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Windows batch filename generator not running where am I going wrong?

I'm writing a windows batch script to take a .csv as input read data in each row as variables and output unique filenames to a new .csv in Windows batch script. I'm doing this to create an inventory ...
Gamma5779's user avatar
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Powershell script GPO USER LOGON not working WINDOWS SERVER 2019

I created Powershell script to collect mac address and pc name for all my domain users .. Script run correctly on local machine .. but not working via GP $wmifilter = 'PhysicalAdapter=True AND ...
Mohammed atrash's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

MS excel not coping data in correct format from csv file

I am coping data from csv file it contains tables in that table there is column name PostedDate when i copy that PostedDate column in excel it shows wrong formatting (ie instead of / it shows -) ...
mandarr242's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to Export List of All services and user owner stated on services.msc to csv

I want to export a list with all services and users owners "Log on as" from services.msc In services.msc i can export the details to csv but the results are getting messy. I saw THAT and ...
StackBuck's user avatar
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1 answer

How to delete a column using CSVed?

I need to delete a column using CSVed, actually Column 2 in this screenshot: I tried right clicking on Column 2 -> Delete selected columns However this does not work, it gives me "Select one ...'s user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How can I open .csv files on Excel if Excel isn't in the list?

After my laptop got formatted, .csv files are opening only through Notepad. I want .csv files to open with Excel always. For this, I tried changing its default app to Excel, but unfortunately got no ...
Sam Varghese's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Csv file - User permission needs to be created after each save

For context, I'm uploading a csv file to a Postgres database via the psql command line. The cmd can only access the file after I add Everyone to its permissions and allow full control. The weird thing ...
half of a glazier's user avatar
1 vote
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Opening csv file with notepad with two different desktop running both windows gives different results

Opening csv file with notepad with two different desktop running both windows gives different results One of the desktop when opened, it's kind of lined nicely with newline, but somehow the other one ...
Dora's user avatar
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Is there a way to search a txt file for a list of values?

I have a big txt file and a list of comma separated values. Is there a way to search the text file and show me which values were not found inside the text file?
Carson Brown's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

CSV Viewers which can handle large files (37mb) and don't mess with formatting [closed]

I have a 37mb csv file that I want to view in a spreadsheet like format. Excel screws with my formatting too much, so I want something else. What viewers (for windows) will be able to handle a large ...
StormFalcon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Windows CMD sort retaining header?

Need to sort in Windows a large CSV-like file with a header row (~7 million rows). Can successfully do this with a CMD command sort, but it includes the header row in the sort. I would like to keep it ...
Kjell Rilbe's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I read entries from a csv to edit an XML

I'm working on an automated sync of my ADuser. I need to edit an xml file to do so but the source of this edit would be a csv file resulting of a get-aduser I need to change the mail adress to make ...
anthalius's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

CSV File doesn't look like a table

I have downloaded a csv file, and when I open it in excel, it looks like the image below. I would like to view the data in a table format. with each field in a separate column.
Tally Rachelin's user avatar
1 vote
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Splitting a xlsx/csv file based on column value

I'm aware this question has been asked previously, but I've had no luck with previous answers. My spreadsheet has around 30000 total lines. My spreadsheet is formatted like this: Name,colour,...
Jordan's user avatar
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Extracting Text from HTML Files

In Windows, how would I go about parsing a folder full of HTML files and extracting all the strings between a particular tag pair? Ideally, this would all go into a CSV file, with one field for the ...
boobounder's user avatar
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How to export a registry key to a CSV?

I'm currently looking to find out all SolidWorks license information on the network. I need help writing a script for PowerShell to look at a list of hosts that are on a CSV/TXT file then execute the ...
Chris's user avatar
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Dynamically changing dates in command Prompt

I am trying to write a command prompt in changing file names for a monthly report I run and am automating. I have the export file as "Export.xlsx", and I want to change it to 02 2018.xlsx, 03 2018....
Klindy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why does LibreOffice Calc change CSV file Character Set?

I have a .csv file export (actually printed to csv file) made on a Windows 10 machine. Working in Libreoffice Calc on Archlinux, Why can Calc open a file using settings Character Set: Western Europe (...
xtian's user avatar
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1 answer

Find a string at the beginning of all lines in a file and save to another file

I have tried quite a few options with no luck for this task. I would really like to do this as batch file but my attempts fail to get the desired result. I have tried a lot of different commands with ...
JAH's user avatar
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Apply function to content of a CSV file

I'm currently working on a batch file which is giving me a hard time. I have a generated .CSV file that contains a header and two columns. The file also happens to be encoded as ASCII (discovering ...
Flaver-D's user avatar
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Importing CSV into specific folder in Keepass

I had been using Lastpass but found Keepass more suitable for my needs. Before deleting my Lastpass account, I exported to a CSV file. I know in Keepass you can import the CSV file, but I'm wondering, ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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Stream decompress file for reading in Windows transparently

I have a collection of compressed, very large .csv files from which I need to extract some small subset of the contents. Let's not focus on possible practical solutions, but rather on the following ...
s_a's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Editing the first/last lines of a 1GB+ text file on Windows without loading the entire file into memory

I have some flat-text data files ("CSV") with sizes up to 3GB and simply need to remove the first 3 lines of text, and add an empty line at the end. Since I have a lot of these files, I would like to ...
Wouter's user avatar
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Forcing locale upon a specific .net application

In my .net application, I'm loading a CSV file and then parsing the fields using float.Parse(). Users from Germany who run Windows 7 (and 8) have their region set to Germany. This causes decimal ...
liorda's user avatar
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Command Prompt output to CSV

I'm using the forfiles command to list files and folders (included sub folders) which is piped to a text file. My subsequent process requires this output to be in comma delimited format (.csv). This ...
RobN's user avatar
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Windows Batch to read TXT and parse lines to CSV

I've made a good deal of headway by searching this site and learning the ridiculous language that is Windows batch scripting, but frankly I'm stuck. The sample below is from our lab's old radiometer ...
KDC's user avatar
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2 votes
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Create an animated plot of data points from csv

I have a large CSV File containing some data points [~3MB, example data] as a series of coordinates. I want to create an animated plot of point where the point is moving acoording to the given ...
Kartik's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

How to convert Excel file with multiple sheets to a set of CSV files?

I have an Excel file with 20 sheets on it. Is there a way to quickly convert the file into 20 CSV files - one for each sheet? I can do it manually of course, but I'll have to be processing these ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Excel does not honor the delimiter setting for reading or writing CSV files

When saving/opening CSV files in Excel, the default separator is a semicolon ;, as I need it to be a comma , I tried to change it by changing the Language and Regional settings following several other ...
Sandra's user avatar
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1 answer

How can i make changes to this file Encoding?

I have these 3 files 21/08/2014 07:15 PM 122 Tw2AWK.csv 21/08/2014 07:15 PM 125 Tw2Notepad.csv 21/08/2014 07:15 PM 119 Tw2REPL.csv C:\myfiles>file Tw2AWK....
SuperUserMan's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Excel - take two csv files and map them

I have two csv files. One has a list of emails, another has a long list of emails with first names, last names, addresses, etc. What I am looking to do is take both of these files and map the emails ...
user2551750's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating Comma Separated Values in Batch Scripting

I have written a piece of code in Batch script which is somewhat like : ( wmic.exe /node:x.x.x.x computersystem get name wmic.exe /node:x.x.x.x computersystem get domain wmic.exe /node:...
Mandar Shinde's user avatar
4 votes
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Run Command to open csv file in excel

My first question on the site, so hopefully I'm doing this right. I use file juggler on my windows machine. The program can watch for new files and trigger run commands. When a new csv file arrives ...
Dean's user avatar
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I want to be able to have a daily task run showing the times users log on and off

GOAL: I want to be able to have a daily task run showing the times users log on and off ENVIRONMENT: Windows 2008R2 domain ACTIONS SO FAR: I have enabled Account Auditing via: start -> ...
Joel's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Deleting the first column of csv via batch commands [duplicate]

Is there a way to delete the first column of a csv using a batch command file? I have data in this first column but I want to get rid of it and output a new file starting at the 2nd column. Thanks!
batchnoober's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Can I use a batch file to remove blank columns in a .csv

I have nine columns in my current .csv file, however, the 2nd and 3rd columns are blank and I want to get rid of them. Is there a way to use batch commands to remove these empty columns from my .csv ...
batchnoober's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to configure Windows to open CSV files directly in the browser?

How can I configure Windows and/or Internet Explorer so it opens online CSV files (files on the internet) directly in the browser without asking to download them? I want the same behavior of TXT ...
GetFree's user avatar
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Print from CSV file, row by row

I have a CSV file. I need to print this file row by row. For example, each row contains name, surname, email, profession and so on, many columns. First row contains the column titles. I would like to ...
camcam's user avatar
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2 answers

Filter a CSV file using Windows batch file

I have a file with 12 columns separated by ? I need to export column number 12 (NetBIOS Name) and append the whole row to a CSV file. Skip the first line that is the column description. The first 4 ...
roundup's user avatar
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Regex to join fields in a CSV

I have a CSV with over 2 million records in it with the following format. path;name;extension;size;date;user /foo/;difacs;cgi;3,795;18-07-2011;Unix User\pads /foo/;difacs.cgi;bak;2,622;03-12-...
StefWill's user avatar
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CSV to map/card [closed]

I have a CSV file with 500 users in it, with adresses, age etc. I would love to have some graphic on that, importing this csv file into some sort of map program, then display it. I have found ...
Allan Pedersen's user avatar
3 votes
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Free or Open Solution for Storing and Charting CSV data [closed]

I'm presently storing CSV files, combining them, opening them in open office, creating pivot tables and then generating charts from the spreadsheet. I've looked at OOBase, but appending csv files to ...
rrrfusco's user avatar
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20 votes
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What's the difference between - CSV (MS-Dos), CSV (Macintosh), CSV (comma delimited)

What's the difference between - CSV (MS-Dos), CSV (Macintosh), CSV (comma delimited) file types in excel 2010? They are all listed as a save file type, but ultimately are Comma Separated Value files.
chobo2's user avatar
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How to export multi-line cells to CSV file

I have an XSLX file where some rows have multiple lines, for example: test test1 test2 When I'm trying to export (using menu "Save As") this file as CSV or Excel workbook (1997-2003), Excel ...
ravnur's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Light text editor for CSV file? [closed]

Could anybody suggest a light (small, fast) text editor that can handle columnar view of csv files? save quote character to all fields, even if not 'necessary' OpenOffice Calc is bit big for my old ...
Radek's user avatar
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What filename extensions open in Excel on Windows?

If I save a text file on Windows as "foo.csv", it shows up with an Excel-style icon (with an "a," on it), and if I double-click it, it opens in Excel. This is really handy! Unfortunately, it doesn't ...
Ken's user avatar
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