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headers and footers defined with fancyhdr are ignored on special page for floats only [duplicate]

I define my headers and footers like this: \documentclass[12pt,twoside]{book} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \fancyhf{} \pagestyle{fancy} \addtolength{\headwidth}{4cm} \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\iffloatpage{\textsl{\...
Selphiron's user avatar
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fancyhdr footer is rendered on page delayed when using landscape mid document

I got a document where there are some pages in landscape mode. I managed to rotate those pages with setting \paperwidth, pdfpagewidth and \textwidth (and some others). My problem is that the footer on ...
MadddinTribleD's user avatar
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How can I make a tcolorbox round its south corners if its bottom is close enough to the bottom of the page?

I'm making a document with triangular footers around the outer corner of the page, where the page number is. If a tcolorbox is too tall and too close to the bottom, it can be cut off by these footers. ...
Luca Ballanzeddu's user avatar
-1 votes
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LaTeX - Complex running header/footer and margins with Tables

This is a duplicated question for the, as therein no replies are being received (I realize I posted it in not the right community). I need to reproduce a ...
Xavier's user avatar
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Text Overflows The Footer

Here as you can see the texts are overflowing the footer, I have no problem with the header. I tried setting footer height but it didn't work. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[a4paper, margin=0....
Barbaros Teoman Kosoglu's user avatar
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Problem placing information at the bottom of the first page

I am working on the development of template and I would like to have something similar like this: I'm working in twocolumn document and I tried to replicate it in \fancyfoot[L]{} (only for the first ...
Guillermo Jiménez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Align logo in the footline with the ones in the header in beamer

I am using a template from overleaf: I did a few changes and I came ...
user316338's user avatar
-1 votes
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Images in the footnote in beamer poster

I am using this template from overleaf: I'd like to put one logo in ...
user316338's user avatar
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How to use natbib package and fancyhdr package together [closed]

Please how can I get to use fancyhdr package with natbib package. It happens that I can't use the two in my document, what can be wrong? and how can I correct that, please? \documentclass[12pt, ...
Memristor's user avatar
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Need to have different arrangement of footer on odd and even pages

I am trying to create a template for a paper for a journal as I am the editor. I want to have footers on each page exclusing the first. The format should be : FOOTER TEXT and Page no - Toward the ...
Eddy Singh's user avatar
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image does not respect lower page margin in twocolumn document

From time to time, I run into the problem, that my text margins seem not to be respected. See an example here: The image (shaded green) does not respect my lower text margin. Part of the footer line ...
Pascal H.'s user avatar
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How to indent the page number in the footer (memoir)?

I want to indent the page number on the foot, so it looks like in the image: As you can see, the position of \thepage is not aligned with the margin of the outer margin. \documentclass[10pt,final]{...
Rafael Benítez Mozos's user avatar
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Right aligning all page numbers in overleaf bibliography footer and appendix

I have to as part of my thesis guidelines have this line at the bottom of every page "A.N.Other, PhD Thesis, Random University 2021" except on the title page and my page numbers all need to ...
Jas's user avatar
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How to put a footer on all pages of IEEEtrans.cls?

My problem is that this solution [1] adds a footer only to the title page of an IEEEtrans paper. I want to add it to all pages. Can anyone help? Ref. [1] IEEEtran: how to add copyright footer at the ...
stefaniecg's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Have something appear in the footer only if section isn't over

I'm writing a gamebook. My text is divided into a lot of little paragraphs, with length varying from a couple of lines to a page and a half. Readers/players will start from paragraph 1 and then move ...
il mietitore's user avatar
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How to make footer move to just below the body of text

If you will please examine pages 20, 25, 26, 31, 32, 37, and 41 of the MWE below, then you will find that considerable space intervenes between the body of text and the page number (in the footer). In ...
Noah J's user avatar
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Why the footer page number is not being removed with `fancyhdr`

I want to remove the footer from my document but the page number won't disappear. I tried to follow some suggestions from other questions, and it should work but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong? ...
Eduardo Fernandes's user avatar
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footnote in footer overflows on two pages

I want to have the footnotes in the footer and I implemented this solution from Aram Becker. MWE: \documentclass[a4paper,10pt,oneside]{report} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \...
Flowt's user avatar
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Why does the same definition lead to a different footer on second page? [duplicate]

I want to create a footer on all pages except the first. After I had failed I tried with creating the same footer as on the first page and it still looks different. It seems to only show a footer at ...
mrCarnivore's user avatar
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Beamer: Customise Title and Footer Background color

I would like to get I have forgotten to change the colour. Can anyone tell me how can I get desired result? Here I am using the code(partial): \documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames]{beamer} \mode<...
MKS's user avatar
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Insert ornaments in the footer of each page of the book

I'm writing a book on GeoGebra that I will use to teach at school. I used The Legrand Orange Book template and modified its appearance as shown in the following image. I want to insert an ornament (...
Aan Triono's user avatar
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beamer: Change font color for citation in footnote with biblatex phys style

I am trying to change the font color (all text, with possible customization for author, journal, etc fields) for in-frame citations on a beamer template with biblatex style=phys. Here is the MWE ...
jamessud's user avatar
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insert "\footnote{}" in my page footer

I have a problem with positioning a footnote. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[french]{babel} \usepackage[left=1.8cm,right=1.8cm,top=1.8cm,bottom=1.8cm]{geometry} \...
Tony's user avatar
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How do I locally set footsepline to 0pt whenever the current page includes footnotes in a KOMA-Script class

Here is my MWE: \documentclass[% DIV=12, % division factor headsepline=0.8pt, % header line footsepline=0.4pt, % footer line numbers=noenddot, % no dots at the end of section numbering ]{scrartcl} % ...
Amanuensis Frances's user avatar
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Distance between headsepline and text in header [closed]

The problem I'm having right now is that I'm not able to close the gap between the text in the header and the headsepline. It only works if I delete the image from the header (see screenshot). How can ...
JmlGmbn's user avatar
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cleanthesis - logo on each page after first chapter page

I currently use the cleanthesis v0.4.0 and my main issue right now is that I'm not able to place a logo on each page after the first page of the chapter. Used fancyhdr but I get always the complain ...
JmlGmbn's user avatar
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Changing the LaTeX Affection text in the bottom right of a tikzposter

In tikzposter, there's a default footnote in the bottom right that has the LaTeX and Tikzposter logos. You can suppress the text with the command \tikzposterlatexaffectionproofoff What I was wondering ...
Dr Xorile's user avatar
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Suppress footnote number in text area

I have references from several captions to the same footnote. This footnote is not referenced from text, only from captions. I've found the following approach working great, except that the footnote ...
Rome's user avatar
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How to include at will text in certain parts of the footer of some slides

I am trying to include some authors and journal information about a paper in the footer of certain slides of my beamer presentation. In the beamer madrid default style framework, I would want to put ...
John's user avatar
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short footer line left for even and right odd pages

When I use the command to have a short footer at the bottom of the pages, the short footer line always appears at the left of the footer. How can I change the position of the short footer for the odd ...
Saman Hasani's user avatar
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Custom font for footer in Latex Beamer

I want my school's name to appear in the centre of the footer, and on the right corner a simple page count. But I want my school's name to appear in its original font. The code below renders ...
bahaksekldhi's user avatar
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Moving footer (page number) on odd pages a bit to the right

Using this Latex template I would like to move the page number/the footer of odd pages around 2cm to the right. ...
Jadzia's user avatar
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footnote line not disappearing

I have made a document with XeTeX. Initially, I added a footnote but later removed it. But the footnote separator line is not disappearing. Why is this so? EDIT: Added MWE \documentclass[12pt]{...
vrgovinda's user avatar
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Same footnote in each page

I would like to write the same footnote in every page of the document. The footnote is 'Footnote of the day'. How am I able to print this same footnote in each page?
Munif Zaman's user avatar
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Package biblatex Warning: Nested notes on input line

I'm trying to use \footcite command to which Overleaf shows the following warning: Package biblatex Warning: Nested notes on input line 10. How can I get rid of the warning? Am I missing some ...
QuantumHumanLearner's user avatar
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How to remove header of abstract chapter and do not apply for the rest chapters?

I try to make header and footer for a thesis. I wanna to remove header for abstract. However, when i use \pagestyle{plain}, all chapter headers are removed (not only abstract chapter). \documentclass[...
cnp's user avatar
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How to add one picture to the top and another to the bottom of every page of an article? (Including the title page)

I need to add two pictures, one at the top and one at the bottom of every page of my article (to format it for a congress). I've find a way that worked for the top picture there is shown below: \...
Leonardo_Gomes's user avatar
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Footer text on page incorrectly displaying footer text from different page

I am typesetting a book and have encountered what appears to be a bug in the footer on the book's final page. All footers in the book are correct except the last footer, which displays the correct ...
Bill Whitt's user avatar
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LuaTeX help setting footer page number from BOTTOM of page

I need the page number centered vertically and horizontally in the footer space, 1" total height for the footer, baseline of the page number should be 1/2" from the bottom of the page. I can ...
user174368's user avatar
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Set space between body text and header/footer in memoir class

I want to be able to change the vertical space between where the body text ends and where the footer starts, while fixing the margins to be 20mm. \documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{memoir} \usepackage{...
eugenefraxby's user avatar
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Why do I get a `weird error' (according to overleaf) when trying to compile my pdf with a logo in the footer?

I want to include a logo in the footer (here a graphic of a green box as an example) into my document. However, doing so results in errors which stem from the KOMAoptions command and I dont know how ...
Lagrange's user avatar
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2 Page number troubles: title page and font

I have two problems with page numbering. I want to skip the numbering at page #1 I want to use another font (BookAntiqua) for page numbering (I am using an Arabic looking style for the main text, but ...
Brayanokles's user avatar
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How to resume the page number at the footer after `pdflscape` if the next content are equations in LaTeX?

I knew how to resume the page number after the pdflscape at the footer if the content is the text as in the case. But if the following content after the pdflscape are equations, the next page number ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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Problem formatting header and footer with fancyhdr

I am writing my thesis using \documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book} Using the document class 'book', I am automatically getting 'Chapter #' headlines which I don't want and have removed using titlesec ...
Natasja's user avatar
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change the position of the beamer page numbering

I used \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] in my beamer template but it destroys my original foot line. So, upon my search I found the following to add before the \begin{document}. It is what I ...
domath's user avatar
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Footnote rule y position

How can I obtain the absolute y position (height) of the footnote rule? I want to draw (using TikZ) a box from a command to the end of the text in the page, without considering the footnotes. This ...
Fábio L.S.'s user avatar
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How to configure footer on first page with Exam package?

With the following example, I cannot change the first page footer. \documentclass[addpoints]{exam} \firstpagefooter{left}{middle}{Page \thepage\ sur \numpages} \title{Exam} \begin{document} \maketitle ...
nowox's user avatar
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Section-based numbering of pages, figures and tables

I'm preparing a technical manual consisting of different sections, and I want the numbering of pages, figures, and tables in each section to have a prefix describing the specific section. Moreover, I ...
sahin's user avatar
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Book Layout with Fancy Footing Including Display of Text in Front of Offset Graphical Object

I'm currently trying to massage the layout of my Master Thesis and I'm struggling with the arrangement of some specific graphical elements. The desired layout includes a footer with a graphical box (...
Leo Heinzl's user avatar
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How to insert an image at the top center of the first page?

I would like to insert a logo in the top center of the first page, before the title and the authors name. If I use the command \begin{figure} it turns out another new page before the title with the ...
Sara Maria Vitaresi's user avatar