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Questions tagged [latex-misc]

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2 answers

How to align multiple different things together without align* in latex

I am trying to align these equations together but I can't figure out how to do that without centering absolutely everything. below is what I currently have \begin{addmargin}\[1em\]{1em} \textbf{(...
sor3n's user avatar
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1 answer

How to enter curly brace "{" as text in LaTex [duplicate]

In Wolfram Mathematica a 2x2 matrix can be entered with: matrix1 = {{a, b}, {c, d}} I want to capture this Mathematica specific notation in an LaTex document using Overleaf (that I may print out for ...
Chris O's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem with @misc citation keys in bib file

I am having trouble with the keyword arguments in a @misc citation, more specifically how its keys are defined. Does someone know the problem with it? @misc{CABRAL123, Author = {Umberlandia Cabral}, ...
Fernando's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to center a footer within existing style

I need to center the headers and footers using isov2. For the header, I succeeded in adding \hfills around the header text. But the footer is not that easily customizable. I need the Copyright notice ...
false's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between LaTeX and Overleaf?

What is the difference between LaTeX and Overleaf? I am definitely so lost. Is it recommended to install anything or working online is just fine?
Sofía Hornillos's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

LaTeX v.s. Typst: What is TeX Community's Future Plan? [closed]

Recently I have become increasingly anxious about LaTeX being (possibly) surpassed by Typst due to its simplicity. This answer shows several edges of Typst over LaTeX. I have been arguing with one of ...
Teddy van Jerry's user avatar
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1 answer

Latex to XML convertor process

I know latex, but new in xslt (learning now), I need to convert the tex to xml file through XSLT (one of my friend suggest, but i failed to convert). Please suggest or give example to convert the ...
Rajkumar M's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to include some commands depending on the version

Two versions of Latex or actually texlive need to edit one document. The older one does not know microtype etc. How can I conditionally include text and commands for one version or the other? \...
false's user avatar
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4 answers

How to un-bold within a title?

Within the title of documentclass isov2, I need to write part of it in unbolded letters. So far I looked into isov2.cls but found only the usage of \TFont, but have no clue how to find the ...
false's user avatar
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How to use backticks exactly like in markdown

For processing documents with a lot of program code and code fragments, I would like to use backticks for inline program code. So far I use the suggestions from this answer (which already declutters a ...
false's user avatar
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1 answer

Print "real length" of a ruler with the fgruler package

I created some rulers with the fgruler package and printed them, while setting the printer to print the real size of the page (scale 100). However, when I measured them with an electronic caliper, ...
Jes's user avatar
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Macro naming conventions

Some documents define very short macro and environment names. E.g: problem, proof, and solution environments as \begin{pr}, \begin{pf}, \begin{sol}, or variables like \parallel redefined as \pl. Is ...
AvidSeeker's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use backticks as a \tt mode

Using markdown quite a lot lately, I would like to use backticks/backquotes in the same way in Latex. Thus Using a `tt-font` would produce the same as Using a {\tt tt-font} similarly to the two $s ...
false's user avatar
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2 answers

LuaTeX: Can I determine if it's the first run?

Is it possible to detect if the current run is the first (preferably from the Lua end)? I tried to read the log file, but it is apparently already erased when the Lua engine starts. I can of course ...
keth-tex's user avatar
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3 answers

Random generator for exam class in Physics or Chemistry

I would like to create a exam class such as: I could include random generator of both numbers and units for conversion factors in physics and chemistry. In particular, what I wish is a pseudorandom ...
riemannium's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing custom Bibstyle entry for misc (website)

I have a custom bibliographystyle .bst file that has been handed down to me, but it isn't formatting an entry for a website as I would like. Currently, the bibtex entry looks like @misc{Stotler, ...
Steven Thomas's user avatar
3 votes
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How would you go about writing a Latex compiler?

I'm writing a Latex to text converter, i.e. its takes an input of latex code and outputs readable text, which will then be read aloud automatically by a computer. When both parts are connected it's a ...
WinnieThePooh's user avatar
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Table of contents page's number doesnt match the numbering style when i use foreign language "arabic"

I'm doing my master thesis in LaTex and I use the following code. I face a problem with the Table of Contents, in that its page numbering is arabic. I tried to switch it with List of Figures , but I ...
Jemi neu's user avatar
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new installation thinks it is 2018

I installed current TexLive afresh on a new HD under Devuan beowulf. The file I've been working on has \usepackage{siunitx) in preamble, but after with the re-installation when I run latex on it under ...
Haines Brown's user avatar
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Strange behavior when using \f@size in an argument [closed]

I spotted this behaviour when pasting InkScape-generated LaTeX source directly into a LaTeX document. This source includes among other definitions the TeX command \f@size, surrounded by \makeatletter ...
mfg's user avatar
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`LaTeX` documentation and reference guide [duplicate]

Is there anything such as LaTeX documentation? When I am looking for some syntax on google, I only get to forums, but never a site with actual documentation, such as when looking for the meaning of \...
atapaka's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How do I construct this kinetic diagram within LaTeX?

I am interested in trying to code the diagram as shown in the attached picture. So far, I can only code something like this: \begin{equation} S_0 \overset{2\alpha}{\underset{\beta}{\...
Sas's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I display things above and below an arrow?

Really tried to code this one on my own, but I have no luck in doing so so far! I can do everything in this problem, except the alpha and beta above and beneath the arrows. I believe that alpha is a ...
Sas's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there good documentation of TeX, eTeX, pdfTeX, XeTeX and/or LuaTeX primitives?

I mean something like this: TeX - Wikibooks I found it looking up documentation for \if. I didn't expect to find it to be a WikiBook. Open the link, scroll down to "TeX Primitives" and click ìf ...
CarpeDiemKopi's user avatar
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1 answer

Example of "babel-\[email protected]" i.e. "babel-*.cfg"? Typical content? Where do I have to store "babel-latex.cfg" so "kpsewhich" can find it?

An e-TeX generated with Jim Fowler's WEB/TeX Pascal to WebAssembly Compiler web2js should dump a LaTeX format from latex.ltx and stumbles over the babel-latex.cfg, see ShreevatsaR's instructions to ...
CarpeDiemKopi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to change table of content layout for a pdf document created from a web source file?

weave tex.web pdftex tex.tex generates a pdf as follows with a table of content and a document body: Pay attention: The table of content is below the document! I want the table of content ...
CarpeDiemKopi's user avatar
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0 answers

Why is LaTeX pronounced "Lay-Tek"? [duplicate]

My friend who recently introduced me to LaTeX always pronounced it "Lay-Tek". Is he wrong? assuming he isn't why is LaTeX pronounced this way when it clearly has nothing to with the X at the end?
ipsa scientia potestas's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a "function" that generates LaTeX code based on the parameters? [closed]

Context: I work as a statistican for a high school. One of my responsibilities is to generate performance reports for every teacher in the school, based on how well students evaluate them. I use ...
Sigma's user avatar
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1 answer

Importing entire R Script file into Latex

Is there a way to import an entire RScript (.R) file into Latex directly without manually using listings and copying the code into Latex?
user avatar
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ident a paragraph that following a title

I would like achieve what is below : subject : A line that i would like to be ident because it is long and i want the part under (subject) is >>>>>>>ident. The ">>>>>>" is the here for make the ...
oceanGermanique's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to get noweb and listings to cooperate?

The introduction of the Linux subsystem for Windows has made it possible again to use noweb ( under Windows. I'd like to pretty-print the resulting code, for which ...
Engelbert Buxbaum's user avatar
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How to cite a CAD file?

I want to insert a CAD file as an entry in my .bib file using @misc. But it gives some errors. ! Missing $ inserted. <inserted text> $ my entry: @misc{period2, author = {period}, title = {...
Codelearner777's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Changing all occurences of $x$ into X

I would like to add a command to my document so that I could write 'X' in a document and it would be interpreted as '$x$' by compiler (because x is a mathematical variable that I use a lot). Can you ...
Piotr's user avatar
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Abbreviating commands to make *writing* in (Xe)Latex more painless

TLDR; can I shorten commands like \footnote-->\f etc., to reduce code in text? -- I'm trying to Latex an unobtrusive way to write (academic) Texts in general. (As with many other tools, the problem ...
Paul Burgh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Tikz Node Text Formatting Problems

I have encountered a strange problem with text formatting within Nodes in Tikz. I want to use nodes to create information boxes within Tikz diagrams, for example as in the TikZ & PGF Manual v3.0....
Ross Ure Anderson's user avatar
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How to tell if a document is written in Word or LaTeX? [duplicate]

[Readers] can tell at a glance whether the paper was written using Word or LaTeX. -- Graham Cormode. 2009. How NOT to review a paper: the tools and techniques of the adversarial reviewer. Page 2 ...
yspreen's user avatar
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2 answers

(parser related) removing \newcommand and \renewcommand without structural and contentual changes

I am trying to remove all \newcommands, \renewcommands, \newenvironments and \newenvironments in Latex files without any structural and contentual changes. As I understood the only purpose of these ...
John webner's user avatar
2 votes
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Wrapping (Jumping Over) One Text Block With Another Text Block

Background. This is about formatting a recipe page in a cookbook. The elements on the page are: (1) the recipe name/yield, (2) the recipe "story", and (3) a two-column section that includes both ...
TMurphy's user avatar
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91 votes
9 answers

What research papers exist about TeX and friends?

Some time ago there was a question on this site Are there any open research problems in the world of TeX? In a similar spirit, I'd like to ask, whether there are any research articles out there in ...
Henri Menke's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I suppress a page break in enumeration

I'm writing a document with some lists and I need to suppress a page break between the \item and the following line. Following is a MWE: \documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{blindtext} ...
Thomas Sablik's user avatar
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Does there exist any software in (Tex\LaTex\...) family that is not open source? [closed]

Does there exist any software in (Tex\LaTex...) family that is not open source? Do there exists any software in these branches which is not open source?
Davood's user avatar
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2 answers

Pasting a LaTeX snippet into a Plain TeX document

Suppose person A writes a short bit of TeX code, and sends it to person B for inclusion as part of a larger document. The snippet written by A doesn't use anything fancy: no cross-references, ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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using @misc to cite a text but get odd output [closed]

I am struggling with the bibtex for a long time, could you help me? I want to cite a text from on a website without author. Therefore, I am using @misc in bibtex to cite it. The code is as follows: @...
superweizen's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a LaTeX formula output its own source code? [duplicate]

There was recently a featured question which about designing a t-shirt using a LaTeX-inspired design. On that question, there was one comment in particular which caught my attention. Perhaps you ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
50 votes
24 answers

All uses of LaTeX (I never use LaTeX except for ...)

I am designing a comical T-shirt about LaTeX and I would like it to boast about all the purposes that one can use LaTeX for. I started with I never use LaTEX except for typesetting documents. and ...
Vid Merljak's user avatar
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Getting arguments of any LaTeX command

I do not like R and LaTeX. I simply love them. In R, I can get the arguments of any function using args(function_name) on command line. I wonder if we can get the list of all possible arguments of any ...
MYaseen208's user avatar
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Inserting a file directly in a dossier

I am writing a text in LaTeX on my Mac with several chapters and have created a dossier in which I put the files associated with the document (various chapters, ...) However, when I create a new file ...
Rodney Coleman's user avatar
8 votes
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Are there any organizations which use LaTeX for preparing their documents, other than universities?

TeX and LaTeX are widely used in academic disciplines. Are there other organizations which use LaTeX for preparing their documents? Since it is easy to create LaTeX files with scripts, it is a good ...
Mahmood Amintoosi's user avatar
1 vote
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Stray Number on table

I have a stray "7" on my table, but I can't find any reason why the code would display it. I have tried recompiling but it doesn't go. . Here is the code for that part of the document. \begin{...
adch99's user avatar
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Figure with multiple layers - toggle with text button

I have been searching with google for quite some time, but I did not manage to find a satisfying answer. My problem is fairly simple: In my paper I want to show an image which has some annotations. ...
HansSnah's user avatar
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