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Questions tagged [csv]

Comma-separated values: a rudimentary plain-text spreadsheet. Also includes tab, space, semicolon or other-separated values.

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Why is Excel suddenly showing leading quote/apostrophe when opening a CSV? This apostrophe trick recommended by Microsoft seems to no longer work

Our application generates CSV files, which are typically opened by users in Excel. In order to format a certain column as "Text", we prefixed values with a single quote/apostrophe (eg ...
Daniel Elkington's user avatar
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How to extract IP address and port from column in csv file using awk?

My goal is to use awk to parse tcpdump cvs file to extract network tracking and reporting information from columns #22 and #23 (columns and sample data) below: 1,2,3,4,5,6,,....,,22,23,,... 20-09-24,...
Danny Veals's user avatar
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Merge and edit documents function in Word is asking permission for all records

I have successfully set up a conditional merge in Word linked to a csv file. It has always worked easily in the past by asking one time to approve the data source. All of the sudden when I go to ...
Anna May Kampa's user avatar
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Unable to generate CSV in Kibana when querying for an IP address

I'm trying to search for an IP address in my data on Elasticsearch (v8.8.0) using Kibana. If I simply enter the IP in Kibana's Discovery's query bar, and I try to export the results into CSV, I get an ...
Rayne's user avatar
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Can't save CSV file from Excel (Windows 11, MS Office Home and Business 2019) to WSL 2 folder

I have an Excel file (MS Office Home and Business 2019, running under Windows 11) that I want to save as CSV file in a WSL folder underneath my WSL home folder. WSL is running as version 2 with Ubuntu ...
Gorgsenegger's user avatar
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How to append multiple .csv into one .csv (not multiple sheets .xlsx)?

Looking to do something like this: Is there a script that can do that? I've tried searching and the scripts are either 404'ed or they merge them into a single .xlsx with multiple sheets.
Michael L's user avatar
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Excel treats a date in format (dd-MMM-yy) differently if typed or pasted

This was discovered when opening a file in CSV format that has a column of dates in the format dd-MMM-yy (e.g 20-FEB-24). When opening this file in Excel (Excel 365 desktop) if the 2 year value is <...
FrazzleUK's user avatar
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1 answer

Excel - how to handle custom timestamp format

I have some measurement data from a datalogging software, saved as CSV, and one column contains time stamps like this: 12.04.2024 15:11:32:684 12.04.2024 15:11:35:752 The format of this is:
blrgblrgblrg's user avatar
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What gives Excel/csvs their formatting functionalities?

When I open a csv file by double-clicking it, it opens, and as one would expect, displays the data in a big array of cells with a ribbon of formatting options at the top (Clipboard, Font, Alignment, ...
asdf555's user avatar
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3 answers

Excel removes delimiters from first field of "foreign" CSVs

Here's a CSV (UTF-8 BOM encoding), with some values delimited with quote marks: AAAAA,BBBBB,CCCCC,DDDDD "a2",b2,c2,d2 a3,"b3",c3,d3 a4,b4,"c4","d4" a5,"...
Jack Deeth's user avatar
-1 votes
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PowerShell: Export Ping Results to CSV

I have a PowerShell loop that does effectively what I want it to. The problem is that the output is very messy. I work for an ISP and one of the most effective ways we have to diagnose network issues ...
Chad Dye's user avatar
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How to I extract the autocomplete email addresses stored in Outlook for general use?

Many people at my org don't use Outlook's contacts features, so they have none to export. Instead they rely on the autocomplete list. I'm not asking about how to transfer this list as-is, e.g. when ...
Walf's user avatar
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Importing CSV into Excel via Data -> From Text/CSV: Can I automatically apply the Power Query column formats?

Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20124) 64-bit I have an external program that creates CSVs. Some of the columns have eg. $ or %. The import query is smart ...
Scott's user avatar
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3 answers

Replace X linebreaks with comma and delete every Nth linebreak

I have records in a text file formatted in the following way: Record1 Record1 Record1 Record1 Record2 Record2 Record2 Record2 ... I need to convert this file to CSV by replacing the first 3 line ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How do I save the date formatting on a CSV file please

Hi I have several date fields created in an Excel file with the formatting of yyyy-dd-mm and yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm. I need to save as a CSV file but lose the formatting when re-opening the file. Any ...
Gwen Taylor's user avatar
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How to speedup video with FFmpeg based on timestamps from CSV?

There are already questions with regard to speeding up a video with FFmpeg, like this one. My question is: Is there also a way to specify multiple sections which shall be speedup via an external CSV. ...
tim's user avatar
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How to set MS-Excel as default program to a .csv file in Windows 11 pro?

I am not able to set MS-Excel as default program for a .csv file in Windows 11 pro. I have tried many ways, but not able to do it. I have to either choose "open with" option or first open MS-...
Ajay Kumawat's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is causing the xcopy file from having an error in it?

I am new to xcopy. I am trying to move a file that is in excel format to a new destination and as a csv file. I have to do this so that the DMExpress ETL job can move the file and then read it. This ...
Sevanna's user avatar
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How do I keep values the same when converting from XLSX to CSV? Export to CSV with expanded numbers and not scientific notation?

I have an XLSX file which I am opening with Excel 2016. This file includes a column "Code" which contains barcode values. The column has a number format of General. Looking at this column, ...
Jay Bee's user avatar
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Excel exporting to CSV. Can I use another character than " to enclose text? [duplicate]

(there is a similar question in How to avoid double quotes when saving Excel file as Unicode?, but the case described below has an issue with single doublequotes. Usually used for inch values like 3&...
I grok it's user avatar
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Windows batch filename generator not running where am I going wrong?

I'm writing a windows batch script to take a .csv as input read data in each row as variables and output unique filenames to a new .csv in Windows batch script. I'm doing this to create an inventory ...
Gamma5779's user avatar
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Can I make an excel template that will save as CSV automatically?

I want to make an excel template xltx that will automatically save the resulting workbook as a .csv. Open template -> blank workbook (and template data) -> Save -> CSV format already set. I ...
Mike Dannyboy's user avatar
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Value in CSV file limited to 9 decimal places

I am facing an issue which I believe is being caused by an OS or regional setting, but not sure since I can't seem to fix the issue. I have two identical .csv files both created on different computers....
Patrick Keane's user avatar
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Managing utf8 CSV on Mac

I use Excel on macOS and when I try to combine CSV files downloaded from SaaS platforms, it messes things up on the first lines. I don't have this problem when using Excel with Windows. For now, I ...
Aymeric's user avatar
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Can libreoffice differentiate between .txt and .csv files?

Can libreoffice differentiate between .txt and .csv files? I have two file's that have a mime type of 'plain text document' text/plain detected. One file ends in .txt and the other ends in .csv. Is it ...
turtle's user avatar
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Removing duplicate rows in a CSV file as compared to another CSV file

I have a CSV file named CSV1 with over 5000 rows and 3 columns - last name, first name and email address. I have another file named CSV2 with about 2700 rows with the same 3 columns. I have to remove ...
user1842329's user avatar
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How do I use an API to extract to CSV? [closed]

Sorry, I've tried reading up on it but I just don't understand any of it. There is an organisation,, which has a section with their API that lets you interact with their database of local ...
Kilm's user avatar
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Checking multiple .csv file exist or not from folder

We have a requirement needed to be checked and ensure multiple files start with number(s) in their name with .csv files in a folder. If yes then will proceed with further steps. If any of the files ...
Soundar Raj's user avatar
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How to create a static website from MBOX file

I have a large MBOX file (16000 emails) from a public email group which is now closed. For archival and research purposes, I would like to serve these emails on a website. How can I go about ...
misaligar's user avatar
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Exporting same format to CSV

The command below I took straight from Microsoft's website. It works and produces results like this: Name, PasswordLastSet, and LastLogonStamp. Now, I need to know what I have to put in to export ...
K Val's user avatar
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Concatenating of the strings of the each paragraph

Is there way concatenate the strings of the each paragraph in one line? For example, I have many the same paragraphs with the space between them, it looks like: Is there way to put each such ...
Timur's user avatar
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Why do Ratios not carry over from Xlsx to CSV format

I have an XLSX file that we have output from SAS. The column in question are results from an assay that result in a titer ratio, "NEG" or "Not Assessed". In the XLSX file the ...
Grey Clevenger's user avatar
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Change encoding to Unicode in .csv exported from Gmail

I'd like to copy the typed-in addresses from Gmail to Outlook 2021 (Windows 10). To do this, I'm using the Google Contacts Export to Outlook CSV function and nk2edit. The problem is that the special ...
MorganInTheMorning's user avatar
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How to export Get-ADUser results to CSV without quotes and with additional blank fields?

I'm trying to export some data from our Active Directory to a .csv file. The file needs to have certain columns (because the tool which will import the .csv file is very strict and I cannot alter it) ...
Joe's user avatar
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Convert (part of) XML data back to tabular data or CSV/tab separated without using scripting

Is there an easy way to convert (part of) XML data back to tabular data, so comma separated values or tab separated or Excel? I sometimes get XML log files, and for clarity and comparing it more ...
BdR's user avatar
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How to create a line break in Anki when importing from a csv file?

While creating a deck for Anki using the import functionality from csv, I've run into an issue getting the line breaks to function properly. Here is the situation: This is for the front card It is ...
Still Learning's user avatar
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How to tell Excel to change right encoding in opened file?

Can somebody tell me please how to tell Excel to set up right encoding for csv file? It seems it is not possible without any annoying steps. I would like to see something like Libre office or Open ...
Čamo's user avatar
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How to convert list of SBOMs to one CSV file?

I have the ability to create multiple SBOMs for many projects in Synopsys Black Duck Hub. They can be in the SPDX or CycloneDX SBOM standards in a JSON, YAML, RDF, or tag:value formats. Is there a ...
Paradox's user avatar
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Powershell script GPO USER LOGON not working WINDOWS SERVER 2019

I created Powershell script to collect mac address and pc name for all my domain users .. Script run correctly on local machine .. but not working via GP $wmifilter = 'PhysicalAdapter=True AND ...
Mohammed atrash's user avatar
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Need to Split 5M Lines Text File into separate CSV files

I want to create CSV file from every 1048574 lines from a large CSV file which as 5M lines. I want to use something like Notepad++ to divide it out into different files. How can I do that ? Thanks,
Cell-o's user avatar
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Failure to convert JSON to CSV file

I need to extract a particular anti-virus product scan results from a JSON file and list the elements in csv format for further processing. JSON file sample as below: Contents of a file scanresults....
Sam Chan's user avatar
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2 answers

In csv file search concern number for particular text in second column

I have main two csv files as follows: file1.csv 731,,A, 598,,A, 599,,A, file2.csv,A,192.168.0....
user1789869's user avatar
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Why can't I type a single quote at the beginning of a cell in LibreOffice Calc when editing a CSV file?

When editing a CSV file in LibreOffice Calc, I have found that it is not possible to type a single quote at the beginning of a cell for both numbers and strings. When attempting to do so, the quote is ...
Welgriv's user avatar
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Excel: How to search for values from a column within a cell that has comma seperated values

I have one column with text in seperate rows, and a cell that has comma seperated values within the singular cell, as below. One Two AB AB, EF CD ... I'd like a formula to return True if any text ...
user1784316's user avatar
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Download CSV file with todays date from Outlook inbox and save it to a folder using powershell. My code doesnt seem to be working

I am trying to write a powershell script to download a csv emailed daily save it to a folder, and then process it using powershell/excel. I have already written the powershell to open up the file and ...
Icebreaker 808's user avatar
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Column sort is not putting numbers in the correct order

I am uploading a .csv file into a third-party program with the following data for example: When the (third party) program sorts this data by the 'Number' column it looks like it is sorting the column ...
Dr_Xunil's user avatar
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Use PCRE2 Regex to group phrase before colon AND group comma separated values

I have what seems to be a simple task but isn't working for me. Using only PCRE2 Regex (nothing else), I am trying to collect a phrase before the first colon at the beginning of a line, then separate ...
Tushar Bhutt's user avatar
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Misleading data format Excel .csv

I am generating a .csv file with data like the example below: TIME,LUX 18:00:00,30 18:00:01,30 18:00:02,30 18:00:03,30 18:00:04,30 18:00:05,30 18:00:06,30 18:00:07,30 18:00:08,30 18:00:09,30 18:00:10,...
Geisterfahrer's user avatar
2 votes
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Use REGEX only to group multiple key value pairs on line with anchoring text?

TL;DR: How can I grab a series of key:value pairs that are comma separated, but only if they start with specific strings? Hello, I have a situation where I have a block of text with multiple lines, ...
Tushar Bhutt's user avatar
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Awk exact string match in a specific column only returns header row

I have a 6-7M row CSV file that end users wish to review with Excel or Numbers. Each user only needs to review a subset of the file, so I was hoping to offer an awk one-liner that they can use until ...
Dan Wagner's user avatar

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