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Cercetări filosofico-psihologice, 2018
The study proposes as a reflection topic the interrelation between philosophy of science and history of science. Presented as a reverse of the question developed in the Structure of Scientific Revolutions, this is an opportunity to discuss and nuance the descriptive, chronological and apparently linear and progressive approach of the history of science, as well as to assess aspects of the scientific progress and of the approach of scientific progress in contemporary terms. Philosophy of science contributes by general conceptualizations and perspectives that are establishing a second order of acknowledgement of knowledge, analysing concepts as validity, methods, hypotheses, scope of the theory of knowledge. Philosophy of science rejects the mirror of nature (R. Rorty) and contributes to the growth of knowledge and the history of science in a crucial manner via the concept and method of falsification (K. Popper). Philosophy of science conceptualizes selectivity of historical judgement. (P. Hoyningen-Huene). Philosophy of science contributed to history of science imposing the importance of meaning, conceptual-ization, hermeneutics and contextualization for the scientific endeavour.
Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali – XXI Settimana di alti studi (Ferrara, Palazzo Bonacossi, 11-12-13 ottobre 2018). La città come spettacolo. Pellegrino Prisciani, filosofo delle arti, e Biagio Rossetti, architetto, nella Ferrara degli Estensi., 2018
Il mito di Ferrara, come “prima città moderna d’Europa”, si deve al grande storico della cultura Jacob Burckhardt, autore della famosa Civiltà del Rinascimento in Italia (1860). Un mito, oggi da ridimensionare, coltivato poi dalle pionieristiche ricerche di Bruno Zevi (1960), dedicate a Biagio Rossetti, celebrato architetto della “spettacolare” Addizione Erculea, magnifica impresa che Pellegrino Prisciani cartografava con raffinata perizia. L’Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali intende dedicare la XXI Settimana di alti studi a Pellegrino Prisciani (1435-1518) e a Biagio Rossetti (1447-1516), due tra i maggiori artefici della storia della cultura estense tra Quattro e Cinquecento. Pellegrino Prisciani fu eminente figura di scienziato, teorico dell’architettura e del teatro, riformatore del calendario, archivista e bibliotecario, diplomatico e storiografo degli Estensi. Prisciani ci ha lasciato fondamentali opere manoscritte, come le Historiae, l’Orthopasca e gli Spectacula (testo, quest’ultimo, che in anni recenti ha avuto ben due edizioni a stampa). Fu anche esperto ed erudito astrologo, considerato da Aby Warburg il “mitico” ideatore della complessa trama pittorica del Salone dei mesi di Palazzo Schifanoia e “sovrintendente ducale” alle arti della corte estense, destinato a diventare docente di astrologia presso lo studio ferrarese. Biagio Rossetti si formò nella Ferrara di Borso d’Este, divenendo poi ingegnere di corte nel 1483. Alla sua figura sono attribuite opere di carattere architettonico (chiese e palazzi), idraulico, difensivo (mura e torrioni della città) e urbano (Addizione Erculea). Alle giornate di studio interverranno i più noti studiosi di Pellegrino Prisciani e di Biagio Rossetti, insieme a giovani ricercatori, selezionati in base ad argomentate proposte relative alle tematiche del convegno.
Forum. Revista Departamento de Ciencia Política, 2020
El objetivo de este artículo es identificar algunos de los logros, tensiones y retos del abordaje epistemológico y metodológico de la geopolítica crítica. Para ello, el marco teórico que se emplea proviene de algunos exponentes de la geopolítica clásica y la geopolítica crítica, especialmente los aportes de las escuelas críticas. El artículo se plantea metodológicamente desde el enfoque crítico hermenéutico. Se concluye que la geopolítica crítica es una herramienta de análisis que paulatinamente ha ido desarrollando aportes pertinentes para pensar realidades en torno al espacio y al poder que emergen en la región latinoamericana. The purpose of this article is to identify some of the achievements, tensions, and challenges of the epistemological and methodological approach of critical geopolitics. To this end, the theoretical framework explores some of the main exponents of classical geopolitics and critical geopolitics, focusing primarily on the contributions of the critical school. This article will be developed methodologically from critical hermeneutics. Finally, the article will aim to conclude that critical geopolitics is an analytical tool that has gradually helped develop a school of critical thinking toward the realities of the surroundings and the dynamics of power that emerge in the Latin American region.
My text 'Human Nature at the Schlachtensee' is not the sort of standard philosophical paper one should expect in an academic book, particularly one published by a most distinguished national academy of science. Not a logical analysis but a story, it contains more detailed description than straightforward argument. Like all good philosophy, my story aims at both truth and beauty. If not an aesthetic success, it is at least a true story from my personal experience; and its presentation here truly reflects an important dimension of my method as pragmatist philosopher.
Tyndale Bulletin, 2014
While older scholarship identified the earliest use of Trinitarian terminology near the end of the second century in the work of Theophilus of Antioch, some recent studies have challenged this view. However, while affirming certain insights of these newer studies, it is necessary to revisit them in light of the historical setting of the second-century apologists. In reality, Theophilus and other early apologists evidenced a certain implicit Trinitarianism by affirming unity, distinction, eternal pre-existence and economic subordination in the Godhead. Studies of early Trinitarian terminology must look beyond explicit descriptions of the Godhead. They must consider also broad patterns of implicit Trinitarianism.
i'm working on my summer internship project. my project title is technical analysis and derivative analysis . so i need help to prepare project.
What would Theophrastus of Eresus say, were he to see this latest incarnation of the story that he and Aristotle knew so well, and that they both used in their lectures to instruct their pupils into the ways of love? He would surely nod in recognition, as all the principal elements of the plot, and of the moral of the story, have remained intact. In this chapter we have reached the climax of the story, one in which the protagonist undergoes the necessary anagnorisis, his moment of truth, where the scales fall from his eyes. It is an element that is not described in the surviving texts, but it is clearly implied, we could even say "demanded" by the flow of the story. The same could be said about the parallel but opposite awakening that comes to Blondie, but that will be the subject of the next chapter, one which will fully expose the terrible symmetry of the original tale.
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