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Why does this go into an infinite loop?

I am trying to maintain a string that will contain all the authors' names. \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{hyperref,authblk} \def\authorsnames{} \newcommand*{\addauthor}[2]{\author[#...
TheEmeritus's user avatar
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How to include orcid in my paper

I am using this template on overleaf I want to include \orcid for each one of the authors here is the current script \author[label1]{...
asmgx's user avatar
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3 authors with the same affiliations, but one of them has an additional affilation?

I am using the template below to present 3 authors (A, B, C) who have the same affiliation, but author C has an additional. I have used the template below: \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} \...
Aid22's user avatar
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How to display second author in poster template?

Hello everyone, I'm having some difficulty getting two authors to show up in my poster. Here is a minimum working example (MWE): \documentclass[20pt,margin=1in,innermargin=-4.5in,blockverticalspace=-0....
underdog987's user avatar
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ICML2025 Template: Spacing of Multiple Authors

I'm working on the ICLR 2025 template. It can be directly obtained at here. The problem is when multiple authors (say 4) are there and their spacing is large enough to force a newline for two authors, ...
pbb's user avatar
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Footnote backreference and thanks (author and title) in maketitle

I want to have back references for footnotes. Utilizing package footnotebackref and hyperref works well for the whole document, but not for the thanks in author and title. Please advise me a solution. ...
Romalpa Akzo's user avatar
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Limiting authors in bibliography for ieeeconf document

I have a paper I'm looking to submit to RA-L, so I'm using their LaTeX template in Overleaf. I have some references with a large number of authors, so I'd like to shorten them to free up some space. I ...
ajgoddu's user avatar
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how to make diamond shape author list for acm conference format

The default (two authors per line) looks like the following: Because the first author has more affiliations which makes the first row of authors looks quite imbalanced. I am. thinking about is there ...
user1935724's user avatar
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Spacing between authors when there's only one author on a line in IEEE Template

While an answer was posted in, it fails to take into account the scenario when there's only one author on a line. Thus, \documentclass[conference]{...
Kenneth Ligutom's user avatar
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Can I make a \fullcite in biblatex without the author's name?

How can I define a command \fullcite* such that it's equal to \fullcite but not including the authors's names? (More or less in the same way as \cite* works with respect to \cite.)
elmo's user avatar
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Add author one line after section title in toc

I’m working on a group project in which we have to indicate the name of the person who worked on a certain topic. I’d like to insert the authors’ names to the toc one line after the respective section’...
Gustave Flaubert's user avatar
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title page format, author field with setbeamertemplate and general outline

I'm cleaning up my title page and was working on the author filed as per this post. Unfortunately, I cannot attain exactly what I needed and changed some parts to match the intended results; however, ...
Matteo's user avatar
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The authors' address appears above the title

\documentclass[3p,times]{elsarticle} \usepackage{lineno,hyperref} \modulolinenumbers[5] \journal{Journal Name} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Elsevier bibliography styles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% To ...
Aixleft math's user avatar
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How to implement the layout of authors from different institutions and co-first authors/corresponding authors in LaTeX?

As the title says, I want to achieve the effects shown in the following two figures (where Figure 2 is a footnote). following is my MWE code. I have tried using the \footnotemark command, but it ...
nala's user avatar
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Adjusting the title page in a thesis

I'm writing my MSc thesis and I'm facing some troubles. I have two supervisors. I need to list their names and affiliations side by side as shown in the attached screenshot. How can I achieve this? So ...
Hussein Eid's user avatar
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beamer titlepage how to organize authors in a table which spans slide-width

Hi I'm working on my first beamer presentation in view of my PhD defense, I've plenty of time and started to experiment, I quite like the design and style of LaTex presentation; however, I'm not yet ...
Matteo's user avatar
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DIsplay ORCID icon instead of ID in LNCS template

In the LNCS document class (llncs) display ORCID ID in authors name, instead of ORCD icon: \author{First Author\inst{1}\orcidID{0000-1111-2222-3333} \and Second Author\inst{2,3}\orcidID{1111-2222-3333-...
Amina Umar's user avatar
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How to have multiple departments within the same university be in a single line for the affiliations in Springer latex template?

I want to have multiple departments within the same university be on the same line (no line breaks). The line should break with different universities. Currently, this is how it looks like: (here X &...
chesslad's user avatar
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Suggest a Practical Roadmap to becoming a TeX/LaTeX expert [duplicate]

What would be a Practical and Optimal Roadmap for a beginner to becoming an expert author or maintainer of a complex and professional LaTeX package?
Abbas's user avatar
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bibliography author list truncate to firstauthor et al. if more than author

This is the relevant part of my modified.bst that determines the author list format: FUNCTION {format.names} { 's := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { ...
the game's user avatar
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Conference-mode IEEE authors are not correctly aligned when they are on two lines

This is an excerpt directly copied from the example provided by IEEE conferences: as you can see, the first and fourth names are not aligned... and generally, that's quite awful. Can I fix it? \...
Rmano's user avatar
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How to add multiple lines to \author? or How to enable line breaks at \author?

Since the university has different requirements from the template provided by Latex, I would like to use \author for a different purpose. To do this, it is necessary to use line breaks. Unfortunately, ...
Werrold's user avatar
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Cannot print author name and affiliation in amsart document class

Using the following preamble I am not getting any author name displayed in the pdf. Can anyone please tell me why this is happening? \documentclass[twoside,reqno,10pt]{amsart} \raggedbottom % ...
Saikat's user avatar
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ICLR template for lots of authors

I'm using the ICLR 2024 template and we have lots of authors on our submission. I would have expected the authors to "wrap" and have multiple lines but it's just overflowing. Can someone ...
Anonymous Scientist's user avatar
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How can I edit my Title, Author and Date sections to change the spacing to even them out and shorten the space between, on top and below them? [closed]

I already have geometry set to top=2cm,bottom=2cm,right=2cm,left=2cm, but I want to make it so that can change the distance between the top of the page and the title, change the space between title, ...
Felix Maldonado's user avatar
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Formatting large author list and affiliations with IOP template

I'm writing a publication using the IOP journal template but have been struggling to format the list of authors, which contains over 100 entries, each with their own sets of affiliations. The intended ...
Cheesefax's user avatar
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Changing anonymous author in icml2021.sty

I am trying to use the icml2021 template for one of my classwork, and I figured out the author names are all anonymous. I used the icml2021.sty styling. In latex, it is not rendering any author name, ...
Tauhidul islam's user avatar
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How to avoid/remove the unwanted comma in the superscript of first author like NikM^{,a}

I am using elsarticle class and getting, NikM^{,a}. Thus the comma before a is unwanted. I want to remove it. \author[1]{NikM% \fnref{fn1}} \ead{[email protected]} \author[2]{Ni} \ead{[email protected]} \...
Nikita Garg's user avatar
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Environment or command to inject in preauthor/postauthor to not print the author?

For a personalized class and some internal magic, I would like to define preauthor/postauthor in the titling package such that the user can define the author, but it will not be printed. Currently, ...
Vincent's user avatar
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add author to section frame beamer

With the following MWE, I am able to create a standalon frame for \section that contains only section title. I would like to add also the author of the section with affiliation, exactly like in the ...
user9875321__'s user avatar
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How to page break in long author list? APA6

I've been trying to knit an article with a very long author list using RMarkdown Pandoc. But the long list seems not to start on a new page. Half of them cannot be shown on the first page since it's ...
Arjen H's user avatar
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Adding title and author to toc for included pdfs

My former college is starting a departmental journal which I am editing and typesetting. I have edited and typeset every contributed article individually using the article class and initially tried to ...
Acharyachakit's user avatar
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Multiple author but one mail

I'm new using Latex and I'm trying to put a mail in the end of my document, with a "*" by the side of the 1st author. I've tried a lot of things but nothing gives what I want. What I stay ...
Wanon98's user avatar
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How to specifically underline an author using biblatex (instead of making it bold)

Is there a way to underline a specific author (instead of making it bold such as in the code snippet provided here): \newcommand*{\mkboldifhashinlist}[1]{% \xifinlist{\thefield{hash}}{\nhblx@...
ecjb's user avatar
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How to add another corresponding author to an Elsevier paper in Neptune?

How do you add another corresponding author to an Elsevier paper in Neptune while editing the proof of your paper? Code for one corresponding author: \author{First Author} \cormark[1] \cortext[1]{\...
SDJ's user avatar
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Modify \maketitle in report to avoid duplicated thanks (overleaf)

I am using the report class. I have several chapters, and in each chapter I use a separate title page. To insert affiliations in the authors, I use each time \author{SOMEONE\thanks{affiliations}}. ...
user9875321__'s user avatar
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Biblatex Error when Compiling - two papers with overlapping authors [duplicate]

I have been using Latex online through Overleaf for a while now. I use Biblatex to do compile my Bibliographies. In the last document, I've encountered the following problem. I need to reference two ...
Luca Zamboni's user avatar
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How to place author names in two different columns?

I have taken the following from a template: However, I want the author names to be placed in two different columns to avoid leaving so much white space in the document. I tried using \multicols but ...
Ahsan Yousaf's user avatar
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Make \cite{my reference} show name and year, with the "naturemag-doi" bibliographystyle

Question. How to show authorname and year if using the "naturemag-doi" bibliographystyle? \bibliographystyle{naturemag-doi} MWE 1. If I use the "naturemag-doi" bibliographystyle I ...
Ommo's user avatar
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Biblatex / Second author's name initialized

Is there a way to automatically initialize the second name of an author? In my example: not "Peter Eli" but "Peter E.". (Obviously I know I can just initialize in the bibtex file). ...
Haim's user avatar
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Should math papers be hand written before using LaTeX? [closed]

When I'm not writing a math paper, I write way faster by typing directly into a word processor. I form and revise sentences faster on the screen then I can on paper. But typesetting math is slower ...
Ryan Hubscher's user avatar
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No \author given for titling package with amsart

\documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{titling} \title{Title} \author{Author} \begin{document} \maketitle \end{document} The code above gives the error message below: You have used the \maketitle ...
William Sun's user avatar
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How to fix too large logo?

I used the Springer Template to build my paper. The template does not have a ...
asmgx's user avatar
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Authors details

Following the execution of the LaTeX file, my desire is to obtain "*Corresponding Author. Email" in place of "*Corresponding Author(s). Email(s)", i.e., I want to remove (s). Given ...
user20255650's user avatar
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How to add some text between the author names and their affiliations?

Below is a MWE: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{authblk} \begin{document} \title{Title} \author[1]{AuthorA} \author[1*]{AuthorB} \affil[1]{Institute Name} \affil[*]{Address correspondence to:...
user3678252's user avatar
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Author's name in header not displaying

In this MWE I'm not getting the author's name in the header.. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage{mathdots} ...
Rui Campozinhos's user avatar
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pdflatex bug(?) with Elsevier template and accents in authors name

I found a weird bug in the Elsevier (Automatica) template when I'm building it with pdflatex. If one of the authors has an accent (ó, or something). The building of the document yields an error. If ...
seaver's user avatar
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Formatting the title page of a book

I am writing a book, and was wondering how to make the title page similar to the following example, without the reference number 1 Since I have the title page in a separate tex file like the different ...
AEW's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Small Capitals in the Bibliography?

I'm going mad trying to have the author name in the bibliography in small caps as required by the publisher; I found two Bibtex styles acm adn siam that should do this, but the resulting has ...
Paolo Bonavoglia's user avatar
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Add ORCID after author and affilition's number

I need to insert the ORCID logos (which should be hyperlinked to the URLs of the researchers) in author list, but I think it looks cleaner after each author names and affiliation's numbers, as in the ...
César Leblanc's user avatar

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