
Molecular Ecology
Species represent the main currency in biology, and all descriptors of biodiversity require separating species. Yet, species are not discrete, fixed entities, but ever-evolving groups of populations more or less connected by gene flow. In geographical isolation natural selection and drift act on heritable variations over time eventually leading to genetically distinct, reproductively isolated entities. When their geographical distributions change to partly overlap, the diverging lineages can remain distinct entities if they evolved reproductive isolation (e.g., genetic incompatibilities and/or ecological or behavioural differences) strong enough to prevent gene flow. Interestingly, even if hybrid fitness is only slightly less than parental fitness in the contact zone, reproductive isolation can be selected for (reinforcement), ultimately leading to two biological species (Butlin & Smadja, 2018). Otherwise, they interbreed and genome-wide recombination will lead to lineage fusion into a single entity. The outcome of secondary contact between divergent lineages therefore
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2009
Silvert, W. 2002. A bifurcation model of speciation due to environmental change. In: The First Workshop on Information Technologies Application to Problems of Biodiversity and Dynamics of Ecosystems in North Eurasia (WITA ‘2001) Selected Papers. Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, p. 363-366.
After a long period of static species concept, followed modern times with new technologies of investigations and wider vision of most systematists who accepted the dynamic species outlook. Adopting population thinking, it was also accepted importance of intra-and interpopulation variation due to geographical and other forms of isolation. The key words-reproductive isolation are referring to the way of a community or part of a population are becoming genetically very different from other populations; it is so called genetic incompatibility of interbreeding. Thus, appeared the meaning of biological species concept (BSC). Because deep differences arise in a long time and in a certain area, the scientists are underlining the historical, geographical, natural and objective character of the biological species. In details there are many types of speciation, but finally the species is considered as the main unit of evolution. In case of allopatric speciation, the size of population, the spread and colonization of new areas as well as potential effect of genetic drift are very important. Underground habitats, the unique ecological conditions of ocean depth, orogenetic movements (e.g. mountain rising) and glaciations, were additional factors that determined speciation and endemism phenomenon. Mutual relations or co-speciation also play an important role in opening new evolutionary lines.
Cadernos Metrópole, 2017
Journal of Semitic Studies, 2023
Lingua Franca, Le Bulletin des Interpretes du …, 2005
Panjab Journal of Sikh Studies, 2021
Democracy and Education, 2015
Advances in Tribology, 2012
Comunicación y Medios, 2011
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), 2024
Life Sciences, 2005
Transekonomika: Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Keuangan, 2021
PLoS Pathogens, 2009
Kúriai Döntések: Bírósági Határozatok 71:11, 2023
Einstein (São Paulo), 2012
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2021
Sosio Konsepsia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesejahteraan Sosial, 2013