Papers by Michael Götzinger

Mineralogy and Petrology, 2006
Results of a multidisciplinary study on quartz concentrates (mineralogically separated) and etche... more Results of a multidisciplinary study on quartz concentrates (mineralogically separated) and etched concentrates (stoichiometric quartz) from three locations at Allchar (Macedonia) are presented. The investigation of quality and composition of these quartz samples is of great interest because the same material has been previously used as monitor for 26 Al Acceleration Mass-Spectrometry (AMS) erosion rate estimates. Two genetically different types of quartz are distinguished in the studied samples which petrologically can be described as hydrothermally altered dacites or quartz latites; i.e. volcanic (Q V ) and hydrothermal (Q H ) quartz with relative proportions of Q H :Q V around 3:2. Q H is genetically related to the Allchar Sb-As-Tl-S mineralization having very high Sb (85-785 ppm), As (7.6-78 ppm) and (Tl 3.3-4.0 ppm) contents. This type of quartz is also characterized by very high Li (129-138 ppm), Al (2424-2520 ppm) and Ti (153-219 ppm) concentrations. Q V appears to be much less enriched in trace elements having Al and K contents ranging from 0 to 280 ppm and from 50 to 85 ppm, respectively. 26 Al AMS measurements were done on the samples containing two genetically different types of quartz but this had no effects on the interpretation and erosion rate determinations. However, the extremely high Al concentrations in the analyzed quartz have generally negative effects, mainly by decreasing 26 Al= 27 Al ratios and thus causing an increase of the detection limit. The disagreement between the results of 26 Al AMS analyses and quantitative geomorphologic data for one location is probably caused by different geographical position with respect to the direction of cosmic rays. Crven Dol is located in the north-western part of Allchar. It is unique in the world because of the presence of the mineral lorandite (TlAsS 2 ), which is of particular interest for nuclear physicists and geochemists. Lorandite offers the possibility of geochemical detection of proton-proton-solar neutrinos which have very low detection limits and threshold energies (52 keV). The base nuclear reaction is 205 Tl ( e e À ) 205 Pb à ! 205 Pb, where v e refers to the electron neutrino, e À to the electron, and 205 Pb à refers to the excitation state of 205 Pb for a time period of about 5 My; i.e. 205 Tl converts by the capture of solar neutrinos to 205 Pb. That is an important advantage in comparison to all other actually used solar neutrino detectors (Kirsten, 1999) because (i) the reaction 205 Tl( e , e À ) 205 Pb has the lowest threshold (52 keV) for detection of pp neutrinos and (ii) at the moment it is the only long integrating detector. 205 Pb has a half-life of (1.53 þ 0.07) 10 7 years and should accumulate as the result of the above mentioned reaction in a suitable Tlbearing mineral . suggested lorandite from Allchar as a geochemical solar neutrino detector, and that was the subject of the long-term LOREX (LORandite EXperiment) project (Nolte and Pavic ´evic ´ , 1988; Pavic ´evic ´and Amthauer, 1994). One of the essential problems of LOREX was the determination of the change in depth of the Tl mineralization due to the amount of erosion of this ore deposit through geologic history. The erosion rate correlates with the amount of cosmogenic 205 Pb, which is the key parameter for determining the feasibility of the LOREX project (Pavic ´evic ´, 1994). For the erosion rate determinations in Allchar two methods have been applied: Accelerating Mass Spectrometry (AMS) of 26 Al in quartz samples (Pavic ´evic ´et al., 2004) and a quantitative geomorphologic method described by Jelenkovic ´and Pavic ´evic ´ (1994). Cosmogenic nuclides (such as 10 Be, 26 Al, 3 He, 14 C, 21 Ne, and 36 Cl) are widely used for quantifying erosion and weathering rates (see the review by Gosse and Phillips, 2001 and references therein). They are produced in-situ inside mineral grains by secondary cosmic radiation bombarding the Earth's surface. Because the cosmic ray flux decreases exponentially with depth below the surface, the accumulated cosmogenic nuclide concentration in a mineral grain records how quickly that grain has been unearthed. Such cosmic ray interaction with silica and oxygen in quartz produces measurable amounts of the isotopes of 10 Be [ 16 O(m,n) 10 Be for T 1=2 ¼ 1.6 . 10 6 y] and 26 Al [ 28 Si(m,2n) 26 Al for T 1=2 ¼ 0.72 . 10 6 y], respectively. In comparison to other minerals, quartz has a simple stoichiometric chemistry (i.e. SiO 2 ), low Al contents and high concentrations of the target elements (Si and O). In addition, this mineral is very common in most geological settings and can be used for mutual determination of both 10 Be and 26 Al. Hence, a wide spectrum of geological events, covering a range from several ky to several My (e.g. landforms formation, formation of geomorphologic surfaces, surface exposure age dating, volcanic eruption, etc.) may be investigated using quartz as a monitoring mineral. Therefore, for a long time quartz has served as a monitor for quantitative studies of the exposure ages and erosion rates in various tectonic, climatic and geographic regimes (
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen, 2007

Mineralogy and Petrology, 1987
SummaryKyanites from different occurrences show in the near IR two relatively strong absorption b... more SummaryKyanites from different occurrences show in the near IR two relatively strong absorption bands at 3 380 and 3 270 cm−1 due to OH stretching frequencies. The integral molar extinction coefficient is 3201 · Mol−1 · cm−2. A quantitative IR spectroscopic microtechnique based on Beer's law allows to determine small amounts of structural OH groups in (100) cleavage plates of a few tenths mm in size proved to be free of inclusions and hydrous alteration products. There exists an obvious relation between the occurrence of the kyanites studied and their equivalent H2O+ content ranging from < 0.005 to 0.180 wt.%.ZusammenfassungKyanite verschiedener Vorkommen zeigen im nahen IR bei 3 380 und 3 270 cm−1 zwei relativ starke Absorptionsbanden, die von OH-Streckfrequenzen herrühren. Der integrale molare Extinktionskoeffizient beträgt 320 1 · Mol−1 · cm−2. Eine auf dem Beerschen Gesetz beruhende quantitative IR-spektroskopische Mikromethode erlaubt kleine Mengen strukturell gebundener OH-Gruppen in (100) Spaltplättchen einiger Zehntelmillimeter Größe, die einschlußfrei und frei von Umwandlungsprodukten sind, zu bestimmen. Es besteht offensichtlich eine Beziehung zwischen dem Vorkommen der untersuchten Kyanite und ihrem äquivalenten H2O+-Gehalt, der sich von < 0.005 bis 0.180 Gew.-% erstreckt.
A rarely occurring complete tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solution has been reported from the Sch... more A rarely occurring complete tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solution has been reported from the Schendleck area (Lower Austria). The fahlores from this region (“Schendleck-type” fahlore) represents an unique type, exhibiting a strong inhomogeneity and a wide range of the Sb/(Sb+As) ratio (from 5 to 95% tetrahedrite-content). The presence of the Schendleck-type fahlore indicates that the complete fahlore solid solution between the nearly pure Sb-endmember and the nearly pure As-endmember exists in nature.
EAEJA, Apr 1, 2003

A rarely occurring complete tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solution has been reported from the Sch... more A rarely occurring complete tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solution has been reported from the Schendleck area (Lower Austria). The fahlores from this region (“Schendleck-type ” fahlore) represents an unique type, exhibiting a strong inhomogeneity and a wide range of the Sb/(Sb+As) ratio (from 5 to 95 % tetrahedrite-content). The presence of the Schendleck-type fahlore indicates that the complete fahlore solid solution between the nearly pure Sb-endmember and the nearly pure As-endmember exists in nature. Zusammenfassung Das seltene Vorkommen einer kompletten Fahlerz-Mischkristallreihe (Tetraedrit-Tennantit) wird aus dem Bereich Schendleck (Niederösterreich) dokumentiert. Die einzigartigen Fahlerze dieses Gebietes („Schendleck-Typ “ Fahlerze) zeigen starke Inhomogenitäten und einen weiten Bereich des Sb/(Sb+As) Verhältnisses (von 5 bis 95 % Tetraedrit-Gehalt). Das Auftreten dieses Schendleck-Typ Fahlerzes weist darauf hin, dass die komplette Fahlerz-Mischkristallreihe zwischen dem na...
Qu a rtä r In te rn a tio na le s J a hrbu c h z u r Eis z e ita lte r-u nd Ste C and OSL dating,... more Qu a rtä r In te rn a tio na le s J a hrbu c h z u r Eis z e ita lte r-u nd Ste C and OSL dating, as well as for malacological, micromorphology, microtephra and magnetic susceptibility analyses were collected from the entire stratigraphy. The excavations show that find-bearing areas are still preserved throughout the Willendorf II sequence.

Willendorf II is a key site for understanding the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition in the ... more Willendorf II is a key site for understanding the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Middle Danube Region due to the presence of well stratified EUP and Early Aurignacian deposits. Here we report on new excavations at this site by the Willendorf Project. The aim of these excavations is to collect samples for dating and other geoarchaeological analyses, as well as to recover well stratified artefacts for technological and typological analysis. Six weeks of excavation in 2006 resulted in the discovery of the northwestern corner of the 1909 excavation, which allows the precise correlation of the old and modern site plans. The Early Aurignacian Layer 3 could be also relocated, and numerous samples for 14 C and OSL dating, as well as for malacological, micromorphology, microtephra and magnetic susceptibility analyses were collected from the entire stratigraphy. The excavations show that find-bearing areas are still preserved throughout the Willendorf II sequence. Zusammenfass...

Archaeologia Austriaca, 2019
Die gut datierte stratigrafische Abfolge von Willendorf II ist eine Referenzfundstelle für das Ju... more Die gut datierte stratigrafische Abfolge von Willendorf II ist eine Referenzfundstelle für das Jungpaläolithikum im Allgemeinen und das Gravettien im Speziellen. Im Jahr 1993 führte ein gemeinsames Team des Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique (Brüssel, Belgien) und der Universität Wien eine Neuuntersuchung an der seit Ende des 19. Jhs. bekannten Löss-Fundstelle im Donautal durch. Bei diesen Grabungsaktivitäten wurden 391 Fundstücke geborgen, die vorwiegend aus den archäologischen Horizonten (AH) 6 und 8 stammen. Im Zuge der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine technologische Analyse der Steinartefakte basierend auf einem merkmalanalytischen Aufnahmesystem durchgeführt. Diese Studie ergab, dass die Inventare der beiden AH sich in Bezug auf Rohmaterialnutzung und Werkzeugbestand markant voneinander unterscheiden. AH 6 weist einen hohen Anteil an nicht-lokalem baltischem Feuerstein auf. Die unidirektional ausgerichtete Abbaustrategie zielte auf die Produktion von Lamellen besonders an hochwertigen Rohmaterialien ab, um diese zu Rückenelementen, die als Projektile Verwendung fanden, weiterzuverarbeiten. Neben der unidirektionalen, volumetrischen Lamellenabbaustrategie wurden auch Stichel als Lamellenkerne genutzt. Das Werkzeugspektrum enthält neben den Rückenelementen Stichel, Kratzer und Kantenretuschen. In AH 8 dominieren lokale Rohmaterialien wie Quarzit und Kieselkalk. Die unidirektional ausgerichtete Abbaustrategie zielte auf die Herstellung von Klingen ab. Der Werkzeugbestand umfasst eine Bandbreite an verschiedenen Werkzeugtypen. Am häufigsten treten Ausgesplitterte Stücke auf, des Weiteren wurden Spitzklingen, Stichel, Kratzer, Kantenretuschen, Endretuschen, ein Bohrer mit Kantenretusche und ein gezähntes Stück festgestellt. Die Unterschiede in AH 6 und AH 8 sowie die Ähnlichkeiten von AH 6 zu AH 5 und AH 6 der Altgrabungen signalisieren, dass AH 6 und AH 8 der Grabung 1993 nicht derselben Phase des Gravettien angehören. Die Jäger und Sammler zur Zeit von AH 6 weisen ein technologisches, technoökonomisches und soziotechnologisches Verhalten auf, das eher einem frühen Gravettien entsprechen und den Innovationen des Pavlovien vorausgehen dürfte, während der AH 8 den Forschungskonsens bestätigend mit den Charakteristika des Pavlovien übereinstimmt.
A rarely occurring complete tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solution has been reported from the Sch... more A rarely occurring complete tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solution has been reported from the Schendleck area (Lower Austria). The fahlores from this region ("Schendleck-type" fahlore) represents an unique type, exhibiting a strong inhomogeneity and a wide range of the Sb/(Sb+As) ratio (from 5 to 95% tetrahedrite-content). The presence of the Schendleck-type fahlore indicates that the complete fahlore solid solution between the nearly pure Sb-endmember and the nearly pure As-endmember exists in nature.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014
Significance Modern humans dispersed into Europe and replaced Neanderthals at least 40,000 years ... more Significance Modern humans dispersed into Europe and replaced Neanderthals at least 40,000 years ago. However, the precise timing and climatic context of this dispersal are heavily debated. Therefore, a new project combining paleoenvironmental and archaeological fieldwork has been undertaken at Willendorf II (Austria), a key site for this time period. This project has concluded that modern humans producing Aurignacian stone tools occupied Central Europe about 43,500 years ago in a medium-cold steppe environment with some boreal trees along valleys. This discovery represents the oldest well-documented occurrence of behaviorally modern humans in Europe and demonstrates contemporaneity with Neanderthals in other parts of Europe, showing that behaviorally modern humans and Neanderthals shared this region longer than previously thought.
TMPM Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1984
The inclusions in the fluorites suggest that the fluorites in the fissures of the Gutenstein Stra... more The inclusions in the fluorites suggest that the fluorites in the fissures of the Gutenstein Strata have been deposited from brines; evaporites occur in the immediate vicinity. The origin of fluorites is ascribed to fluorine-rich parts of Gutensteiner Kalk and/or dolomite. Dispersed fluorite occurs in bituminous carbonate sediments.

Mineralogy and Petrology, 1987
SummaryVermiculite occurrences in the Bohemian Massif occur in peridoties-serpentinites which bel... more SummaryVermiculite occurrences in the Bohemian Massif occur in peridoties-serpentinites which belong to the granulite-amphibolite series of the Gföhl unit. Three types of vermiculite occurrences are discernible on the basis of rock assemblages and characteristic mineral associations:1)vermiculite in leucocratic veins (pegmatitic rocks, plagioclasites) and their reaction rims; associated minerals are anthophyllite and clinoamphiboles;2)vermiculite in fractures, a primary product from hydrothermal fluids; characteristic associated minerals are chlorite and saponite;3)vermiculite in sedimentary-eluvial transformed environments; hydrobiotite is characteristic for this type. Vermiculite of the first group is enriched in Ca, because it is formed at the expense of clinoamphiboles. Vermiculite of the second and third group is poor in Ca. The occurrences of vermiculite are of potential industrial interest, but so far they are too small for actual utilization. Electron microprobe analyses are presented for all minerals of the three types of occurrence. The peridotites-serpentinites contain olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinels as primary constituents. A trend of chemical composition, from Al- and Cr-rich members to magnetite, is documented for the spinel group. For vermiculite genesis, hydrothermal stages of pegmatitic activation are demonstrated; weathering and leaching by meteoric water produce hydrobiotite only.ZusammenfassungDie Vermiculitvorkommen der Böhmischen Masse sind an Peridotit- und Serpentinitkörper gebunden, welche Granulit- und Amphibolitserien der Gföhler Einheit angehören. Auf Grund verschiedener Gesteins- und Mineralgesellschaften werden drei Vorkommenstypen von Vermiculit unterschieden:1)Vermiculit gebunden an leukokrate Gänge (Pegmatite, Plagioklasite) und ihre Reaktionssäume, mit Anthophyllit und Klinoamphibolen als charakteristische Begleitminerale;2)Vermiculit in Klüften, primär gebildet durch hydrothermale Lösungen, mit Chlorit und Saponit,3)Vermiculit in sedimentär-eluvialen Umlagerungen; hier ist Hydrobiotit charakteristisch. Die Vermiculite der ersten Gruppe sind etwas angereichert an Ca, da sie aus Klinoamphibolen entstanden sind. Die Vermiculite der zweiten und dritten Gruppe sind meist Ca-arm. Für die technische Verwendung des Vermiculites besteht wohl Interesse, die bisher aufgeschlossenen Vorkommen sind für eine derzeitige Nutzung zu klein. Von allen vorkommenden Mineralen liegen Mikrosondenanalysen vor. Die Peridotite-Serpentinite enthalten als primäre Minerale Olivin, Orthopyroxen, Klinopyroxen und Spinelle. Ein Trend in der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Spinelle, von Al- und Crreichen Mischkristallen bis zu Magnetit, wird dargestellt. Für die Vermiculitentstehung werden hydrothermale Stadien der Pegmatitaktivität aufgezeigt; während der Verwitterung und dem Einfluß von Verwitterungswässern entsteht hingegen nur Hydrobiotit.

Mineralogy and Petrology, 1987
SummaryKyanites from different occurrences show in the near IR two relatively strong absorption b... more SummaryKyanites from different occurrences show in the near IR two relatively strong absorption bands at 3 380 and 3 270 cm−1 due to OH stretching frequencies. The integral molar extinction coefficient is 3201 · Mol−1 · cm−2. A quantitative IR spectroscopic microtechnique based on Beer's law allows to determine small amounts of structural OH groups in (100) cleavage plates of a few tenths mm in size proved to be free of inclusions and hydrous alteration products. There exists an obvious relation between the occurrence of the kyanites studied and their equivalent H2O+ content ranging from < 0.005 to 0.180 wt.%.ZusammenfassungKyanite verschiedener Vorkommen zeigen im nahen IR bei 3 380 und 3 270 cm−1 zwei relativ starke Absorptionsbanden, die von OH-Streckfrequenzen herrühren. Der integrale molare Extinktionskoeffizient beträgt 320 1 · Mol−1 · cm−2. Eine auf dem Beerschen Gesetz beruhende quantitative IR-spektroskopische Mikromethode erlaubt kleine Mengen strukturell gebundener OH-Gruppen in (100) Spaltplättchen einiger Zehntelmillimeter Größe, die einschlußfrei und frei von Umwandlungsprodukten sind, zu bestimmen. Es besteht offensichtlich eine Beziehung zwischen dem Vorkommen der untersuchten Kyanite und ihrem äquivalenten H2O+-Gehalt, der sich von < 0.005 bis 0.180 Gew.-% erstreckt.

Mineralium Deposita, 1985
In the Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif) of Austria a tungsten mineralization bound to calc-silicate... more In the Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif) of Austria a tungsten mineralization bound to calc-silicate rocks was discovered in the so-called Bunte Serie, a metasedimentary geologic unit now in amphibolite to higher amphibolite facies. The main constituents of the scheelite-beafing rocks are ferro-salite, meionite-rich scapolite, and quartz. The average tungsten content is estimated to be 1500ppm; no further elements that would be characteristic for an exoskarn formation are enriched conspicuously. The whole series of calc-silicate rocks is intercalated in sillimanite gneisses. This series could be traced for about 5 km. The mineralization seems to be strata-bound-contacts with intrusive rocks were not observed. The field evidence is, therefore, easiest to reconcile with a synsedimentary origin, but the geology of the region is not known in sufficient detail to make this interpretation conclusive. Zusammenfassung. Im 6sterreichischen Anteil des Moldanubikums (B0hmische Masse) wurde eine Wolframvererzung entdeckt. Sic ist an Kalksilikatgesteine der Bunten Serie gebunden, einer metamorph-sediment~tren Einheit, die in Amphibolit-bis h/3herer Amphibolitfacies vorliegt. Die Hauptkomponenten dieser Scheelit-ft~hrenden Gesteine sind Ferrosalit, Mejonit-reicher Skapolith und Quarz. Der durchschnittliche Wolframgehalt liegt bei 1500ppm; weitere Elemente, die Ft~r einen Exoskarn charakteristisch sein wt~rden, sind nicht angereichert. Die gesamte Kalksilikatgesteinsserie ist Sillimanitgneisen eingelagert. Sie ist auf etwa 5 km im Streichen verfolgbar. Die Mineralisation erscheint schichtgebunden-Kontakte zu Intrusivgesteinen wurden nicht beobachtet. Der Feldbefund ist daher am eint~achsten mit einer synsedimen-t~iren Entstehung in Einklang zu bringen. Die Geologic dieses Gebietes ist jedoch im Detail zu wenig bekannt, um diese Interpretation als zwingend darzustellen.
Papers by Michael Götzinger