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Универзитет ,,Гоце Делчев" Штип
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The dissolution of former Yugoslav federation was a specific challenge for the whole international community and especially for USA and EU. This was the time period right after the end of the cold war and a period of establishing a new... more
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The relations betw een the tw o neighboring countries Maced onia and Greece face unique challenges. N am ely, the Greek problem w ith the nam e of the Republic of Maced onia has not only d eep historical roots but also creates possibility... more
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Macedonia is currently experiencing a political crisis, with a wire-tapping scandal prompting large demonstrations from both opponents and supporters of the country’s government. Against the backdrop of the crisis, the northern city of... more
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      MacedoniaEU-Western Balkans relations
Во првиот дел од скриптата авторот дава воведни напомени и го обработува поимот меѓународното јавно право. Воедно авторот прави и краток осврт на историскиот развој и предмет на изучување на меѓународното јавно право, создавајќи претстава... more
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      Public International LawInternational Public Law
Охридскиот Рамковен Договор беше потпишан на 13 Август 2001 година. Овој договор беше производ и одговор на вооружениот конфликт во Република Македонија помеѓу македонските безбедносни сили и парамилитантната Албанска Национално-... more
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      LawInternational RelationsPolitics
Апстракт Овој труд ги обработува двете Балкански војни и однесувањето на државите - учесници, притоа користејќи се со теоретскиот концепт на т.н. ,,безбедносна дилема" како еден од клучните концепти во науката на меѓународните односи.... more
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      Game TheoryInternational RelationsBalkan Wars
This paper analyzes the EU policy towards the disintegration of Yugoslavia and its success i.e. failure in terms of predefined and publicly promoted goals. In this context, the EU politics towards Macedonia during the Yugoslav crisis are... more
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      International RelationsBalkan PoliticsEuropean Union external relationsMacedonia
The former Yugoslav federation dissolved in early 90's creating five independent successor states. There are many theories that are trying to explain why this happened. However it is extremely hard task to declare which of those theories... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)Former YugoslaviaBreakup of the former Yugoslavia
The r elations between Macedonia and Bulgaria Односите помеѓу Македонија и Бугарија Dr. Dejan Marolov “Goce Delchev” University, Shtip, Macedonia [email protected] Abstract The Macedonian - Bulgarian relations are very interesting... more
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      NationalismBalkan PoliticsIdentity Balkans Politics Culture HeritageBalkan Political History
This paper treats the period just before the breaking out of the conflict in Croatia during the Yugoslavia crises. It is an attempt to provide answers of questions that concern the reasons for this war conflict by using... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSecurity DilemmaPrisoner's DilemmaBreakup of the former Yugoslavia
This paper will treat the relations between Macedonia and Serbia. The separation of the Republic of Macedonia from the Yugoslav federation was carried out in totally peaceful way and without any military confrontations with its neighbor... more
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      Balkan PoliticsWestern Balkans