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Questions tagged [conversion]

{conversion} is for questions about file conversions, like converting EPS to PDF for the use with {pdftex}.

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Any utility to convert from SVG/PDF/PS to MP (metapost)?

Hi folks do you know any utilities to convert from SVG/PS/PDF to MP? I know about tools that do the opposite but in my case I need to convert some schematic graphics I made into pure metapost. I ...
freezr's user avatar
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How to convert a .bbx BibLaTeX style into a .csl file? (Citation Style Language)

I am using the BibLaTeX style verbose-trad1 but I could not find any file named verbose-trad1.csl into the huge CSL repository, while I need such a file to feed the pandoc --csl option. pandoc -s main....
Karim Barkati's user avatar
2 votes
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make4ht: Configure the hyperlink to open in a new tab

I am using make4ht for the conversion from tex to html file with the following configuration. What I need to configure is related to URLs and hyperlinks. I want to get the hyperlink settings of the ...
raf's user avatar
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Creating Lua filters; tikz externalize trouble

This is a draft of the Lua filter that I plan to use with Pandoc. The goal of this filter is to locate images created synthetically with TikZ (no images imported with `\usegraphicÚ), create a ...
user3204810's user avatar
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How to convert these equations from LaTeX to Word with pandoc?

I have a document that I wrote years ago in LaTeX, and now I need it in Word format. The text part works fine using pandoc, but this document contains a large number of math equations. I used some ...
Cyril L's user avatar
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Pandoc, equations and OpenOffice writer

I found an elegant way to convert .tex files to .docx format. The text rendering is really good, but some things are missing: The equations are not displayed: I think it is a problem with OO Writer, ...
user3204810's user avatar
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Asymptote sphere is "blotchy" and conversion from PDF to SVG is fuzzy and marred by lines

I am just starting to use Asymptote to generate a ball diagram of nitric oxide. My MWE is a file called ball.asy: settings.tex = "lualatex"; settings.outformat = "pdf"; settings....
chandra's user avatar
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Converting gb4e interlinear gloss into a well-formatted docx document

Background For the purpose of my research, I need to create interlinear linguistic gloss. Initially I used docx document with the conventional glossing through the invisible tables, but the glosses ...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Rendering jupyter notebooks to PDF using LaTex generates unwanted characters?

Cross-posting on SO: I bring this question over TeX sub as it may be also relevant and ...
NonSleeper's user avatar
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Convert Latex code to Html [duplicate]

How to Convert Latex code to HTML in nodejs? Is it possible? or is there any other way to build pdf and build HTML code using same code?
user316374's user avatar
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Converting a template file in Microsoft Word docx file to LaTex file

I tried to use pandoc to convert a docx file, which is Verra's template for project description (can be downloaded from here), using the following command line: pandoc --reference-doc=custom-reference....
Omer Tzuk's user avatar
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Latex to XML convertor process

I know latex, but new in xslt (learning now), I need to convert the tex to xml file through XSLT (one of my friend suggest, but i failed to convert). Please suggest or give example to convert the ...
Rajkumar M's user avatar
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Compile LaTeX multi-source project to Markdown

I am writing a quite complex LaTeX project, involving: user-defined environments/commands LuaLaTeX-specific dependencies TiKZ figures multiple source files handled with the import and standalone ...
febbrosto's user avatar
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ScholarOne and LaTeX

I have to convert a Latex-file using ScholarOne. Unfortunately, it doesn't convert to pdf. When I use Texmaker everything is fine. Thanks for your help in advance. This is part of the .log-file. ...
user avatar
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Pandoc vs LaTeXML for LaTeX conversion

Why would we use LaTeXML for conversion instead of pandoc? I see ar5ix uses LaTeXML instead of pandoc, which seems to be more widely known. I assume this is because LaTeXML renders latex better. ...
user760900's user avatar
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Coverting LaTeX to markdown?

I am trying to convert LaTeX (arXiv files) to markdown (where math equations can be set off with $). I am trying to use pandoc for this, yet run into issues where in a single document may have ...
olivarb's user avatar
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How to solve pdfTeX error: pdflatex reading image file failed?

My freshly installed LyX on a Xubuntu 23.10 machine can't compile the splash-example, which shows up at initial start. I suspect that this might rather be a pdftex problem, because the error is the ...
Leolo's user avatar
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TeX program conceivable at all which produces output other than .dvi or .pdf directly, e.g., .rtf/.doc/.docx

Donald E. Knuth's TeX outputs .dvi files. Hàn Thế Thành's pdfTeX outputs .pdf files. Is a program rtfTeX or docTeX or docxTeX conceivable that instead of .dvi or .pdf directly outputs Word .rtf or ....
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Copy/Pasting BibTeX into Endnote X9 [duplicate]

I have a BibTeX entry that I want to get into EndNote X9. @article{mollerup2017controlling, title={Controlling sewer systems--a critical review based on systems in three EU cities}, author={...
DiegotheBunny's user avatar
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Latex to word conversion is problematic with any way

I have read other threads. However they cannot solve my problem. Anyone has any firm knowledge about how could we do that? I have a limited time and I dont know why my supervisor insists on word file. ...
ttre's user avatar
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Produce a pptx or keynote file from a beamer presentation [duplicate]

I'm giving a presentation at a venue with a production staff. Although they claim not to need to edit or re-brand my slides, they have asked me to supply the slides in advance using either powerpoint ...
user3188445's user avatar
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How to add support for another language (German) to the Words conversion in ConTeXt?

I would like to implement support for another language (German) for the conversion methods words and Words for converting numbers to words in ConTeXt. Having read the answers to this question I ...
Marcus C.'s user avatar
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How to resample (downsample) images while taking their actual size into account in ConTeXt?

I am currently typesetting a textbook and would like to implement a mechanism that allows me to resample images to exhibit a specific resolution, relative to their final size (mostly for the sake of ...
Marcus C.'s user avatar
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How would I use pandoc to convert this Overleaf tex project into a word document?

How would I use pandoc to convert this Overleaf project to .docx? I've tried pandoc -o output.docx -t docx resume.tex but all I get is a blank document. I believe the problem has something to do with ...
brianxk's user avatar
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Reference in caption, errors with make4ht

Putting a cross-reference inside a caption prompts a bunch of scary error messages from make4ht, though somehow the example still converts. In a larger document, it would abort or hang. Take this ...
musarithmia's user avatar
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latex source code to epub

I wrote a book that consists, basically, of images and tables, and the conversion pdf --> epub gives horrible results. The very appealing index in the pdf (with hyperlinks) looks gorgeous, but ...
Antonio Ortiz's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

LaTeX long subequation

I have converted Microsoft Office equations to LaTeX. The equations are pretty long, and they are seen on the screen. I have used split, gather, and similar approaches, but I could not do it. Is there ...
Mirhan Özdemir's user avatar
9 votes
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moodle xml conversion to LaTeX

I am familiar with the package moodle. I however have a question in a reverse direction. Is there a method or tool to convert xml moodle question banks to LaTeX? Edit: A sample of an xml file is like ...
Name's user avatar
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Is there a way to extract math from a pdf in LaTeX format using SESHAT?

So I've been tasked with using SESHAT to extract the math problems from a large pdf into latex format, but seshat requires an InkML or SCGink file type as it's input. Is there a way I can convert pdf ...
JustLearning321's user avatar
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Text to tex converter [duplicate]

I remember using some sites where I could make some screenshots and convert it into tex code but I can't find it anymore. I would appreciate any help and recommendations!
user99432's user avatar
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Getting custom output from numtoname

We can expand digits to words in memoir class using numtoname command. But when I expand 125000 using numtoname, I get an output one hundred and twenty-five thousands. Instead I would like to get an ...
Vaibhav's user avatar
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Convert bash shell script call in arara rule from version 4 to version 6

I have the following rule in arara 4 that calls a bash shell and executes a command in this shell: !config identifier: OCbootstrap name: OCbootstrap commands: - <arara> bash -i -c OCbootstrap @{...
Marc DeGraef's user avatar
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Convert latex to word with pandoc but no citations [duplicate]

I am trying to convert a document from .tex to word using the command pandoc -s main.tex --bibliography=library.bib -o testdoc.docx However, there are no citations either in the text or at the end of ...
D.A.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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how to programmatically convert mathml or LaTeX formulas in spoken words?

I've a formula, eg: where the latex's code is: \int_{a}^{b} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\rho}} d\rho The output should be somthing like this: "The integral from a to b of one over the square root of ro in ...
Ivan Buttinoni's user avatar
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What is this pandoc error

as try to convert html files to PDF ones $ pandoc *.html -s -o Book.pdf it returned this: warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: the pdflatext is of Arch ...
user17227456's user avatar
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Which extent of Latex functionality/packages is available in Pandoc

The Pandoc tool is available online at I use it for my conversions. Although, I am not sure whether it reflects the same capabilities as offline tool which you have to download: ...
FriendlyFire's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How can I convert a TeX file to Microsoft Word or LibreOffice format?

I’m trying to convert a report from LaTeX to OpenDocument (.odt) or Office Open XML (.docx) formats. But the programs give errors and stop, so in the end neither formats are written. Option 1: Pandoc ...
avelardo's user avatar
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PDF with LaTeX formulas to .epub format

I have recently purchased a Kobo e-reader, and apart from standard .epub books I have already imported (which work excellently) I would also like to use it to read some .pdf files that also contain ...
There's Strange Stuff Out Here's user avatar
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How to use imagemagick in a Latex script?

Trying to use ImageMagick in a LaTeX script. I can convert any pdf file to PNG image using ImageMagic. This is what I came up with. convert -density 300 -quality 90 input.pdf output.png Is there any ...
Sofia's user avatar
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How to run TeX4ht and or tex4ebook

I have found that I can use tex4ebook to convert my Latex document into Epub3 but I haven't found anywhere where it states what program should be used to run the script (I normally write Latex in ...
Jonathan Schouenborg's user avatar
4 votes
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How to recover LaTeX code from pdf [duplicate]

Recently, my hard drive destructed and I lost my all files with my project paper too. I didn't do it in Overleaf. I installed a LaTeX software and did it here. Unfortunately all are gone with my ...
ovi's user avatar
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epstopdf conversion cuts off eps graphics on right side

I am almost done with my thesis and I include a lot of Matlab generated .eps files. I noticed that on some of those the image in the resulting document is cut off on the right hand side just enough to ...
becky's user avatar
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Converting printed text to LaTeX [duplicate]

I wrote a science fiction novel back in 1990 or thereabouts. It was read by Del Rey twice, but was ultimately rejected. That was long before the days of self publishing. I still have a copy of the ...
Wayne Sewell's user avatar
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make4ht: Convert CV template from tex to html

I am trying to get a proper html version of my cv from the tex file. I like to do the conversion as perfectly as possible so that the structure of the html can match with the pdf properly. cv.tex \...
raf's user avatar
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Extract LaTeX code from PDF document [duplicate]

Good morning. If I wanted to extract the LaTeX code from a pdfLaTeX document, what should I do? Thank you so much.
Puck's user avatar
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Why is pandoc not able to convert images from this theme? [closed]

When converting a webpage generated by mkdocs material theme, Pandoc output does not export images. Please see below the conversion ...
Adarsh Balachandran's user avatar
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Is there any possibility to print a single tex file from a multifile project using a LaTeX compiler?

I would like to retain the multifile structure of my LaTeX projects, but journals usually require a single .tex file. Is there any way to print such a combined document as a 'cached' file with the ...
TobiR's user avatar
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Save Latex in formats different from pdf for publishing

I've made a math book with Latex and I got the pdf. I would like to convert it to epub, or doc, or html without losing much of its quality. Any tips? Is there any other format other than pdf on which ...
hellofriends's user avatar
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converting LaTeX tags by equivalent HTML tags using own tags

I am writing some small conversion script from the TeX application file, and the MWE is: \newwrite\html \immediate\openout\html\jobname.html \newcommand{\HalfTitle}[1]{\thispagestyle{empty}\bgroup% \...
MadyYuvi's user avatar
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Extraction of high level objects from .tex source files

I have idea of a tool to conveniently skim through arXiv papers/articles. In short, it ought filter out parts of document based on its type (images, tables, formulas, paragraphs etc). Obviously it ...
theuses's user avatar
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