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Questions tagged [ssl]

SSL/TLS is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network. It is the S in HTTPS, IMAPS, SMTPS, etc.

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Importing Client Certs into Firefox

Making an attempt to put some client certs into Firefox on Red Hat. I am attempting to do this at provision using puppet. Everything I looked into said to put the key.db and cert.db files into a /home/...
BludShade's user avatar
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SSL certa sha changed, but Chrome still uses old one

I was forced to change ssl certificate for one from my domains. So, cert changed, sha256 changed. Old cert was not expired yet, but it's now replaced with new one. But, it looks like Chrome does not ...
user1209216's user avatar
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"openssl genpkey" can't use option "-cipher des3"

Trying to create RSA key via openssl: openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -cipher des3 -outform PEM -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -out myCA.pem This output: genpkey: Use -help for summary. If I remove -...
Eric's user avatar
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Where are the intermediate CA certificates?

In the folder /etc/ssl/certs/ i can well see: Symbolic links to the certificates stored at /usr/share/ca-certificates/ The BUNDLE file ca-certificates.crt which contains all certificates in PEM ...
floupinette's user avatar
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cannot manage CUPS printers over http://

I have a CUPS server on my local network. I can connect to the CUPS web interface: but when I want to log in as admin, or manage printers, I get this message: which after few ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
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No cerificate is in /etc/ssl/certs

I am working on an embedded Linux system (kernel-5.18.18) for an SOC platform. The system has openssl compiled, and there is an application connecting to cloud server. But the application failed to ...
wangt13's user avatar
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How to disable TLSv1.2 in my CENTOS based system

I want to disable TLSv1.2 in my centOS based RHEL system. I don't have a lot of knowledge of server management or security protocols, but the VAPT report says that we need to close TLSv1.2. i have two ...
Sayak Raha's user avatar
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Debian ca-certificates package contains expired trust certificates

Today on Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) install ca-certificates package and checked the /etc/ssl/certs directory .pem files, noticed some of the certificate expired. These certificates expired in 2023,...
sfgroups's user avatar
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Redirected too many times after adding ssl certificate to nginx

Before adding ssl_certificate, my nginx.conf is very simple: server { listen 80 default_server; index index.php index.html index.htm; location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) { ...
xpt's user avatar
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self-signed certificate doesnt work in my browser firefox/chrome

Self-signed certificate is generated by openssl utility. CA.crt and intermediate.crt are added to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/anchors/ on my client host(...
tuytuy20's user avatar
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SSL Handshake Error across several Fresh Oracle Linux 9 Installs

I have been trying to install the latest version of Oracle Linux 9.4, but I am unable use network functionality out-of-the-box or make any SSL connections, like updating packages or browsing the web. ...
anti4r's user avatar
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Why is my web server serving HTTPS content on port 80?

Apache webserver on Rocky Linux 9, with SSL certs obtained from LetsEncrypt. This is the config of a specific virtual host "myvhost", but the problem arises for all vhosts on my server: /etc/...
dr_'s user avatar
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Postfix TLS Anonymous and Untrusted

We use Postfix on a RHEL server to distribute email to our opted-in users each morning. We recently enabled smtp (outbound) TLS. The majority of our email is delivered on Trusted TLS Connections. ...
Greg Sims's user avatar
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How can I grant read permission for HTTPS certificates?

I'm enabling Gitea HTTPS access. On my server I got certificates using Certbot. The certificates are installed into: Certificate Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain/fullchain.pem Private Key Path: /...
Mark's user avatar
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What tools are available to obtain SSL certs from a CA for an isolated/airgapped system?

In the past, I have been able to leave the peculiarities of SSL certs to others, an mostly depend on self-signed certificates. That day has come to a close. I need to step up and configure a secured ...
pojo-guy's user avatar
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Freeradius how to block EAP-MD5 when not used with EAP-TTLS?

I'm new in freeradius and I'm trying to block the MD5 authentification when it is not used in the TLS tunnel from eap-ttls. I still want to enable the MD5 authentification as a inner method with TTLS. ...
rad's user avatar
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OpenSSL: Create CAfile

I have a X.509 certificate mycert.pem and a private-key mykey.pem for it. Furthermore the certificate has a root-certificate and a intermediate-certificate to build a complete chain. I had to add both ...
chris01's user avatar
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ldapsearch with mTLS (and selective curves)

I have to request a LDAP-server. It is strictly mutual-TLS secured. If I try TLS with openssl it works. But I have to provide -cert, -key and -curves to openssl s_client to make it work. Without ...
chris01's user avatar
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How do I verify ssl / tls connection with openssl non-interactively (from a script)?

When I execute: openssl s_client -connect openssl s_client -connect This gives me valuable output, but I would like openssl to close the connection and exit returning ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Problem When Compiling with Slackbuild Script

I have done a full install of slackware 15.0. Previously, I had no problem compiling & installing software using sboui or directly from the Slackbuild script. Lately I have been getting errors. ...
Garnet's user avatar
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ECDHE key exchange in OpenSSL going wrong (Outlook vs Cyrus imapd) - how to solve?

I am trying to connect Outlook 2019 to a Cyrus imapd server, using an SSL connection on port 993, and using ECDHE for key agreement. Whatever I do, this does not work although the imap server is set ...
Binarus's user avatar
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Ubuntu, failed to join an AD over TLS/SSL with realmd

actualy I tried to establish a connection between a Ubuntu-Host and an Active Directory, with the goal to authentification my Linux-Host over the AD. For this, I use SSSD and Realmd, but not ADSys. We ...
Alphabeit's user avatar
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Apple iPad cannot access IMAP via Dovecot -- SSL unsupported protocol

I have a mail server that has been running for quite some time. Most of my clients use non-Apple devices or are okay with web-clients. I am only now running into this roadblock, because a new client ...
pollyPaul's user avatar
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redirect to SSL works but get variables don't work

I have nginx and in server section and port 80 I redirect my host to port 443 such as: server { location / { return 307 https://$host$request_uri/?lang=fa } } It's work and redirect to ...
PersianGulf's user avatar
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Postfix TLS error message

I have a strange message in my Postfix server (on Debian 12) and only when receiving a message from Outlook: postfix/smtpd[1621610]: connect from[...
john75's user avatar
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Deploying private CA certs to debian devices

We have a private certificate authority (CA) which is only used on sites in our intranet. I can get the certificate easily: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect atlas.sim.local:8443 </dev/null 2>...
Stewart's user avatar
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How do I verify a TLS certificate with a self-signed CA?

I generate TLS certificates and sign them using a self-signed CA. There are numerous small errors that can happen in this process and cause the certificate to get rejected. Browser seem to serve very ...
Bagalaw's user avatar
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Disable TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 using httpd CentOS7

I'm trying to disable TLS 1.0/1.1 for PCI Compliance, but having problems. Running CentOS 7 / Apache 2.4.6 The Server is setup with multiple hosts. All the documentation I've found is similar but ...
TexasTim's user avatar
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Obtain a Wordpress Website with a Proxmox container available from outside with https (ssl encryption)

My prelimanary actions: setting up a ddns hostname with noip service (ok) configured to automatically keep alive the association on my home router(ok) installed a proxmox server v8 (ok) create a lxc ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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How to identify on console for a remote server what TLS it is providing on an HTTPS endpoint

I would like to find a way, to identify what type of TLS a remote HTTPS endpoint is providing, using only "standard" Linux command-line tools. I would like to know, what type of TLS the ...
PaulEdison's user avatar
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How do I resolve a TLS Error associated with smtpd?

I found the following in the logs: sssd_kcm[425899]: Starting up postfix/submission/smtpd[425910]: initializing the server-side TLS engine postfix/submission/smtpd[425910]: connect from unknown[::1] ...
twohot's user avatar
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Curl error SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM: dh key too small

When I run a get request from Curl to a web service I get the error SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM: dh key too small. Server is on CentOS 6.6 and web service is a Java application (OpenJDK 1.7) running ...
supmethods's user avatar
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Unbound dns over tls

I have unbound installed and it works just fine (debian testing). I also have a domain at I would like to set DoT on my Android phone as, so i can make all requests go ...
murkom's user avatar
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Enable TLS on BIND9

I am trying to enable TLS on my BIND server (9.19.16) which is otherwise working fine. When I add the following code to enable TLS, then my BIND server does not start. named.conf: tls local-tls { ...
M9A's user avatar
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wget error: certificate owner does not match hostname

wget command fails to download a file with error "The certificate's owner does not match hostname" Full command output is show below: wget ...
Amol's user avatar
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Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates

Running on Alma Linux 8.8 but can't install the package. I get Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates. I have updated all packages with dnf update but the error is still ...
supmethods's user avatar
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SSL cert recognized by OpenSSL but not geventhttpclient

I have an instance of an NVIDIA Triton Inference Server. Then, there is the Python's client which uses geventhttp Python's package to perform the requests. This is all deployed as microservices, so in ...
albertoperdomo2's user avatar
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How should I modify the Qt5 source code if I want to add back SSLv3 support in the libqt5network5 module?

I am on an Intel x86_64 CPU architecture platform running a Debian Bullseye Linux distro. On that platform runs a custom application. This application is a 32-bit software running as a systemd service ...
Chris Haddad's user avatar
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LAN drivers causing Layer 4 corruption

I'm relatively sure that my drivers are causing some level 4 packet corruption on my system. I'd like to know how to solve this.. Diagnostics: any form of git clone on large repos will invariably ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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Firefox does not recognize the sustom SSL via my own CA whereas other browsers do?

I made a script that generates a CA file and a SSL signed by the CA: #/usr/bin/env bash # Absolute path to this script, e.g. /home/user/bin/ SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE}") # ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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Why does Debian require a restart for login to self hosted Docker Repo after new SSL and Ubuntu does NOT x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

I have two servers, one Debian Buster (Debian 4.19.208-1) and the other is Ubuntu 18 (Ubuntu 18.04.6). I recently updated the SSL on a self hosted Docker Image Repo and noticed that on the Ubuntu ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
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Adding SSL certificates to HAProxy with certbot

I am trying to configure my Nginx server to act as my primary load balancer. I have done the necessary package installation with certbot but the problem comes in when I try to configure my haproxy.cfg ...
Santagotthejuice's user avatar
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Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server

I'm having a problem with an SSL Certificate. I was using a Let's Encrypt certificate and everything was fine. I'm trying to switch to a certificate issued from DigiCert, and can't seem to get it ...
TexasTim's user avatar
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HAProxy over Tomcat returns Error 403

I have an old server which runs a Tomcat service on port 8080. For various reasons (including securing the access from clients) I had to set up a HAProxy server in front of it, secured with a SSL ...
dr_'s user avatar
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Attempt to connect to ExpressVPN Server fails

for several months, if not weeks, I have had a fully functional connection to an ExpressVPN server via the "NetworkManager" on OpenSuse, but now, suddenly, it reports "failed to ...
Cane's user avatar
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How to configure Privoxy HTTPS inspection?

After following through the docs at, I have created a cert and key with openssl, placed them into the CA directory at /usr/local/etc/privoxy/CA/, and given permissions to the privoxy (...
ManSoMean's user avatar
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Why curl running from a container complains about local issuer certificate when all the certificates are supposedly present?

Here is my docker command line: mark@L-R910LPKW:~$ docker run -v /etc/ssl:/etc/ssl -v /usr/local/share/ca-certificates:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates -v /usr/share/ca-certificates:/usr/share/ca-...
mark's user avatar
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How should a docker container obtain a reference/path to a file which exists outside of the docker container

I have a service running in a docker container which needs to load an SSL certificate that is generated by cerbot. Certbot always puts the files in a directory like /etc/letsencrypt/live/
WSC's user avatar
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telnet localhost 25 vs telnet localhost 587

I install a postfix with the following postconf -n:(however I changed my domain to alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases append_dot_mydomain = no biff = no ...
PersianGulf's user avatar
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Curl Error 60 After Accidentally Deleting known_hosts file

I have a couple of Raspberry Pies that upload webcam images to a web host using a bash shell script. This is the upload code, which is identical on each Pi: curl -s -S -u myname: \ --...
Buadhai's user avatar
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