Showing posts with label Fireking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fireking. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013


Ruth, Tom and I
hit it hard yesterday.
We got a HUGE china cabinet
emptied AND the dish part
of her kitchen cupboards emptied.
Oh!  What treasures we found!
Love FireKing, do you?
You should SEE!!!
Okay- You CAN see-
Love that FireKing!
FireKing not your thing?
Like my rhyme there?
A rhyme everytime

Do you like to SEEK Belleek
(there's that darn rhyme thing again)
with the shell pattern?
How about a BOX of it?
All green label for those of you
that know about Belleek.
And let's not forget the 
 Haviland Limoges.
Nothing really rhymes with Limoges-
darn and I had a thing going there-
oh-wait- Limoges- Rose-but how do 
I work that in?
Oh- yeah-One Limoges Rose plate
But this?
Service for 12+ extras

 Now- If you are very good
and promise not to make mud pies
using your good china
tomorrow I will show you
Christmas in July.
And I am the lucky recipient!
Yes. I. Am!

ps.  I probably should tell you that
Ruth used to have an 
Antique Store.
Now you know WHY she has so
many beautiful things.

your photo name