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Questions tagged [gb4e]

{gb4e} is a package for formatting numbered examples as used in linguistics.

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gb4e — refer to the next example

It is extremely annoying to add a \label to every gb4e example every time you want to refer to it in the preceding paragraph. linguex has \Next and expex has nextx for this, which refer to the next ...
retroflexivity's user avatar
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Vertically aligning tabularray longtblr within gb4e exe environment

I use the gb4e package to make numbered examples. I'm wanting to include a tabular environment within the example, where the example number is aligned with the first row of the table. If I use a ...
Threefold1520's user avatar
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Arabic text causes uneven line spacing with glosses in gb4e

I'm using gb4e to glass text in Arabic using polyglossia in XeLaTeX. An example of a gloss of the sort I'm trying to put together is provided below: \begin{exe} \ex \glll \textarabic{بِسْمِ} \...
David Wilson's user avatar
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how to reduce the space in gb4e example translations?

I'm writing a linguistics paper and I use gb4e package. For the sentence below, I don't know how to reduce the space between the two consecutive translations. Any other solutions than using \vspace{}. ...
Lee12138's user avatar
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how to reduce the space in gb4e gloss example?

I'm writing a linguistics paper and I use gb4e package. For the sentence below, I don't know how to reduce the space between the two consecutive example sentences. Any other solutions than using \...
Lee12138's user avatar
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Cyrillic Italicization error for Times New Roman font from times package

I have problem with italicization using \let\eachwordone=\it for Times New Roman font from \usepackage{times}. Here is my tex document: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \ExpandArgs{c}\newcommand{new@...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Converting gb4e interlinear gloss into a well-formatted docx document

Background For the purpose of my research, I need to create interlinear linguistic gloss. Initially I used docx document with the conventional glossing through the invisible tables, but the glosses ...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Unnecessary space in gb4e gloss after \eachwordtwo redefining and page layout reformatting

I have an interlinear linguistic gloss using gb4e and in order to make it tidy, I reformatted the page layout according to my writing requirement using geometry and I reproduced Alan Munn's code, ...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Space break using \ error on gb4e's end of xlist

I have this following tex document, where I want to input a space break right after the gb4e xlist ends: %okegas yuk bisa yuk \documentclass[10pt]{article} \ExpandArgs{c}\newcommand{new@fontshape}{...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Change the position of caption in gb4e

I want to move a caption containing metalinguistic information so that it aligns to the right. This is my current tex document %okegas yuk bisa yuk \documentclass[10pt]{article} \ExpandArgs{c}\...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Error in reproducing tex on sentence bracketing in gb4e [duplicate]

There is an error occurred when I tried to reproduce a tex document to produce sentence bracketing in gb4e. This is the tex document, courtesy of Alan Munn: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{gb4e} \...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Multilingual interlinear gloss between Russian Cyrillic and Indonesian Latin alphabets in gb4e [duplicate]

I want to perform a multilingual interlinear gloss in gb4e between Russian and Indonesian. Previous attempt had failed to make sure that the glosses, transliteration, and the original text to align ...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Combining Cyrillic and Latin text in gb4e interlinear gloss

I want to combine Cyrillic and Latin text in gb4e's interlinear gloss. But I always retrieved an error. This is my tex document: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{gb4e} \begin{document} \begin{...
pindakazen's user avatar
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gb4e and leipzig not working together: TeX capacity exceeded

I'm on Windows 11 using MikTex as my LaTeX manager. I'm trying to make good-looking linguistic glosses using gb4e and leipzig, but they don't seem to be compatible together for some reason on my ...
Mailbox's user avatar
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single spacing won't work in gb4e translation lines

I have a document that must be in at least 1.5 spacing in the body text. I am using the gb4e package to gloss a few hundred linguistic examples. Sometimes, the translation of these examples end up ...
BOBjwjwj3j3j's user avatar
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example numbering (gb4e) changes between overlays (beamer) [duplicate]

I am trying to include overlaid gb4e glossed examples in a beamer presentation. However when changing between overlays, the example numbering for the same examples also changes. The code below is a ...
Lee12138's user avatar
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Change the line spacing inside the long free translation (gb4e)

I'm currently using gb4e package for my glossed examples. Their translations are sometimes quite long (more than one line). Since the paragraphs before and after have been defined \linespread{1.5}, so ...
anonymous13's user avatar
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Labels of the examples in xlistn (gb4e): Showing two numbers

I use the gb4e package for numbering examples and I use the xlistn environment. I would like that the labels of the items in an xlistn environment show the number of examples ({exe}) that they belong ...
bistro's user avatar
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How can I modify the xlist environment of gb4e to allow for alphabetical numbering beyond "z"?

I am using the gb4e package to typeset my (rather numerous) examples. I am trying to modify the xlist (or xlista) environment of said package to allow for alphabetically numbered sub-examples beyond z,...
smnf's user avatar
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Repeat example in LaTeX, but with double numbering (incremental and old)

I am using gb4e to write my thesis and I need to repeat examples by presenting them using both the new number (example 4 follows example 3) and the original number they were presented first with. For ...
Paola Marongiu's user avatar
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Creating a command equivalent to a \kern, for glosses

I am using gb4e for glosses inside the linguex environment. In order to identify word-units, we have to input a space, not only after each unit we want to gloss on its own, but also after the ...
Vincent Krebs's user avatar
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Parsing non-expandable commands like \small, using expl3

Using expl3 syntax, I want in my \coolgloss command to use as an optional argument one or several formatting commands such as \small and \itshape. With a command like \newcommand{\coolgloss}[3][\small\...
Vincent Krebs's user avatar
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Continuous numbering of examples (langsci-gb4e) over chapters

I tried to use \counterwithout{exe}{chapter} for continuous numbering over chapters of langsci-gb4e examples. But the following error appears. Latex Error: No counter 'exe' defined Working example \...
dominik's user avatar
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Fontenc and tipa

I am layouting my PhD theses in linguistics and I am struggling with the layout of the linguistic examples. Thanks to StackExchange, I could solve the problem of font size (see here). Now, however, I ...
ahasse's user avatar
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Font size of linguistic examples (langsci-gb4e)

I need to format my thesis in linguistics as required by the publisher. The font has to be Times New Roman 10,2°, spacing 11,9°. While this works for the main text, I cannot change the font size of ...
ahasse's user avatar
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How can I remove punctuation/period after lettered subexamples in g4be/xlist

I have to change sub examples in xlist environments (or rather g4be's \ea \ea \ex \ex \ex \z \z ) from being letter plus period, e.g. a. to simple parentheses (a) not followed by a period/full stop. I ...
Bengine's user avatar
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Linguistic example with alternative gloss *and* translation

I'm writing a linguistics paper and I need to show alternative glosses and translations for a single example. I found the example here (Align glosses in more than one language with gb4e) which shows ...
Bob's user avatar
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Using gb4e with amsbook class

I am required to use amsbook for a project, but I find that it messed up the alignment of interlinear glosses with the gb4e package. Here's my code: \documentclass{amsbook} \usepackage{gb4e} \begin{...
Benjamin Hull's user avatar
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custom \xlist environment for simplistic speaker labels in gb4e

this is my first post to tex stack exchange so I apologise if the post is missing required information. I'm using gb4e to produce linguistic examples for my dissertation, and I'm trying to find the ...
Gus Wheeler's user avatar
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Turn on double spacing between gb4e lines

I need to set double spacing between the lines of linguistic examples. The command \doublespacing works for the regular paragraphs, but not inside exe environments. Below, I give a MWE. \documentclass{...
Widdershins's user avatar
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Numbers appearing below figures when using gb4e

I'm trying to number my figures in Latex, and in linguistics it's conventional for the number to appear above the figure. It's also conventional for all tables, figures and examples to receive the ...
Grey's user avatar
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Reduce vertical space before and after gb4e in footnote, align example with footnote text

This is most definitely a follow-up question to Not excessively stretch vertical space between elements in gb4e (glossing verse text; issue w/ enumitem) and probably related to Adjust margins and ...
Jipí's user avatar
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Not excessively stretch vertical space between elements in gb4e (glossing verse text; issue w/ enumitem)

Part of my data is verse text which I'd prefer to gloss line by line. I toyed with this setup (MWE): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{gb4e} \begin{document} \begin{exe} \ex \gll der wídem vnd der ...
Jipí's user avatar
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How to reduce horizontal space between the label of top level and the second level using gb4e

In a list of linguistic example provided by gb4e, I would like to reduce the space between the label of the top level (enumerated label) and the label of the second level (label with alphabet). I know ...
Carlos Luis Rivera's user avatar
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\label seems to need space when used with gb4e

I try to keep examples typeset with gb4e on the same page. I extended gb4e by two shortcodes that wrap examples in a tabular environment. This worked until recently but now I get problems with \label ...
Stefan Müller's user avatar
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limiting space used by gb4e and adding language information to the right

Often authors provide the language name together with examples. The language name is flushed to the right. This works well with short examples but looks ugly with long examples. The code below ...
Stefan Müller's user avatar
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Times font usage changes the alignment (gb4e.sty)

My tags are follows: \documentclass{book} %\usepackage{times} \usepackage{tikz,tikz-qtree, tikz-qtree-compat} \usepackage{gb4e}% \begin{document} \newcommand{\LT}[1]{{\Large #1}} \newcommand{\TS}[1]{\...
MadyYuvi's user avatar
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How to use gb4e to produce glossed example with bracket?

I would like to use the package gb4e to produce glossed example with bracket, but I don't know which part is incorrect. \begin{exe} \ex \gll \lb{ }Zhangsan zhidao \lb{ } Lisi taoyan ziji. ]]\\ ...
Lee12138's user avatar
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TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=10000] [duplicate]

I am a Spanish linguist working on writing my dissertation using RMarkdown. My document was compiling fine into a pdf until I tried to add examples and glosses using the gb4e package. I am working on ...
ERWIN LARES's user avatar
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Italicize first line of /gll and second line of /glll

When using gb4e, is it possible to apply \let\eachwordone=\itshape to every \gll, and \let\eachwordtwo=\itshape to every \glll? In other words, is it possible to only italicize the phrase in latin ...
Ian's user avatar
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Updated gb4e + cgloss has fixed spacing between gloss and translation, but not between "preamble" and gloss

I just changed the glossing in a paper I am writing in order to fix the alignment spacing, so instead of using /glll, I am using /gll + adding the top line manually with //. However, this has resulted ...
NLing's user avatar
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Is there a way to make the first line of a four-line gloss not have gloss alignment spacing? [duplicate]

I was wondering if there was a way to make the first line in a four-line interlinear gloss not conform to glossing alignment/gloss spacing. \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{gb4e,cgloss} \...
NLing's user avatar
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How to Type Clitic Examples with the gb4e Package

I was struggling to use clitics in my glosses, as it forces the use of an = sign. I searched for a long time, but every question I was able to find was specific to math. Normally, the use of ...
NLing's user avatar
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Capacity Error (with isolated problematic excerpt from code/minimal non-working example) [duplicate]

I am working on an article in XeLaTeX and I am getting this error: capacity exceeded main memory size=5000000 By moving around \end{document} and by cutting and pasting various parts of the document, ...
NLing's user avatar
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Problem with using gb4e export of linguistic examples & unicode

I am new to LaTex - total rookie here, sorry if I'm not saying things properly lol! - and I am facing some problems with it. I am working with a web-based program called Dative for linguistic analysis ...
Fabio Gasparini's user avatar
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Linguistics Example Alignment

I am currently working with the gb4e package for linguistics in LaTeX, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to align parts across examples. For instance, in the following example, I want to left ...
3thanguy7's user avatar
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Positioning two forest trees side by side as numbered gb4e subexamples [duplicate]

I am adjusting the tabularx solution to position two syntax trees side by side, as numbered subexamples. The problem I am having is too much whitespace between the second-level label ("a.") and the ...
olzama's user avatar
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Conflict between Tufte and gb4e in title \thanks [closed]

I use Tufte-book class and only add gb4e package as \usepackage{gb4e} \noautomath But after adding this, the thanks part in title does not go to the margin. Full code is as below: \usepackage{...
steph's user avatar
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Conflict between gb4e and xyling

I am trying to use both the gb4e and xyling packages (I've long used the former, the latter is new for me), and they produce an error when used in the same document (whichever order they're called in)....
Nelson's user avatar
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Crash between math \exp and that of gb4e

As originally tweeted here, I would like to use \exp to produce some exponential expressions in math mode, but since gb4e, which I also want to use to make interlinear glossing, overwrites the command ...
Carlos Luis Rivera's user avatar