Papers (Eng) by Ehud Gonen
Blue economy in Israel, 2022
review paper: Blue economy in Israel

This article addresses the implications for Israel related to technological developments
in the f... more This article addresses the implications for Israel related to technological developments
in the field of commercial shipping and maritime logistics. These developments include
opportunities for Israel on three levels: economic opportunity: autonomous shipping
technologies as a catalyst for growth and employment, both nationally and for the city
of Haifa and the northern region, a regional opportunity: blue economy as a platform
for regional cooperation in the eastern Mediterranean and the northern Red Sea,
and a strategic opportunity: maritime technology as a tool for disillusionment from
Israel’s "maritime blindness", as a tool for increasing Israeli soft power, which can be an
opportunity for possible Israeli influence on the international community. In addition,
shipping technologies, and especially 'autonomous shipping' related to international
trade, enable the collection of information and influence related parties beyond the
specific field of shipping.
The Suez Canal: Past Lessons and Future Challenges, 2023
The relations between China and Egypt are good and open, based on common economic and political i... more The relations between China and Egypt are good and open, based on common economic and political interests as well as a deep mutual cultural appreciation since both China and Egypt are part of the four great river civilizations of the ancient world (The four civilizations are China and the Yang Cha River, Egypt and the Nile River, the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent and the Ganges River, and Mesopotamia and the Euphrates and Tigres rivers.). Egypt, even during Mao Zedong's rule in China (1949-1976), enjoyed Chinese support as part of China's support for the bloc of non-identifying countries, including East African countries such as Sudan, and benefited from the development of China-Africa relations.
The Incident of the Suez Canal Blockage by the Ever Given Container Ship, 2022
On March 23, 2021, the Ever Given container ship, which was passing northwards through the Suez C... more On March 23, 2021, the Ever Given container ship, which was passing northwards through the Suez Canal, ran aground on the banks of the Canal about ten km north of the Port of Suez. The Canal got blocked as a consequence, and shipping through the Canal was stopped in both directions for almost six days.

This chapter surveys the main trade routes (both existing and planned) that connect between the ... more This chapter surveys the main trade routes (both existing and planned) that connect between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean. It describes the main overland routes, the ports that they connect to and the political and economic challenges they involve. The main conclusion presented is that in the existing political situation in the Levant there is greater feasibility for projects that are contained within the borders of a
single country while the feasibility of large cross-border projects is elatively low. Nonetheless, the rise of Iran as a regional power and the formation of a Sunni-Israeli alliance in response increases the chance of creating routes from the Gulf region by way of Jordan to the port of Haifa (israel). Similarly, and despite the ‘boom’ in infrastructure nvestment in western Asia as a result of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, it appears that in the foreseeable future China will not be involved in investment in overland cross-border logistic projects in the Levant (such as railways) due to the political risk involved. On the other hand, China is deeply involved in investment in the region’s seaports.
Strategic Implications of China's belt and road Initiative, 2019
US Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, 2018
At the time of the previous Israeli Maritime Strategic Evaluation (end of 2016), 1 it was already... more At the time of the previous Israeli Maritime Strategic Evaluation (end of 2016), 1 it was already known that a new US administration would be taking over at the beginning of 2017 and it was thought that this would perhaps herald a change in US foreign policy, including its policy in the Eastern Mediterranean. The joint report published by Haifa University and the Hudson Institute in the autumn of 2016 also recommended that the new administration examine several issues related to US policy in the Eastern Mediterranean. 2
On the 30th of October, 2019, the Ministerial Committee for National Security (the "Security Cabi... more On the 30th of October, 2019, the Ministerial Committee for National Security (the "Security Cabinet") passed decision 372/b on: "Determining a process and mechanism to examine national security aspects of foreign direct investment"1 (for the full version, see Appendix 1).
The decision to create a committee to examine foreign direct investments is based on similar committees in a number of Western countries in the OECD, including Germany, Britain, Australia and the US,2 although it is in contrast to the economic policy followed by the Israeli Ministry of Finance since the 1990s (the launch of the program to open the Israeli economy), which is characterized by openness to international trade and foreign investment.
Over the past few years, China’s Belt and Road Initiative
(BRI) has generated substantial intere... more Over the past few years, China’s Belt and Road Initiative
(BRI) has generated substantial interest amongst various
countries, irrespective of their individual approaches to
sustainable growth in their national policies. There is either
an increasing keenness to collaborate with China in this
initiative or to maintain a guarded and cautious approach
In 2013, the government of China announced an ambitious project called "One Belt
One Road" (OBOR... more In 2013, the government of China announced an ambitious project called "One Belt
One Road" (OBOR), whose name was changed in 2017 to the "Belt and Road Initiative"
(BRI). The initiative includes a large number of massive infrastructure and transportation
projects along two routes between Europe and China. The land route (One Road)
traverses the countries of Central Asia and is based on the historic Silk Road which
includes six logistic corridors. The maritime route (the maritime belt – the maritime Silk
Road) runs through China, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean ports, East Africa, the Red
Sea and the Mediterranean. At this point, the BRI framework includes about 200 joint
projects (along both the land route and the sea route) and the initiative is intended to
include about 64 countries.

Call for book chapters on the social effects of autnomous ships 2024
Call for Academic Papers – Social Effects of Autonomous Shipping
Invitation for book chapter prop... more Call for Academic Papers – Social Effects of Autonomous Shipping
Invitation for book chapter proposals to be included in a forthcoming scholarly volume on “Social Effects of Autonomous Shipping", edited by (1) Ehud Gonen, (2) Carmela Lutmar, and (3) Annette Skovsted Hansen.
International trade accounts for about half of the world's GDP and about 80% of this trade is seaborne. Shipping transports goods and raw materials along the value chain, enables strong and integrated economies, and has a great impact on human society.
Throughout the history of shipping, disruptive technological changes include the introduction of steamships that freed world trade from dependence on winds and seasons, and containerized cargo trade, which standardized the entire logistics chain and led to greater efficiency.
In recent years, various transportation sectors have undergone a profound disruptive change with the technological maturation of areas such as satellite communications, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analysis, sensors technology, and more. The changes are well seen with the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous cars, and recently developments in the field of autonomous shipping.
papers (Heb) by Ehud Gonen
שרשראות האספקה הימיות לישראל במלחמת חרבות ברזל , 2024
סקירת האיומים והמדיניות בשרשראות האספקה הימיות לישראל במהלך מלחמת חרבות ברזל עד ספטמבר 24
ניתוח גאו-כלכלי של השלכות התקפות החות'ים על סחר החוץ הישראלי, 2024
משנת 2014 מתחוללת בתימן מלחמת אזרחים , שבמהלכה השתלטו החות'י ם על טריטוריה במדינה לרבות על עיר
הנ... more משנת 2014 מתחוללת בתימן מלחמת אזרחים , שבמהלכה השתלטו החות'י ם על טריטוריה במדינה לרבות על עיר
הנמל חודידה ) Hudaydah (. הם שולטים גם על מ צר באב א ל-מנדב – אח ת מנקודות המשנק הימיות ) choke points , מכוּנות גם נקודות חנק( המרכזיות בעולם. בנובמבר 2023 , לאחר פרוץ מלחמת חרבות ברזל , החלו
החות'ים לתקוף אוניות בעלות זיקה לישראל. ההתקפות החות'יות גרמו לשינויים משמעותיים בתנועת הספנות
העולמית , שהביאו לתגובה ב ינלאומית דיפלומטית וצבאית. נוסף על כ ך גרמו ההתקפות להימנעות מלאה של ספנות
ישראלית ממעבר באזור, להפסקת הפעילות בפועל בנמל אילת ולהשפעות כלכליות נוספות . המאמר מנתח את
השפעת ההתקפות על סחר החוץ הישראלי מנקודת מבט ג יאוגרפי ת-כלכלית ומנסה לאמוד בצורה כמותית את
השפעת הנזק הישיר על סחר החוץ הישראל י .
מילות מפתח: סגר ימי, שרשרת אספקה, מסחר בינלאומי, חות'ים, מלחמת חרבות ברזל .
נערכה אסטרטגית ימית רבתי לישראל 2020-21, 2021
מסדרונות לוגיסטיים ונתיבי סחר בין האוקיינוס ההודי והים התיכון
סקירת כלכלה כחולה בישראל הזדמנויות ואתגרים, 2022
סקירת כלכלה כחולה בישראל הזדמנויות ואתגרים
בחודשים האחרונים אירעו מספר תקיפות של כלי שיט הקשורים לישראל באזור הים הערבי. על פי
פרסומים בתקשו... more בחודשים האחרונים אירעו מספר תקיפות של כלי שיט הקשורים לישראל באזור הים הערבי. על פי
פרסומים בתקשורת הדבר בא כתגובה איראנית להתקפות על מכליות איראניות שבוצעו בים האדום
ובים התיכון, לכאורה על ידי ישראל. האם תקיפת כלי שיט הקשור לישראל היא פגיעה 'בחופש השיט
הישראלי' והאם תקיפות אלו הן סכנה אסטרטגית למשק המדינה?
חברה, צבא וביטחון לאומי, 2022
The characteristics of the future warfare and the expected damage to ports and infrastructures ut... more The characteristics of the future warfare and the expected damage to ports and infrastructures utilities, alongside the Israeli’s economic dependence on seaborne trade ,together with structural characteristics of world maritime trade and the commercial value chain of imports to Israel ,all create a weak point in the continuity of economic activity in times of emergency,
which can develop into a possible shortage of essential goods and even to hart supplies to the IDF. The article analyzed the maritime supply chain to Israel into four segments, and analysis the security and structural challenges for each of them. In the concluding part the author describes a policy that, in the author's opinion, is appropriate for dealing with these challenges.
ההערכה אסטרטגית ימית רבתי לישראל 2021 2022, 2022
אירוע חסימת תעלת סואץ על ידי האוניה אויר גיוון
זיהום הים איך נמנע את האסון הבא
Papers (Eng) by Ehud Gonen
in the field of commercial shipping and maritime logistics. These developments include
opportunities for Israel on three levels: economic opportunity: autonomous shipping
technologies as a catalyst for growth and employment, both nationally and for the city
of Haifa and the northern region, a regional opportunity: blue economy as a platform
for regional cooperation in the eastern Mediterranean and the northern Red Sea,
and a strategic opportunity: maritime technology as a tool for disillusionment from
Israel’s "maritime blindness", as a tool for increasing Israeli soft power, which can be an
opportunity for possible Israeli influence on the international community. In addition,
shipping technologies, and especially 'autonomous shipping' related to international
trade, enable the collection of information and influence related parties beyond the
specific field of shipping.
single country while the feasibility of large cross-border projects is elatively low. Nonetheless, the rise of Iran as a regional power and the formation of a Sunni-Israeli alliance in response increases the chance of creating routes from the Gulf region by way of Jordan to the port of Haifa (israel). Similarly, and despite the ‘boom’ in infrastructure nvestment in western Asia as a result of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, it appears that in the foreseeable future China will not be involved in investment in overland cross-border logistic projects in the Levant (such as railways) due to the political risk involved. On the other hand, China is deeply involved in investment in the region’s seaports.
The decision to create a committee to examine foreign direct investments is based on similar committees in a number of Western countries in the OECD, including Germany, Britain, Australia and the US,2 although it is in contrast to the economic policy followed by the Israeli Ministry of Finance since the 1990s (the launch of the program to open the Israeli economy), which is characterized by openness to international trade and foreign investment.
(BRI) has generated substantial interest amongst various
countries, irrespective of their individual approaches to
sustainable growth in their national policies. There is either
an increasing keenness to collaborate with China in this
initiative or to maintain a guarded and cautious approach
One Road" (OBOR), whose name was changed in 2017 to the "Belt and Road Initiative"
(BRI). The initiative includes a large number of massive infrastructure and transportation
projects along two routes between Europe and China. The land route (One Road)
traverses the countries of Central Asia and is based on the historic Silk Road which
includes six logistic corridors. The maritime route (the maritime belt – the maritime Silk
Road) runs through China, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean ports, East Africa, the Red
Sea and the Mediterranean. At this point, the BRI framework includes about 200 joint
projects (along both the land route and the sea route) and the initiative is intended to
include about 64 countries.
Invitation for book chapter proposals to be included in a forthcoming scholarly volume on “Social Effects of Autonomous Shipping", edited by (1) Ehud Gonen, (2) Carmela Lutmar, and (3) Annette Skovsted Hansen.
International trade accounts for about half of the world's GDP and about 80% of this trade is seaborne. Shipping transports goods and raw materials along the value chain, enables strong and integrated economies, and has a great impact on human society.
Throughout the history of shipping, disruptive technological changes include the introduction of steamships that freed world trade from dependence on winds and seasons, and containerized cargo trade, which standardized the entire logistics chain and led to greater efficiency.
In recent years, various transportation sectors have undergone a profound disruptive change with the technological maturation of areas such as satellite communications, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analysis, sensors technology, and more. The changes are well seen with the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous cars, and recently developments in the field of autonomous shipping.
papers (Heb) by Ehud Gonen
הנמל חודידה ) Hudaydah (. הם שולטים גם על מ צר באב א ל-מנדב – אח ת מנקודות המשנק הימיות ) choke points , מכוּנות גם נקודות חנק( המרכזיות בעולם. בנובמבר 2023 , לאחר פרוץ מלחמת חרבות ברזל , החלו
החות'ים לתקוף אוניות בעלות זיקה לישראל. ההתקפות החות'יות גרמו לשינויים משמעותיים בתנועת הספנות
העולמית , שהביאו לתגובה ב ינלאומית דיפלומטית וצבאית. נוסף על כ ך גרמו ההתקפות להימנעות מלאה של ספנות
ישראלית ממעבר באזור, להפסקת הפעילות בפועל בנמל אילת ולהשפעות כלכליות נוספות . המאמר מנתח את
השפעת ההתקפות על סחר החוץ הישראלי מנקודת מבט ג יאוגרפי ת-כלכלית ומנסה לאמוד בצורה כמותית את
השפעת הנזק הישיר על סחר החוץ הישראל י .
מילות מפתח: סגר ימי, שרשרת אספקה, מסחר בינלאומי, חות'ים, מלחמת חרבות ברזל .
פרסומים בתקשורת הדבר בא כתגובה איראנית להתקפות על מכליות איראניות שבוצעו בים האדום
ובים התיכון, לכאורה על ידי ישראל. האם תקיפת כלי שיט הקשור לישראל היא פגיעה 'בחופש השיט
הישראלי' והאם תקיפות אלו הן סכנה אסטרטגית למשק המדינה?
which can develop into a possible shortage of essential goods and even to hart supplies to the IDF. The article analyzed the maritime supply chain to Israel into four segments, and analysis the security and structural challenges for each of them. In the concluding part the author describes a policy that, in the author's opinion, is appropriate for dealing with these challenges.
in the field of commercial shipping and maritime logistics. These developments include
opportunities for Israel on three levels: economic opportunity: autonomous shipping
technologies as a catalyst for growth and employment, both nationally and for the city
of Haifa and the northern region, a regional opportunity: blue economy as a platform
for regional cooperation in the eastern Mediterranean and the northern Red Sea,
and a strategic opportunity: maritime technology as a tool for disillusionment from
Israel’s "maritime blindness", as a tool for increasing Israeli soft power, which can be an
opportunity for possible Israeli influence on the international community. In addition,
shipping technologies, and especially 'autonomous shipping' related to international
trade, enable the collection of information and influence related parties beyond the
specific field of shipping.
single country while the feasibility of large cross-border projects is elatively low. Nonetheless, the rise of Iran as a regional power and the formation of a Sunni-Israeli alliance in response increases the chance of creating routes from the Gulf region by way of Jordan to the port of Haifa (israel). Similarly, and despite the ‘boom’ in infrastructure nvestment in western Asia as a result of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, it appears that in the foreseeable future China will not be involved in investment in overland cross-border logistic projects in the Levant (such as railways) due to the political risk involved. On the other hand, China is deeply involved in investment in the region’s seaports.
The decision to create a committee to examine foreign direct investments is based on similar committees in a number of Western countries in the OECD, including Germany, Britain, Australia and the US,2 although it is in contrast to the economic policy followed by the Israeli Ministry of Finance since the 1990s (the launch of the program to open the Israeli economy), which is characterized by openness to international trade and foreign investment.
(BRI) has generated substantial interest amongst various
countries, irrespective of their individual approaches to
sustainable growth in their national policies. There is either
an increasing keenness to collaborate with China in this
initiative or to maintain a guarded and cautious approach
One Road" (OBOR), whose name was changed in 2017 to the "Belt and Road Initiative"
(BRI). The initiative includes a large number of massive infrastructure and transportation
projects along two routes between Europe and China. The land route (One Road)
traverses the countries of Central Asia and is based on the historic Silk Road which
includes six logistic corridors. The maritime route (the maritime belt – the maritime Silk
Road) runs through China, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean ports, East Africa, the Red
Sea and the Mediterranean. At this point, the BRI framework includes about 200 joint
projects (along both the land route and the sea route) and the initiative is intended to
include about 64 countries.
Invitation for book chapter proposals to be included in a forthcoming scholarly volume on “Social Effects of Autonomous Shipping", edited by (1) Ehud Gonen, (2) Carmela Lutmar, and (3) Annette Skovsted Hansen.
International trade accounts for about half of the world's GDP and about 80% of this trade is seaborne. Shipping transports goods and raw materials along the value chain, enables strong and integrated economies, and has a great impact on human society.
Throughout the history of shipping, disruptive technological changes include the introduction of steamships that freed world trade from dependence on winds and seasons, and containerized cargo trade, which standardized the entire logistics chain and led to greater efficiency.
In recent years, various transportation sectors have undergone a profound disruptive change with the technological maturation of areas such as satellite communications, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analysis, sensors technology, and more. The changes are well seen with the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous cars, and recently developments in the field of autonomous shipping.
הנמל חודידה ) Hudaydah (. הם שולטים גם על מ צר באב א ל-מנדב – אח ת מנקודות המשנק הימיות ) choke points , מכוּנות גם נקודות חנק( המרכזיות בעולם. בנובמבר 2023 , לאחר פרוץ מלחמת חרבות ברזל , החלו
החות'ים לתקוף אוניות בעלות זיקה לישראל. ההתקפות החות'יות גרמו לשינויים משמעותיים בתנועת הספנות
העולמית , שהביאו לתגובה ב ינלאומית דיפלומטית וצבאית. נוסף על כ ך גרמו ההתקפות להימנעות מלאה של ספנות
ישראלית ממעבר באזור, להפסקת הפעילות בפועל בנמל אילת ולהשפעות כלכליות נוספות . המאמר מנתח את
השפעת ההתקפות על סחר החוץ הישראלי מנקודת מבט ג יאוגרפי ת-כלכלית ומנסה לאמוד בצורה כמותית את
השפעת הנזק הישיר על סחר החוץ הישראל י .
מילות מפתח: סגר ימי, שרשרת אספקה, מסחר בינלאומי, חות'ים, מלחמת חרבות ברזל .
פרסומים בתקשורת הדבר בא כתגובה איראנית להתקפות על מכליות איראניות שבוצעו בים האדום
ובים התיכון, לכאורה על ידי ישראל. האם תקיפת כלי שיט הקשור לישראל היא פגיעה 'בחופש השיט
הישראלי' והאם תקיפות אלו הן סכנה אסטרטגית למשק המדינה?
which can develop into a possible shortage of essential goods and even to hart supplies to the IDF. The article analyzed the maritime supply chain to Israel into four segments, and analysis the security and structural challenges for each of them. In the concluding part the author describes a policy that, in the author's opinion, is appropriate for dealing with these challenges.
המסחרית והלוגיסטיקה הימית. התפתחויות אלו מגלמות בתוכן הזדמנויות עבור ישראל
בשלושה מישורים: הזדמנות כלכלית: טכנולוגיות ספנות אוטונומיות כמנוע צמיחה ותעסוקה הן לאומי והן לאזור חיפה והצפון, הזדמנות אזורית: כלכלה כחולה כמצע לשיתוף פעולה אזורי במזרח הים התיכון וצפון הים האדום, והזדמנות אסטרטגית: טכנולוגיה ימית ככלי להתפכחות מהעיוורון הימי שבו שרויה ישראל, ככלי להגדלת העוצמה הרכה הישראלית המהווה מנוף להשפעה ישראלית אפשרית במערכת הבין־לאומית. נוסף לכך, טכנולוגיות ספנות ובעיקר 'ספנות אוטונומית' כזו הקשורה לסחר הבין־לאומי מאפשרת איסוף מידע והשפעה על שחקנים מעבר לתחום הספציפי של הספנות.
'החגורה והדרך' של ממשלת סין במזרח הים התיכון וים סוף
הסקירה עומדת השנה בסימן מלחמת חרבות ברזל והפרקים בה נכתבו בהתאם להתפתחויות עד אוגוסט 2024
growth engine (blue growth) for the Israeli economy. The report was writen by researcher fellows from Center for Maritime Policy and Strategy at the University of Haifa, and researches from the University of Haifa who have a unique knowledge of these subjects.
The symposium will take place online, through Zoom, on March 11, 2021 from 10-am Israel time / 5-pm Japan time.
Please join with the following link: