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Any utility to convert from SVG/PDF/PS to MP (metapost)?

Hi folks do you know any utilities to convert from SVG/PS/PDF to MP? I know about tools that do the opposite but in my case I need to convert some schematic graphics I made into pure metapost. I ...
freezr's user avatar
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Asymptote sphere is "blotchy" and conversion from PDF to SVG is fuzzy and marred by lines

I am just starting to use Asymptote to generate a ball diagram of nitric oxide. My MWE is a file called ball.asy: settings.tex = "lualatex"; settings.outformat = "pdf"; settings....
chandra's user avatar
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Rendering jupyter notebooks to PDF using LaTex generates unwanted characters?

Cross-posting on SO: I bring this question over TeX sub as it may be also relevant and ...
NonSleeper's user avatar
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Produce a pptx or keynote file from a beamer presentation [duplicate]

I'm giving a presentation at a venue with a production staff. Although they claim not to need to edit or re-brand my slides, they have asked me to supply the slides in advance using either powerpoint ...
user3188445's user avatar
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latex source code to epub

I wrote a book that consists, basically, of images and tables, and the conversion pdf --> epub gives horrible results. The very appealing index in the pdf (with hyperlinks) looks gorgeous, but ...
Antonio Ortiz's user avatar
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Is there a way to extract math from a pdf in LaTeX format using SESHAT?

So I've been tasked with using SESHAT to extract the math problems from a large pdf into latex format, but seshat requires an InkML or SCGink file type as it's input. Is there a way I can convert pdf ...
JustLearning321's user avatar
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PDF with LaTeX formulas to .epub format

I have recently purchased a Kobo e-reader, and apart from standard .epub books I have already imported (which work excellently) I would also like to use it to read some .pdf files that also contain ...
There's Strange Stuff Out Here's user avatar
4 votes
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How to recover LaTeX code from pdf [duplicate]

Recently, my hard drive destructed and I lost my all files with my project paper too. I didn't do it in Overleaf. I installed a LaTeX software and did it here. Unfortunately all are gone with my ...
ovi's user avatar
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dvipdfm.exe create a PDF file of 0 bytes

Why does dvipdfm.exe create a PDF file of 0 bytes, but dvipdfmx.exe creates a valid one? Windows 10. Latest version of MiKTeX setup-4.2-x64.exe (1/19/2021). Latest version of TeXnicCenter 2.02. Sample ...
Sage Ubuntu's user avatar
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Converting pdf pages to png images with pdftoppm changes some fonts

I need to creates PNG files from a PDF one. Each PGN file corresponds to a slide in the PDF. To do so, I am using pdftoppm (version 0.71.0). All works well, except for some font switches. Look the ...
Daniel Bandeira's user avatar
2 votes
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Convert .tex to .html on Overleaf

Ok, so I know this might seem the same as David Carlisle question. However it differs in one key way. I want to know how to generate an html output within Overleaf. Which is not referenced anywhere on ...
cach dies's user avatar
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8 votes
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Can we change (La)TeX linebreaking character so that Word understands it?

Sometimes I need to send someone a .doc file of something I did using LaTeX. But when I copy+paste the PDF content generated by (La)TeX into Word the linebreaks are understood as paragraph characters (...
Guilherme Zanotelli's user avatar
1 vote
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Why are eps files of the graphics of my latex document covnerted to pdf?

The graphics in my latex document as eps image files and I would like the latex output pdf file to be as small as possible in size and with higher resolution, but whenever I run the compiler of the ...
mhdella's user avatar
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Is it possible to convert a DWG file to LaTeX?

I think this was never asked, or at least from what I saw questions have been asked more than 15 years ago and has become obsolete (I found this recent link but it did not work for me). I want to tell ...
manooooh's user avatar
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Math labels get doubled after converting PDF to SVG

I have a diagram written in PSTricks as follows. \documentclass[pstricks,border=1cm,12pt,dvipsnames]{standalone} \usepackage{pst-eucl} \begin{document} \begin{pspicture}[showgrid](6,6) \pstTriangle[...
Display Name's user avatar
4 votes
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How to edit LaTeX files in Word or PDF?

If I only want to open and edit LaTeX documents (research papers with equations) and I am using a computer with Windows 10, which of the many versions of LaTeX should I download? Also, is there a way ...
Kathy's user avatar
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Converting from pdf [duplicate]

So, I have ultimately important lecture to give. Now, I have to add material to it. I was stupid enough to erase tex and all support files. It is a great deal - 12 pages. So, it would take me a day to ...
nikola's user avatar
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How to preserve clearness while converting jpg to pdf file? [closed]

I would like convert several jpg files (each being a photo taken of two pages of a book) to a pdf file, with the goal of making the pdf file look like pages of a regular ebook file in terms of page ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to share a tex file for review with someone that does not know latex? [duplicate]

I would like to know if there are practical ways of sharing latex texts for review with people that are not familiar with latex. Currently I use pygmentise: pygmentize -f html -O full -o ./header-...
rvaneijk's user avatar
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Is it possible to convert utf8 IPA chars of different foreign languages to pdf?

I tried very hard to convert pre-formatted IPA characters to pdf using xelatex but failed so far. I use Debian and latexmk command. The report is from the database and is formatted and paginated so ...
Jason Min's user avatar
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Error of "cannot determine size of graphics" [closed]

I know this topic is covered elsewhere in this forum, so I would not ask if I was not desperate and had tried everything I could already. I have a large PhD thesis with over a hundred images in it ...
Tim's user avatar
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Does most of the formatting remain intact when a standard thesis PDF is converted to Word? [duplicate]

Overall formatting of the PDF document which was built from LaTeX and then later converted to MS Word.
perminger's user avatar
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Copying latex from scanned book [duplicate]

Suppose I have a scanned book with equations, is there a convenient way to obtain latex that reproduces them?
badmf's user avatar
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How to recover lost .tex files [closed]

Initial position I recently bought a new computer, and I thought I have backed up all of my LaTeX files and documents from my old computer onto an external hard drive. Upon searching for old LaTeX ...
Neil's user avatar
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Distiller-option in TeXShop: Ghostscript vs. Apple Distiller

Today I noticed that in the last panel of the TeXShop options I can choose between Ghostscript and Apple Distiller as the "Distiller" of my Document. Any pros and cons for these alternatives? Is ...
ClintEastwood's user avatar
3 votes
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batch conversion of lyx to pdf

Is it possible to "batch" covert lyx documents to pdf? I have more than 250 lyx docs in a folder. I want them in a pdf format. I can do it manually one by one. But there has to be a better way. Hope ...
Vaibhav's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Is there an OCR that can convert an image of a formula into a TeX markup? [duplicate]

Is there an OCR software that can convert a graphical image (in PNG, GIF, TIFF, PDF... format) of a mathematical formula into the corresponding TeX markup?
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
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Matlab Laprint and jpg,pdf figures [duplicate]

For my thesis I would like to have the best quality and therefore I use laprint.m this generates an EPS and TeX file of my figures from Matlab (R2007b). The following is installed on my computer (...
dries123's user avatar
11 votes
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Converting PDF to EPS results in low resolution rasterization

I have a problem with image converting for scientific manuscript. I have been using gnuplot to make graphs, using TikZ terminal, and finally generating the figure as a PDF with LaTeX. It results in a ...
Balazs's user avatar
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.eps and .pdf image in one document [duplicate]

I want to include both pdf and eps image in one latex document. I created a svg image in Inkscape. The .pdf version of the same is exactly like the .svg image. but the .eps version some part of image ...
aprexmon's user avatar
7 votes
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How to Convert PDF containing Math (made from LaTeX) to Word

I'm writing here following and
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Convert PDF figures to PS figures without pixelation [closed]

I have a tex document (called foo.tex) that includes several PDF figures. I need to generate a PostScript version as well as a PDF version of the final document. Running pdflatex foo.tex works just ...
Big Dogg's user avatar
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Convert Title Page from LaTeX (or the resulting PDF) into a PNG thumbnail

I have written a book in LaTeX using TeXStudio. My title page, which is the book cover, is created using LaTeX source (including images in it), rather than drawn in a graphical program, such as ...
alex's user avatar
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13 votes
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Copying LaTeX from a PDF

Is there a way to copy from a PDF to a LaTeX document? Whenever I do it, it copies in with weird symbols in the place of LaTeX commands for example: $$f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$$ copies in ...
hmmmm's user avatar
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PDF Analyser or repair tool [closed]

I got one PDF that is resultant file after conversion and merging of 17 documents(few documents were already converted to PDF) however resultant file has been converted and merged using activePDF. ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
2 votes
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LaTeXML and pdfpages [closed]

I can't find a lot of informations about LaTeXML here but I hope somebody can help me. In a LaTeX document, I use a \includepdf with the option pages. I have created a mystyle.sty.ltxml in which I ...
neitsab's user avatar
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How do you get the plaintext from a rendered LaTeX document? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: LaTeX to plain text for e.g. generation of statistics I have my resume done up in LaTeX, which I usually publish as a pdf with pdfLaTeX. However, one potential employer wants ...
water's user avatar
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On the fly pdf conversion for inclusion

A while ago I asked how to Include Adobe Illustrator files (ai) with XeTeX. However, the PDF version of the Illustrator files is 1.5 and I compile my XeLateX documents to version 1.4 so the newer ...
s0rce's user avatar
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How to convert each verse to an individual PDF

Minimal example is posted under this question How to Convert XeTeX to HTML \bv तपः स्वाध्यायनिरताम् तपस्वी वाग्विदाम् वरम् | \\ नारदम् परिपप्रच्छ वाल्मीकिर्मुनिपुङ्गवम् ॥ १.१.१ ॥ \ev \bfns ...
Aku's user avatar
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Convert a picture or figure to EPS or PDF file

In my document I'm embedding figures using the following code: \begin{figure}[!t] \centering \def\svgwidth{1.2\columnwidth} \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \endlinechar=255\relax \begin{...
Andrzej's user avatar
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Converting a PDF document to PostScript/LaTeX

I have a resume in PDF format. I have seen people linking to PostScript versions of their resume. I am not sure why they do that yet. How can I convert my PDF document to a LaTeX/PostScript document?
Lazer's user avatar
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Problem with pdflatex and colored output files: PNG and PDF

I need to create PNG and PDF files from the same .tex source using pdflatex (Texlive 2010, Ubuntu). To make PNG files, there's no problem with dvipng utility. But with PDF files (created by the ...
Flavio's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can I generate a PS and a PDF file from a single .tex file?

I am submitting a paper for a conference and it requires me to send the .tex source along with the PS and PDF files. I have no problem generating the PDF file; I simply use the pdflatex. However, ...
Alceu Costa's user avatar
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When converting PDF to EPS, how to prevent pdftops from rasterizing fonts and transparent regions?

Compiling the following code % Circle.tex \documentclass[cmyk]{minimal} \usepackage{pstricks} \pagestyle{empty} \topmargin=-72.27pt \oddsidemargin=-72.27pt \topskip=0pt \parindent=0pt \def\Constant{...
Display Name's user avatar
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ps2pdf -dEPSCrop input.eps cannot crop input with \pagecolor{<non-white>}

If I set \pagecolor{} to any color other than white, I will get a strange result. rem batch.bat takes a file name without extension. latex -interaction=nonstopmode %1 dvips -E %1 -o %1-temp.eps ...
Display Name's user avatar
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How to automate a job of changing tags in a bunch of EPS images and convert them to PDF

This post is a continuation to my earlier post here: Creating standalone eps files and using batch files to automate the process Xport gave good answers that work! One goal of this whole process ...
yCalleecharan's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating standalone eps files and using batch files to automate the process

I have been looking at these posts How to fix EPS with incorrect bounding box? Cannot determine size of graphic in * (no BoundingBox) How to convert PDF to EPS? How to produce EPS instead of PS ...
yCalleecharan's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to convert PDF to TXT file using GhostScript? [closed]

Someone wants to convert PDF to TXT as explained in C# GhostScript - Not able to successfully convert from PDF to TXT file. I am not sure whether GhostScript can do that. Is it possible?
Display Name's user avatar
121 votes
11 answers

How to convert PDF to EPS?

I can't find a tool to convert PDF to EPS, neither in MikTeX nor in TeXLive. Is there such a tool actually? Update: Based on Herbert's accepted answer, I simplify his batch as follows: #!/bin/sh # $...
Display Name's user avatar
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How to convert a preprint pdf into something more readable? [closed]

I'm talking about a pdf document that was created via LaTeX (probably pdflatex) but the tex source of which is not available. I'd appreciate a solution that is less manual than trying to convert the ...
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar