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Questions tagged [locale]

A locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.

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How to run Thunar with original text when using system with different locale?

I want to ask a question related to Thunar, but I'm not able to see original text. I've tried to run: LC_ALL=C thunar but it just creates new instance of Thunar that already run. Is changing system ...
jcubic's user avatar
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CUPS Webinterface Time Format

On my CUPS (UNIX/Linux Printing System) Webinterface, let's say: it shows a printjob currently being processed as follows: processing since Thu 12 Dec 2024 08:21:13 PM ...
Vento Zwerg's user avatar
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How are the locations in the select your location screen in the debian installation categorized?

I have to select a location in order to install Debian. 18 locations can be chosen on the first page of the selection. Others are available when selecting other. Which logic determines if a location ...
Osvald Laurits's user avatar
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Does midnight (00:00) mean the time at the end of day depending on the locale for cron?

Here in France, midnight 00:00 is the end of the day, in English it is the beginning of the day. In a cron table, if a batch is scheduled at 00:00 Friday, it will finish in the morning of Friday. My ...
Bussiere's user avatar
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How to decode bytes to characters in a POSIX-compliant way?

I'm attempting to write a strictly POSIX-compliant shell, but the standard doesn't make it clear how to go from bytes to characters. It says to use LC_CTYPE, which further links to the concept of a ...
T0mstone's user avatar
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How to fix a locale warning from Perl?

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS perl -e exit: ...
razor's user avatar
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How do I get a locale or timezone used on Venus?

In this answer, Stéphane Chazelas uses a UVC timezone and vs_VS locale. When I asked about them, the reply was that these are the timezone and locale used on ... Venus. I'm not entirely sure whether ...
muru's user avatar
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Preview locales

How do I quickly preview what a locale looks like? E.g: is there something like $ localepreview en_DK.UTF-8 Of course, I immediately think of a script like #!/bin/bash LOCALE=$1 export LANG=$LOCALE ...
AvidSeeker's user avatar
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What does a locale’s codeset get used for?

According to glibc’s manual: Most locale names follow XPG syntax and consist of up to four parts: language[_territory[.codeset]][@modifier] For example, you could have a locale named zh_CN.GB18030 ...
Ginger Jesus's user avatar
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Change locale LC_NUMERIC decimal_point for shell or individual command

In my bash environment (version 5.2.26), the only available locale is French, which is normally fine. But like most people in France, it is regularly necessary to handle floating point numbers with a ...
Byron Hawkins's user avatar
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Cannot set LC_* to default locale: No such file or directory

I just got my Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB installed with Debian 12 Bookworm, made WiFi, SSH, etc working as I wanted to, but I often get locale errors like with tasksel command: root@rpi4:~# tasksel perl: ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
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How to unset a locale variable using localectl?

Under Fedora, I've set a custom locale variable value: localectl set-locale LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8 This modified LC_TIME indeed. Now I'd like to get it back to unset/empty/default state. How do I do ...
Anton K's user avatar
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LC_TIME portability (and other locale settings)

It seems that Linux and FreeBSD (at least) have different notions of how presentation of time is implemented in different locales (LC_TIME), notably but not entirely in how the hour of day is ...
Juan's user avatar
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Displaying European accents without Xorg [duplicate]

I'm setting up Arch Linux on a new computer, and I intend to use bspwm as a window manager. I know bspwm runs on Xorg, and there is plenty of information online on how to display region-specific ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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Add LC_CTYPE to Desktop Entry

I'm using fcitx5 with emacs, to enable entry of Chinese characters. There is a known issue with emacs, where in order to input Chinese characters, one needs to launch emacs using LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 ...
ch-pub's user avatar
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How do I prevent the locales from being re-generated?

Trying something on a local VM that runs Debian. Have a snapshot, from which I recover fairly often. As I am going back and forth, non-zero times have I ran into it re-generating locales, which takes ...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
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When I run sudo apt-get upgrade, it shows errors regarding initramfs-tools

When I run sudo apt-get upgrade, I get this output: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly ...
Andy Choo Chi Hong's user avatar
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Difference between localectl and LANG environment variable

My default language was set to en_IN. Then I came across update-locale and localectl to change my locale to support UTF-8. I changed it using sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_IN.UTF-8 However that ...
Abhisek's user avatar
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How to change locale of xfce4-terminal window?

I need to record a gif (using peek) of copy/paste for my project. But I want the interface to be English. I was able to do this once, I've added env LC_ALL=C exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator in ...
jcubic's user avatar
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Error of custom en_US-based locale compilation

While in /usr/share/i18n/locales I execute the following (the first line is because I do not want en_US to be messed up): cp ./en_US ./en_SN sudo localedef -i en_SN -f UTF-8 -vc ./en_SN.UTF-8 The ...
S. N.'s user avatar
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git cli language default to first non english value

I have my computer language set to en_GB with fr_FR as backup only for spellcheck and money/measurement formatting purposes. CLI apps work fine like that except git, who insist on using the first non ...
5th's user avatar
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user-dirs.dirs and user-dirs.locale on Debian and Mint

I am nervously reviving an old instance of Linux Mint on a fresh install of the latest Debian 12 Bookworm. The Mint is about four or five years old and its /home folder is backed up on another drive ...
cardamom's user avatar
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How to change my calendar to icelandic traditional in linux

This is similar to what Svante Janson described in the article: Icelandic Begins ...
Broshward's user avatar
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apt randomly switches languages ever since I installed Arabic on my Pop!_OS running KDE Plasma

I recently installed Arabic on my system and since then apt sometimes does things in Arabic and sometimes in English user@pop-os:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Hit:1 https://dl.winehq....
Omar Eldahan's user avatar
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Why is ls sorting Chinese filenames by length?

I've run into a bit of a weird behaviour that I don't fully understand with ls and Chinese filenames. I'm running macOS 13.6.1 with SIP enabled (no core OS modifications), MacPorts installed, and US ...
nneonneo's user avatar
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japanese fonts in firefox ok but from apache no

This is my first round with Apache so please forgive my ignorance of principles that any decent Apache administrator should know. Apache 2.4.58-1 6.6.1-arch1-1 Mozilla Firefox 119.0.1 I have an ...
Stephen Boston's user avatar
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How to preserve non-ASCII characters?

We have default POSIX locale in our server but when non-ASCII character like רקטות לגוש דן וירושלים(hebrew) uploaded in server its getting changes to רק××ת ×××ש ×× ××ר×ש×××, How can preserve it ...
Amrita's user avatar
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Why is MB_CUR_MAX 6 instead of 4 for UTF-8? (Linux, glibc)

MB_CUR_MAX is defined by glibc as 'a positive integer expression that is the maximum number of bytes in a multibyte character in the current locale.' If I print the value I get 1. I assume that this ...
Sebastian Carlos's user avatar
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How to completely remove locale from Manjaro Linux?

I recently had the (in hindsight stupid) ideas to enable a second locale on my computer in addition to en_CA. This second locale was zh_CN. To make sure it worked (and to "check it out"), I ...
Enderbyte09's user avatar
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error: Bad entry 'en_AG ', etc, when generating locales on Linux Mint

I am unsure what is happening with those "bad locales", I am updating my laptop regularly once daily. This came up today: Setting up locales (2.35-0ubuntu3.4) ... Generating locales (this ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
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How to get the current value of LC_CTYPE etc. in Bash?

Basically, how to achieve this in Bash? Parsing the output of locale - declare "$(locale | grep ^LC_CTYPE | tr --delete '"')" - seems yucky, as it involves four separate commands. ...
l0b0's user avatar
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How to temporarily change locale for a gui-command?

If I try this suggestion with a gui-command like sudo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 partitionmanager, it's ends up with some confusing hints I can't get. QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/...
John Goofy's user avatar
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Ubuntu - PostegreSQL displays errors in foreign language even after changing all locales to en_US and reinstalling it

I inherited a Ubuntu desktop from another employee and installed PostgreSQL with the help of the official guide. abc@lenovo:~$ sudo apt install postgresql-15 I had not known that I had to setup an ...
qc033's user avatar
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Cannot type diacriticis with my keyboard

Polish diacritics such as ą or ć (created with RAlt+[latin letter] combination on a pl keymap) cannot be typed in ArchLinux. Based on the locale wiki page, I verified that: I generated neccessary ...
DeutscheGabanna's user avatar
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changing datetime format Ubuntu 22 [duplicate]

Looking for a solution for changing my machine datetime format to be DD/MM/YEAR hh:mm:ss. Currently ,Linux default is MM/DD/YEAR hh:mm:ss This is a GCP machine , running ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS . Thanks !
Dan Nir's user avatar
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How can I format the date and time in accordance with ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 using systemd?

How can I configure the environment of a systemd based Linux system to display the date system-wide in the format yyyy-mm-dd? This date format adheres to the specifications defined ISO 8601 and RFC ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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Replace $'\374', $'\344' and more with appropriate umlauts

after 2 days of research, I must ask the pros over here. I had set up a NFS-share on my first Debian server at home. I copied over a few files from a windows 11 machine and now all the umlauts are ...
Sascha Halpape's user avatar
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Unicode Supplementary Multilingual Plane (Plane 1) glyphs in xterm

I'm trying to display Unicode Supplementary Multilingual Plane (Plane 1) glyphs in xterm. Those glyphs are in the U+010000..U+01FFFF range (
e___e's user avatar
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Setting locale into application scope

I want my default date format to be iso8601 but I want my desktop panel clock to use a 12-hour display. For this preference, the MATE panel clock applet wants a session language that includes a 12-...
Stephen Boston's user avatar
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Get bitbake to use a different locale

I'm running through the Yocto Quick Build tutorial, and I've got to the command bitbake core-image-sato This is producing the error Your system need to support the en_US.UTF-8 locale. Can I change ...
Matt Ellen's user avatar
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How to set locale in Nix shell on Ubuntu?

To demonstrate locale support in Ubuntu: vagrant init ubuntu/jammy64 vagrant up vagrant ssh sudo apt-get -y install hello language-pack-nb LC_MESSAGES=nb_NO.UTF-8 hello This prints the expected, ...
l0b0's user avatar
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How to enable all locales (character encodings) on Debian 11 (over SSH, in Bash)?

I am unsure if I should not better ask: How to display Windows UTF-16 encoding in Linux? Since I just found out that Windows uses UTF-16LE to be exact: I ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
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Ubuntu locale setting is invalid: No such file or directory

I've tried setting my locales in ubuntu 20 (I did it successfully in the last x years) unfortunatelly now I can't due something missing: $ locale locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No ...
Erkman's user avatar
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locale of .utf8 or .UTF-8?

Of the same Debian 11 bullseye, I get different locale for C: .utf8 and .UTF-8: My machine: $ locale -a C C.utf8 POSIX en_US en_US.iso88591 en_US.utf8 $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. ...
xpt's user avatar
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How to combine settings from multiple locales in Linux?

When I installed Linux I set my locale to en_US.UTF-8. However I want to override some but not all of the settings in that locale. Specifically, I would like the Measurement to be Metric instead of ...
bch6595's user avatar
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How do I change the language of the man pages on Debian, while keeping the default language as english

I've tried changing the man pages on debian from English to Italian but all I have tried hasn't worked yet. First of all, I installed the manpages in Italian with apt install manpages-it. I then ...
Chris's user avatar
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apt-get autoremove is messing up locale stuff after having installed the gdal-bin package from debian testing main

I am trying to update the gdal-bin package from Debian unstable in the following Dockerfile: FROM postgis/postgis:15-master RUN echo 'deb testing main' >> /etc/apt/...
s.k's user avatar
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"bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale" - misleading? What does it mean?

I want to understand how locales work. In particular I've read "-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)" and
Martian2020's user avatar
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How to fix 'warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)' on arch

I am on arch for Wsl and was having trouble opening exe applications(such as firefox) from wsl2 terminal. By running locale -a I found that I didn't have en_US.UTF-8 or any other locale and only had C....
Init's user avatar
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Locale settings for RHEL 7/8

In RHEL7/8 I know we control the locale setting using localctl command and which updates the /etc/locale.conf file. Ex : # localectl set-locale LANG=ja_JP.utf8 # localectl set-keymap jp106 # ...
user984993's user avatar

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