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Layouts that give more horizontal space for equations

This is a typography question as well as a LaTeX question. I'm writing a document where some of the equations are very wide, and I'm looking for ways to lay out the document that will help me fit as ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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KDP class for latex and wrong margins

I am using latex with the KDP class to format my pdf. The layout is overall very satisfying but the margins don't seem right. For example, on odd pages, the margin on the right side is wider than that ...
Py-ser's user avatar
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How to modify the length of "headtoprule" when using \newgeometry in pst-doc class

everybody, I have a little problem modifying the margins using the 'pst-doc' class. The default margins look like this: But, by modifying the margins using this MWE: \documentclass[11pt,english,...
Pablo González L's user avatar
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Document margins with a4paper: documentclass vs. geometry [duplicate]

Using pdflatex, I would like to set an A4 article. I believed (from this answer) that it did not matter whether I use \documentclass[a4paper]{article} or \documentclass{article} \usepackage[...
Bernd's user avatar
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The counterpart of "adjustwidth" as "adjustheight"

Is there a counterpart/similar function like "adjustwidth" to width, as the "adjustheight" to height? What I hope to see is something like shifting a whole table upward above the top margin, since ...
wonderich's user avatar
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How do I create a Lyx layout or document class to handle a different margin for the first page?

I just finished formatting a paper to meet IEEE CDC 18 format requirements: first page has 74pt top margin, 54pt all other margins. Second page and beyond use 54pt margins all around. Note that the "...
Frank's user avatar
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pdf output of book documentclass

I am getting slightly confused with the pdf output of the book document class. I am writing the textbook for my Discrete Math course and I chose to use the book class with the default options. I ...
Andrea Mori's user avatar
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Bottom margin width correct only if paragraph concludes at end of a page

I am using the biom.cls class to create a LaTeX document ( My preamble is simple: \documentclass[referee]{biom} \def\bSig\mathbf{\Sigma} \newcommand{\VS}...
user84756's user avatar
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Problem with `statsoc` class and pdflatex

I am trying to use the statsoc class provided by the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (JRSS). The class can be found here : zip file I provide a minimal working example, which is extremely ...
pitchounet's user avatar
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Document class with large margin on inner side

Is there a document class with a large margin on the inner side similar to how this book (Anatomy book. Osteology) looks: I tried to modify the tufte classes, since I need a good support for notes/...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
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Move deluxetable left into margins

Is there a way to move a deluxetable left into the margins of the page? I am using the emulateapj document class and my table is too wide for the page. Here's an example of my table with the data ...
grover's user avatar
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The tikz-cd package is over running the bottom margin is a particular class file

I am using a particular class file fundam.cls. However, when I add the tikz-cd package, the bottom margin overruns. I suspect it is because the tikz-cd package is changing the paper type, making it ...
Anuj More's user avatar
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Turn off book style margins for amsart document class

Is there some way to turn off the alternation of larger left/right margins ("book style margins") when using a document class that turns this on by default? I'm looking to do this in particular with ...
Jon Warneke's user avatar
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Changing the width of second page and so on in friggeri cv, keeping first intact?

Lots of people are interested in this at different places, but I couldn't find a direct solution. One can use the template from here. A part of it is answered here and a simple tweak would be to ...
Sukhi's user avatar
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How can I change the width of page in latex [duplicate]

I am wring the paper that is formatted by elsarticle. However, the margin between text and left. right page look big. Hence, the text length is very narrow. Could I change it in the file \...
user3051460's user avatar
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How to change margins in documentclass thesis

I am using a template for my thesis and I would like to change the margins. Actually, I'm satisfied with all the margins, except the top margin which is too tight. But when I try to use geometry ...
texy's user avatar
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Adjust margin: Chapter title extends in left margin

I am using a custom document class and template for my thesis. Both can be found here (they are really long, otherwise I'd copy and paste):
LyxLover's user avatar
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\rule Margin Spacing Issue for Horizontal Line

How can I get the horizontal line to not enter the right margin. It doesn't look symmetrical the way I have it. Ideally I would like the horizontal line to be the same distance from the side of the ...
indivisible.invisible.indivi..'s user avatar
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NIH class tweaks [closed]

I need to change a few settings from the NIH document-class to make my document more similar to NIH's most recent sample (ugly, I know). Having been told to leave the .cls file well alone, I'm going ...
bongbang's user avatar
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Is there any other margin I must set to reduce margin to zero?

I have basic class file and I would like to set margins of an a4paper to 0mm. Here is the markup of some-class.cls: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{some-class}[2013/07/29] \renewcommand{\...
roncsak's user avatar
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Changing document format regardless of the document class!

Is there any way to change the format of a document such as single/double column, margins, etc regardless of the documentclass used? I am using iopart.cls and it does not have a twocolumn option. ...
M.Reza's user avatar
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How can I reduce the left margin in the documentclass hitec?

I am quite aware of the package geometry, but it does not seem to play nice with the hitec document class. I have looked at related questions How to reduce the margins in KOMA-Script and How can I ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Trouble with latex and dvips with an FSTTCS documentclass

Following from my other question Which DVI viewer on linux?, now that I can easily view DVI files I came to the conclusion that the unusual document class I used for my document defines some non-...
Riccardo T.'s user avatar
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Document class for a simple one-page assignment

I'm looking for a LaTeX document class which would fit a simple one-page assignment with mostly text. I'd still want sections and subsections like those in article, but would like: more vertical ...
Tim N's user avatar
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