Wednesday, 31 July 2019

June 2019 Art Recipe winner

Hello friends,
What an amazing challenge it was!! So many amazing projects!! We have chosen the winner but not without difficulties. We would like to say big thank you to all of you, for your creative energy and beautiful projects! You are always an inspiration for us and the reason why we are here <3

After team voting we are happy to announce that the winner of June 2019 Art Recipe is

We love colour transitions and textures KasyopeaArt has created. Also the idea of extending the project onto the frame is awesome!! Huge congratulations on your winning!
To the winner: you are invited to be our Guest Designer and you win Finnabair products pack so please write an e-mail to us at [email protected] to establish all details :)

If you feel similar to us, please leave some love under this blog post in comment section.
Also please remember, that new challenge is still open and the rules are simple: you need to stick to the colour pallete and use at least 2 of the products listed in a challenge.

Have a great day!
Finnabair team

Monday, 29 July 2019

Altered hair brush by Svetlana Lipnitskaya

Hello dears! With you Svetlana Lipnitskaya! I want to show you how to make a cool art object out of an old wooden brush! My brush was very old, but its wooden base was in excellent condition. Therefore, I decided to use it. I took out all the teeth and rubber, washed and cleaned the wooden base. Be sure to dry it after washing!

Then I put on the whole surface of black gesso - I love it! It gives such a deep and rich black color! After drying gesso I glued plastic figures (all figures are made with the help of Moldova). We have to wait a bit - let's all have a good stick. Once everything was dry I applied a coat of black gesso.

I wanted my art object to look like an old silver mirror and I took my favorite waxes! Look how cool it turned out! The effect of waxes is amazing! Now my old comb has become the coolest piece of furniture!

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place online store:

Friday, 26 July 2019

Canvas "Save me" by Olya Kravets

Hello there lovely creative friends! Today I'd like to share with you my new inspiration - a mixed media canvas with amazing new Finnabair's products!

Today I want to talk about nature, I want to touch your feelings. I hope that each of you will find his own meaning here.
Our world is the most beautiful thing we have and we must protect it and preserve it. But the era of technology and pollution is killing it … it is a pain. And I believe that from a small step, one word, one picture, a new wave of understanding will go!

I am happy that I can pour my feelings onto canvas using my favorite materials. At this moment the soul sings! I combined pastes and paints with real pieces of nature and wood. 
To create the background, I used my favorite Paper Texture Paste and applied it just with a spatula. To create a tearing effect, I tore the canvas and poured small pieces of glass inside. I covered all this with Black Gesso. And then for a more detailed and beautiful effect, I used Rust Effect Pastes. Oh, it creates beautiful and natural effects, I admire every time!
For contrasts and shine, I added some awesome Acrylic Metallique Paints – Hazelnut and Dragonfly.

A little more play with the background. I combined paints and White Gesso and created the effect of breaking and moving.
To create the idea of technology, I used Finnabair’s Moulds. They almost merged with nature, but they push it out, tear it apart, destroy it. Do you see? And there among the decor and the elements I put the letters... this is the request and appeal to all of us. Save me...

Here is my project. A bit strange, a little bit unusual, but the main thing is that in its own way it is beautiful thanks to the products from Finnabair. And it is indisputable! So I hope I could inspire you. 

I invite you to watch my video tutorial to see the whole process of creating my project. Enjoy!

Perhaps you will smile and remember the most beautiful moment when you looked at the sunset or the trees or the beautiful butterfly. After all, this is all a small part of that Amazing World that makes us happy! Create with your soul, tell your stories and your feelings, share with us and love what you are doing!

Thank you for visit us today here on Finnabair blog
With love, Olya.  

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place online store:

Monday, 22 July 2019

Make a wish upon a starfish by Aleksandra Mihelic

Hi dear Finnabair friends and fans,

I haven't been so active around social media lately due to some serious health issues. But I missed creating so so much and I couldn't wait to sit again behind my desk and just play. I'm enjoying warm and sunny summer days we have here in Slovenia. Kids are on school holidays for two months and everything is happening a bit more slowly than usually. I love watching them enjoy their summer days, playing, exploring, discovering and learning new things. We've spent few days at the beach and it was so serene and relaxing! And still in this serene mood I decided to prepare for you a summer creation. Summer is a time when we usually take some time for ourselves, to evaluate our past months, recharge our batteries and make some plans for the coming months. So "Make a wish Upon a Starfish" would perfectly describe this time... don't you think? I've altered a gorgeous seashell wooden base from Woodouts. I've added tons of amazing Finnabair mediums and colors and embellishments and I've also added some gorgeous Prima additions to my project. I hope you'll like it!

First I added some fabric to my Starfish wooden base to add some texture and then covered everything with a coat of white gesso. After that I applied some White crackle paste and some black sand paste and covered again with a thin coat of white gesso here and there to tone it down a bit. I then added a Starfish. I decided to add some color with "Linen" Impasto paint and new gorgeous Sparks paint "Chest of Gold". I also applied some art stones of all three different sizes.

Then I added some Prima flowers and a quote from "Pretty Pale" Journaling cards collection. And I've also added some Finnabair metal stars embellishments and few Vintage Melange Art Pebbles. I then added on top some rust texture fantasy pastes - "Dusty" from Camouflage set and "Cream" from Old Walls set. For the finishing touch I sprinkled some Glass Glitter on top in "Gold Rush" and "Copper" and few splashes of heavily diluted white Impasto paint.

I also prepared a video tutorial for you to follow along and try it out for yourself.

I hope you enjoyed my inspiration today and it inspires you to create some gorgeous summer art pieces.

Enjoy your summer days and see you back soon!

Hugs, Aleksandra

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place online store:

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