Showing posts with label relacje. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relacje. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

November - photo summary (and Sizzix update!)

Here I am again! I just got out from the plane, still in weather shock and jet lag after one of the most breathtaking adventures I had in my life - Prima Tour classes in Singapore, Indonesia nad Brunei! Soon I will be on my right track again, but for now please let me share some of the photos from November - this was one crazy month!!!
(If you want to see more, or maybe follow me on Instagram - click this link:) More and more great photos is waiting for you there!)

  1- Travelling to Oslo, Norway, 2 - classes during the Grorudtreffet in Oslo

3,4 - Grorudtreffet in Oslo - my lovely students

 5 - "Fragmentation" - new big collage finished, 6 - launching of the new travelling art journal

 7 - "Pathfinder" - family photos projects, 8- Prima Asian Tour has started! On the way...

 9 - Temple in the Little India, Singapore, 10- Chinatown, Singapore

 11, 12 - Chinatown experience

 13 - Sightseeing in Singapore with Elaine :*, 14 - Gardens by the Bay

 15, 16 - Beautiful, breathtaking Gardens in Singapore. Magical place!

 17, 18 - My hardworking, talented students during the Paper Market Event in Singapore!

 19 - Group photo - thank you Elaine, sweet helpers and wonderful students! It was unforgettable! 20 - Singapore by night.

21 - Janine on the boat! Prima Asian Tour in full sail! 22 - Shopping with Ina in Surabaya, Indonesia.

 23, 24 - My Scrapbooking Ideas shop and staff in Surabaya

 25, 26 - Classes in Surabaya - we surely ha great time! Thank you so much! :*

 27 - Goodbye Surabaya!, 28 - Hello Jakarta - with Ina and Grace - MSI Indonesia

 29, 30 - Public transport and traffic in Jakarta. What an experience!

 31, 32 - Jakarta: our amazing students and MSI people - thank you so much for  your hospitality and help! We had a blast!

  33, 34 - Shabby Chic Brunei classes - we had lovely time! Thank you Bev for the invitation!

 35, 36 - With Bev and our students -  for this wonderful time!

 37 - Brunei by night, 38 - Unforgettable trip by boat to Water Village!

 39, 40 - Water Village in Brunei - what a place!  Amazing views and friendly taxi driver!

 41 - Children in the Water Village in Brunei, 42 - Travelling with Janine by City Train in Singapore:)

 43, 44 - Having great time with Janine in the Little India in Singapore!

 45 - Little India: flower garland stall, 46 - last photo with Janine on the Changi Airport. I will miss this girl so much!

And if you want to learn more about some of the classes I taught on the Prima Tour in Asia 2012 in Surabaya and Jakarta - please jump on blog today! There are many great photos of my creative students and their great projects waiting for you! Need a sip of inspiration? Here it comes!
(little teaser...)

See you soon!
(a bit jet lagged and dizzy) Finn

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Finn w Krainie Kangurów - Finn in the Land of Kangaroos

Hej kochani! Wreszcie udaje mi się zgromadzić w jedym miejscu wspaniałe wspomnienia z wyprawy do Krainy Kangurów, którą odbyłam dzięki zaproszeniu sklepu Scrap Matrix na warsztaty w gorącym, ręcz tropikalnym mieście Darwin. To była wielka, emocjonująca podróż, która dostarczyła mi ogromnych, niezapomnianych wrażeń.
Hi my friends! Finally I am here with the relation from my travel to the Land of Kangaroos, which was done thanks to Scrap Matrix online shop invitation! I was asked to teach 4 mixedmedia classes in hot and sunny darwin in Australia! Just wow! It was a great adventure, which gave me the experience and beautiful memories I will never forget!

Rae, moja wspaniała bratnia dusza z Australii i jej wspaniałe siostry Wendy i Angela zadbały, abym poczuła się jak w rodzinie i mogła wczuć się w klimat... Wendy zabrała mnie na małe samochodowo-wodne safari! Zobaczcie sami!
Rae, my autralian soulmate, and her 2 sisters, Wendy and Angela made me feel a part of a family and get the feel of Australia. Wendy took me for a car-and-boat safari - just take a look!

Krajobrazy i ptactwo rzeki Mary - niezapomniane!
Sights and birds for the River Mary - unforgettable!

Polecam powiekszenie -  "boski "Jesus Bird" oraz pisklaki, o cudownych dużych Å‚apkach:)
Look at the close-up - amazing "Jesus Bird" and its little ones with surprising big legs:)

Ha! Krokodylki są wszędzie! - Crocodiles are everywhere!

A tutaj, pod wodospadem, maiłam najwspanialszą kąpiel w życiu...
Here near the waterfall I had the best swim in my life! 

Niedługo przed samymi warsztatami wybrałysmy się też na festyn trwający przez długie wieczoru nad samym brzegiem oceanu...te egzotyczne zapachy, kolory, widoki - i uśmiechnięte twarze, które dotychczas widywałam jedynie na FB:)
Just before the classes we went to the local fair, which was there opened for people for many days just few steps from the beach! The smells, colors, sights - everything was unforgetable! And you can imagine how wonderful it is to see the faces you only know from Facebook:)

 Zachód sÅ‚oÅ„ca na plaży - Sunset on the beach:

A to już nasza twórcza, rozemocjonowana grupa warsztatowa - piątek i sobota były po prostu niezapomniane! Dzięki tym kobietom mogłam znowu poczuć się jak ryba a wodzie... Rae i jej siostry zorganizowały wspaniały warsztat i zadbały o każdy szczegół! Czuję się taką szczesciarą:*
And here is our creative, full of good vibes group - Friday and Saturday were the days of my life, thank you for that my friends! Rae, Wendy and Angela  made the best, world-class event , perfect in every detail... I will never forget this time with you and things I learned during this event:) I feel blessed!

A to jedna z prac, którą stworzyłam prowadząc zajecia:
Here is the layout I made teaching one of the classes: 

Darwin - class layout

Więcej o warsztatach i organizujących je Rae, Wendy i Angeli oraz mojej wspaniałej grupie można dowiedzieć się tutaj - w moim reportażowym poście na blogu 7 Dots Studio, zapraszam!
You can learn more about the classes and wonderful people behind them - Rae, Wendy and Angela and my heart-melting group of students here in my blogpost on 7 Dots Studio blog. Enjoy!
(latając pod sufitem na fali wspomnień...)
(floating on the weave of wonderful memories...)
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