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2 answers

Use PCRE2 Regex to group phrase before colon AND group comma separated values

I have what seems to be a simple task but isn't working for me. Using only PCRE2 Regex (nothing else), I am trying to collect a phrase before the first colon at the beginning of a line, then separate ...
Tushar Bhutt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Use REGEX only to group multiple key value pairs on line with anchoring text?

TL;DR: How can I grab a series of key:value pairs that are comma separated, but only if they start with specific strings? Hello, I have a situation where I have a block of text with multiple lines, ...
Tushar Bhutt's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using REGEX only, copy last (delimited) word to every comma separated value?

I have a series of lines with arbitrary number of comma separated values, and then a hash marked comment. The challenge is, using only PCRE2 regex for use in PERL, to do the following: Store the ...
Tushar Bhutt's user avatar
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1 answer

Regex first column header csv

What would the regex be for matching the first column header in a csv file? id,field1,field2 1,n/a,n/a 2,n/a,n/a ... I just safely want to match id
Zimbabaluba's user avatar
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How to remove lines if they appear more than once in Notepad++? (removing both lines!)

Here's how my .csv looks : 36;Masashi MOTOYAMA 38;H. SOGAHATA 38;Hitoshi SOGAHATA 47;Masami IHARA 52;S. ONO 52;S. ONO For my project, I need to add one by one every missing id. I want to keep the ids ...
Call Me Tathan's user avatar
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Regex on Excel or similar solution?

I have an excel sheet I need to sanitise. I have over 1000 addresses and for some random reason, the data sent over by the supplier has random 16 digits at the start of the street address Not all of ...
Mike Fairbrother's user avatar
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Extracting Text from HTML Files

In Windows, how would I go about parsing a folder full of HTML files and extracting all the strings between a particular tag pair? Ideally, this would all go into a CSV file, with one field for the ...
boobounder's user avatar
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2 answers

Notepad ++ regex: replace one or more text-value semicolon(s) with a dash, when semicolon is the field delimiter

I am struggling a little bit. The file I need to manipulate is a csv with semicolon as field delimiter. In some datasets a comment was added which INCLUDES a semicolon. Luckily these comments begin ...
Sven's user avatar
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1 answer

Sublime is crashing because of huge csv file while editing content using regex

I have almost 1GB csv file and need to edit that file with using regex and have to do find and replace on sublime with regex \=\\\" for finding and =' for replacing. I can do it from spiting csv file ...
Mukunda Bhatta's user avatar
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Regex in Notepad++ to find lines without exactly 9 pipes

I have a CSV that I need to clean up before reading it into a table. It is a pipe-delimted, 10-column structure. The challenge is, in some records, the 9th column has carriage returns. I need to ...
marky's user avatar
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2 answers

how to make comma separated list into proper CSV format

I have a comma separated list of email adresses for example "[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]" But I would need to convert it to proper CSV format. So replacing the ...
ManOnStack's user avatar
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Deleting all line breaks between two matching variables in notepad++

So I am trying to ultimately make a table out of a whole bunch of text, but it's giving me a headache. Basically here is an idea of what is going on: matchingvariablelengthupccode1 ...
Areck Degeneffe's user avatar
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In Notepad++, how to Replace Text between two delimiter across multiple lines

A comma-delimited file is created when exporting google contacts into what they term "Google CSV format (for importing into a Google account)". The issue is this format handles notes on multiple lines ...
EdinTexas's user avatar
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1 answer

remove the last column from a comma delimited file

How do I remove the last column from a comma delimited file in notepad++ using regex with replace and find? This is my file: 2010-09-02,148.67,31.34,0,0,31.34 2010-09-03,149.52,31.24,0,0,31.24 ... ...
HattrickNZ's user avatar
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Replace returns wrong capturing group

I have a text file that looks something like this: ,'','a','bc','def','ghi','lmn','op','qr','stu' I'm trying to replace groups of 5 with the match and a line break for easy readability. So, I'm ...
Jpsh's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Regex to find commas, excluding commas inside a string demarcated by double quotes

I would like to manipulate a closed .csv file without opening it through a button on an Excel AddIn. I am able to complete all the steps but am having a problem with finding a regex that would ...
Francois's user avatar
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Generate CSV from NS Zone File

I have a large file that contains records in multilines. ex: domain1 NS ns1 domain1 NS ns2 domain1 NS ns3 domain2 NS dnsx What might be the fastest way to generate a CSV of the form domain1,ns1,ns2,...
Armand's user avatar
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1 answer

Transforming CSV into SQL with Notepad++

Suppose I have a CSV file like this: 1,"abc",,,, 2,"def",,,"ghi", 3,,"jkl",,,"mno" Now I need to transform it in 3 steps: Replace all empty spaces with the String NULL Add at the beginning of each ...
user1170330's user avatar
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2 answers

Delete everything in second column not in parentheses

I have a file that looks like this: gene ID protein Solyc06g062540 (Z) PYROPHOSPHATASE 3 (PTHR20889:SF0) Solyc10g075050 ALBUMIN SUPERFAMILY (PTHR33076:SF11) Solyc07g061760 ...
kevluv93's user avatar
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Change number in last row in data seperated with commas in NotePad++

I have rows of data all separated with commas. How can I replace the last numbers after the last commas with the number 5 in NotePad++? For example: How do I replace 9, 17 and 124 with 5 in the below ...
user329311's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Notepad++ Regex Help in cleaning up file

I've got a csv file (the column separator is "<;>" ,the text delimiter is the double quote and the row separator "crlf") of more than 18000 lines. However,many of the data contained within the ...
Raymond's user avatar
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2 answers

How to import this data set into excel? (column headings on each row delimited by a colon)

I'm trying to import the following data set into Excel. I've had no luck with the text import wizard. I'd like Excel to make id, name, street, etc the column names and insert each record onto a new ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

regex help - ignore a char if it's in quotes

We have a web-based app at work where you can enter a regex into a search box and it returns the matches from a database Here's a sample of what the database entries might look like. They're comma ...
oliver CFC's user avatar
15 votes
8 answers

Notepad++ - Removing the first column in a comma separated file

I have a large CSV file that I need to remove the first column of data. I cannot open it in Excel because Excel converts some of the values in the columns to scientific numbers. I am using Notepad++, ...
MikeD's user avatar
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4 answers

RegEx to Remove CRLF from CSV export from Excel

I exported an Excel File to CSV and do have a lot of multi-lines within. I marked the beginning of each line with *** and the end with ###. *** some text within my cell to export ### Could someone ...
Stef's user avatar
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1 answer

Regex to join fields in a CSV

I have a CSV with over 2 million records in it with the following format. path;name;extension;size;date;user /foo/;difacs;cgi;3,795;18-07-2011;Unix User\pads /foo/;difacs.cgi;bak;2,622;03-12-...
StefWill's user avatar
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Linux replace ^M$ with $ in csv

I'm working on migrating from MDaemon to Google Apps. As part of this process I'm exporting the contacts and calendars for all of our users into CSV files then reading them into a perl script and ...
dkwiebe's user avatar
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2 answers

Notepad++/Regular Expression to find line with same beginning, different ending

So, I've read a bit and found NotePad++ doesn't use "normal" regex (starting to think I'll just go back to SciTE), but here's my question: I've got an exported list of data with some redundant data ...
music2myear's user avatar
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1 answer

regex for searching a word in a word

i have a csv file which i need to filter mails marked with the word 'spam' lines look like this email;text;somestatus;mailserver status response; response message [email protected];;2;...
John Doe's user avatar
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