No. 3 | April 2023
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
Chinese Takeover or Road to Nowhere?
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road: Chinese Takeover or Road to Nowhere?
Announced in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), initially known as One Belt One Road
(OBOR), was announced as the foreign policy flagship project of Xi Jinping. Xi, who had
assumed the role General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in late 2012, had
initially announced the BRI during official visits to Kazakhstan and Indonesia in 2013, framing
his new initiative in the tradition of the ancient silk roads. The “over 2,000-year history of
exchanges [along the silk roads]”, he argued, “demonstrates that on the basis of solidarity,
mutual trust, equality, inclusiveness, mutual learning and win-win cooperation, countries of
different races, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are fully capable of sharing peace and
development” (Xi, 2013). Xi promised that the BRI, a series of maritime and continental
corridors connecting China with the remainder of Eurasia, would have a similar connectivity
effect. He suggested that,
“[t]o forge closer economic ties [between China and other Eurasian economies],
deepen cooperation and expand development space in the Eurasian region, we should
take an innovative approach and jointly build an ‘economic belt along the Silk Road’.
This will be a great undertaking benefitting the people of all countries along the route”
(Xi, 2013).
In domestic context, Xi situated the BRI as key for the ‘rejuvenation’ of the Chinese nation,
partially also referred to as the ‘China dream’ (Economy, 2018). The BRI embodied China’s
willingness to play a more active, norm-shaping global role at a time when China had done
remarkably well in its response to the global financial crisis while the Western world was
constrained by austerity measures, growing polarization, and rifts in the transatlantic
From the start, the BRI was viewed critically by a range of actors suspicious of China’s
motivations. China-US relations had already been deteriorating prior to the BRI’s
announcement. The BRI, US officials of the Trump administration lamented, created an
economic framework through which China could pursue its national security objectives,
including via the use of “predatory financing practices” (Times of India, 2019). In South Asia,
a key investment destination for the BRI, China’s construction of infrastructure in areas
contested between India and Pakistan heightened Indian opposition to the initiative. In 2015,
the Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs decried the BRI as “A national initiative [that] is devised
with national interests, [and] it is not incumbent on others to buy it” (quoted in Pant & Passi,
2017, p. 88). For parties historically suspicious of China, the BRI has come to epitomize
increasingly hegemonic and economically expansionist Chinese ambitions.
This submission examines the prospects facing the BRI ten years after its launch. Following an
elaboration on the BRI’s policy objectives, it discusses the initiative’s financing mechanisms
and prevalent concerns regarding financial, social, and environmental sustainability. It then
moves on to examine how Chinese financing practices have been rearticulated in reaction to
the COVID-19 pandemic and an increased upscaling of the BRI’s size. Today, the BRI finds
itself at a crossroads, with financing models increasingly focusing on advanced economies and
transparency and sustainability concerns prevailing.
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
The BRI: Policy objectives, financing mechanisms, and sustainability concerns
Under Xi, the BRI has been positioned as a key pillar of China's foreign policy. Over time, the
Chinese government has formulated several aims it seeks to pursue via the BRI. These include
the enhancement of connectivity via infrastructure investments, improved economic
development of China and BRI recipients, the facilitation of greater regional coordination, the
advancement of international trade, bolstered energy cooperation, and the cultivation of peopleto-people exchanges.
China views the ‘infrastructure gap’ as one of the key factors limiting greater economic
integration within Eurasia, making infrastructure investment a key policy priority for the BRI.
BRI projects have been heavily concentrated in the construction of physical infrastructure,
including roads, railways, ports, and airports to facilitate the flow of goods, services, capital,
and people across borders, promoting regional economic integration and cooperation. As part
of this, Beijing seeks to create new economic opportunities for Chinese firms, by opening up
new markets and promoting cross-border trade and investment. Since 2013, Chinese foreign
direct investment (FDI) in BRI recipient economies has jumped to 981.03 billion US$,
compared to 464.12 billion US$ between 2005 and 2013 (American Enterprise Institute, n.d.).
The BRI is part of a broader policy legacy in China that seeks to promote the global presence
of Chinese firms, with the “Go Out” (1999) and “Go Global” (2006) strategies following
similar objectives (Yu, 2012, Morrison, 2019). The contracts for infrastructure projects in the
framework of the BRI have been mainly assigned to Chinese firms and suppliers, thus creating
a market-finding effect for (State-owned) Chinese firms (Eder, 2019). The potential benefits
created for both Chinese firms and recipients abroad initially created a narrative of the BRI as
a win-win scenario (Lindsey, 2022), formalizing a portrayal of the BRI as an economic rather
than political initiative that is shaped by Chinese benevolence.
China has further framed the BRI as a framework for global cooperation existing outside the
transatlantic focus of the post-1945 global governance order. China has promoted the BRI as a
project that includes a focus on development financing models challenging the more neoliberal
policy prescriptions of Western financing institutions such as the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) (Stephen, 2017). The BRI has come to manifest a
financing framework that operates parallel of the historically Western-dominated global
governance architecture and exists alongside other relatively novel organizations in which
China plays a key role, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). China’s
investment in parallel organizations such as the SCO and the AIIB, discussed further below,
has been interpreted as an attempted exit from US hegemony via the promotion of “counterordering institutions” (Cooley & Nexon, 2021). By performing a more norm-shaping role,
China can inform the functioning of organizations it plays a more crucial role in than in the
ones created after World War II.
As part of this, China has used the BRI to advocate for the growing international usage of the
Renminbi (RMB) as a global currency. The BRI aims to promote the use of local currencies in
trade and investment transactions, reducing reliance on a single currency (the US$) as a de
facto global reserve currency and promoting financial inclusiveness. This currency element
situates the BRI in the broader attempt by Beijing to promote the internationalization of the
RMB as an alternative to the US$, the status of which as a global reserve currency is perceived
as allowing the US to run budget deficits that would have forced any other country to default
on its debt (Tooze, 2019). Additional measures to push for increased currency
internationalization included bilateral currency swap agreements with various countries,
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
allowing for RMB clearing and settlement services, as well as the establishment of offshore
RMB clearing banks in major global financial centers (Tran, 2022). Further, China has
established various investment channels, such as the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor
(QFII) and Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) programs, which allow
foreign investors to access China's capital markets and invest in RMB-denominated assets,
including stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. The China-developed Cross-Border
Interbank Payment System (CIPS), which facilitates cross-border RMB transactions and
provides a more efficient and convenient platform for international payments in RMB, forms
another component alongside RMB-denominated debt that allows foreign governments,
institutions, and companies to issue debt in RMB. This has helped to create a global market for
RMB-denominated bonds and increased the use of RMB as an investment and financing
currency. By encouraging BRI participants to trade in RMB, the BRI has become another tool
in China’s push for currency diversification.
China finances the BRI through a complex network of State-directed policy and commercial
banks that provide funding for BRI-linked projects. The policy banks, including the China
Development Bank (CDB) and the Export-Import Bank of China (Exim Bank), have played a
significant role in providing long-term, low-interest loans for BRI projects, while commercial
banks have provided short-term financing for trade and investment. The policy banks,
particularly the CDB, have been the main source of funding for BRI projects (Chen et al.,
2022). They provide loans to host countries for infrastructure projects, including transportation,
energy, telecommunications, and industrial parks. These loans are typically long-term, lowinterest loans with a repayment period of 20-30 years, which were initially portrayed as being
designed to allow host countries to fund large-scale projects that may not be feasible through
other means of financing. The State-directed nature of the policy banks place BRI financing in
direct connection with the Chinese Status apparatus rather than allowing BRI financing to
operate on a more privatized lending market.
In addition to loans from policy banks and commercial banks, China has also established
bilateral and multilateral mechanisms to provide development financing for the BRI. Bilateral
mechanisms include agreements between China and individual participating countries, where
China provides concessional loans, grants, or other forms of aid for BRI projects. Further
funding is channeled via the Silk Road Fund (SRF), a State-owned investment fund operated
by the Chinese government and backed by China’s foreign exchange reserves. The SRF was
established in 2014 with an initial capital base of $40 billion to support BRI projects and
provides another avenue through which Chinese ministries and stakeholders can direct
investment into BRI projects (Stanzel, 2017). This evokes a networked structure in which a
variety of domestic, State-linked actors must coordinate amongst one another in the provision
of BRI-related financing.
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) provides another, more multilateral
financing avenue. Founded by China in 2015, the AIIB is a multilateral development bank
operating parallel to the WBG and the IMF and focusing specifically on promoting and funding
infrastructure development in Asia. China is a founding member of the AIIB and has been
actively involved in its operations, making the AIIB an important source of funding for BRI
projects (Jordan & Deliwala, 2022). Around one-third of all loans provided by the AIIB are
concentrated in BRI-linked projects, making the AIIB a key financing mechanism for the
initiative. It is worth noting that China is not the sole decision-maker in the project and funding
allocation provided by the AIIB: while providing most of the AIIB’s capital base (30.71%) and
correspondingly holding most of the internal voting shares (26.58%) (AIIB, n.d.), the AIIB has
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
retained a formally multilateral character that is shaped but not fully dominated by Beijing. The
AIIB has provided financing for BRI projects through various channels, including project
loans, equity investments, and guarantees (Horta & Wang, 2021). The AIIB's financing has
supported a wide range of BRI infrastructure projects, such as transportation, energy,
telecommunications, and water supply.
Beijing has further sought to place the BRI in a broader context of global governance by
establishing cooperative frameworks with more established international financial institutions.
China has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Bank that promotes
the provision of technical support from the World Bank for the BRI (World Bank, n.d). This
MoU has been co-signed by other major multilateral development banks, including the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), the AIIB, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
the European Investment Bank, and the New Development Bank, which is linked to the BRICS
grouping. The MoU seeks to facilitate the coordination between China and these regional banks
by promoting coordination in connectivity projects, exploring co-financing opportunities,
strengthening capacity-building measures, and promoting development that is compatible with
the sustainable development goals formulated by the United Nations (New Development Bank,
2018). China has notably emphasized the cooperation with extant organizations and financing
bodies in an attempt to not frame the BRI in direct opposition to existing governance bodies.
While the provision of infrastructure financing for developing economies provides
development opportunities, Chinese lending practices have also evoked significant concerns,
especially regarding debt sustainability. Some participating countries, most notably in Africa
and South Asia, have accumulated significant debt burdens from BRI projects. Pre-pandemic
debt distress has been worsened by the economic impact of COVID-19. Sri Lanka, for instance,
was one of the first countries in South Asia to become a part of the BRI, with infrastructure
financing frequently being provided via low-interest loans and structured based on long
repayment periods. The availability of cheap development financing at favorable interest rates
resulted in Sri Lanka accumulating a growing pile of Chinese debt over time. By late 2022, Sri
Lanka owed Chinese creditors 7.4 billion US$, accounting for nearly 20% of Colombo’s total
public external debt (CNBC, 2023). The investment money, frequently went into prestige-laden
white elephant projects for the Rajapaksa family, resulting in low revenues and low utilization
and therefore exacerbating Sri Lankan budget deficits (Clark, 2023). In 2017, Sri Lanka’s
inability to service its Chinese debt led to a Chinese State-owned enterprise (SOE), CMPort,
acquiring the China-funded port in Hambantota on a lease. When COVID hit the Sri Lankan
economy, an already unsustainable debt burden grew further due a drop in tourism and rising
energy expenditures, eventually leading to economic collapse and a bailout by the IMF in
2022/2023 (Ondaatjie, 2023). While Chinese loans were only a smaller part of the general Sri
Lankan debt portfolio, the rapid accumulation of BRI-related debt had certainly aggravated
debt distress and heightened scrutiny on the transparency issues frequently characterizing
Chinese development financing (Whitehouse, 2022).
Especially in India, this unsustainability of Chinese financing has motivated concerns that
China seeks to engage in ‘debt-trap’ diplomacy to extend its degree of regional influence.
Critics argue that China's favorable financing terms, lack of transparency, and underlying
strategic aims may result in countries becoming financially dependent on China and facing
debt-related challenges, potentially leading to the passing on of infrastructure assets to Chinese
SOEs that may seek to transform these assets into military infrastructure in the future (Ferchen
& Perera, 2019). The takeover of Hambantota port has frequently been referred to as the
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
primary example of China’s alleged attempt to engulf smaller, developing economies in debt
(Abeyagoonasekera, 2022).
It is worth noting that there is significant debate on China’s ability and intent to pursue debttrap diplomacy. The SOE that acquired the rights for Hambantota, CMPort, does not enjoy
conclusive authority over the port given that the port is still located on sovereign Sri Lankan
territory (Carrai, 2021). Jones and Hameiri (2020) further note that the feasibility and
sustainability of projects is heavily shaped by recipient actors, with economic impact
assessments frequently remaining incomplete and flawed. Further, elites may seek to construct
BRI-linked assets as part of a broader effort to increase popularity at home, as was the case in
Sri Lanka (Heaver, 2023). While this does not mitigate the debt distress that may be created
due to BRI-incurred debt and highlights the broader issue of transparency, it does not fully
mean that the takeover of assets is the sole objective to begin with.
Debtors being unable to service their debt invariably also creates complications for Chinese
creditors. China's reaction to countries being unable to service their BRI-related debt has
involved a variety of behaviors shaped by the specific context of the respective country. China
has engaged in some debt renegotiations and debt rescheduling, with renegotiations focusing
on the terms of the loans, including extending repayment periods, reducing interest rates, or
providing debt relief. In some investments in Africa, for instance, China has had to increase its
cancellation of debt to African countries following their inability to service their outstanding
debt (Savage et al., 2022). China also offered alternative financing options. For instance, China
has shifted from providing loans to grants, equity investments, or other types of financial
instruments to support BRI projects in countries that are unable to take on additional debt. This
approach allows countries to access funding without adding to their debt burdens and can help
address their immediate financing needs. In some instances, China has also supported broader
negotiations between recipient countries and the IMF. However, Chinese creditors have shown
significant reluctance to write off debt (see Figure 1), exacerbating debt distress for recipients.
Figure 1: Renegotiated Chinese debt by outcome, January 2001 to November 2020
Source: McBride et al. (2023)
The issue surrounding debt sustainability, however, speaks to broader concerns regarding the
BRI’s transparency and China’s strategic objectives. BRI projects, such as roads, railways, and
ports, often require significant natural resource extraction and can have adverse environmental
impacts, including deforestation, loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution, and climate
change (Teese, 2018; Politi, 2021). In practice, BRI investments have frequently prioritized the
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
usage of fossil energy, including through the construction of coal plants in recipient countries
(Hillman & Tippett, 2021). The environmental standards for BRI projects do not always align
with international best practices, leading to negative environmental consequences in
participating countries. The implementation of BRI-linked projects on the ground is frequently
in notable disconnect from the sustainability-focused discourse China has long framed the BRI
in the context of, with low carbon-investments mostly being concentrated in high-income BRI
economies (Harlan, 2021). There are also concerns about social and labor issues associated
with Chinese development financing in the BRI as BRI projects have displayed inadequate
labor standards, including poor working conditions, low wages, lack of protection for workers'
rights, and use of forced labor (Nikkei Asia, 2022). Social issues such as land expropriation,
displacement of local communities, and inadequate compensation for affected communities
have also been reported in some BRI projects (Pramono et al., 2022). While the BRI creates
potential development opportunities, there are thus significant doubts regarding its financial,
social, and environmental sustainability.
COVID-19 & financing issues
The market shocks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic had a severe impact on the
Chinese economy. China was the country where the virus originated and its economy was hit
hard by the resulting disruptions in both domestic and international markets. As the virus spread
across China, strict and often uncoordinated lockdown measures were imposed throughout the
country, leading to widespread factory shutdowns and disruptions in transportation and
logistics, severely impacting the production and distribution of goods. Many businesses,
especially small and medium-sized enterprises, struggled to resume operations due to labor
shortages, transportation constraints, and reduced demand. Further, the imposition of
lockdowns elsewhere and the contraction of the global economy as a whole led to a sharp
decline in global demands for Chinese goods. This had a significant impact on China's exportoriented industries, such as manufacturing, electronics, and textiles, leading to decreased
orders, cancellations of contracts, and reduced export revenues. Industries such as tourism,
hospitality, retail, and entertainment experienced a sharp decline in demand as domestic and
international travel restrictions were imposed, and consumer spending decreased due to
lockdown measures and economic uncertainty. This had a ripple effect on related sectors, such
as transportation, food services, and retail, leading to widespread job losses and business
closures. While the Chinese economy continued to nominally grow throughout the pandemic
(2.2% rise in GDP in 2020), the growth rates were lower than at any point since 1976 (Liang
& Hoskins, 2023). The pandemic subsequently had a profound effect on the Chinese economy.
China implemented a stimulus program to balance the losses incurred by the pandemic. In a
manner that mirrored the Chinese response to the global financial crisis in 2008, Beijing
developed a series of fiscal and monetary policies aimed at supporting businesses and
households. Fiscal policy measures included tax rebates, fee cuts, and special purpose bonds
to promote domestic infrastructure investments (Huld, 2022). Monetary policies included
transfers from the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), China’s central bank, to the government,
reductions in banks’ reserve requirement ratios to stimulate business loans, lowering the loan
prime rate to motivate borrowing, and the creation of relending programs and medium-term
lending facilities (Li, 2022). This combination of fiscal and monetary measures was
reminiscent of China’s aggressive policy reaction to the global financial crisis, where a largescale fiscal stimulus helped in maintaining growth in China and made China a key driver of
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
global economic recovery (Tooze, 2019). As was the case in 2008, however, fiscal stimulus
inevitably shrinks the fiscal space available for other investment domains, including overseas
development assistance.
Since the outbreak of COVID, China has thus significantly scaled down its investment in the
BRI. By June 2020 already, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs had announced that at
least 20% of BRI projects had been “severely affected” by the pandemic and its effects on
labor markets and the availability of resources and services (Reuters, 2020). At home, a more
contracted economy and a rapid increase in domestic spending requirements (vaccine
development, health care, social services, and other pandemic-related services) further
restricted the fiscal space for development assistance. Chinese lending to BRI recipient
economies declined significantly following the outbreak, with especially low-income
economies facing reduced access to Chinese investment (García-Herrero & Freymann, 2022).
As time went on, China’s ‘zero COVID’ policy continued to restrict its wider economic and
social engagement with the world at a time when other economies were opening up again,
furthering the economic downturn within China. Financing more generally thus remained
mostly limited to China, reducing the extent to which China invested in projects abroad (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Value of new foreign contracted projects signed in BRI countries
Source: Clark (2023).
As discussed above, the pandemic has also exacerbated the debt sustainability concerns in
recipient countries. In Sri Lanka, pandemic-linked economic downturn has already led to a
default, with Pakistan currently verging on the edge of a default. More generally, many
recipient countries now face challenges in servicing their existing debts to China due to
economic disruptions and reduced revenues. This has forced and will continue to force China
to reassess the debt sustainability of its projects, likely enhancing the need for debt
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
rescheduling, restructuring, or debt forgiveness to support recipient countries. Within China,
this will invariably continue discussions on why debtors who were unlikely to ever repay their
debt in the first place were funded initially. Further, restructuring and at least partial debt
forgiveness may be the only solution for Chinese lenders if they wish to lend to the recipients
in that country in the future.
These broader debt sustainability concerns have led to a rearticulation of the Chinese lending
strategy for the BRI. Especially in the BRI’s initial stages, the sheer size and scale of Chinese
overseas lending led to loans being provided to countries that otherwise lacked access to
overseas development financing, partially because their debt-servicing capacities was in
serious doubt. While Chinese loans were not necessarily more malignantly structured than
loans provided by the IMF, the World Bank, or Western creditors, Chinese banks simply
provided loans to countries that other institutions and creditors did not provide loans to (The
Economist, 2023). Since then, China’s discourse on overseas lending has focused on ‘sensible’
and ‘sustainable’ investments. In reaction to the pandemic and its lending complications, China
has essentially fostered a two-tier system in which loans are provided to (1) countries that are
likely to service their debt either way, meaning high-income economies, and (2)
projects/investments that have a broader strategic value. These projects include the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is viewed as key to ensure continued Pakistani
alignment with Chinese interests, and investments into areas with significant natural reserves
(for instance lithium reserves in South America) (The Economist, 2023). Overall, this new
approach has led to a decrease in the number of projects approved under the guise of the BRI
that mirrors the drop in funding (see Figure 3). Alongside the contraction of the fiscal base, the
lending issues partially preceding the pandemic has led to a reconfiguration of the overseas
lending practices of Chinese banks.
Figure 3: Number of new foreign contracted projects signed in BRI countries
Source: Clark (2023).
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
COVID-19 has ultimately had a profound impact on the BRI by reshaping priorities and
challenges for both creditors and debtors. The effects of the pandemic in the dynamics between
creditors and debtors is inherently interlinked, with financing issues for creditors being
exacerbated by the pandemic, in turn aggravating the issues facing Chinese creditors. The
pandemic has intensified debt distress and broadly worsened the fiscal position of recipient
States, enhancing their debt vulnerability and debt exposure to China. As discussed, this will
likely require careful debt restructuring and renegotiations and further increase the scrutiny visà-vis Chinese development financing going forward.
Given these shifts over time, it is useful to understand China as redefining the BRI’s objectives
and priorities dependent on internal and external market and political developments. In the
initial stage of the initiative (2013-2015), China mainly focused on policy coordination and
diplomatic efforts to build consensus and support among participating countries. There were
limited financial commitments, and China primarily relied on policy banks, such as the CDB
and the Exim Bank, to provide loans and credit lines to BRI projects. These loans were often
provided on concessional terms, with lower interest rates, longer tenures, and more flexible
repayment terms, making them attractive to debtors with low credit scores and fostering a
concentration of investments in countries that were unlikely to repay their debt. China began
to scale up the BRI between 2016 and 2018 as the initiative gained momentum, leading Beijing
to significantly increase its financial commitment to the BRI and exacerbating the issues
surrounding debt sustainability. In this phase, China specifically promoted the use of new
financing platforms, including the AIIB and the SRF, to operate as additional sources of
funding. These institutions provided loans, equity investments, and other types of financing to
BRI projects, along with continued support from policy banks. China also encouraged Chinese
commercial banks to participate in BRI financing, including providing project loans, trade
finance, and other forms of support.
Between 2019 and 2020, China grew more conscious of the financial exposure generated by
significant lending activities by commercial and policy banks. From 2019 onward, BRI policy
started to emphasize risk management and sustainability in its financing approach. China issued
guidelines on debt sustainability and risk management for BRI projects, emphasizing the need
for prudent lending, project viability, and environmental and social safeguards. The evolution
of BRI financing instruments highlights the growing awareness for the exposure created for
China through the BRI. In addition to loans, China has been exploring mechanisms, such as
equity investments, grants, concessional financing, and blended finance. Chinese policy has
also been promoting local currency financing, which can reduce exchange rate risks and
support economic development in participating countries. As discussed, this is part of a broader
drive to internationalize the usage of the RMB.
The outbreak of the pandemic significantly reshaped China’s ability to sustain the previous
financing model for the BRI. Since 2020, China has sought to adapt the BRI to face
contemporary economic and geopolitical challenges, mainly a result of the pandemic and the
growing hostility between China and the US. China has been recalibrating its approach to
prioritize post-pandemic recovery, debt sustainability, and digitalization. China has also been
promoting public-private partnerships, strengthening cooperation with multilateral
development banks, and exploring new financing mechanisms, such as green bonds and equity
investments, to diversify funding sources and reduce risks. These measures mark the attempt
to reduce the financial exposure of Chinese creditors.
Yet, significant doubts remain about the BRI’s future scope and scale. China will likely face
continued debt distress in recipient countries such as Pakistan, where BRI projects also remain
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
exposed to attacks by militants. Beijing has also not successfully managed to assuage concerns
vis-à-vis its geopolitical designs, which is likely to produce a decreased buy-in from countries
suspicious of Chinese objectives. Project viability and sustainability remains a long-term
concern that can only be meaningfully addressed through the implementation of more robust
feasibility studies, financial assessments, and project management capacities, which may vary
across participating countries. To some degree, the efficacy of the BRI also remains limited by
cultural and regulatory differences: BRI projects are implemented in diverse cultural and
regulatory contexts, which can pose challenges in terms of navigating different legal
frameworks, business practices, and cultural norms. Understanding and accommodating these
differences requires effective cross-cultural communication, negotiation skills, and flexibility
in project implementation, all of which are issues Chinese firms have frequently struggled with.
Even beyond financial sustainability, there are thus plenty of challenges the BRI continues to
face ten years after its launch.
Ten years after its launch as Xi’s flagship project for the dream of a ‘rejuvenation of the
Chinese nation’, the BRI finds itself at a crossroads. From the start, the BRI has been
characterized by a broader, multifaceted lack of transparency and sustainability. While this is
most obvious in the case of debt sustainability, these concerns also extend to the social,
political, and environmental ramifications of the initiative. It is notable that Chinese efforts to
mitigate these concerns have been largely ineffective, meaning that much of the BRI continues
to focus on countries that cannot access more established development financing mechanisms
due to concerns about their ability to service their debt. While Chinese financing structures
could be interpreted as indicating potentially malign Chinese designs, it also appears that
mishaps in the BRI’s implementation are the outcome of insufficient impact and financing
assessments, both on the sides of the creditor and the debtor, and an oversized extension of
financing in a short period of time. Within China, various ministries are involved in the shaping
of BRI policy priorities while the bodies responsible for overseeing its financing are, as
discussed, diverse and fragmented. While it is true that these entities within China remain
linked to the CCP and the Chinese State more generally, governance within China often
remains so ‘fractured’ (Jones & Hameiri, 2021) that an implementation of the BRI as a coherent
geostrategic framework is limited by these inherently fractured and fragmented governance
Further, the BRI has changed over time, with China’s approach toward the initiative being
significantly reshaped by the outbreak of the pandemic. By shrinking China’s fiscal space, the
COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the initiative, limiting the degree to which
China prioritized the BRI as the government once again turned inwards. Looking ahead, the
BRI now faces greater financing issues while suffering from reduced credibility. Thus far,
China’s ability to address key implementation challenges (including debt sustainability, greater
geopolitical risks, environmental and social impacts, project viability and quality, governance
and transparency, cultural and regulatory differences) have been limited. Addressing these
issues more constructively will require robust risk management, effective governance and
transparency mechanisms, strong project management capacities, and tailored approaches that
consider the specific needs and capacities of participating countries. The demand for
development financing will persist over the coming years and decades. Whether the BRI can
Ten Years of Belt-and-Road
play a role in this process hinges on China’s capacity to draw the right lessons from the
developments that have transpired over the last ten years.
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