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Adobe form import

I am trying to import data from a tsv into my Adobe form. I am having trouble importing my "Representative" field. Any ideas? Below is a link to the examples of the files I am working with. ...
Clay's user avatar
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Import multiple TXT files to one Excel csv sheet using Text Import Wizard macro?

I need to import data from approximately 30 individual TXT files into one CSV sheet. They are all formatted the same, so the Text Import Wizard should work. However, instead of running the Text Import ...
MTK's user avatar
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Can't import CSV contacts to Google

I have a csv list I would like to import to google. I downloaded the basic sample from google here it goes: cat contacts.csv Name,Given Name,Additional Name,Family Name,Yomi Name,Given Name Yomi,...
vfbsilva's user avatar
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1 answer

Importing big bunch of files to LibreOffice Base table in one shot

I have table like this: and a bunch of CSV files like this: in per-patient directories. Please note that I need to take a Patient field from path name and Date from file name (as you see). What is ...
Pawel Debski's user avatar
0 votes
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Excel Tables: Imported data from CSV files in a folder are not calculated

I have a source folder with CSV files in an identical format and data structure. The files contain monthly data from our internal system with columns named "service name", "date from", "date to", "...
Muji's user avatar
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Re-use An Import-Mapping of a CSV into SQL Azure DB using SSMS

In one solution was to save the import dtsx so as to reuse. However, I cannot find how to "...
Eric Hofer's user avatar
1 vote
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phpMyAdmin import csv into database error

I'm trying to import a csv file into a database without having defined a table in it but I got an error. I did it one week earlier but now I am not able to import the same csv file. When I import ...
Pelso's user avatar
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I have a CSV file that has 3 column. Need help to format correctly via SQL SSIS Import

I have an CSV file being dropped to a file location once a day. When SSIS picks it up it's failing due to format issue since it has 3 columns and not delimited with 1 column. Can someone help me ...
user1064523's user avatar
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Excel, importing incomplete data to a complete table?

I'm not sure if I'm asking this correctly, but here's my problem. I'm managing the occupancy of a building, and the website we use lets us generate a report of the occupants by room. This information ...
Austin's user avatar
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1 answer

Excel: how to import identically formatted CSV files

Apologies if this has been asked and answered before - I have looked but not found. I get CSV files every two weeks that are identically structured, and I need to import them to the same Excel 2016 ...
Karl Perry's user avatar
1 vote
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Import from tab delimited text file in Excel - CR character in quote marks is ignored

I have a large TXT file delimited with TAB. Text is enclosed with quotation marks, but Excel still breaks the values into two rows when a CR character appears within the encapsulated string. Is there ...
AcePL's user avatar
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Anki import from CSV is not working

I'm trying to import cards into my Anki deck from a CSV text file. I've tried importing it as a CSV, TSV, and TXT file, and each time I've had the same message, "Unknown file format". The text file is ...
Lou's user avatar
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Is it possible to set Excel import preferences

I have to work with data exported from SQL Server as a CSV. The CSV file contains embedded linefeed characters, for example: Jane Doe, 123 Main Street{LF}Apt B, Anytown, NY, 10010{CR}{LF} When the ...
mrblint's user avatar
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How can I automatically import csv files into SQL Server?

My goal Automated aggregation of data so that I can use a tool (Microsoft Power BI or equivalent) to automatically update dashboards and or reports with the new data. The situation I work with an ...
Zuntaruk's user avatar
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Import CSV data with units into Excel

I've got a bunch of CSV files that contain values with trailing units. This makes Excel think it's text so I can't sum them in a pivot table. The data looks something like this: Date; Text; Amount; ...
Raniz's user avatar
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Using Chrome Tools to inject CSV information into sporcle quiz

I've just started a project where I plan to scrape information from wikipedia articles and put it into a quiz on Sporcle. I've scraped my information and have it in CSV format, but I'm struggling to ...
user avatar
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Excel Text Import Wizard Default Delimiter

Within the Text import Wizard, the default delimiter is TAB. Is it possible to permanently modify this default to be a comma? Don't be tempted to think that this is a duplicate question. Neither this ...
KDM's user avatar
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5 votes
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Excel 2010 - Get CSV wizard to open by default

I'd like to set Excel 2010 to open the import wizard each time I double click on a CSV file rather than have Excel open the file without the wizard. Previous versions of Excel did this but 2010 ...
Tensigh's user avatar
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How to specify semi colon character ';' as a line ending character when importing CSV to Excel on Mac

(Using Microsoft Excel form Mac version 15.18) Can see delimiters for the columns in the import steps, but no-where is there an option for defining what the line ending character is. I need this so ...
therobyouknow's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Import from csv to Libreoffice Calc using 'two blank spaces' as delimiter

I want to import some data from a csv/text file to Calc. In the first column I'd like to have the 'Dummy text # i', and in the second column the numerical value. In the text file, 'Dummy text # i' ...
Calculus Knight's user avatar
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Preserve existing tags in Anki CSV import/batch-add tags

I have downloaded the complete 2012 HSK vocabulary from here, where it is available as an excel file. I have then converted it to .CSV and changed it to this form: 爱;HSK:1 … 做主;HSK:6 The first field ...
brian-ammon's user avatar
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Anki fails to import from .csv file

I have created an custom note type containing 3 fields: Character, Pinyin and Definition. I have a .csv file containing a few entries. The fields are comma-delimited. Here's what I am presented when ...
imrek's user avatar
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Comma delimited import issues in SQL Server

I am having a problem with SQL Server. I have a table with 42 columns to which there is frequent monthly imports. These imports are from a flat file using the import and export wizard. My problem is ...
user3845582's user avatar
1 vote
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phpmyadmin CSV files import and export

When I try to import CSV files in phpmyadmin, I get message in green that says "0 rows" but it is nevertheless a success message. I know my data is correct, as it importing fine on another computer. ...
Kobus Myburgh's user avatar
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Excel How to make Text Qualifier editable or add a new entry in the existing list?

I have a CSV file which is not properly formatted because one of the columns contains HTML code which use the same character as the Text Qualifier: the double quote. Example: "col1","col2","col3" "...
рüффп's user avatar
2 votes
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Reversing Excel's Text Import Wizard for CSV Export

I have a CSV file that I want to import to excel, edit, and save back as CSV. The problem that I encounter is with Text Import Wizard: I open a new Excel file, then Data > From Text, and in The text ...
user303184's user avatar
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Macro to Import CSV files into Excel

I have a bunch of CSV files in a folder. I'd like to import each file into Excel using the 'Import from Text' tool by typing the name of the file into a cell. I then need to format all of the data ...
user294589's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Excel CSV import treating quoted strings of numbers as numeric values, not strings

I've got a web application that is exporting its data to a CSV file. Here's one example row of the CSV file in question: 28,"65154",02/21/2013 00:00,"false","0316295","8316012,8315844","MALE" Since ...
Michael Oryl's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Import-CSV with powershell using a variable path

I am trying to import a CSV file with powershell in a database, with the path defined in a variable. But it doesn't seem to work. $path = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\TestFolder\file.txt" Import-CSV -...
John's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

Increase size limit of data import from csv into Excel

I have a load of data in a csv file that I'm importing into Excel, most of it is fine, but one of my columns contains up to 1000 characters of data. Unfortunately, Excel has taken it upon itself to ...
SwiftD's user avatar
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Microsoft Excel maintain formatting when importing

I am using a CSV to import data. The column of data has different and sometimes multiple numbers in one field. For example... 2924,2925, 2926 in one field 2927,2928, 2929 in another field. I ...
brian's user avatar
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6 votes
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Importing first line of TXT files to a spreadsheet

I have 2000 txt files that I need to read the first line of (it should contain a person's name). Ideally I would have a spreadsheet/csv with FILENAME, FIRST LINE OF FILE
Joldfield101's user avatar
1 vote
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User Friendly CSV to MSSQL import with column match

Hi before I reinvent the wheel I'm trying find something to allow a user to take .csv files and graphically match the columns in the database table to the columns in the csv file. I know this can be ...
bumble_bee_tuna's user avatar
4 votes
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Transform Fixed Width to CSV?

I have a whole bunch of data files with different content but identical layout. I need to convert them to CSV before importing them into a CRM application. I usually open the tab-delimited file in ...
Dave Mackey's user avatar
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Example users list for import into Windows Server 2008

I am in the process of learning a Microsoft course AD DS for Windows Server 2008. To practice, I need at least 1000 users to import into my server, so I wonder if there is an example .csv list to ...
Spirit's user avatar
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Get External Data with carriage returns

I am trying to find a way to properly import a text file into excel that contains a carriage return using the Get External Data option. The file has a text qualifier and is pipe delimited. Here is ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Excel 2007 save import steps on csv file?

I have a csv file that constantly needs opened into Excel and then have the data copied over to a separate workbook. I find the process of having to click through all of the dialogs, setting the text ...
Chris Marisic's user avatar
44 votes
3 answers

How do you change default delimiter in the Text Import in Excel?

I want to import a CSV file to Excel. The CSV file has comma separated data (go figure), but the delimiter in the Text Import Wizard is set to "Tab" by default. How can I change the default to "Comma" ...
Lars's user avatar
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Excel Help: Data Input Help

Everyday I download data from a site that will have rows each filled with individual data for clients. I'm able to input the data into excel as a whole but after that I'm having trouble figuring out ...
B-Ballerl's user avatar
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6 votes
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Set CSV import default to UTF-8 in Calc

Every time I open a CSV (comma separated values) document in Calc I get a dialog with CSV preferences. The current default character set is "Eastern Europe (ISO-8859-2)". I would ...
user14944's user avatar
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Transferring contacts from an old phone to the iPhone

Getting contacts off your old mobile phone and onto the iPhone may or may not be a straightforward process. If you already have your contacts stored neatly in Outlook (Windows), Address Book (Mac) or ...
Matt 'Trouble' Esse's user avatar
17 votes
9 answers

How do I get Excel to import a CSV file with commas in some of the content fields?

How do I get Excel to import my CSV file? File I have a file claiming to be CSV. It contains 10 fields, all of which are surrounded by double quotes (yes, even the dates and numbers.) 2 or 3 of these ...
Rory Becker's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

How can you make Excel 2007 stop formatting large numbers as scientific notation?

Kind of the inverse of this question. I frequently download CSVs from outside sources as part of my programming work. I like to examine their data in Excel because, let's face it, Excel is an ideal ...
John Rudy's user avatar
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