Showing posts with label CJS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CJS. Show all posts

Monday, 26 November 2018

Creative Jump Start 2019 is here!

Hi again my friends, the big news is here!
I'm excited to announce that I'll be participating as an artist in Creative JumpStart (CJS) 2019, run for the 8th year by Nathalie Kalbach. If you're not familiar with CJS, it's a one-of-a-kind online event to kick your creativity into high gear in January 2019.
Learn techniques, discover new materials, and connect with other artists and crafters.
Throughout January participants get access to 31 downloadable videos from 31 featured artists. I'm proud to be one of those artists, called “JumpStarters.”

See for yourself:

But wait, there is more!
You get 31 videos - over 5 hours worth of video content - for just $40 (USD) if you sign up by November 26 2018 11:59 pm EST
Afterwards, it will be $45USD until November 30th 2018, and $50USD until December 31st 2018, before it goes to its normal sale price of $60USD on January 1st 2019. 

Just in case if you are wondering what will be my contribution this year - here is a little sneak peek... Interested? I loved creating this project for you!

So what are you are waiting for? Sign up here!

I hope to see you jumping with us this year!

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Dark Beauty - Brush for Creative Jump Start 2018

Hi my dear ones!
Is it possible it is end of January already? Times goes too fast! For me this was a very productive month - and exciting too... new releases, some projects are done... and the launch of Creative JumpStart (CJS) 2018, run for the 7th time by Nathalie Kalbach. I was so happy and honoured to be included in this edition - and today is my reveal day, which means I can finally show you the artwork I've made exclusively for this online class!

I was challenged to think about my favourite "creative recipe" - and here is the result. I hope you like it - I had great time working on it :)
I've made an altered brush (I'm sure we all can find one somewhere in our creative corners!), but you can use this set of techniques for ANY mixed media project! Curious about the details? Here are some close-ups!

Would you like to see the tutorial? 
Sure... but it comes in a package!

You get 31 Downloadable videos from 31 featured artists - over 6 hours of unique content for just 50 USD. 
It's one-of-a-kind online event to kick your creativity into high gear in 2018. 
CJS goes live in January but you can join anytime until October 2018.
If you decide to sign up you will get the access to the creative community, downloadable videos and more! 
You can meet new friends and get your creative juices flowing again...

More info? 
Check the video below and head on over to Nathalie's site to sign up and for more details.

Please note: by clicking links here, on my blog and signing up, you are supporting me giving me a chance to get a bit of money in my pocket :) Thank you so much for that!

It is not too late to join!
See you there!

Monday, 27 November 2017

Creative Jump Start 2018 - Back on Board! - online classes

Hi again my dear creative friends!
Guess what? I've got great news for you! Some of you may remember that in the past I was participating in a bunch of collaborative creative projects... everything is better if you are surrounded by friends thinking alike, right? I love this concept, and yes, I'm back this year!

I'm excited to announce that I'll be participating as an artist in Creative JumpStart (CJS) 2018, run for the 7th time by Nathalie Kalbach.
If you're not familiar with CJS, it's a one-of-a-kind online event to kick your creativity into high gear in January 2018. 
Don't we all need that after the holidays? I do!
During this month you will learn techniques, discover new materials, and connect with other artists and crafters... there is so much to do and see!

Throughout January participants get access to 31 downloadable videos from 31 featured artists. There are some really BIG names on board this year - and I'm proud to be one of those artists!

You can see all of the “JumpStarters.” in the video below.

Sounds exciting, right? So here is how it works!

If you decide to sign up you will get the access to the creative community, videos and there will be giveaways and prizes too! You can meet new friends and get your creative juices flowing again...
 You get 31 Downloadable videos - over 6 hours of unique content - 
for just 40 USD if you sign up by November 29 11:59 pm EST, 2017

Afterwards, it will be 45 USD until December 31st, 2017 
before it goes to its normal sale price of 50 USD. 

More info? Of course! Head on over to Nathalie's site to sign up and for more details.

Please note: by clicking links here, on my blog and signing up, you are supporting me giving me a chance to get a bit of money in my pocket :) Thank you so much for that!

So what are you waiting for? 

I hope you will join us this year - see you there!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Teaspoon of Magic - collage video tutorial

Hi again my loves!
Today I have a surprise for you! Although it is Wednesday there will be no Art Recipe this time... (Disappointed? I hope the little treat I have for you instead will cheer you up!)
There is a very good reason to make this change though - this week my dear friend and very talented artist, Nat Kalbach is launching new edition of Creative Jump Start - one of a kind online community event designed to sparkle your creativity in January 2015!
Sadly this year I can't take part as one of the 23 artists contributing to the project - but I do encourage you to check it out, sign up and enjoy ( I will surely do that myself!) - a lot of my creative friends is on board this year!
You can find all the details, trailer video and sign up page here. Check it out!

As an encouragement for those of you who are not familiar with Creative Jump Start project I'm sharing my video from last year with you today. I hope you will enjoy it - as much as I did creating it and maybe you will try some of the ideas shown in your own projects?

Teaspoon of Magic - CJS 2014 Video

Here are some close-ups of the project again for you:

And here is a short list of useful supplies taken from our Mixed Media Place Store!

Thanks again for watching - keep warm!

Friday, 13 December 2013

Creative Jump Start 2014 - here we go again! (Yeah!)

Hi again my friends, I'm happy to be back home and trying to focus on new projects and inspiration for you now! As always I'm putting a bit to much on my plate, so please:  keep fingers and toes crossed for me, ok?

And now: here is one of the things I was working on secretly: new edition of Creative Jump Start - great online event that helps you wake up your creativity for the coming year and find inspiration you may need to start!!!
I'm excited to be JumpStarter again, this time in  Creative JumpStart (CJS) 2014, run by an awesome personality - Nathalie Kalbach. Some of you know CJS already - and I don't really need to convince you it is pure fun and inspiration packed into artsy wrapping... but if you need a reminder you can find my 2 videos prom previous editions here and here :)
If you're not familiar with CJS - let me tell you  it's a one-of-a-kind community event to inspire your creativity. Need help getting your creative mojo going in 2014? CJS can help :)

Throughout January participants get 23 videos from 21 featured artists. I'm proud to be one of those artists - you can meet all of us in the video below:)
 It's an amazing event where you can learn new techniques, discover new materials, and connect with other Mixed Media Artists and Scrapbookers.

 Head on over to Nathalie's site to sign up and for more details

CJS costs just $20 for the 3.5 hours of video content. That's less than $1 per video - a great deal.

 Here's a short video for more details: 

So join me and 20 other artists this January for CJS 2014!

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