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Questions tagged [java]

Java is a general-purpose programming language and a computing platform called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Use this tag when you are dealing with a java program, installing java, or configuring a java installation.

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Linux Server swap memory problem

I have the same problem on all servers running Java processes. I have lots of available memory. But my swap is full of Java-related pages. But the system never cleans its swap, Java pages stay there &...
Eduardo's user avatar
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almalinux 9 tomcat 10 openlogic java 11 error HTTP Status 404 – Not Found

I would like to troubleshoot an issue that I think it happens only in my just made up environment. I have an almalinux 9 with apache tomcat 10 and openlogic jdk version 11. Installation seemed to work ...
Malkavian's user avatar
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ADB server does not ACK if it is launched inside Linux chrooted / jailed / emulated with the Linuxulator

I'm trying to connect to my mobile phone using adb over wifi using the Linuxulator because I want to install a specific java application that requires Linux to work. I have already used Linux ...
Marietto's user avatar
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Multiprocess Java app locks up routinely

TL;DR - Why does our Java app in an ECS Docker container hang when launching 8 child processes, with the smoking guns being a hung cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline command or the presence of jspawnhelper ...
CryptoFool's user avatar
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How to fix a locale warning from Perl?

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS perl -e exit: ...
razor's user avatar
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Removing Gradle with all dependencies

I have installed Gradle via Synaptic Package Manager. During the installation process, two auxiliary packages were installed, plus a large amount of different dependencies, and the process was quite ...
minto's user avatar
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Difference between amidi -l and aconnect -l

I would like to use fluidsynth as a player for my Java application. However, fluidsynth creates a port visible via aconnect -l but invisible via amidi -l. Java MIDI, in turn, sees only the ports ...
scriptfoo's user avatar
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My systemd service stopped working after updating server jarfile

I have a fabric minecraft server running on Oracle Linux, which I updated today, but now Java exits with status code 1 and says that server.jar can't be found. Please help me, I really don't ...
khanmenthe's user avatar
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Enabling Java JNDI LDAP connection to Active Directory using SSH through remote SSH tunnelling

Firstly, I would like to validate my idea for the PoC, specifically I would like to understand whether this can be possible or not and furthermore some pointers with regards to how it can be done ...
theimpatientcoder's user avatar
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java process keep re-starting after kill it with command: kill -9 pid

I have a screen called bung were inside i run a java process using ./ (script to run the java process) but before type that command i start the screen running screen -r bung so i open the ...
Felipe Braga Comonier's user avatar
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"Failed to load swt-pi3" error in e2studio installer

I would like to install the latest version of Renesas' e2studio on my up-to-date Fedora 39 machine but I keep getting the following error: $ ./ Mar. 31, ...
stdcerr's user avatar
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How to solve Missing X server or $DISPLAY when trying to change the loaded website in chromium

I am a newbie with using raspberry and I am using chilipie-kiosk to develop a kiosk on a raspberry pi. The idea is when the Raspberry Pi starts, the Chromium browser is launched with a page that we ...
Jorge Palacios Zaratiegui's user avatar
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JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" 7" -> Unrecognized option 7

I am trying to install the latest version of PSIM which is a windows application. I downloaded the latest version of JAVA as well as JAVA 8 (in case it doesn't like the latest) and set the variable ...
ganymede's user avatar
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When SIGTERM is received by a process, what happens to its children?

I am wondering what happens when a process receives SIGTERM and it has children spawned (e.g. JVM that has /bin/sh commands running). Is there some sort of automatism or does the parent simply exit ...
RokL's user avatar
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If I have a json string how do I calculate the number of bytes needed when stored?

I have a json string formatted displayed in a web page. What I am trying to understand is what is the size in terms of bytes that this json string requires. If I copy and pipe to wc -c I get 1000 ...
Jim's user avatar
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Kafka with KRaft - what is listening on the random high port?

I'm in the process of writing some ansible to install Kafka on RHEL and I've got the service running and am about to configure the firewall to make the service accessible on the network. When I look ...
azzid's user avatar
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Hadoop Namenode heap size tuning

NameNode process is executed in Java virtual machine, and Java object which NameNode creates is managed in Java virtual memory. As the fles or directories are created, inode objects and block objects ...
yael's user avatar
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Why are four Jenkins build nodes suddenly having fatal problems finding things on the PATH?

In our overall organization, we run Jenkins 2.303.1 onprem. We run thousands of builds a day. The project I work on uses one Jenkins master and a set of about ten build nodes. We build a few hundred ...
David M. Karr's user avatar
3 votes
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Java 21 on Raspberry Pi 5

I'm not able to install Java 21 on Raspberry Pi 5. I download ARM versions from openJDK and Oracle, but both don't work for me. When typing ./java it prints: "No such file or directory" (I'm ...
Bloodlex's user avatar
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Arch linux - Error during update of packages: jdk-openjdk and jre-openjdk are in conflict

When I try to update my system I get jdk-openjdk and jre-openjdk are in conflict error: This is log of the update attempt: :: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Error: could not open `user_jvm_args.txt`

This is my first time making a bash script into a service and I'm running into an error where the service fails because it can't open a text file that is used for java arguments (user_jvm_args.txt). I ...
EChumley1310's user avatar
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shell script invoke java, keep existing on linux

we have a bash shell script which invoke java program. will it be happened that the java ends/complete but the process of still on the process list? below is the content of execute, which invoke a ...
user30430's user avatar
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Java: what exactly does a headless install mean?

I'm installing Java and Tomcat on a headless server. The client doesn't have Java and just sees a webpage. Should I install openjdk-17, or openjdk-17-headless?
QF0's user avatar
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100% memory consumption when running Jetbrains IDE for 5 min

Fresh install of Arch Linux causes major memory leaks upon opening JAVA based applications, or Jet Brains applications to be exact. Memory starts off fine but within 5 minutes its up over 90%, opening ...
AAA's user avatar
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Installing Ant is overriding Java Installation

I am trying to install ANT after installing java. My java in Sun Java. pc19@pc19-H110:~$ java -version java version "20.0.2" 2023-07-18 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 20.0.2+9-78) ...
Sahil's user avatar
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How to replace stock java with downloaded binary?

In Debian Stable the latest openjdk version available is 17. $ which -a java /usr/bin/java /bin/java $ java --version openjdk 17.0.8 2023-07-18 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.8+7-Debian-...
yyhh344's user avatar
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Java process getting terminated in Redhat by SIGTERM from Systemd

I'm starting a Java process using nohup and & (running it in the background). This process gets terminated frequently. There is no pattern on when it is getting terminated. From the application (...
Raghu's user avatar
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How do I install Java for all users?

I need to install Java 8 on my raspberry pi. I used SDKMan to do so, following this tutorial. All works well only if I use java from my admin account (the one I used to install it). Trying to run java ...
Kuba0040's user avatar
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How to prune Ubuntu to bare essentials

I have a Raspberry Pi running a Java application (with Swing/GUI) in a kiosk-like setup. I want to terminate (or preferably prevent from starting) all unnecessary processes that are not essential for ...
amateur99's user avatar
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How can I install Java 8 on Debian 12 (bookworm)?

Under Debian 11, we typically use OpenJDK from This organization will no longer provide new releases: Is there a way to install ...
realtebo's user avatar
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Shell script not picking up variable in if statement

I have some code that looks like this: ################### - Let's call this section 1 if [ -n "$STUFF_JAVA" ]; then __LAUNCHER="$STUFF_JAVA" else __LAUNCHER="...
Chicken Sandwich No Pickles's user avatar
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java8 installing issue on linux error: alternative path

i have an issue on setup the java on my kali linux using vm on macboob Pro im new on the system i have the issue that when i follow the command (a㉿kali)-[/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.8.0_371] └─$ sudo update-...
ali ali's user avatar
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How to package a Maven Java application for Debian?

I am trying to package a Java application that is built with Maven. I created the debian/ folder with mh_make and I have been reading/watching the tutorials:
Slav's user avatar
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"Unable to locate an executable" when trying to install Docker compose plugin

I try to install Docker compose plugin in terminal for Mac but always that I try to do it terminal give this error: Unable to locate an executable at "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-20.jdk/...
Edward Guzman's user avatar
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Apache Ignite - Automatic Cluster Snapshot Create / Restore Procedure

When trying the Apache Ignite cluster snapshot procedure (snapshot create, restore), the restore operation is not successful. Before the restore procedure, we have destroyed the cache which we want to ...
cookie_marsh's user avatar
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Confused about java -version [duplicate]

For every program/utility on Unix, I would type the name of the program followed by --version to check its version, like so program --version If I understand correctly, the double dash -- is used to ...
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configure: error: Could not find alsa!

I'm trying to cross compile jdk for android. I run: ./configure --with-toolchain-path=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64 --with-sysroot=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/platforms/android-21/...
kpwn Apps's user avatar
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What is this Java error about for maven on Ubuntu: package org.apache.http.client does not exist import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolExcepti?

I am using Java and Maven Project on Ubuntu but I am getting following error upon building Java code on NetBeans IDE: package org.apache.http.client does not exist import org.apache.http.client....
P_Z's user avatar
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"No X11 DISPLAY variable was set [...]" when using java.swing

When I'm trying to run a Java GUI application from the command line, I get: Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException: "No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, or no headful ...
CocoaPowder's user avatar
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Systemd cannot exec a start command with error: No such file or directory, but the path is correct and permissions are correct aswell

So I have this modded minecraft server which has a launch script that is very simple and I wanted to control the server using systemd. Here is the launch script: #!/bin/sh # Server Launch Script # # ...
mux's user avatar
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how to kill java process forcefully and remove directory which is used by that process

I have one use case where I am killing a java process with pkill java, and after that, I want to remove certain directories. I have used rm -rf /pathtofolder but it gives: rm: cannot remove '/...
Samurai's user avatar
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Is there a way someone can read arrays of bytes which I send with java sockets while using TLS 1.2?

If anyone can answer me pls I just need an anwer. I know thus isn't maybe right place for this question I created chatting app with sockets in Java 8 and i use TLS 1.2 My question is: Is there any way ...
GM dz0ji's user avatar
5 votes
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Manually install fontconfig, without root, for Java

While installing Jenkins on a server without root access, I get the following: AWT is not properly configured on this server. Perhaps you need to run your container with "-Djava.awt.headless=...
Frankie's user avatar
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Bash script to start java spring boot application from SSH

I have a simple bash script file, which is triggered from pipeline job ( via SSH ). The contains more or less something like this: cd /apps && java -jar "-Dspring.profiles....
ROZZ's user avatar
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What is the free environment to deploy an application built with docker compose

Is there a free cloud service that allows to deploy a web application developed with JSf and Mysql. The application is built locally with docker compose using both the docker images of Wildfly and ...
Dev Learning's user avatar
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Java threads and /proc/ directory on linux

I have a Java program that uses a pool of worker threads, that execute the work. These threads are dynamic, so the program creates and removes threads dynamically. The thread is running while a ...
Tom Eeraerts's user avatar
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Reading Java log input from shell script execution [closed]

I have a unix shell script, and in it I start a Java application. That Java application logs a handful of information upon startup, and I wonder if it's possible for my script to "read" that ...
Liam's user avatar
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How to use early jdk with archlinux-java?

I'm using archlinux-java set java-xx-openjdk to switch between regularly installed jdk versions, and that works, but I want to use the latest or the early version from that I ...
pdem's user avatar
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Tomcat start up expands JAVA symlink path to real absolute path

For setting up a path for binaries symlinks are the best way to go, however I encountered issues when the overlaying application uses this symlink sometimes goes for the exact absolute path. For eg: ...
SAGAR Nair's user avatar
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Installing Jboss tools in ubunto is aborted

When installing "Jboss tools 4.24.0 Final" in Eclipse, the following error message appears: Warning: You are installing software that contains unsigned content. The authenticity or validity ...
Dev Learning's user avatar

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