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2 answers

How to align multiple different things together without align* in latex

I am trying to align these equations together but I can't figure out how to do that without centering absolutely everything. below is what I currently have \begin{addmargin}\[1em\]{1em} \textbf{(...
sor3n's user avatar
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Strange behavior when using \f@size in an argument [closed]

I spotted this behaviour when pasting InkScape-generated LaTeX source directly into a LaTeX document. This source includes among other definitions the TeX command \f@size, surrounded by \makeatletter ...
mfg's user avatar
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`LaTeX` documentation and reference guide [duplicate]

Is there anything such as LaTeX documentation? When I am looking for some syntax on google, I only get to forums, but never a site with actual documentation, such as when looking for the meaning of \...
atapaka's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Changing all occurences of $x$ into X

I would like to add a command to my document so that I could write 'X' in a document and it would be interpreted as '$x$' by compiler (because x is a mathematical variable that I use a lot). Can you ...
Piotr's user avatar
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2 answers

(parser related) removing \newcommand and \renewcommand without structural and contentual changes

I am trying to remove all \newcommands, \renewcommands, \newenvironments and \newenvironments in Latex files without any structural and contentual changes. As I understood the only purpose of these ...
John webner's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Are there any organizations which use LaTeX for preparing their documents, other than universities?

TeX and LaTeX are widely used in academic disciplines. Are there other organizations which use LaTeX for preparing their documents? Since it is easy to create LaTeX files with scripts, it is a good ...
Mahmood Amintoosi's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Meaning of {} and [] in LaTeX syntax?

I'm somewhat new to LaTeX, and since I'm used to more traditional OO programming languages like Java, C, or Python this is bugging me as it seems like very basic syntax for LaTeX. I'm wondering if ...
Slayer0248's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

How does --------------------------- work?

When I type in --------------------------- into LaTeX, it sometimes generates a continuous line like this: However, if I don't have "sufficient" number of -, then sometimes the last - will not form ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Which hash-tag should we use in social media?

Now that facebook is using hash-tags I wondered what users had to say about #LaTeX, but to my surprise (well, it was obvious...), I found plenty of stuff related to latex clothing... The question is: ...
Felipe Aguirre's user avatar
35 votes
3 answers

Is it still worth it to learn TeX?

I think I've reached the stage to where I can't get any better at producing documents that look the way I want them to unless I put serious effort into learning how to write the kind of as-of-now-to-...
JohnJamesSmith's user avatar
144 votes
7 answers

What is the correct pronunciation of TeX and LaTeX?

Is it tex(tech)? Or Is it tex(like touch)? Lay-TeX? or La-TeX? Should I use TeX pronunciation in LaTeX?
Prabhanjan Naib's user avatar
107 votes
50 answers

What professions use TeX/LaTeX besides CS?

TeX and LaTeX are widely used in Computer Science. What other academic disciplines or professionals use it?