Conference Presentations by Angela Griggio
DOBREVA D., GRIGGIO A.M. c.s., La ceramica a vernice nera dallo scavo dei Fondi ex Cossar, in Ceramica a vernice nera e terra sigillata da Aquileia. Recenti indagini e confronti regionali, Atti dell'Incontro di Studi (11 Marzo 2011, Aquileia), M. Buora, S. Magnani (a cura di), Aquileia., Dec 2012
"Il contributo prende in esame la ceramica a vernice nera rinvenuta durante le campagne effettuat... more "Il contributo prende in esame la ceramica a vernice nera rinvenuta durante le campagne effettuate dal 2009 al 2011 nello scavo dei fondi ex Cossar ad Aquileia. Lo studio ha previsto in un primo momento la suddivisione del materiale in gruppi riferibili a distinte aree di produzione. Considerando la zona d’origine risulta evidente la netta superiorità numerica dei frammenti riconducibili quasi sicuramente alle officine del comparto alto-adriatico. Tra i prodotti d’importazione, il gruppo più attestato è quello della campana B, pochissimi frammenti provengono invece dall’area centro-italica e campano-laziale. Un secondo momento del lavoro è stato dedicato allo studio formale dei reperti diagnostici: si osserva una maggiore attenzione verso le forme aperte. Secondo un gusto propriamente nord-italico detengono il primato i tipi Lamboglia 5 e 28, seguiti dalle patere Lamboglia 6. Dal punto di visto diacronico le prime attestazioni sono databili a partire dal II sec. a.C., probabilmente da collegare alla fondazione della colonia aquilieiese: in questo periodo prevale il vasellame a vernice nera d’importazione, mentre un ruolo minore sembra avere la precoce produzione locale. La massima diffusione del vasellame a vernice nera si registra nel corso del I sec. a.C., mentre l'età augustea, con le sue poche attestazioni, sancisce la fase finale della produzione. Il confronto dei risultati ottenuti con il quadro regionale delineato evidenzia come l’area alto-adriatica per le sue peculiarità storiche, culturali e geografiche, possa venire considerata una realtà autonoma che presenta proprie dinamiche sociali, economiche e commerciali.
The black glossed pottery from the ex Cossar property at Aquileia: problems and research perspectives
Diana Dobreva, Angela Miriam Griggio
Key words: black glossed pottery, Aquileia, provenance studies, typology, chronology
This paper aims to examine the black glossed pottery from excavations at ‘ex Cossar property’ in Aquileia carried out between 2009 and 2011. Several groups have been identified at a first stage of research, corresponding to different production areas. Most finds were probably produced locally, in workshops located in North-Adriatic. Among the imported products, the most attested one seems to be the campana B group, while just few fragments can be related to Central Italic and Campanian areas.
Formal and typological analysis of diagnostic finds has been carried out at a second stage of research. Open forms are predominant, among which and following a proper North-Italic ‘fashion’ types Lamboglia 5 and 28 are well represented, as well as patera Lamboglia 6. From a chronological point of view, the most ancient forms date back to the beginning of the 2nd century BC, associated probably with the foundation of Colonia Aquileia. At that time, imported black glossed ware is predominant, compared to early local production. The distribution of black glossed pottery reached a peak during the 1st century BC, while some few finds from Augustan times testify the final phase of production. Comparing the results obtained by the study of the finds from the ‘ex Cossar property’ against the regional framework historical, cultural and geographical peculiarities of the North-Adriatic area emerge, outlining this area as an independent reality that presents a proper social, economical and commercial dynamics.
Papers by Angela Griggio
M. Cesarano, M.C. Vallicelli, L. Zamboni (a cura di), Antichi Romani e romanità nelle terre del Delta del Po. Nuovi studi e prospettive di ricerca, Atti del Convegno (Copparo, 26 settembre 2015), 2018
Conference Presentations by Angela Griggio
The black glossed pottery from the ex Cossar property at Aquileia: problems and research perspectives
Diana Dobreva, Angela Miriam Griggio
Key words: black glossed pottery, Aquileia, provenance studies, typology, chronology
This paper aims to examine the black glossed pottery from excavations at ‘ex Cossar property’ in Aquileia carried out between 2009 and 2011. Several groups have been identified at a first stage of research, corresponding to different production areas. Most finds were probably produced locally, in workshops located in North-Adriatic. Among the imported products, the most attested one seems to be the campana B group, while just few fragments can be related to Central Italic and Campanian areas.
Formal and typological analysis of diagnostic finds has been carried out at a second stage of research. Open forms are predominant, among which and following a proper North-Italic ‘fashion’ types Lamboglia 5 and 28 are well represented, as well as patera Lamboglia 6. From a chronological point of view, the most ancient forms date back to the beginning of the 2nd century BC, associated probably with the foundation of Colonia Aquileia. At that time, imported black glossed ware is predominant, compared to early local production. The distribution of black glossed pottery reached a peak during the 1st century BC, while some few finds from Augustan times testify the final phase of production. Comparing the results obtained by the study of the finds from the ‘ex Cossar property’ against the regional framework historical, cultural and geographical peculiarities of the North-Adriatic area emerge, outlining this area as an independent reality that presents a proper social, economical and commercial dynamics.
Papers by Angela Griggio
The black glossed pottery from the ex Cossar property at Aquileia: problems and research perspectives
Diana Dobreva, Angela Miriam Griggio
Key words: black glossed pottery, Aquileia, provenance studies, typology, chronology
This paper aims to examine the black glossed pottery from excavations at ‘ex Cossar property’ in Aquileia carried out between 2009 and 2011. Several groups have been identified at a first stage of research, corresponding to different production areas. Most finds were probably produced locally, in workshops located in North-Adriatic. Among the imported products, the most attested one seems to be the campana B group, while just few fragments can be related to Central Italic and Campanian areas.
Formal and typological analysis of diagnostic finds has been carried out at a second stage of research. Open forms are predominant, among which and following a proper North-Italic ‘fashion’ types Lamboglia 5 and 28 are well represented, as well as patera Lamboglia 6. From a chronological point of view, the most ancient forms date back to the beginning of the 2nd century BC, associated probably with the foundation of Colonia Aquileia. At that time, imported black glossed ware is predominant, compared to early local production. The distribution of black glossed pottery reached a peak during the 1st century BC, while some few finds from Augustan times testify the final phase of production. Comparing the results obtained by the study of the finds from the ‘ex Cossar property’ against the regional framework historical, cultural and geographical peculiarities of the North-Adriatic area emerge, outlining this area as an independent reality that presents a proper social, economical and commercial dynamics.