Here is my son-in-law,TheBrawnyMan's ,
Packer village.
I think my daughter got a bit
carried away with the SNOW.
It looks like the town was
ploughed under in a blizzard.
Sorry, TPot, just sayin....Our kids draw names to exchange gifts
but there is a caveat on the gift.
It must be made or purchased
for $10. or less.
This is MamasBoy in his
Pizza Snuggie- (styling, buddy, styling)
My daughter who was the
roller skating queen of the 7th grade
got a pair of next-to-new roller skates.
(which she will use with her kids
at the local roller rink-the same one
MyHero skated at as a boy)
Mimi got a birdhouse made out
of signs..and it spells out her last name.TheBrawnyMan made this
for TheIslandScout-a hand-turned pen..
a pretty great "gag" gift..No GAG to it.
I got one too...it is gorgeous!My daughter, TPot, also got this..
She loves family photos.
Her sister, Mimi, had her kids
lay in position so that she could
make "letters" -The letters
spell our their last name. Cool, huh?
You can see the O K E here.SweetCheeks got another dress up gown.
This one is Ariel.She is magically transformed into a Mermaid
just by donning the gown.
Nana-Look- Iff Ih pull my ghown upp
Ih'm a baby mermaihd~Hearh-Lookit hearh..
If I phull it dowhn ...
Ih'm a beeyootifull groawn up mermaihd
Nana- Do yoah know whut this is foarh?
(whispering now)
Thiss iss my Brawh for my Boobies.
Cuz..Mermaihds have big gurhl boobies.
giggle...giggle...giggle..MyHero got a kite from the
grown up kids..
Do you think there was a hidden message there?
Like when he asks---
Do you want some advice?
in his deep no-nonsense voice.
Instead of saying NO
They could just hand him this box..And, every Christmas afternoon..
we play
Pictionary..on an easel..
Lulu drew these..
and guess who guessed them right?
The only one that got them?
That is a CARROT on the far right..
and an Astronaut on the left..
We didn't even know she KNEW the
word Astronaut..
And because she was so cute about it..
we let her draw for quite a while..
as she changed her drawings
right after she would point and say...
And it broke my heart when we had to tell her..
Your turn is over now..
Poor, poor baby!
And she got a wonderful
pillow pet~ and ~ being the
sweet little girl that she is
she immediately gave her
other one to her cousin,
Our dear Little Lulu~
A sweet little girl
who doesn't ask for much of anything.
She loves listening to her Mom
read the Christmas story..And she has her special pjs on.
Every year at Christmas we buy all
the grandkids new pjs and drop
them off on Christmas Eve.
They get to open that one present
Christmas Eve...and wear their new pjs
to bed.
The ones this year said..
Staying Up For SantaLulu was excited to open
her presents this year.
Auntie Mimi made her some
papier mache hot air balloons to
hang in her room...which is
going to be decorated in a Paris theme.
She thought it was quite funny when
Papa, quite seriously,
asked if they were pinatas.
I said...Sure they are!
Go get him a stick, Lulu!
Lulu looked horrified until she
realized it was a joke.
(I forget how literal she is sometimes)But by far-
was realized too.
She is our athletic girl..
full of cartwheels and bounce
and sturdy outdoor activities.
She got a snowboard from Santa..
And, Nana & Papa,
trusting that Santa would provide
gifted her with a helmet.
She begged someone to take her
snowboarding down their backyard hill.
Uncle MamasBoy said he would
as soon as he tried on his
that his sister so lovingly sewed for him.
Sorry folks, we won't be taking
any more orders for this item.
It is sold out...one of a kind..
Afterwards, Auntie TPot
gave him a big hug...
She loves her little nephew.He had 3 gifts from Santa under
the tree too..
One of his gifts from Papa and Nana was a
Nativity of his very own..
made by Fisher Price, it
is the same ones his cousin's share..
Mama helped him get
the paper started.
He looks on with anticipation.
What IS it?
Oh how cute!
It is a bubble gum machine
with balls for the gumballs.
Just imagine all the fun Mama
is going to have picking all
those up everyday.
Another bright and colorful toy
to capture his attention.Uh-oh..
I think there is mayhem afoot..He wants to see SweetCheeks
new baby up close and personal.Lookit, Eeeefan,
I khurled my baby's hairh wiff my
curling ihron and putted a bow
in her hairh for Kristmus..
And now Ih am feeeding hers..
and yoah chan't touch her
cuz hers duzn't like enybuddy
to thouch hers when hers
when hers is eatting..GET IT?
I guess
because HIMS went over
to his other cousin to see
if he could help her open
her gift
being as she is a bit more
tolerant and all.