I haven't done anything like this
in a long, long time.
I thought it might be fun to do it again.
Many of the 'old' bloggers
will remember when we often did this--
and tagged someone else to do it, too.
I don't want to put others on the spot
so anyone that would like
to take these questions and
answer them on their own blog
is welcome to do so.
This is especially fun
if you are a newer blogger.
If you do so,
please leave me a note so
that I can post a link to your blog.
Hopefully, you will get a few new followers.
1. Where do you like to vacation? Florida in the winter and the UP in the summer/fall months.
2. Do you have pets? I have the most wonderful SCRUFFY...the little love of of my life.
3. What is your favorite color? It changes from time to time. My wardrobe holds a lot of green/black/beige/gray- boring...I am boring. However, lately, I have been bringing bits of brights into my wardrobe.
4. How many are in your family? We have 4 kids, 17 grandkids and I had one sibling-a wonderful brother, Charlie, that passed away.
5. What is your least favorite thing to do? I am trying to think of something I really dislike...hmmmm...GOT IT! I hate to put the clean dishes away out of the dishwasher. I know, I know, weird, huh?
6. What is your most favorite thing to do? I am hard pressed to pick just one? Spend time with family is number one...but I also love to read, drive, sew, paint and oh...I could go on and on...Guess I will stop here.
7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire? I am retired for the second time now. I'd like to do a lot of traveling, revisit old friends that are scattered around the country and also help others get a start on their "dream".
8. What is your favorite season? Fall- I love Fall-followed closely by Summer.
9. What book are you currently reading? I am re-reading my old Catherine Cookson books before I give them away.
10.What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning? Ready? I go to bed about midnight and I am usually up about 5:30 to 6:00 am. I do best on about 6 hours sleep. I am pretty high-energy for an old broad😀.Lately-have been dealing with some inflammatory issues so moving slower. DRAT!
11.How long have you been blogging? 12 years! WOW- Is that even possible?
11 Random things about me~
1. I am a happy person and find joy in even the small things in life.
2. I hate to admit that I don't feel well even if I am in pain- It makes me feel weak & I don't want to be "that person" that is always talking about HEALTH issues!
3. I am looking forward to some new ventures/adventures this year.
4. I love a clean/orderly house. The worst part of creativity to me is the mess...BUT I don't mind one bit when the grandkkids mess up my house.
5. I love roses- absolutely LOVE them..and lilacs!
6. I just about always wear black- usually paired with another color.
7. I try not to eat sugar but cave to ice cream.
8. I love fresh linens on my bed. If I weren't so lazy I would change them everyday.
9. I love to make people smile.
10. I often create in my mind but don't always apply that creativity to a project- Laziness?
11. I believe in the power of prayer...that miracles can, and do, happen.
So...now...YOU...copy the questions below and come back and tell me that you are doing this and I will post a link to your blog! Then tell us 11 random things about yourself. If you want to play by the OLD rules you are supposed to tag 11 other people. I am not a very good rule follower- Sad, huh? Anyway, Please grab the questions and try it! It'll be fun- xo Diana
1. Where do you like to vacation?
2. Do you have pets?
3. What is your favorite color?
4. How many are in your family?
5. What is your least favorite thing to do?
6. What is your most favorite thing to do?
7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire?
8. What is your favorite season?
9. What book are you currently reading?
10. What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning?
11. How long have you been blogging?
You DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A BLOG to answer this-You can leave your answers right here if you want!
Can't wait to find out more about you!!!!
Love you peeps!
Kris over at JunkChicCottage has joined in.
Click HERE for the link to her blog.