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recovered .tex file, but text inside file is unrecognizable

I have used several programs to recover .tex files that were accidentally deleted from an external hard drive. The .tex files were recovered, but when I opened them, the text inside is completely ...
Melvin's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Where is the error in my LaTeX codes?

I use to convert LaTeX codes into images. But the code I wrote below doesn't work. I couldn't understand why. But the same code works very well here. What is the cause of the problem? ...
Elementary's user avatar
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compilation problem with tif image converted to eps

I use a microscope which only allows saving images as .tiff. Thus, I need to convert them into .eps using an online converter. The compilation crashes and I don't understand the reason. Here is my ...
Chiara Corongiu's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Failed to create pdf file

My sister is currently writing her thesis and at mid work an error occurred at creating the pdf file. Since I don't have that much experience with Latex myself I can't really help her much with it. ...
Tanzmaus's user avatar
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Google docs to TeX and pdf shell script produces a blank first page, and gives me a "! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}." error

I made a shell script, Ubuntu 14.04 (taking ideas from google docs as team editor) to grab a google docs file and convert it to LaTeX, compile with LaTeXmk to PDF and then open the pdF with evince as ...
A Feldman's user avatar
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Can't open .pdf file after saving .tex file [closed]

I simply can't open a .tex file I wrote and saved as a .pdf file. Here is what I wrote: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper,left=2.54cm,right=2.54cm,top=2.54cm,bottom=2.54cm]{...
domi's user avatar
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Error of "cannot determine size of graphics" [closed]

I know this topic is covered elsewhere in this forum, so I would not ask if I was not desperate and had tried everything I could already. I have a large PhD thesis with over a hundred images in it ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to add footnotes in htlatex via fn-in?

In the html code that is generated by htlatex I want to have footnotes appear on the same page instead of a new one (just like in the .pdf that is generated by pdflatex). So I read about the fn-in ...
Bastian's user avatar
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Conversion of latex to html for Word does not work [closed]

In order to get html code that is appropriate for Word I used the following command that I found on a TUG page: htlatex filename "html,word" "symbol/!" "-cvalidate" If I do this in Cygwin I get the ...
Bastian's user avatar
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Why does htlatex not work as expected?

I am trying to use htlatex to get an HTML version of my thesis. pdflatex just works when I compile the .tex files with TexStudio. So I ran the following command from the command line: htlatex main....
Bastian's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Conversion problem using standalone and imagemagick

I'm trying to convert a table to png format using Imagemagick \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,border=8pt,convert=true]{standalone} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{caption} \usepackage{siunitx} \...
Mazzy's user avatar
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PDF Analyser or repair tool [closed]

I got one PDF that is resultant file after conversion and merging of 17 documents(few documents were already converted to PDF) however resultant file has been converted and merged using activePDF. ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
2 votes
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Problem in Latex2rtf [closed]

I installed LaTeX2rtf 2.1.1 GUI from SourceForge. I also installed MikTeX, Imagemagick and ghostscript, which is automatically detected in the environment tab. But when I run the program on a .tex ...
Iftikhar's user avatar
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