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Questions tagged [api]

API (or Application Programming Interface) is a set of routines and standards set by software for the use of its features for applications that do not intend to engage in the implementation details of software, but only use their services.

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Writing a socket server for an API that uses a persistent connection

I'm asked to create an app to manage a device that's usually behind a NAT or firewall, so unreachable from the outside. Fortunately, the device's creators thought of that, so they created an API that ...
byteflush's user avatar
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Does “top” use a different convention than “ps” to list process priority?

I run a program with chrt --rr 99 ./profiler and list its priority with ps and top. I'm getting different numbers, see PID 3095853 below: 139 - vs rt -20. What is the reason? Is it a new vs old ...
Paul Jurczak's user avatar
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Windows 10: Programmatically preload user profile (before login)

I have code that records the screen display and camera output using which in turn uses the native Microsoft Media Foundation. Since services run in session ...
Jesse Zender Portnoy's user avatar
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Windows Media Player automatic playlist creates multiple duplicates of the same music file

For some reason Windows Media Player does a very bad job of keeping unique files unique in their automatic playlists, as the image in the link shows. WMP snapshot showing 8 dupes of Bronski Beat - ...
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How do you start a line-by-line profiling with JetBrains dotTrace 2024.1 using the API?

I'm trying to profile the performance of a class in an .NET application. I have JetBrains dotTrace 2024.1, which can profile: Sampling, Timeline, Tracing and Line-by-Line. I want to start and end a ...
Johan Ahlqvist's user avatar
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SPN : Delegated permission

I'm new to API/SPN, sorry if my question seems trivial... If an SPN has, for example, the MS Graph IMAP.AccessAsUser.All right and is of type "Delegated". If the user who is connecting has ...
Arnaud DURAND's user avatar
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Update contact folder with Microsoft Graph API

I have some trouble with the new Microsoft API Graph. I have a default folder of contacts in a generic Outlook profil. I've already push it to all my users. Everyone one have a generic folder with 530 ...
FuxT's user avatar
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How to proxy calls from any ip to exit from a single, authorized, ips to a customer's webserver?

I have a webserver. This server is authorized to make call to another private customer's api server Note: this webserver is internal to our office. Our office is behind a VPN, so webserver is ...
realtebo's user avatar
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firewall vs Soap (electronic billing API)

This is a complex question since it includes configuration and programming at the same time, but neither Sophos support nor the electronic billing service (consumer API) have given me an answer. ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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duplicity: No signature chains found

Trying to use duplicity to list files in a backup that is in google drive. I get the error as in the title. I can see the folder and contents if I go to in the browser. I created a ...
IttayD's user avatar
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How do I use an API to extract to CSV? [closed]

Sorry, I've tried reading up on it but I just don't understand any of it. There is an organisation,, which has a section with their API that lets you interact with their database of local ...
Kilm's user avatar
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Where is github api reference?

I feel dumb, but I cannot find the GitHub API reference. The has a bunch of Guides, the "Getting started" mentions some "Rest API Reference Documentation&...
darkdiatel's user avatar
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how to print an entire get request from an API in Powershell?

I am working on a powershell script that displays all of the dns servers I manage via GoDaddy, and see which ones are about to expire. I am using the GoDaddy API and this following code: . .\configs\...
hod alkaly's user avatar
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Block specific API request system-wide

I'd like to block system-wide the request to the Graph API getting profile images from Graph that is using this url: I'...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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How do I get all executed commands programmatically in linux shell?

Despite having the history file, how do I programmatically get every command being executed in shell?
RickyLo's user avatar
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Where do we install certificates for web APIs?

For static websites, we install certificates in the web server, for example, in Apache or Nginx. But what about in web APIs or web services? For example, let's say you have a web service that is ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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How to query JIRA issues based on the issue number in an excel sheet?

On windows 10 I want to query JIRA data within an excel (to extract single elements, like the "summary", the "status", the "assignee" etc.) for a bunch of issues I list ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to get http request/response bodies in Kong api gateway's http-log plugin with documented config.custom_fields_by_lua option?

Disclaimer This is well discussed topic, but it seems that the solution is not there yet. This one seem to be an outdated duplicate, don't judge me for that.
Edik Mkoyan's user avatar
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Getting array from POSTMAN API, split values it into variables and send request to server

I'm getting an array through POST method in my postman API and after getting I am trying to split the array and then assign each array value to a variable, storing it in the XML code and sending that ...
Lalarukh khan's user avatar
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Are Windows programs able to detect that my screen is off and change their behavior accordingly?

Sometimes when I play League of Legends I have to briefly leave for a brief period. I turn off my monitor connect리ed to my pc via HDMI then turn it back on when I come back. The League of Legends ...
ate3590's user avatar
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Google Apis: API key not valid

curl '$KEY' { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.&...
saven41's user avatar
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Rest API w/ JsonServer in Ubuntu - Connection Refused

I was requested to create a Web Server with an API in it to test firewall rule we are planning to implement soon. I am quite new with all this network stuff, so I'm a bit lost on it. I need to call ...
Donzera's user avatar
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Set certificate postman

I have to test a collection of APIs on postman and I have been given two files related to the certificate. One file with the extension KEY and another with the extension. CER. I noticed that a file ...
hagick's user avatar
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Application is working fine when run manually, but when it is run from the task scheduler it doesn't work

That's it basically, when I run the app manually is able to find the files than it supposed to look for and work with them as it should, but when running from the task scheduler, even with my user, ...
user57129's user avatar
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Chrome does not send some ajax requests. It is still pending

I have a Vue application which do some simple requests to API endpoints. Everything worked fine till now. Other browsers like Opera or FF works fine also Postman has no problem. Something is wrong ...
Čamo's user avatar
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How can I configure Postman so that it uses HTTP instead of HTTPS when querying an API?

I use Postman on Microsoft Windows 10 to test some API. By default, it uses HTTPS when querying an API. How can I configure Postman so that it uses HTTP instead of HTTPS when querying an API?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Localhost issue: .NET API endpoints giving 403 error but a doc page from the same project loads. Both are under localhost

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but doing so with this hope that it might relate to some kind of IIS settings! I have .NET website setup with SQL Server database. This is ...
Niladri Sarkar's user avatar
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Is it considered API if I have css attributes called through javascript? [closed]

I am making a website for a school project, I don't know exactly what API is but from what little I know, is that it is the integration of multiple sources to give the user an outcome? If that is the ...
gheeko dos's user avatar
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Excel power query authenticates fine on home page but not on API

I'm trying to extract data into Excel from a rest api, on a website protected by SSO (SAML, Azure AD). When using "Get data from web", Power query authenticates fine on the base domain name, ...
Arthur Burkhardt's user avatar
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Postman requests in same session

I'm experimenting with the TeamCity API with Postman. When doing POST and PUT requests, you're required to supply Authorize header with a token that's permanent, and also a X-TC-CSRF-Token header, ...
Max's user avatar
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Import XML or JSON data into Excel using URL from a cell

I have an API call to make from my Excel spreadsheet that will have various parameters depending on the data entered in the spreadsheet. I have formatted the URL properly and have it in a cell that is ...
techtheatre's user avatar
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bypass scheduler in kubernetes

Last night we during the disaster on k8s faced this issue that the scheduler does not respond to our apt request, so is there any way to bypass the k8s scheduler and direct way to deploy on the k8s ...
alireza71's user avatar
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How do I access an open API like Ethereum with a spreadsheet like excel or sheets?

Is there a way to access the Ethereum API using either excel or sheets or some other database with a website front end? I'm trying to track my transactions.
DBWeinstein's user avatar
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API for Days of The Year

I asked this question on Stack Overflow already, but it got closed. I hope, here is the right place to ask it. So there is this great website, that tells me some interesting events of the current day. ...
gXLg's user avatar
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How do I write every sentence (in a list) into a row of a table in a Google Doc using the Google API Client Library on the command line?

I want to put a text to be translated in a Google Doc so that every sentence is in its own row of a table. In each row of the next column is the corresponding, machine-translated sentence. Finally, ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Find availible API endpoints, given root access to webserver

I have root access to a web/application server, which is located on my local LAN. I can see some API endpoints via logging on the server and hit them via curl. I would like to know all available ...
Your_Structures_Fine's user avatar
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What are the dedicated command line options for `curl -X`?

In my curl man pages: -X, --request (...) Normally you don't need this option. All sorts of GET, HEAD, POST and PUT requests are rather invoked by using dedicated command line options. What are the ...
Raf's user avatar
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176 views script doesn't load in Internet Explorer 11

I've implemented Google Maps address autofill on my website and it works great in every browser except Internet Explorer; if I try to open the Maps API script separately in a new tab, it takes forever ...
Innit2's user avatar
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Use Power Query to call API that requires Auth & share excel file to non-technical colleagues

I am using Excel2010 Power Query From Web to call an Auth-required API which returns data in JSON. Since this API requires Auth (username and password) to access, I set it in excel's Data Source ...
John Fu's user avatar
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AWS - DescribeInstanceTypes for cache instance types

I am using DescribeInstanceTypes AWS EC2 API call to obtain the number of CPUs and memory for a given instance type. For example with an input "t3.micro" I get 1 VCPU / 1 GiB of RAM. But the ...
fiction's user avatar
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Install SSL Cert on Windows 2016

I have an on-premise Windows 2016 Server where I'm running my Web API as a service (IIS is not installed). I have several files that I'm not sure what to do with. server.cer server.crt server.p7b ...
Rod's user avatar
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mapping two case classes in scala on Lagom

I am a beginner with scala/Lagom, can someone help me with the following issue : I am trying to creat an Api for fields of products, in order to do that : I need to map case classes extending to a ...
Reda Arté Kejji's user avatar
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Are there any spell checkers and thesaurus programs that can be run locally as OEM? [closed]

I don't usually handle such things, but I've recently been tasked to compile a list of possible spell checkers that we can buy as OEM to integrate with our own SaaS analytics programs. The problem is, ...
JFA's user avatar
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Some data is generated each 10 min on my 24h/24 running PC. What is the best way for my website to get this data?

Some data is generated each 10 min on my 24h/24 running PC. I want to find a way for my website to get this data. The data in question is only 10 lines of text. I know I can host a linux instance to ...
Ali Lewis's user avatar
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Attach USB device of a VM programmatically

I'm a test developer and I work in a company that develops its own hardware. Now I've encountered a problem while testing connectivity via USB with the HW. There is a brief summary of the test (tests) ...
Olafvolafka's user avatar
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Curl command to push tgz file which contains spaces

I am trying to push one tgz package to Artifactory using CURL API but the file contains spaces which are not pushing it. i have below command Can anyone provide some suggestions ? curl -u admin:pwd -...
user1195861's user avatar
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How do I populate excel with address details from Google?

I have a list of companies in Column A in excel. I have been manually googling each company and copying and pasting the address into Column B, but there must be a better way? Here's what I've tried so ...
user3152057's user avatar
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How to force Windows Server 2016/2019 to check for updates

I am installing updates using the Windows Update API but the Windows Updates GUI does NOT change the "Last checked date" no matter I just perform a scan or is installing updates. (the Last checked ...
StigN's user avatar
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How could we use curl to send a GET request to an external API‽?

I am currently trying to use OneSignal REST API. I would like to use the GET method to invoke the View Apps operation: I have tried to use PowerShell with the following command, using my own APP_ID: ...
Yone's user avatar
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What are com.[username].[api]? and how are they hosted? [closed]

I am trying to learn about API wrappers (still have no clue as to how they are made) and was wondering, if I ever were to make any wrappers for APIs, how would I host them? I have used APIs before ...
Shiv Patel's user avatar