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How to fix a locale warning from Perl?

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS perl -e exit: ...
razor's user avatar
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Installing Ant is overriding Java Installation

I am trying to install ANT after installing java. My java in Sun Java. pc19@pc19-H110:~$ java -version java version "20.0.2" 2023-07-18 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 20.0.2+9-78) ...
Sahil's user avatar
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What is this Java error about for maven on Ubuntu: package org.apache.http.client does not exist import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolExcepti?

I am using Java and Maven Project on Ubuntu but I am getting following error upon building Java code on NetBeans IDE: package org.apache.http.client does not exist import org.apache.http.client....
P_Z's user avatar
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Systemd cannot exec a start command with error: No such file or directory, but the path is correct and permissions are correct aswell

So I have this modded minecraft server which has a launch script that is very simple and I wanted to control the server using systemd. Here is the launch script: #!/bin/sh # Server Launch Script # # ...
mux's user avatar
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Installing Jboss tools in ubunto is aborted

When installing "Jboss tools 4.24.0 Final" in Eclipse, the following error message appears: Warning: You are installing software that contains unsigned content. The authenticity or validity ...
Dev Learning's user avatar
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Failing to tweak runtime options for Tomcat

(I tried Google first and got a million articles which were simply rehashes of the installation readme from tomcat). I am trying to change the Java command line used for running Tomcat9 on Ubuntu 20....
symcbean's user avatar
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No Java Plugin? Now what?

Many systems, in particular various platforms offering a software KVM, have a Java-based UI for management. Often these provide a URL to download a "jnlp" file. These days Oracle et al have ...
VagrantPaladin's user avatar
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Bash script to restart java application after Jenkins compiling

I'm noob in linux! I have my server and installed jenkins. I need to create bash script, which should run application(or will restart if it has already been started) after jenkins compile it. I tried ...
Alex F's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 How do I specify jar files for a java program?

I have a java application I copied over from Windows to Ubuntu 18.04. The two important directories are ./bin and ./lib. In ./bin the tree is: bin └── com ├── google │   └── protobuf ├── ...
AeroClassics's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't run an exe file on Ubuntu using Wine - JRE error

I am trying to run an "exe" file on Linux using Ubunto through Wine. When I run it through the terminal I get this error: This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0(32 bit). ...
Shimon Cohen's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to run Java on arm?

I have a couple of spare Raspberry Pi 4's from a project last year. I was recently thinking that it would be really cool to run a Minecraft server on them, afterall they now have 4gb ram and a quad ...
Hugo's user avatar
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How can I tell if java was installed by default on ubuntu 20.4?

I don't recall installing java on my Ubuntu 20.4 system, so I'm asking is there a way to know if it came pre-installed on the OS distribution. I usually, only expect the JRE to be installed not the ...
PatS's user avatar
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JVM only uses 4 cores

I have a processor-intensive Java program and I want it to use all 8 available cores on the machine. I've run taskset and it reports the mask to be: pid 5897's current affinity mask: ff But in top (...
SandTh's user avatar
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How to fix Can't find bundle for base name ncs_rest_sim, locale en_us when running devspace simulator

I Am trying to install devspace simulator on ubuntu 20.10 with java version "1.8.0_271" and I get the following error when I run it: HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /. Reason: Can't find ...
francis's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 destroyed Java/Mysql app performance

I'm working on a Java / MySQL app and test runs of batch processing were taking 3-4seconds on 18.04. I made the upgrade to 20.04 and kept the same mysql conf file and now the same app is taking 1min ...
needs_help's user avatar
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How I Replace Android With Linux (or anything less)

I have a Remix Mini with 2 GB RAM, 16GB internal storage (14.3GB actual size) and it's based on arm64 (aarch64) architecture. I'm going to replace this with Linux because I'm trying to convert this ...
kalix's user avatar
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1 answer

Issue with correctly running a systemd service file

I have a GUI program that I can run from a terminal with no issue using: $ /home/user1/ibg/ibg username=*** password=*** With the above command, the program GUI is displayed, get automatically logged-...
shashashamti2008's user avatar
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How to start Jetty using start.jar from the console?

Having installed Jetty through apt how do I start the web server to get to a welcome page? Trying: java -jar /usr/share/jetty9/start.jar results in: ERROR : Nothing to start, exiting ... Usage: java ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are environment variables not resolved when double-clicking .desktop file?

I have a Java application which is launched by a shell script. The first part of the shell script is to resolve the Java location by looking at $JAVA_HOME. The shell script is working well if launched ...
akasolace's user avatar
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How to define the running task icon?

I'm running Gnome 3.36.1 under Ubuntu 20.04. In the Gnome desktop file I have defined an icon 'myIcon' and this appears in the menu and on the extension "TaskBar 2020" favorites list. However when ...
ottotts's user avatar
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Can't reach Tomcat default page in localhost:8080 for Ubuntu 16.04 Docker container

I'm trying to run a simple Tomcat server. But I can't see the Tomcat default page. 1) I ran this command to run the container docker run -it --entrypoint bash e36658dffbd8 2) I opened up localhost:...
merry-go-round-one's user avatar
1 vote
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Set minimal JRE version to deb package dependency

I want to bundle Java application into a .deb package. Inside it is a jar launched with a java -jar $path/app.jar script. I need to specify in the package dependencies that it will require JRE >= 11. ...
anlar's user avatar
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Installing java.xml.bind and Contiki-ng

I'm trying to install a program called Contiki-NG onto a Ubuntu build sitting in VMware on a Windows 10 station. In the process, I need to build an app called Cooja. I'm getting the following results: ...
JackPhlack's user avatar
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Error running .jar on Ubuntu: Could not find ot load main class

I'm creanting an script to run an .jar on Ubuntu 18. The project was develop on Windows with Intellij IDEA. In windows the .jar runs correctly. But in Linux is show the error: Could not find or ...
Henrique's user avatar
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Install Java 10 using Oracle JDK

I have updated my system, then added a third-party PPA to Ubuntu with the following command. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java But this is what I got: $ sudo apt install oracle-java10-...
Shanon.Saga's user avatar
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ubuntu 18.04 java installation problem

Everytime I try to install java on Ubuntu 18.04 (on a VirtualBox VM) with the following command (I've tried several other commands/methods from other topics/forums): sudo apt install default-jdk No ...
Milad Dakka's user avatar
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I am trying to setup Grails 4 in IntelliJ Ultimate in Ubuntu 19.04, but I don't know how. These are things I have completed/tried:

I use SDK manager to install Grails using this command: sdk install grails And I launched IntelliJ, selected Grails for the new project. Selected Java version 11.0.4 as Project SDK Selected /home/...
Pranav's user avatar
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Elasticsearch fails to start with 'permissions read' error even though read permissions exist

I have a symlink at /etc/elasticsearch/analysis that points to a mounted drive at /elasticdata/fileshare/analysis on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Azure VM. When I try and start elasticsearch I am getting the ...
Joe B.'s user avatar
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Different behavior between running command with sudo or directly as superuser - PATH is same

I'm trying to install eclipse on xubuntu, I installed java with sudo gdebi <java-package>.deb, I added it to the /etc/environment to both PATH and "JAVA_HOME" then reloaded the environment and ...
DDS's user avatar
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Can't open .jar file from ubuntu

I have the Jodin3 jar file installed: JOdin3CASUAL-r1035-dist.jar. Can't open it. java -jar JOdin3CASUAL-r1035-dist.jar does not work: Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required ...
mranon's user avatar
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Package 'openjdk-7-jre' has no installation candidate

I am trying to download XDM(xtreme download manager) on Ubuntu which requires openjdk-6-jre and openjdk-7-jre. But I couldn't install it: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre Reading package lists... ...
Hrishikesh Baravkar's user avatar
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How to set global variable visible even for sudo commands?

I have installed Maven on Ubuntu 16.04 following instructions. I edited /etc/environmentand added path to maven/bin folder to $PATH variable. Under my normal user everything works just fine, but ...
lot's user avatar
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Spring Service not starting Ubuntu

I have installed many backend services on Ubuntu system, but since today it does not work anymore. In my spring application, I have written that the application should be executable (pom.xml) <...
Markus G.'s user avatar
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Tomcat Crashes By throwing Fatal Error In JRE

I am running Tomcat 9 with jdk 1.8.0_162-b12 on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit Server. Development is done in Java. The error in catalina.out shows this- A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime ...
Jay Saini's user avatar
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systemd cannot find PID file after YAJSW wrapper startup

I have a systemd startup script for a forking service (let's call it foo) based on YAJSW (Yet Another Java Service Wrapper). The relevant part of the .service file looks like this: ExecStart=/opt/foo/...
Paweł's user avatar
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5 votes
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Ubuntu: how do I install specific java update with apt-get?

I would like to install a specific update of JVM on my Ubuntu. Is that possible to do with apt-get? I am looking for version 1.8.0_151 and as of now if I run apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer ...
Ihor M.'s user avatar
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Java web application fails on one instance and passes on another with the same version

I am running a java web application on tomcat on a docker container on Ubuntu on two machines. Both have the same OS version Linux version 3.19.0-77-generic (buildd@lcy01-03) (gcc version 4.8.4 (...
kosta's user avatar
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4 answers

Set up for Android Studio gets stuck

I was setting up my freshly installed Ubuntu Mate 16.04, when it was time to set up Android Studio 3.0 I came across this: it appears that the setup tries to download from
user3414321's user avatar
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Why is Oracle Java 8 installation failing in AWS Ubuntu 16.04 AMI?

I am using AWS EC2 with ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Suddenly, I am facing an error when I am trying to install Oracle java 8. add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y aptitude update -y echo oracle-java8-...
AIR's user avatar
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How to fix malloc(): memory corruption in JVM

Occasionally, my JVMs crash because of memory corruption. Whenever I run into this error, stopping all Docker containers makes the JVMs work again. Restarting the Docker service also makes the problem ...
cw''s user avatar
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Java plugin crash on Ubuntu 16.04 / Firefox ESR 52.2.0

After patching Ubuntu and Firefox ESR today (2017/6/21) the Java Plugin suddenly started to crash. ###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel::Call] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv I have tried to empty ...
dagb's user avatar
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How to use the Java plugin in Firefox 52 in Ubuntu?

I am using Ubuntu Mate Xenial and can't find a way to run Java in Firefox 52.
Msalvatori's user avatar
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Maven Compilation error while building Lumify web-base project

I am trying to build lumify project with the following command mvn package -e -P web-war -pl web/war -am -DskipTests -Dsource.skip=true I am getting following compilation errors [INFO] Lumify .........
Arundhathi D's user avatar
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Lumify with Docker Installation

I am trying to run lumify with docker as follows 1. go to the lumify directory path 2. docker/ after the command this starts installing packges while calling installation/ I am ...
Arundhathi D's user avatar
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Problems with Java and Meow

I installed the program Meow on Ubuntu 14.4, Gnome Shell 3.10.4 (it's a GNOME menu editor). The system updated to Java 8. When I run the program from the command line I get this: meow Exception in ...
Lee's user avatar
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kill a java process after it was running for one hour

I need a script that will murder java processes that have been on for more than one hour. So I am trying this timeout -k 10s nohup cpulimit -l 40 -- java -jar file.jar Any idea why this isn't ...
Web Master's user avatar
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Disable java update popup “Your Java Version is out of date” on Ubuntu

I want to disable Java update on Linux OS, I'm using Oracle Java and tried to disable update check from "Java Control Panel" but control panel doesn't have "Update" tab as windows Java control panel ...
user186524's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting Java programs start without calling with Java

It would be handy to be able to start Java programs by just calling the class file from the terminal (and have it running it the terminal when double-clicked in GUI, but this is less important). I so ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Is the openjdk-r ppa trustworthy enough to install on server?

We are running ubuntu 14.04, which still does not have openjdk8 yet. And I doubt they are going to fix this very soon. We need jdk8 very badly. Is this openjdk-r ppa safe enough?
Wang's user avatar
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How to run a jar together with faketime

I need run a certain jar file with a mock time for testing purposes. When I execute the jar in the usual way $ java -jar myjar.jar it runs perfectly. But when I try to run it together with ...
isuru-buddhika's user avatar