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3 answers

Append N hexadecimal numbers to a binary file with Bash

I have a Bash script that appends bytes written as hexadecimal values. I use echo to write the bytes and it works hex="1F" byte="\x$hex" echo -en $byte >> "output.bin&...
alexmro's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to print out all printable ASCII strings contained in binary data?

How can I print out all printable ASCII strings (e.g., longer than four chars) contained in a binary file?
minto's user avatar
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1 answer

How to view the existing files of a drive binary copy?

Greetings I've been recently studying the concepts of compression and copying in Linux. When I've been introduced to the dd command, I have found it quite useful, so as an exercise, I bit-by-bit ...
KhodeNima's user avatar
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2 answers

In Nix, how to make one derivation depend on another next to it?

I'm currently trying to package some closed-source software into Nix derivations. The app is distributed as a large pile of .deb files, and most of them contain libraries that the other parts of the ...
Danya02's user avatar
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1 answer

Detecting used API calls for an application

I need to run a proprietary C++ application under Linux and I need to understand if it contains any functions outside advertised features. Is there a way to list all the API calls that the application ...
Artem S. Tashkinov's user avatar
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Search a binary file for a list of 500 000 binary patterns

I have a list of binary "strings" in a file delimited by newlines. I'd like to use that to search another binary file to check which of these patterns the binary files contains and at which ...
PaperTsar's user avatar
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1 answer

Circular dependency issues

Do some .deb binary files need each other to be installed and removed? If so, how do you get around this? What I observed was that I wanted to install Kodi on an offline PC, but I got stuck with ...
1toneboy's user avatar
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Directly Replacing Text in Binary File [duplicate]

I have a compiled executable (binary) file - mybin - which grep indicates contains a positive match with a given text string - Cats. grep "Cats" mybin Binary file mybin matches If I use the ...
Mark's user avatar
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0 answers

Running Linux commands execute hidden command to regenerate Backdoor

My CentOS server compromised, the backdoor uploaded in /var/www/html/, I have deleted the backdoor and browsed the backdoor - to be sure it's deleted - it's surly deleted, but when I run any command ...
Dany Burgos's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are FreeBSD binaries compatible with macOS?

Since FreeBSD and macOS (OS X) are very similar to each other, can programs written for FreeBSD run on macOS? And if a program can't, then would it be possible to make it work?
Bunabyte's user avatar
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1 answer

Shift the address in the hex file with Offset

I want to update the hexfile start address with offset. For example, i have a hex file name abc.hex and start with address 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. But I want to shift the context in the hexfile to the ...
sagar's user avatar
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1 answer

How to replace stock java with downloaded binary?

In Debian Stable the latest openjdk version available is 17. $ which -a java /usr/bin/java /bin/java $ java --version openjdk 17.0.8 2023-07-18 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.8+7-Debian-...
yyhh344's user avatar
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1 answer

Which portion of boot.log files are binary?

My system keeps seemingly randomly failing to boot after a kernel update. So I am reading logs to try to determine the cause of the issue. Here is one of the boot logs: $ sudo cat /var/log/boot.log.1 -...
li816's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cannot exceute binary: required file not found

I see that there are other questions like this out there, but the answers there did not work for me. I am using I downloaded the Julia 1.9.2 (Linux, x86-64, glibc) prebuilt binary and tried to execute ...
loonatick's user avatar
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Creating file or folder showing drwxr-x--- 2 root bin

I am not sure why i get this drwxr-x--- 2 root bin every time I create a new file or folder on an NFS share. Earlier I used to get drwxrwxrwx 2 root root. id root uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)...
Rixxo's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Convert executable binary to dyamic library

Functionally, a binary (as in ELF binary which can be executed from the shell) is somewhat similar to a library in that both are files containing machine code for a particular target ABI in binary ...
user149408's user avatar
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What happened to a.out

I just started to wonder what ever happened to the original a.out binary file format and why it was superseded by ELF?
Whitequill Riclo's user avatar
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2 answers

Grep a number of bytes before match in binary files?

I often use grep -ao ...word file.bin to look up a text content ("word") and the few characters before it; as a reminder: -a, --text Process a binary file as if it were text; ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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5 answers

Grep, but for binaries

I've got a fragment of an image file produced by data-recovery software. I suspect the complete original is somewhere on my home fileserver. If this were a fragment of a text file, I could just grab ...
Mark's user avatar
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Can't cat, gedit, vim, nano etc. /usr/bin/proxychains (just get jibberish)

I am using Ubuntu 5.15.0-57-generic and I see many people have a problem with proxychains where they get this error: "ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be ...
E 6M's user avatar
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1 answer

./<filename> No such file or directory

I'm trying to run a binary. But when I'm trying to run the file I'm facing the following error. pegasus@pegasus:~/Documents/Courses/heaplab-main/house_of_force$ ./house_of_force bash: ./...
Zeshan Ahmed Nobin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why are some instances of the same version string in objdump -T enclosed in paranthesis?

Look at the following output snippet generated by running objdump -T on 000000000009f8a0 g DF .text 000000000000001d (GLIBC_2.2.5) aio_write64 0000000000119d00 g DF .text ...
Harsh's user avatar
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ath10k/pre-cal wifi firmware missing

I tried installing linux on my computer. During the Detect network hardware stage, the installer warned that non-free firmware files were missing, ath10k/pre-cal-pci-0000:01:0.0.bin and ath10k/cal-pci-...
ebu93593's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What does Base in objdump dynamic symbol table mean?

Consider the following truncated output from running objdump -T (Prints dynamic symbol table entries) on the GNU ls utility. /usr/bin/ls: file format elf64-x86-64 DYNAMIC SYMBOL TABLE: ...
Harsh's user avatar
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1 answer

How to log binary data with GNU screen

I am using GNU screen to open a serial port and log incoming binary data to a file. The command I use is: screen -S mySession -L -Logfile data_out /dev/ttyUSB0 115200, cs8 At some point the recording ...
NickG's user avatar
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How to make Bash not wait for EOF?

So I made a simple Bash script that can use your keyboard LEDs (numlock and capslock) to transmit data (inspired by LTT from their "Do NOT Plug This USB In! – Hak5 Rubber Ducky" video). This ...
Foxy6670's user avatar
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DVD recorder based on freebsd, how to edit service disc

I am trying to understand what is written here and how it can be done. Maybe someone will be able to help and understand this:
jasko887's user avatar
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How to make a 8 bit binary value

I just implement obase=2 method to convert the decimal to 8 bit binary. but I AM not getting zeros when I convert decimals such as 1 and 2 it just output decimal 1 as binary 1 (without zeros) but I ...
Melee's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the Image file a PE executable

I've been trying to compile a linux kernel on my own machine with the source linux-6.0-rc5, which is the latest. Everything goes well yet something haunts me. When I get the Image file under arch/...
Hongjian Liu's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Binary returns permission denied even with 777 rights

[adela@zen ~]$ dir-open / bash: /home/adela/.toolbox/bin/dir-open: Permission denied The weird thing is, that both directory and binaries has 777 permisions, and binaries cannot be executed - ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Confused about memory examination using gdb?

I started reading Hacking, the art of exploitation and I am confused about some things regarding memory examination. When I disassemble main, I get an output of all memories where the individual ...
jprossv's user avatar
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How to get binary diff size of two folders

I need to know the size (in bytes) of binary difference between two folders containing hundreds of files. ideally searching for a tool where something like xtool --recursive /path/to/folderA/path/to/...
Orsiris de Jong's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Search Hexadecimal Sequence from start position until some defined number of bytes of huge Binary File (grep, sed)

In my Mac, I have this binary 'file' /dev/disk0s1 with 512GB (Really is a drive or volume according to AFPS of macOS) and I need to find this Hexadecimal Sequence 0x41, 0x50, 0x53, 0x42 for APSB (in ...
joseluisbz's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

How can I copy a /tmp/ directory that is created & deleted by a process?

I am investigating the behavior of a binary on Oracle Linux 9 (XFS filesystem). This binary, when called by a process, creates a directory under /tmp and copies some files to it. This directory gets a ...
Artur Klemens's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Split two concatenated files

I have Afile made by the equivalent of cat a.gif b.7z > Afile. How may I split Afile into the original a.gif and b.7z files?
user536180's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Command curl not found, even though it is installed

First I've installed curl: company@rb-VirtualBox:~$ apt install curl E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (...
Black's user avatar
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Get Linux Executable Signing Certificate Information

I wanted to know if there was a way (some sort of library that I'm unaware of) that gets the signing certificate details of an executable. I know it's possible to sign a binary using openssl but how ...
beginner123's user avatar
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Uniqueness of binaries across same distro

Should the common binaries on different but identical linux systems (lets say same Debian version, fully patched), have the exact same binaries across systems (matching hashes)? Is there any known ...
dcom-launch's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I display an image coming as a binary stream?

I would like to display an image that I am receiving from a curl command. For example, I would like to display it using Eye of Gnome. How can I do that? Something like: curl
SteeveDroz's user avatar
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Convert binary file to text file

I'm struggling with a srt subtitles, which are a binary file for some reason: file -i application/octet-stream; charset=binary When opening them in kate (KDE text editor) they look ...
Subtitles's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I modify the strings of a binary file?

When I use strings filename, it lists all strings in a binary file. And now, I want to modify the strings that listed. But, how?
Arian's user avatar
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"EOF in backquote substitution" when trying to run a binary file

I get the following error when trying to run a binary file with the command: tmp/123.bin tmp/123.bin: 1: tmp/123.bin: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution I have no idea what could be causing ...
kess's user avatar
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What is HIT Archive Data?

When I run file image.bin the output I get is: image.bin: HIT archive data I'm not sure exactly what this file/archive type is and Google isn't giving me a solid answer
Justanothermatt's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to print zeros and ones of a file

Long story short: how to print in a terminal the binary digits constituting a file e.g. a library .so or a simple text .txt file PC hardware works with electrical signal (basically it's an ON/OFF ...
mattia.b89's user avatar
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null characters at the beginning of an ASCII log file

We have an java application that log4j2 to generate log file and have script to stop the process before restart it with another script. There is 5 minutes pause between stop and restart at the ...
lap luu's user avatar
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Size of ELF function including called functions

Is there a program which is able to determine the size (in bytes) of some function in an ELF binary recursively including every function called from within that function?
Peter's user avatar
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Merging inputs on my command

I have a numeric table for each letters in enlglish. Evey letter has random number. And my command converts theese random numbers to binary codes. But it can convert just 1 letter at the same time. I ...
ChemistryIsTheBest's user avatar
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What introduce package/binary incompatibility?

Following up on Is Ubuntu LTS binary compatible with Debian? I know Ubuntu and Debian binary packages are incompatible more often than not. I know mixing packages from different sources is generally a ...
xpt's user avatar
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Bad byte count while using hexdump

I am trying to display a binary file with records consisting of: 8 bytes unsigned int 4 bytes unsigned int 4 bytes unsigned int 4 bytes unsigned int 4 bytes unsigned int I try to display it using ...
M.E.'s user avatar
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How to execute a go binary file with crontab?

I have created a binary file from a Go script, and now I need to run it with crontab. The binary file runs without issues executing it manually from the command line. I am using Ubuntu from WSL. ...
TGR's user avatar
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